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RP: LSDF Reclaimer [Lor System] LSDF Reclaimer, Mission 1, Part 1.

Karma Mechanic

Inactive Member
On: Lor System, LSDF Reclaimer, bridge.
(Continued from Mission 1 Prologue)

"Meeting Ajourned" Skka'ri said, and with that the metting was finished.

The the group of personel that came in off of the station left for thier stations as soon as the meeting had finished.

"Starblaze. Open a channel to the flight operations centre." Skka'ri directed her as he sat down in his chair.
"Yes sir." Came the pilot's response. After a moment, there was a screen both infront of her own face, and infront of Skka'ri's face. It had the sign "Please wait" on it as it connected to the Kathra space station. Soon a recording came up to which Starblaze responded. "Please connect me to the station flight operations center."

The screen soon flashed to one that said ' moment please."
A young Occhestan woman in a grey unifrom was soon dispalyed on the screen. In soft and even tone she said "This is the Kathra Station Flight Operations Centre, how may I help you?" She asked pleasently.
"Greetings, This is the LSDF Reclaimer LL-P1-D2-02. We are requesting permission to leave port."

Starblaze was doing a bit of last minute preperations, making sure all the propulsion systems were working and everything. She also made sure to send out a ship wide message telling the others that they were getting ready to leave port.
"LSDF Reclaimer, your flight plan is on file and has been approved, you are cleared for departure through Kathra Station lane 17 between 08:12 and 08:30 Kaala Standard Time. May you have a safe journey. Kathra Station Flight Operations Centre, out." The Occhestan woman said plesently, before the view changed to a default Kathra Station display.
"Understood, thank you Kathra station, Reclaimer out." Starblaze shut down the transmission after a moment and let out a small sigh. She took the controls of the ship, taking a moment to calm herself, before she slowly pushed the ship forward.

"Leaving port sir, and heading on our mission path."

Starblaze informed the captain as she let out another sigh and pushed the ship forward a little faster, still under control. Beside her came the reassuring purring noise of her bonded partner,
Tranquil went back to the room that would serve as a med bay and was wokring on unpacking as the announcement came overhead. His eyes turned over to the still sleeping Latham before shaking his head a bit before turning back to his work.
Unlike Latham he barely noticed when the ship started moving. Latham however awoke at the first sign of motion, taking to the air for a moment and flying towards Tranquil, honking loudly until he was once again held in his bonded's arms.
"Latham, I cannot work with you in my arms." Tranquil stated after a second to make sure that the goose had calmed down, "And you will have to get used to this also." The goose looked up at him and honked for a second.
"Why don't you find the mess hall?" Tranquil suggested after a second "you can get to know the layout of the ship also." It was a well known fact that since Tranquil was generally reading or not paying attention to his surroundings, he tended to get lead around by Latham.
"He must be intelligent", Jariyaa said smiling as she entered the room. "Maybe we should enlist him too", she said with a partilly supressed giggle.
On: LSDF Reclaimer, Medbay

Tranquil looked a moment then nodded. "he's very intelligent, most geese of his type are, it's one of the things that drew me to them." He shrugged after a second, he personally thought that it was more a mutual bonding on their account.

"He does seem to be an interesting companion, it must be interesting to be so close to such an animal..." Jariyaa thought and spoke at the same time as she walked over to one of the larger containers.

"Yes, I believe so, he's very helpful, especially for somebody who tends to be as scattered brained as myself." He finished taking the contents of a container out and started moving to another one. "Though I admit sometimes it can become difficult, such as when he molts."

"Difficult to clean up I Imagine, I once saw a feather pillow ripped in half, I can imagine a similar scene", Jariyaa said as she smiled again and started to unclasp the seals on the container.

"Sometimes, though it's spread out over the period of a few days, even up to a week, one or two times." Tranquil explained as he took out the contents of the next container. "The real problem though, is that he can get to be a little grumpy."

"Well try to keep the ship clean , if that should happen, I wouldn't want to have to explain why I have to continually request extra cleaning supplies", Jariyaa said as she opened the container. "Doctor if you will..." Jariyaa looked into the container," ...we should set up the biological containment and research equipment, in case it is needed during salvaging, there are any number of things we could find while salvaging" she said again looking at him.

Tranquil nodded after a second he always kept things clean so it was no problem for him to continue on. "Yes, I was looking for it actually while going though the containers.â€
"I'll have one of the technicians come help. and bring tools, should Latham not find them...", Jariyaa said amusedly, thinking of such odd activities that a such a bird would undertake.

Meanwhile... back on the bridge Skka'ri watched his display screen as the Reclaimer moved away from Kathra station and headed toward one od the debris fields in the system.
On: LSDF Reclaimer

Latham wandered through the halls of the ship without any particular destination as he got used to both his new home and the vibrations under his webbed feet. He stopped every once in a while to look into a open door before finally going into one, with the tools that he had been looking for. Picking one up in his beak he started to waddle away as though he hadn't noticed the tool's owner.

The tool's owner was neck deep in a case of a computing device that was until he reached for the snatched tool. Uttering a Lorath curse he looked about, and saw a tail feather skitter out the door. "Hey! Get back here!"

