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Inactive Member
RP Date
RP Location
NDC Mining Guild Headquarters
Money! That, was a very important part of the galaxy, universe, omniverse, whatever. And Egwene was smart, so she was turning her head towards what people might need. Small things that helped rather than massive super-bomb stuff. Everyone forgot the little guy it seemed, and that was why she was bringing a pair of drones to the Mining Guild, along with a 3d presentation of what they could get up to. Since it was hard to bring kilometer-wide asteroids in to showcase what they can do physically.

"Not nervous at all" Egwene muttered, looking at the two drones and biting her synthetic lip. It was just a pitch, like the Ursarus. She didn't need to worry that one of them had a terrible name that would show her incredibly literal mindset...
The receptionist, a young female Separa’shan that had passed her Ascension state two weeks ago was silent as she wrote a Memo that the Board had wanted to be created when a beep to her left sounded causing the girl to stop and pick up the phone. “I’ll let her know” She replied, then “stood up” “Miss Tai!” She called to Egwene ” The Board will see you now,” she said then as the other woman passed her the Separa’shan gave her an encouraging smile to support her.

The door opened to a large conference room. At the Head of this appeared to be a Nekovalkyrja facing the doorways with her hands together. Beside her was another Nekovalkyrja that looked so identical it was almost like the two were twins. Other members of the board were human, Cat anthros, Synthetics, even an Operator.

“I hear you have something for us?” Said the Neko at the head of the table.
"You two going to behave?" she asked, after getting called to come in. The two drones didn't say anything, she hadn't given them any kind of intelligence - though a lot of people seemed to get along just fine without that - but liked to talk to them regardless. It was a huamnizing thing, and she liked those sort of things given the indefinite nature of her own existance.

Stepping in, she saw the two Nekos and the other groups. She had heard that Nekos were all clones of each other or somethingl ike that, so the similarities weren't really shocking.
"Hello, yes. I was out mining an asteroid field with my friend the other week and there were some big ones. And I thought, how do I get in? I could spend a few hours coring the thing out and peel it like an apple, but that's really labour intensive. Could blast it in half with a high power ship laser, but that'd vaporise half the ore, which is the whole purpose of being here in the first place.

So, my mind instead went to this" She'd let the first basketball-sized drone drop into her palm and pop open, emitters pointing to the roof and spiraling in an orbit around the drone. The lasers were short range, about twenty centimetres at best, but it was no wardrone, so that was not an issue. From there she displayed the 3d holographic video of the drone at hypothetical work.

"It's got a basic brain system that can fly a preprogrammed path, or can be controlled remotely if you prefer more hands on. Basic density scanner and drill lasers let it burrow through the rock and cut out chunks of large asteroids for the present miners to much more easily handle it without risk of payload or having to undergo lengthy labour. You can set a dozen of these to larger rocks and focus on the smaller rocks while it works. Convenience and efficiency in a small package. It is, The Rock-Splitter. It splits rocks. Literal naming convention"

She rambled a bit at the last before letting the drone return to it's hovering. And then looked at it for a moment.
"It doesn't hover. That's just a simple gravometric rig I cooked up so it would hover and look cool as I walked in. It uses loose ions as jolt-based vacuum propulsion" Egwene clarified, scratching the back of her head before looking to the next drone.

"Mining is really messy. Lots of dust and particulate matter. Easy to miss that there is ferric particles in these rocks that have spread out over time, too small to be noticed by most density scanners, but there anyway. So I made this to captialize on that. It's got four electromagnetic pads with storage bays behind it that can hold the metal dust it collects, and that can be reconstituted into proper ore when back on the ship. It won't be a ground breaking amount, but it will be more than otherwise got, and in a large field, you might see a good uptick in total output"

She then shuftled her feet and scratched her head a bit, looking nervous.
"It's...also, got a really...literal name. It is, the.....Rock...Sucker..."
The Board in its entirety was silent, observant, throughout the presentation. They observed the drones and listened to her talk about them with serious faces. There were a few nods in the Board of the Mining Guild. At the name of the second drone, there finally were smiles and some laughter. It was funny to be sure, and the CEO allowed them a moment to regain their composure.

Once they had, a female Cat Anthro with a Cybernetic arm raised her hand. “From a Miner purrspective, I believe that these drones could be of use to us. Ourr ANT Power Armor can protect the Miners from harm certainly, but There’s always a concern for something very small to get into the vents and plug the airflow. The Rock splitter, I believe you call it could also be of use as well. I wish to cast my approval for these drones.” The Cyborg Cat lowered her hand and beside her, an Older looking Human with a beard raised his hand. “Much like my Counterpart Head of Mine Affairs, I the Director of our Guild Instructors wish to also put forth my approval. The potential for our former students to die because we aren’t careful is high. Though like she has said we have the ANT to keep our workers safe, I believe we shouldn’t be lax.”

