Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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Let's Rock

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"No, I mean her vaporising a planet accidentally with a power source. I looked into that once, the amount of power you need to turn a planet into a none-planet is incredible. Three hundred megaton nuclear device would be like a slap in the face on a planetary scale" Egwene replied, flexing bout the hologram a bit more.

"Religion aside, the other issue of remote controlling a robot body is that if your connection is severed or disrupted for any reason, you've lost the whole body and all the equipment. Where as if you are driving it personally, you don't need a wireless connection. Plus, while my two new drones mitigate the need to actually get inside an asteroid somewhat, there are limits to what human sized body can sustain for recievers, so any rock with valuble ore would prevent the signal from getting in. No point putting out a signal strong enough to melt a person if the other side can't pick it up"
Aeta blinked ”So she was comfortable enough to tell you? I mean I am glad, she was very shy, but your right though it would take a lot of power, from what I have been given to understand, her homeworld was pre-spaceflight, and they’d passed their industrial revolution a couple centuries ago, so there was a concern for power sources, fortunately the Nations on the world were cooperative, or so she thought so she created this huge reactor, and got things set up unfortunately, there was a faultline, and when it exploded, the faultline was affected and the energy began swarming affecting the magma, and there were explosions which rocked the world. Everything was Geographically unstable, though to what extent and why it became a none-planet is still being investigated. “

Aeta nodded her head ”True, that is an issue, especially underground or above it in space that’s an issue, and the thing Lady Nyx brought during one of our round table talk. While safety of our employees is good, but it’ll be costly to replace things unless we create a Retrieval unit or something.” She told her.
"Still a hell of a power source. You'd be looking at minimum of a hundred Tetratons of TNT for global effect of a faultline, thrice that to actually destroy the place. From a pre-spaceflight civilization. Can't tell me you don't think something is fishy there" Egwene flicked her eyebrows. It seemed there was more to this whole thing than what initially appeared.

Then she looked back to the screen and considered for a moment. Retrieval units, huh? The hologram would flex, the Rock splitter appearing for a moment and then twisting and morphing as it split apart and new additions were made.
"Adding in a simple relay chip to the bot bods to broadcast their location to the surroundings, then a pickup in the drone to get that signal when it is close enough. Set it to drill in last known direction till it can pick up this signal, then move to the lost bot directly. Precision lasers to free the bot from any collapse that might be restricting it, then relay to regain remote control if possible. Mag-clamps and high power repulsors to reclaim if not...."

She'd begin playing with a holographic display of a projected prototype, gesticulating with her hands to play with the virtual drone she was projecting.
Aeta nodded “True, I’ve always found that fishy, but then there could be things we don’t know about planets, so reluctantly I’ve chosen to let it go.” She told her, choosing not to mention how she had secretly sent investigators to the system to check it out. She didn’t want to add a potential antagonism to her relationships with either women.

She watched as the rock splitter changed and she listened as she spoke and found herself impressed by what she was seeing, and what she was hearing of what Egwene was saying. “Yes, that will work, I’ll immediately get to requesting that to be constructed and with your input, we’ll get that set up on the drones. We may need to retrofit a Stork for retrieval purposes to perhaps.” The Neko said. as she thought further on what she was told and she watched her play with the holographic display.
"One problem you'll have is propulsion. The kind of drill that produces forward momentum in use will chew the tunnel to bits and not give you anywhere to pull something out of, so it needs something to push it as it drills" Egwene shifted to a new display, one of simulated drone movement. "The most simple would be solid fuel thrusters. But that's got several problems. Don't want backblast potentially ruining the tunnel you are making or the drone you are extracting. Plus limited fuel could have the recovery drone needing a recovery drone"

She'd run the numbers a few times to showcase, then move to another propulsion method.
"I, on the other hand, have a patent for a special form of motion called the Neutron Repulsor. No solid fuel needed, it works on the repulsion of neutrons, hence the name. But, the reactors they run off aren't easy to make. If you use that you'll solve every problem except the problem of making the drones to begin with. Unlike the previous, which you release in a swarm to help you out, these Recovery Drones would have to be more on demand. A small cache of them as you need them...."
“True’ Aeta said when Egwene mentioned one problem that will have which was propulsion. She knew from experience that tunnels needed something to stabilize them, or gravity will make them come down upon those trying to mine them. Plus, the other issue mentioned where the things they were searching for would be too damaged. “That’s a major problem even when making new Mines too, if we aren’t careful, gravity would cause it to cave in. “ She said as she listened to her go on about solid fuel thrusters.

She wasn’t sure she liked it, mostly out of concern for the environment, but rescuing people, and Power armor was very important. She observed the numbers that were shown to her before Egwene brought up a new idea. Aeta’s eyes widened with surprise and interest. “Could I by chance see the drones with the new method in action?” She asked her showing off her interest.
Egwene would nod and put up a new thing, which was a drawing of Aeta in tight bondage, skin covered in latex and senses dampened by a blindfold and headphones.

