Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

SYNC Long Distance Relationship

Jack Pine

Inactive Member
RP Date
Late YE40
»»»Message Received«««
From: Lucas Arturius
To: Elanor Herrick

Dear Elanor,

Sorry I haven't messaged you since I saw you off to your new position. Things have been rather hectic lately where I am. I was going to take a desk job, but I was approached about possibly joining someplace else. I took up that offer.

It required two and a half months of hard training, but by the Lord's graces I passed. I would like to believe I handled the courses with the will and strength that a few have helped me foster in myself. You are definitely one of them, and there isn't a day I don't put in my all without thinking of you.

I have no idea when I'll be shipping out, or to where, but it will be dangerous. I have faith I will do well, and that everything will go fine. I look forward to when I can see you again and tell you all about. Until then I'll trying keep up the email.

Yours dearly,

The footage comes into focus to show the pale skinned face of Lucas, the sound rain pattering off of a tarp can be heard. "I guess I probably should reveal just what I signed for huh.", the Iroma said with a chuckle.

He reaches past the frame of the camera he was using, and image zooms out. As it does, the rest of Lucas becomes visible. He's wearing recon fatigues, a RANGER patch on his arm, the interior of his camping tent now apparent, with rain falling heavily on a field can be seen through the tent opening. "Looks like we're both recon now. I look forward to comparing marks next time.", the man says with a warm smile. "Love ya Elanor.", is the last thing to be said before he ends the recording with a wave.

»»»Message Received«««
From: Elenor Herrick
To: Lucas Arturius

Dear Lucas,

It was all kind of crazy to be fair. Still, going Ranger? I'm shocked. Didn't think you'd be the sort to try and jump on that. Still, glad you passed!

The Kaiyo has been, interesting thus far. It's definitely a huge step up from the Hana. I feel like I could actually get lost on a ship this size, where it not for my experience and knowledge in navigating. So, which Ranger tree did you follow? I'm a Commando myself, though I've dabbled in some of the Vanguard stuff.

Anyways, I wish you the best of luck whereever you get shipped off to. I know that deployment cycles can get crazy. Rarely get time to breath sometimes! So long as your unit doesn't send me a KIA notice, I can live with there being delays in messages.

With love and care,

@Jack Pine
»»»Message Received«««
From: Lucas Arturius
To: Elanor Herrick

Dear Elenor,

Terribly sorry for not replying for so long. Unit was rushed deployed, and got stuck in the bush for several months. I went RECON, but I've been surviving, getting objectives completed. Fourth months we've been rotated from planet to planet, and this is only the beginning of the war. Thankfully I've been rotated to an agricultural as a defense posting, it's quiet here. Rolling green hills, farms as far as the eye can see, and people on the station act as if there isn't a war going on.

To be honest, I'm just happy for the sort of break, seems like an easy posting for now. It's almost perfect.....almost. There are a lot of the old Hana crew here, including...her. I've tried to avoid her, just not ready to deal with that yet, thankfully my new duties keep me busy. But on a happier note, I have great news.

With much love,
Lucas Arturius

The camera from must be a helmet cam begins recording. Lucas starts to smile once he realizes it's on, readjusting before speaking. The background behind him is a lush forest, a few animals can be heard nearby, as well as feint voices from presumably the rest of his unit.

"I got promoted, wellll...more then once.", he says before adjusting again to pull his patch on his type 31 field uniform into view. It's three red chevrons marking him as a Joto Heisho, an NCO, "I was bumped for this new position, I'm actually in command of a unit here. There's a SOFT team here that we work along side of, and both units answer to the Shosa in charge of the star fortress in orbit of this world. To say I'm excited and nervous is an understatement."

Lucas is quiet for a moment as he thought on the four long months that landed him here, and the things they had fought through to get there. Looking back, it was intense, having first started with the retaking of the Ketsuri military sector. "I miss you, and I hope everything on the Kaiyo is still going well. I got to see my sister recently, was called to evaluate a young man for the Rangers, but it was nice to see her again. I hope you get to meet her, though she was very interested in meeting you. Apologies in advance heh, but sis has to do the things a sister does, like meet the brother's girlfriend."

The helmet is turned around to show a view of a farm that fills the view through a break in the trees. A small field with various farm animals roaming about and grazing peacefully can be seen. Beyond is a large crop of wheat like plants, the bright sun from a nearly cloudless sky illuminating them like the backdrop to some scenary painting as they lazily jostle in the wind. "It truly is a beautiful world, one I count myself lucky to get to see, I only wish you could be here with me to see it. Maybe the next time you have leave we can come here together.", Lucas comments as his tone tells how much he's missed her, one that carries as he turns the helmet to himself one last time. Finishing the recording with a smile and the words, "I love you, write back soon."

»»»Message Received«««
From: Elenor Herrick
To: Lucas Arturius

Dear Lucas,

I see, so you're a Vanguard. Bet it feels weird doing Warden work now huh? Kind of wish I'd get a chance to get the kind of deployment you're on now. Don't get me wrong, the Kaiyo's got a good crew. Damned good honestly. We just seem to find some really weird situations. I mean, without breaking OPSEC, the first mission I got when coming aboard was definitely not your standard fair. Far from it. Can't go into too much detail, security worries and all.

I do wish you the best of luck with her. I know you and she didn't part on the best of terms, but if anyone can find a way to make amends, it'd be you. Also, gratz on the promotion. Just don't dick around with those SOFT folks. We Rangers may be a bit eclectic, but they make us look pretty uniform!

I hope to meet your sister as well, but with what the rumor mill is saying, I'm thinking it might be a long while before you hear back from me. Until I know for certain though, I'm going to try my best to keep in touch with you. I'm just hoping it isn't a comm blackout kind of mission, but from what I've been hearing, it's likely that. Meaning OPSEC on all transmissions will be tighter than normal. Personal mail will probably be stopped cold if it is.

With all my love,
Elenor Herrick

@Jack Pine