For the most part, as each Board member raised their hands to speak, they each said the same thing, that they approve. The CEO smiled at Egwene “It appears that the vote is unanimous. Congratulations, miss Tai, your drones are approved for use in our operations, for Asteroid mining, as well I dare say underground mining. When you have a moment you should speak to our Treasurer and me for payment after this meeting.”
Of course they laughed, it was a horrible name! But they liked it, and that was the main thing, so it was good! She was in business! Between the Ursarus and the two Drones here, she had somewhat of an open in the NDC market. It was always good to have relatively stable income. And from there she could spew even more ideas, like the life mask! Which she came up with on the spot when they mentioned clogging vents in power armour. Not being biological, she never even considered the fact that normal enclosed power armour needed vents....

"Ahh, they don't operate underground. I'd need to make another set of drones for terrestrial mining. I made them very basic for ease of repair and production, so they can't fly. What they do is basically jolt themself in a direction and let the vaccum of space carry them where they need to go. In a subterranian situation, these specific drones would only be able to go straight down, and would need retrieving" She would explain, before drifting off into her own little world.

"Though they are light weight, so depending on the gravity of the planet they are on, a simple neutron repulsor could work. I could try a fluid operating system that moves a single thruster in the direction required rather than multiple thrust ports...Small size of the reactor would keep palladium stores going for a few years as well...." she'd somewhat forget where she was, playing with the next invention she had in mind from the feedback.
The CEO blushed when she discovered her mistaken assumption; her twin sister gently elbowed her with a teasing grin still the concern over the small particles was a concern she’d brought up at the last meeting, between her and her sister and the Royal representative. The COO turned her attention to the inventor who was clearly in her world. Beside her, she could hear the CEO muttering something to the effect of not another one.

The COO appeared in front of their new favorite inventor. “Yeah could work!” She agreed as she followed her into her “little world” and she too forgot where they were” Remind me, I’ll contact Lady Nyx, we can come up with something the three of us.”She said to her before getting distracted by an exasperated CEO saying “Meeting concluded” Everyone began departing the conference room.
Beep Beep.

Egwene had programmed a sub-routine into her cortex that would flash up in her cybernetic eyes whenever she registered conversation happening during mental drift. It helped her not miss what was being said and otherwise avoid making a fool of herself. People had heard her idea for a ground-based rock splitter and sucker, and had given their approval of the concept. But the meeting was concluded and so she didn't say anything else about that and just slowly departed with the two drones following her, getting AR directions to the treasurers office.

"So..." she started, as she entered the treasurers office. "I am not great at this whole selling more than the thing in my hand business. Say, the drone was powered by a specific reactor technology, would I have to like...sell the reactor technology separately for you to build it or would it come along with the drone?"
The Treasurer looked up from her book, having opened it to a new section just for Egwene. “Up to you, unless it’s required we’ll take it with the drone. if not, then we don’t need to. We could always build a new one, or if possible make something better.” She told her and then gets the money ready for Egwene and passes the dusk script over to the other. “Here you go, that’s the standard we give for new inventions.” She told her.
"It is required, yea. But, the question was less if you'll take it or not and more how to deal with giving it to you. You probably could build something better, the universe is filled with delightful technology, but this is the easiest I find. Since the reactor is also the propulsion, and in the case of my power armour, the weaponry. A different style of reactor would require different things for the propulsion, which makes it personally less efficent..."
The treasurer nodded ”true we could, but generally, we’re careful with components, I mean I could build something great, but it will end fubar if we get something that’s overpowered or heavy. I understand your concerns, My homeworld blew up because my former employer refused to listen to the strict procedure on the tech I’d created for the company. Lady Nyx and the COO Kurosaki will have my hide if I let that happen again. I think from how Aeta reacted, she’d be interested I working with you, perhaps the three of you can come up with something that works just as well, or maybe you three will come up with new tech.” She told her while handing over her pay.
"......what kind of tech are you making that blows up worlds?" Egwene asked, taking the pay and putting it away. "To be able to put out 100,000,000,000,000 gigatons of TNT worth of force accidentally..." The look on Egwene's face seemed like she didn't know wither to be impressed or terrified, and so decided to go for both.