"Uhh..ignore that" Egwene would comment after a few awkward moments, shutting that file down and bringing up the right one. Even computer brains weren't immune to misclicks, after all. The right one, thus displayed the data that was requested, running far more stably at the cost of being reliant on the expensive power source at the core of the drone to run at all.
Aeta blinked in surprise and shock when she saw a drawing of her in that outfit. She glanced over towards the other woman and wondered when did she have time to draw that art. She also couldn’t help but wonder if she should be concerned over this. “f..fascinating art..” She said uncomfortably before she was distracted by what she had requested. She saw the drones at work, and though she knew it would be expensive, she was confident it would be fine, due to the production of Gems and Metal which the other corps purchase and use, not only for the NDC but Yamatai, like Yugumo Corporation.
Grinning and letting her look over the data for some time, Egwene eventually spoke up again, with a slightly different pitch to her voice, one more sultry and inviting.

"Fascinating? Well, maybe later when this is all done, you'll let me come see how the drawing matches up to the real thing?" she'd suggest, biting her lip a little and fluttering her eyelashes.
Aeta glanced over towards her, as her ears picked up on her tone. She couldn’t help but wonder if truly she was into her, or if it had to do with her position. “Well, I’ve never done that before, and not sure if my twin sister will approve, of course, but still, I’ve never done that before, have you?’ She asked as her curiosity peaked. Before she pointed to the drone” I like this though.”
"Heh" Egwene scratched her head and shrugged softly. "The thing with a computer for a brain is you've got a lot in there. I've never done it in reality, but the curiosity of what it is like to do to have a woman beneath you, totally helpless and at your mercy. To want to put theory into practice and see the results in action. Well, that's just science, isn't it?" She'd ask, a coy grin on her face.

"Drone's cool too, yea"
Aeta nodded, then found herself grinning” ahh, you’re a scientist, an explorer of the unknown,” She said with a chuckle. “I have to ask, how long ago was that drawing created?’ She asked her as her mind processed that Egwene mentioned she had a computer for a brain.
"Of course. What scientist passes up the opportunity to expand her knowledge in any field? Why, it is a wealth of information that will go far in life. You just need to grant me a day of your time" Egwene would flirt some more, before seeming to ponder the question of when the drawing was created.

"Errrr..." She'd say, clearly stalling for time, and then giving a grin. "Just now. You want to see the finished product?"
The Neko smiled as she heard her speak about what scientist passes the opportunity to expand her knowledge in any field. She thought about what it might be like to be the test subject for this particular activity, and her mind went back to a conversation she’d had about her sister being worried that all she was doing was working and not having fun especially in a relationship. “A day, huh, I’ll think about it”

She chose to say before she was given information that shocked her. Just now, as they were having a conversation about the drones she created the art. “You are a Master multitasker,” She said in awe before she realized that wasn’t the finished product. ’y yeah I’d like to”
Flickering the picture onto the wall, Egwene would display the finished product. It was mostly just additional colouring and vibrancy, the double-layered rope dug into the latex-coated skin, the headphones more defined and the Neko's beautiful, plump lips twisted in a deep cry of pleasure, courtesy of the little toy in her crotch. Her back was slight arched, and the rope and latex around her torso was drawn strained as if to keep her in the position she was left in.

Said position was more clearly defined, her wrists tied to her ankles, and an elegantly drawn corset around her chest echoed the equally elegant posture collar around her neck, enforcing a straight poise. It was a very well drawn picture, clearly a passion project.

"Do you like it?"
Aeta watched as the finished product appeared her eyes took it all in, the detail and everything about the picture. She couldn’t see her eyes, and part of her face, but Aeta knew this was her and this art was a passion project. A mischievous grin flickered onto her lips at the thought of Astrids reaction. “Yup! I like this a lot, I’m surprised I mean we haven’t been talking that long and you got art ready.
"I got bored and ran a subroutine to make a picture. It's easy when you have a visual reference in front of you to work off of. But, if you like it so much I can send it to you so you can print it out and put it in your office" Egwene had since moved behind Aeta and was now whispering seductively in her ear. "A call for anyoine who sees it to offer to do it to you personally. So you can feel first hand how the rope bites into your skin, how the Latex tugs so tightly, and how that buzzing vibrator makes your toes curl and your mind go blank"
Aeta couldn’t help but think that Egwene should be employed as an artist since she was good. She grinned at the thought of having that on the wall of her office, and she wasn’t sure that some would like that. Her head turned to allow her to hear her voice as she spoke in whispers. “That sounds it might be an interesting experience.” she couldn’t help but comment, as she turned to face her. “not sure of Astrid would approve, but it does seem interesting, though I do have interest in making that a part of my collection.”
Sliding her hands around the Neko's waste, Egwene would smile and nod as the woman exclaimed her interest for having that piece in her collection.

"Then I shall send it over right away. Though, why are you so hung up on what your sister would approve of? Are you not your own woman, with your own interests and your own" Egwene paused for a moment and then drew out the last word over a few seconds to really drive it in. "Desires?"
Surprisingly, she didn’t find herself bothered by the hands around her side. Instead, she grinned when told she would send the art over right away. She chuckled at the question, which had been posed to her, especially the long drawn out word. “Yes, I am, though, in the office, she preferred a sense of decorum,” She told her as she smiled mischievously. “She’ll have a fit if she saw it here hehehe”
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