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OOC Looking for something to do?


Inactive Member
There are a lot of you, and it is hard for us GMs to keep track of everything.

If you're looking for something to do with your character now, post here and a GM will help with getting you into the action!
Reactions: Wes
Corgan could use some side stories. I need a JP with @Dumont and maybe @Amaryllis, or we could make it an SP thread if anyone else wants in. The plot would be trying to locate a noble from the Tolmasch region. I'm not sure what it will involve, but I'm sure Dumont has some ideas. It seems like the Doomfort thing isn't happening, so... Maybe that could tie into this somehow. Like maybe Lewis knows something about where to find the guy, so they decide it's finally time to smite him.
Yeah, I guess there's the Tolmasch guy and the noble party/meeting and getting fitred for it. At this point I kinda wonder if there's much of a point to trying to find the guy at the moment since neither Akemi or Corgan seems to care as much about the place anymore. I guess they could agree to go looking for him together or something.

I guess I'd request in here that maybe Zack/Dumont think about what we might find besides dirt if the planet is scanned since Akemi and Lycosidae are going to do that soon. Currently Primi and I are just having our dudes chill after Lyco goes to Akemi's place for a breather and to get away from all the people visiting her place. Afterwards I think sitting in a ship and waiting for it to tell them what it finds would be one of the first things they do.
I want to have a AR 942/YE 39 PARTY at Nath Tower plox

She just got a WHOLE bunch of legal and recreational drugs, so be prepared for a high time! The party will be at the Nath Tower Thread, New Years Eve (All day will be from now onwards), midnight (Which will be two hours before or after midnight PSD) and the morning after (The morning after will begin in RP on the morning after New Years Eve OOCly). Every floor is open to be reserved for free for the night, just talk to the front desk (I can RP them, just tag me in OOC or make the interaction brief on your own)! This should be lots and lots of fun!

[EDIT] Here it is!
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I actually have something planned for Ace or Spacecase involving exploring around the city. When we have time we can JP.
@Dumont I dunno if it's really something to play out but by now I think it could be assumed Akemi got Olena a Yamataian tier or better body since during their really long JP he said he could make her like him and she said prove it or whatever and he told her she'd need to promise to still hang with him and she said whatever Trevor so I imagine he would have gotten her something by now unless she wasn't serious. He'd also have offered the same to Smithee. Just figured I'd put that out there.

I figure he'd also likely have offered Sadie the same deal by Christmas/Yuletide day in in-character time.
I'd rather it be run past a Yamataian faction manager if Akemi's straight up bringing 188604 natives to get Yammietech bodies. Since that'll probably raise alarms with someone somewhere.

I don't know if there's some other way to do it, either. It might be something that could be played out, but I don't like stepping on toes when it comes to Yamatai's superturbo secret femtotech whatever megabodies.
Reactions: Wes
I get ya. On the other hand we have On'nin Ikemen who smuggle and sell old Neko bodies and the NH-22C Yamataian is even older and is no longer allowed access to PANTHEON by default.
If there's someone out there to play those guys, I'd prefer it be okayed by them in character. Ideally have Akemi get a receipt as well.

It's mainly an accountability thing, but I've gone on record saying that I really don't want 188604 and by extension the USO to get involved with things like sheltering the Misshu, or getting in too deep with infractions upon Yamatai's donut steel claim over Neko-tech. This being the reason all those Misshu prisoners were taken away by dubious mercenaries to be disappeared in Bright Venom.

I don't want Yamatai to have cause to just invade and kill the entire faction.
Seems like as far as civilian bodies go, it's access to ST tech that's the choke point. There's billions of Yamataians on thousands of worlds and even more spaceships, some of whom take some very big risks. It seems implausible that there wouldn't be at least hundreds of disappearances where they're presumed dead and revived back home without the body ever being recovered. The hard part would be getting those bodies to customers, since I'm pretty sure ST tech is strictly regulated for a billion reasons.

Stealing bodies from soldiers would be a lot harder than going after joyriders, pirate poseurs, extreme xenomountaineers, and the like, for the very same reason that soldiers aren't able to do those things even if they want to--there's a lot of people keeping an eye on them, and they take things seriously.

Maybe Yamatai keeps an eye on everyone, though, I don't know.
I guess I'd like Akemi to be in on this Tolmasch thing seeing how it sounds/looks to be going down. Like if they can try finding the guy together. I dunno how it'd work out though.

It'd maybe be neat to bring along @Primitive Polygon's Eisei.
@Amaryllis Don't worry, if Corgan finds that Mnochis guy he won't kill him. He'll just kidnap him and leave him outside the Cockpit wearing nothing but a huge pink bow.
Anthropologist? Sounds like you'd have a field day... this planet is covered with (relatively) primitive people in (relative) anarchy. They could probably use a pilot, too, mostly due to the anarchy; there's probably no shortage of refugees with a desperate desire to be somewhere else. I figure you might be asking about their overlords, though.
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