Star Army

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP [Lor/Gartaga] First Blood


Well-Known Member
YE 39

The arrow was already loosed.

Sen'yhty 'Fate' Fyuunen simply watched as it all unfolded. She knew that there was nothing she could do to stop it. Nevermind that she was the Commander in Chief of the LSDF, completely and utterly. With what the Loyalists had done, her people were going to starve. She'd seen the footage of shelves already empty as people hunkered down, as minor fighting still sporadically flared up in the streets. But that food that people managed to get would run out, and run out fast. Few, if any people, were making more right now. There was just too much unrest. That loose cannon knew that as well, and jumped the moment food was in sight, and now? They had war.

The tall, almost daunting woman didn't let any of her concerns show however.

Instead, Fate knew she had to stay focused. Gartagen local orbital defense forces were swept aside, as was expected considering their small numbers. But still, they fought hard. Tenaciously hard, for such small, frail things. The last even tried to ram one of her ships in a final charge of glory. It didn't get close, sadly, and she really did feel that way. Looking over the footage more closely, a hand-full of Star Army ships were comically untouched as fire streaked back and forward between the two sides, the Yamataian ships briefly stuck in the middle and with no clue where to go. They were fine of course, and thankfully, that meant Yui was that less likely to get involved. The next step though....already, soldiers had made planetfall; the fool saw to that. Once boots were on the ground, it was almost impossible to extricate them from the mud. Already, the locals were putting up a fight when they should have just surrendered, and it wasn't looking pretty.

At least there was food.
The ships that orbited Gamjie, did indeed fight valiantly. The verdant world looked as blue and beautiful as ever, even as the defense force that patrolled the system was efficiently and systematically cut down. As one by one the Interlopers, and Guardians with their fighter compliments were reduced to smoldering slag. The Lorath ships had them out numbered, and caught them by surprise, they never stood a chance.

The Lorath troops would naturally start by seizing the only major settlement on the planet, the space port---also known as Gamjie City. It featured a planned urban sprawl, with low built buildings that were arranged in a simple grid pattern. The squat Gartagen architecture was however contrasted by the looming super structure of the Space elevator---the means by which Gamjie sent the food produced on the world to the rest of the Union and beyond.

The Lorath troops would find that the city was still very much occupied by the resident civilian population---the attack had come in the hours of the morning, when the families would be preparing for their dinner time activities. Resistance was valiant from the Gartagen point of view. Many of the residents living on Gamjie were former members of the Union's military, and as such had formed a planetary Militia and police force. From the Lorath perspective this resistance was clumsy, and pathetic. An urban battle between power armor wielding super soldiers and a small army of unpaid militia soon erupted. Explosions rocked the city that engulfed the city in a thick smokey haze as the defenders began using guerrilla style tactics. The Militia fighters knew they couldn't win, but they needed to buy time to evacuate as many people as they could.

The real response would eventually come not from the planetary Militia, but from a Penal Legion stationed on Gamjie for open field training.
Even though the YSE-Gartagen treaty didn't include a mutual defense clause, the Gartagens had earned the respect of Yamatai's military during the Second Mishhuvurthyar War and within 30 minutes, the Star Army of Yamatai's Third Fleet descended on the Gamjie and offered their assistance to the Gartagens. Against over 800 starships, the raiders were no match.

The Star Army of Yamatai fleet then turned to Lorath space and fold to Lor itself.

"We demand an explanation," Taisho Hokusai sent to the Lorath Government.
"Ko-ni-chi-wa." Came the reply from the Lorath communication network, before an image appeared volumetrically upon the bridge of the lead Yamataian vessel. Within the image was an elder Fyunnen woman clad in a combination of powered armor and traditional plate. Absent from her was a helmet, exposing grizzled features, scarred and pitted, a long braid of hair was draped about her shoulders, a braid which was smeared and caked with blood. Faint screams sounded in the background of the communication channel. "I am Fyunnen General, LSDF Supreme Admiral, Heartbreak. I have been entrusted in curtailing this unfortunate incident. A group of extremists have managed to hijack several of our ships through subterfuge, and were able to slip out from our border patrol. Those who were not quelled by your noble actions, Taisho, have been dealt with since. We have activated remote failsafes aboard our vessels to either place the rebel crews into cryonic stasis, or have purged the ships with a plasma wash. A single Lorath dissenter provided false information to a sizable group of elite guard personnel under her direct command, this single dissenter has since been isolated aboard one of the cryonically frozen ships, and will be extradited."