"I'll, go meet that Aeta. It is always nice to have someone to talk to"
The Treasurer sighed with some sadness “I was a part of a team that was trying to create a new power source. The boss got greedy and impatient.” She told her then smiled” Aeta’s a good one to talk to, I think or hope you like her.” She said before going back to her books.
"A power source that produces the force of over a million nuclear warheads in a single instance, by accident. That is a hell of a power source, what are you doing as a treasurer?" Egwene asked, stepping up and getting a bit too close. "It's like having a state of the art, billion pentaflop AI running an eight-bit game..."
The Treasurer held a hand up to stop her from getting close. “What I am doing is making sure the Mining Guild has money to use, and nothing will cause it a financial ruin. I’m doing this because I don’t ever want to create something like that ever again whether accidental or intentional. The Twins promised me that this position will never let that happen. That my dear is fine with me, perfect even.”
"So instead of creating it directly, you ensure it is funded to be created indirectly, absolving you of guilt since it wasn't your own to hands that put it together. I have heard of that style of mentality, yes" Egwene would nod, and then take a step back and download some blueprints, overlaying AR directions to find Aeta's office. Hopefully she had more desire to plunge the unknown and interesting depths.
It was clear to her that perhaps Egwene didn’t like her. Then again, she hadn’t put up a good impression for the other. She just wasn’t a people person. “if it deals with Mining and the ships, yeah,” she said to her. She knew Aeta was more of a people person and thus likely the two would have a good rapport rather than she.

Now that the meeting was over, Aeta had chosen to make her way slowly to the entrance. She wanted to take a bite at Yama Loki, before she got to work checking out the situation on the Mines.
Heading over to Aeta, she wondered how she far she would go on her first meeting. Start simple or go right into the quantum curvature reactor? Seemed like the former was the better idea, to not spook her with the whole collection of Martial Aids that Egwene once sold to make ends meet.

Either way, she'd knock on the door and give give what she thought was friendly smile, but probably turned out to be far more sultry than she though.
"Hey. I heard you were a woman to come talk to after the meeting" Egwene spoke, her voice as sultry smooth as her smile.
Aeta turned her head at the knock before a grin formed on her lips. She hurried to the door and opened it to reveal to the Neko Egwene. “Ah, here she is the genius in person!” She said then nodded “yup, that’s me, while I am the Commanding Operations Officer of the entire mining Guild, I am also a member of a small club where we think up new tech I was actually hoping to offer you membership of sorts if you weren’t part of anything else in the NDC. “ She told her with a smile.

She sensed the sultry tone in her voice and she felt pleased that she didn’t seem to be shaken up after the meeting with the treasurer. “Your ideas were brilliant. I was telling Astrid just yesterday that we needed something to help with the particles, and there you were with a drone to help, and you brought along a drone that would be beneficial to get the good ore out. On behalf of the Mining Guild, we are grateful I have to tell ya!”

Aeta’s definitely a big noticeable difference to the Treasurer that Egwene met.
"I'm no genius. I just had an idea and made something of it. Your treasurer is a genius, though very fragile mentality as well, which is unfortunate. As for the club, I would love to join" She'd say, her cadance seeming a little at odds with her tone, like it was some voice modulator subroutine running.

"As for the ideas, they are simple things. And, won't, help the way you think they will. Dust particulate and other none-ferrous things won't be attracted. If you are worried about vents, then I would suggest a single-way exhaust" she'd commandeer the nearest wall and project a hologram on it. "The valve here allows things to escape the insides, keeping the temperature stable, but closes off against anything trying to get into the suit. The near constant exhaust from the vents will work towards keeping it clear as well. Personally never looked to vents in my armour given I am kind of...biologically detached. But, if it is a major concern, then this could be a low tech solution"
Aeta smiled at how humble Egwene was and then nodded in agreement on the topic of their Treasurer ”yeah, she’s not a people person. Heh the Kuvexians can cause that to happen unfortunately” she said, but smiled once more at her agreement to join the club. “Excellent, I’ll talk to Lady Nyx and see when is our next meeting going to take place. “

Aeta allowed her to commandeer the clear wall and watched as the humble genius began showing off some ideas which Aeta was feeling impressed by. ‘Yeah.. Yeah! That looks like it will work well.” She said then nodded “yeah, most are Organic, rather than Synthetic so the need for extra things is required. There’s been some debate on just getting Ace control pods, and just letting the Miners join the Overseers in that way, but there was concern over religion and whether or not it would be against a person’s religion to control a robotic body. Honestly sis and I don’t want to have issues with anyone. We’ve had enough and our employees have been through enough.
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