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OOC Lines of succession and CO-FMs


  • Acewing13

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Legix

    Votes: 8 53.3%
  • Gallant

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • HAMnJam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Zack

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Arieg

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • CadetNewb

    Votes: 7 46.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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The Gunman
So, I have been asked by a few people to consider them for CO-FMS and it got me thinking on the future of Nepleslia as a whole if I up and disappeared.

So I want to hear from everyone on the site, who should be my successor? Nominate whoever you think it should be then I will hold a vote on who will be my COFMs and how the line of succession will go
I mean, I'll volunteer for it if it's really needed. Though I'm not sure how much use I'll be to be honest.
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Wait, we can nominate ourselves? I didn't know that's how this sort of stuff worked :O
I think Legix would be a good helper. He's a really dedicated dude and productive when he's got an outlet for his creativity.

But I'm not a NepGuy. Just speaking to the player's quality.
I would second and support @CadetNewb.

I would also like to put my own name forward for tertiary, if necessary, or Acewing's. I think it's appropriate that the GMs of the current Nepleslian plots be given priority, since we're the ones writing and carrying on the content. I understand that creating setting and keeping track of it is simiarly weighty and can be more headache than it is worth sometimes, but in my opinion, a faction manager must keep the stories of his/her factions consistent and together in the same canon, and I find that a storyteller would best fit the role.
Scratch my volunteer and basically copy what gallant said. The GMs would make sense running down the line of succession

I also nominate @CadetNewb as well
I'd also like to nominate @CadetNewb for Co-FM, as in my personal opinion I don't really have the "level-headedness" required for a position of authority within the site's second-oldest faction. Thanks for the vote of confidence, though, @Legix
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Even though he got grumped on last time, @Zack would make a great Co-FM for Nepland, tbh fam.
I'll throw in a nomination for @Legix. He's been more than helpful in getting Nepleslian characters off the ground, fully knowledgable of Nepleslian culture, ideology, mannerisms, technology, and their history. Legix also constantly drums up new ideas for Nepleslia, even if they don't always lift off the ground. Along with the plot he's been GMing, that I'm proud to be a part of, really shows he's got the drive to move Nepleslia forward. I think he'd make a great Co-FM.
Reactions: raz
All right... Make your voices heard. Here are the candidates for CO-FM and the next successor should I up and disappear. (Trust me, that won't happen for a long time...*Insert a have no life joke here*)

Whoever receives the most votes in three days will be it
I think you hit the nail on the head, Cordinarr. Legix is already acting like an FM and commissioning uniforms, even!
Honestly, this should be a competition between Arieg, Gallant, and CadetNewb. 8 Years, 11 Years, and another 8 Years of experience in collective is going to outmatch anything the lot of us can do.

I would say Zack, but I have heard far more bad things about Zack and FMing ((Or not, depending on who you talk too)) and Nepleslia. Not to mention he is already the FM of 188604 and cannot take the FM position of Nepleslia. This is regarding the Co-FM who is to take over the FM positions. People with major factions shouldn't be considered. As for who is best, CadetNewb as I voted, and Gallant. I know both of them have MASSIVE plans that will change the face of NEpleslia as a whole and spur on plenty of roleplay. Like, they are playing around at the federal level.

Problem with a Vote is that at the end of the day it has nothing to do with if the decision makes sense, and more to do with who is the most popular. I don't see how anyone but Arieg, Gallant, and CadetNewb are even an option. If none of them want it, then totally put it u to a vote for Legix, Ace, and Ham, but give the three hard Vets a chance to say yes or no first.
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