It was an immediate, and direct, explanation as to what was taking place, and had shattered the relative peace which was shared between the Matriarchy and Gartaga. Beyond the contact from the Fyunnen commander, the spikes in radiation indicating weapons fire, and the scramble of Lorath fighter/bombers searching for heretics which were promptly killed within their escape pods, a number of construction drones were the heart of the Matriarchy's defense efforts, none of the drones being touched in the slightest as they orbited the red giant star of the Lor system.
A tall, buxom woman with short white hair appeared on screen, the signal originating from a smaller, beleaguered group of Lorath vessels.

"I am Sen'yhty 'Fate' Fyuunen, Commander in Chief of the Fyuunen Caste and LSDF. A fool attacked without my order, and you may have their heads if they have not been taken already," the woman replied. "As for this," she gestured towards an active battle between Lorath forces, "The ruling caste desired to warp out all our worlds from this universe entirely, and finding this unacceptable, a civil war has begun." Despite the seriousness of the situation, she remained stoic and strong, almost un-bothered in appearance. Punching in some codes out of view, a stream of data was sent to the Yamataian vessels. "And, these are the locations with the machines with which they would take all our worlds," the Fyuunen explained, the vessels under her command doing the best they could to stay alive. She simply stared at the screen, waiting for the Taisho's reaction.

As monolithic as Lorath society appeared, it had its cracks like any other, and this was simply too much.
Due to Fate communicating on a channel which was not specifically cleared by the Lorath Matriarchy, and was attempting to communicate from her position on Lor, her communication attempt would fail due to the large electromagnetic and gravitic imprint which was emanating from the construction project which was underway within the system. There was no communication for her to spread her word, to share her so-called intelligence. Without the cleared communication lines which the Matriarchy had designated in advance, the Fyunenn guard rebellion was isolated exclusively to the Fyunnen that Fate had direct command over, and their families. What remained of the alleged one-third which were in a supposed 'civil war' were personnel who had fallen victim to Fake News. Once the LSDF and local security personnel caught wind of the first signs of a potential civil disturbance, they immediately held open and public forums to educate the populace of the genuine situation within the Matriarchy. With the information provided, the sensible and level-headed Lorath civilian populace returned to their homes. Those who were radicalized through the display of Fake News were promptly rounded up by loyal Fyunnen, Lmanel, New Tur'listians, and Helashio which worked in a united front to provide psychiatric assistance for the disturbed individuals; or to kill them if they struggled too much.

Fate herself was easily isolated, her location on Lor was promptly struck by a salvo of munitions fired by a combination of R-88 and L-Mark-Two orbital weapons platforms which were under the remote command of the Lorath Matriarchy's ARIA fleet control units. Remaining personnel who struggled aboard ships scattered throughout the Matriarchy were promptly locked out from their vessel command and control systems, as the ship control units used aboard those vessels were promptly seized by an outside agency, as a contingency measure was activated within the Lazarus manufactured hardware on a firmware level which could not have been removed by a dissident crew without disabling their ships, or raising alarm within the Matriarchy. Such measures were a boon to the Matriarchy, brought on by necessary steps which were required to protect against parasite infected personnel, NH-27 and NH-18 impostors, and potential Yamataian loyalists which could have been mixed in with United Outer Colony refugees.

Quite simply, ever since the Yamatai Empire darkened the Lorath Matriarchy's doorstep, and the Occhestian rebellion, the Matriarchy was already prepared for what the single 'bad seed' of the Matriarchy had to offer, it was her, against a resolved culture that had been forged over thousands of years in united harmony, and tempered by the threat posed by those which so savagely thrust the Matriarchy into the interstellar arena.
YSS Musashi, Bridge
Fleet Command Deck

Hokusai-taisho listened and considered Heartbreak's words, mulling them over while the Fyunnen general shoveled out an explanation. The expansive holo-table behind her flickered as sensors picked up on where Matriarchy forces were striking back against their traitors. Indicators marking the Lorath fighter/bombers deleting the faint signatures generated by escape pods danced around while life signs on some other ships fell silent just before being intercepted by what could only be the signatures of loyalist boarding parties determined to reclaim their warships. The Third Fleet's little battle in support of their Gartagen allies half a sector away had been quick and painless by comparison to the ongoing activity in this area.

"What a shame," the golden-eyed Taisho remarked under her breath, casting her eyes down and away from the volumetric communications sensor for a moment. "But only mildly disappointing," she declared, looking back to address her LSDF counterpart. "The only prospect second to stamping out your kind is allowing you to do it yourselves."

