Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

OOC Looking for something to do?

Anthropologist? Sounds like you'd have a field day... this planet is covered with (relatively) primitive people in (relative) anarchy. They could probably use a pilot, too, mostly due to the anarchy; there's probably no shortage of refugees with a desperate desire to be somewhere else. I figure you might be asking about their overlords, though.
King Akemi, Emperor Uso, Sheriff Arccos... I think I'm out of titles, but there's Corgan and Ronin, too. Jason's been experimenting with it a bit recently, too.
I guess. I'm still trying to figure out the concept of this faction, since characters aren't "locked" into a plot ship like Yamatai.
Well, pilot-wise, a dangerous cargo/passenger run? Or, perhaps making contact with a new tribe and researching them for later?
We have a mission in the works which may involve a blockade run, but which will take a little time to set up. There are numerous desert nomadic tribes, mountain clans, and ice raiders which are mostly undocumented since they were always just shot on sight by the previous local regime. Do you have a preference in terms of primacy being placed on piloting or anthropology?
Piloting, mostly. Flynn only possesses a bachelor's degree in anthropology, so I'm not trying to turn him into a professor or anything.

Blockade run? That's actually right up Flynn's alley. He's a former smuggler.
Also, to clear up the 'what's the deal with the faction' thing:

USO is more or less the 'head out west to make your fortune' faction. A bunch of relative nobodies from space decided to leave the quagmire of imperial rule to find a simpler planet where they can all be big fish in a far smaller pond. From there, you're dumped in the desert then told to do something useful and if you've got the moxie you can readily find purchase to whatever ambitions you wish to shoot for.

For the most part, you're not given much instruction or supervision, but if you're willing to put in the effort you're surrounded by people who are willing to invest in just about anything you can do. It's not a group you want to join if you want given missions with set objectives, and goals that are defined by someone other than you.

The end result is a mishmash of different groups with different goals, mostly held together by existing in a state of permanent mexican standoff with an agreement to team up and shoot anyone who moves in to upset that balance. A group which is less 'crew of a ship' and more 'rogue's gallery', with megalomaniac nekos wanting to game the universe, would-be freespacer revolutionaries, mercenary armies looking to make it big, and restaurant owners looking to create their own fantasy kingdoms.

While there are push-button plots within the faction those are usually rather far between, so you'll do best if you decide that you want to shoot for something decidedly not-humble and ask us 'how will I accomplish that?'. We are usually happy to oblige.

So if you're an adventurous smuggler? Maybe aim to be lord of the hidden paths between the stars, grind out undreamed of profits and dominate contraband trade. There's a bunch of independent enclaves out there under siege in the rising Kuvexian conflict; see about becoming a big damn hero by smuggling needed supplies to those helplessly stuck behind enemy lines and embattled by the oncoming war. We've had mention of artifacts of ancient colonists which originally seeded the world we're on, see if you can be an explorer and find those who left the world behind while taking all the good stuff.

Edit: Although, yes. Most people wind up leading a segment of a larger faction and turning into one of the 'overlords'. Most players winding up with a batch of NPC's they can control or at least guide.

Uso leads free agents from space who tie things together.
Cyrus commands an army of nepleslian mercenaries.
Arccos leads a brigade of former-soldiers turned brutal revolutionary 'irregulars' in league with Freespacers.
Corgan leads an armored division of mercenaries.
Akemi indirectly commands a bunch of former knights.
Jason has started rallying his own militia in alliance with local industrialists.

In general you can seek employment from any of these groups (usually how you'd start), or just straight up start your own. Same time, your character seems directly or indirectly related to Rizzo's part in the plot which is something I haven't particularly been following too closely.
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You forgot : Errowyn, The Lady of the Lake region of Farmers, Fishers and Small towns around the lake that supply food (other than Algae that comes from the oceans) for the bigger cities within travel distances. Combat Pilot with a Kawarime. Based on an island in middle of the lake, (size of the largest of great lakes in North America) A fresh water lake free from the Algae that plagues the Oceans.

If you need a fast mover, don't hesitate call upon Errowyn. Drop a pm to alert me if needed to be part of your plot / story line within this Faction of 188604
So I am going to be working on some ideas I had for ground level things on 188604. Mainly wrapping up some things I was planning on doing with Dumont and Perilous as well as Amaryllis. Local politics, diplomacy, putting down the last of the local rebels and raiders, possibly a fancy noble party with a murder mystery. Anything anyone would like to be involved in? My mercenary tank thing kind of failed to launch. Also might do something with some space bugs that aren't so huggable, but that's months away.
Bah! You didn't even start your tank plot!

If you want to run a party with the nobels then Uso will certainly show up.
Well only one person was interested in it. This isn't a different plot though just side stuff. Maybe we can fit my ideas in with your plans for the next arc.
Once you have some RP going it is easier to get people to join in. I suggest you start off with just a few people and see how it goes.
Does anyone with a character in USO have anything they would like to RP? Let me know and I will try to make it happen.
Jack needs side stuff to do, I'm for any jp's, though I was wonder on a couple of ideas for jp's.
first was if all the skyguard players wanted to jp like us sitting around playing cards, talking and sharing stories; while the other was just like a thing where Uso is going around and getting to know the new minions if that was ok with zack cause I just wanted to see how a meeting like that would go, but as said I'm up for anything to keep me occupied in between posts. @ArsenicJohn @Zack