Among the Star Army's admiralty, Hokusai Akiyo was one of the handful who'd come up from the ranks of the Uchuugun. Trained to fight the likes of Elysians and Mishhuvurthayar and, indeed, the treacherous Lorath civilization, she itched for the day when her Neko warriors could be unleashed in force. Even with her Third Fleet of outdated ships, the little taisho was confident she could bring them to heel if given the opportunity.

But that opportunity would not come today.

With Fate's communique jammed and sensors indicating the truth in Heartbreak's statement, there was little for Hokusai to do but return to port. The trip would certainly be fruitful, though, even in the absence of a fight. Indeed, a fleet's worth of Star Army ships hadn't crossed the demarcation indicators into the Matriarchy in years, so even this brief visit would provide SAINT with a bounty of new information to analyze. Clandestine operatives could only provide so much intelligence and stay undercover, after all.

"Good hunting, General," Aikyo said in a genuinely direct way, dispensing with her Yamataian posturing for but a moment. "Now, my crews long for more brilliant suns. Goodbye."
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With in a the span of a few hours the Penal legion had entered the city. Preemptive of Yamataian intervention the battle started out light. Gartagen space forces like the Penal legion utilized the weaponry similar to that of the RRF. Exo suits, air craft, fully equipped infantry and armored walkers. Not under equipped and trained militia, or civilians. The Penal legion however was unlike the RRF, in that they were not drilled for quick amphibious assaults. Made up for criminals and undesirables of Gartagen society, these troops were often used as cannon fodder for protracted attrition combat.

The tactic was simple. The Exo armored divisions would line up and sweep into the city under air support. This wall of armor would engage any enemy they could find. On the flanks, the light infantry would deploy with their own weapons and formations, and close in the gap around the enemy. The battle would wage for the better part of 7 Hours, As Gartagen fleets mustered from their duties, Yamataian intervention had come first.

With a war now looming, the Lorath invaders were forced to retreat, and with that the Penal legion initiated the "Hit them with the back door manure."

The Legionaries had been bloodied, but had retaken the city, though the amount of bodies in the streets of militia in civilians, meant that their victory tasted like ashes.
Fate had been waiting for this moment for years, prepared painstakingly to avoid all the counter-measures, counter-counter-measures, kill switches and every single little nightmare that the Tur'lista had set into place. But she was no fool when it came to battle, and knew that this was lost. With a single order, the hundred-odd ships left in her command scattered to safe harbor, out of reach of the Loyalists.

For Fate though, there was no escape.

Turning to the Gartagens, her Battle-Carrier flashed a signal, something that couldn't be jammed; she was surrendering, conditionally. Safely out of reach of the Loyalists, several Gartagen vessels pulled up and latched onto the once-proud vessel. When the boarders entered, her soldiers laid their arms down. The sound of alien boots echoed through the halls, and soon enough, they entered the bridge. When the time came, she was marched off her ship to meet the Gartagen commander, but not in manacles. Flanked by guards, she stood before the comparatively diminutive alien.

Sen'yhty 'Fate' Fyuunen was now a prisoner of the Gartagen Union.
The RRF soldiers leveled their battle rifles at the crew.

The commander looked at Fate, and nodded at her men. They advanced on the bridge crew and began disarming and binding them.

Arta unmasked her face and looked up, Ruu at her back towards fate. "Weapon. We accept your surrender."
Purely through the age and antiquity of the ships which had been hijacked by the traitors which managed to escape did they even manage such a feat. Unmodified early model Zahl-Class ships, a number of cargo vessels, and a spattering of outdated Yamataian ships which had been purchased or given to the Matriarchy, they were the only things unable to be reached by the certainty of the combined safeguards set in place by the Lazarus and Matriarchy efforts to prevent another incident such as the Occhestian revolt. Even the newer equipment onboard some of the ships succumb to the termination signal from the Matriarchy, causing modern kit aboard those ships to literally melt into slag. Little did the antiquated ships matter, in both their potential for harming the Matriarchy, and their technical properties which would be of little use for a species which had already been given a leg up by the infamous H.Wazu, who was responsible for the majority of the innovations carried by the Yamatai-derived ships, and consequentially the outdated Lorath ships which borrowed heavily from QnS designs. It was a calculated expenditure, used as reparation for the losses sustained by the Gartagen people.

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