Latham waggled his tail as though to say 'come and get me' before taking flight, careful, well as careful as a goose could get, to stay within sight as he returned with technician in tow, to the med bay.

The technician ran behind the goose, his own wings flapping in frustration as he ran with his arms outstretched in an attempt to grasp the avian bandit. "You're not getting away from me!" The young technician shouted as he navigated the turn with a slight skid.

Getting slightly annoyed with the constant purring, Starblaze flicked her bonded panther's ear. "Hey, Naicen. Why don't you go get something to eat hm? Look around the ship a bit." With what seemed like an annoyed growl, the sleek panther stood and stalked out of the bridge.

Latham slightly surprised that the technician had nearly caught up with him went a little bit higher and faster as he flew towards the med bay, somehow managing to keep the stolen tool in his beak, completely unaware for the moment that the panther had left the bridge

"No fair!" The technician looked more aggravated than ever as the goose took flight higher than he could reach, but he maintained his pursuit. "I'll get you and I'll pluck you! I'll batter you! I'll fry you... no wait, I'll have the galley girl do it, but still!"

Naicen purred lightly as he continued through the hallways. He was lucky enough to stumble upon the small parade of the technician and goose. Tilting his head, he followed in behind the two, tail swishing. He was a little more interested in the goose for any who cared to know.

Latham noticed the panther following behind the technician instantly and freaked, hissing slightly he started to fly as fast as he could to reach the safety of Tranquil's arms.

Feather had been wandering the ship aimlessly after her altercation with that Helisho and the Lamthel with the goose. Mostly she spent the quiet time to reflect on her life up to this point and to the numerous breaks she got from Fate due to her incompetence. Still, she's the warrior on the ship, and to be that effectively, she'd need to know her station. The odd sound of flapping wings, and rapid foot steps were ignored as Feather though, while she rounded a corner...

With the change in the goose's behavior, the technician looked back and freaked as well. He thought that the panther was after him. He broke into a faster run just as he approached the corner and he spotted Feather. With fear of dear life, the technician decided to risk being beaten instead of eaten. He leapt from the deck and placed his foot upon Feather's belt, then stepped up onto her shoulder, then leapt off of the formidable woman. During his leap, he attempted to reach the goose. "I'll get you before I get eaten! Mark my words!"

Feather jolted forward, being used as both a step stoll and a launch pad as the technician pushed off her back with his feet, sending her staggering forward to crash to the floor. "Woah shi-!!" CRASH!!
Latham flew directly over Feather's head, brushing her hand with his feet, only to honk loudly in surprise when he felt his tail feathers getting brushed. The tool fell out of his mouth and he had to dip almost to the floor to catch it, terrified now, thinking that it was the panther who had nearly gotten him

The technician's eyes glimmered with hope as he saw the tool fall, but when the goose managed to grab it once more, anger replaced the hope, along with confidence due to the goose's altitude. "Ah ha! You slipped up now!" The technician broke into an all out run, his frail wings spread out, flapping without reason other than stress.

Naicen blinked as he stayed back a little, letting the larger woman crash to the floor. His tail swishingg back and forth, the panther pounced onto the Fyunnen's back then off again as he followed the group.

Getting up to her hands and feet, Feather shook the cobwebs out of her head, before she was flattened AGAIN, this time by a large black cat. "GYAHH!!" She gasped as she lay sprawled on the floor, fighting for a breath as she made a list in her head.
The Goose - Dinner, deep fried.
The Panther - Skinned and used for a rug.
The Technician - Beaten till he's a newly discovered shade of blue.

After getting that all sorted, Feather leapt to her feet and raced after the three. "YOU ALL BETTER RUN! IF I CATCH ANY OF YOU ,YOU'RE DEAD!" She hollered.

With the shout, the technician knew he should make this whole effort worth his while and hide. "Goose, I'll get you... I am not getting beaten for nothing!"

Latham heard all of this but didn't care as he turned a corner and saw the beloved sight of Tranquil, who had stepped into the hall to see what was going on. Honking loudly in joy the bird flew directly into his arms, more like a feathered bullet than a bird. Tranquil showed no sign of his shock at the sight other than a 'oof' when Latham hit him, with enough force to knock him off his feet.

Shortly after the bird made it's landing, the technician soon followed. He tripped upon the fallen Tranquil, and ended up falling face first over the bird and it's owner. He skid beyond the two and came to a halt a meter away.

Naicen growled again, a grin on his face almost as he crouched down, his rear in the air as he let his tail wag back and forth. He looked ready to pounce....

At that very second, Feather rounded the corner at a dead run. "Waoh!" She cried as she, at the last second tried to stop, but inertia would not be denied as her forward momentum sent her right into, then over the pre-pouncing panther, then over both Tranquil, Latham and the technician. In fact her momentum kept her going through the air for a short distance, before she crashed a THIRD time into the floor and skidded for a few meters.

Tranquil bored the kick that the technician's tripping over him gave him then having Feather fly over him in a state of shock covered by his emotionless face. What is going on here?, he wondered somehow sure that it was all Latham's fault, as the bird tried to burrow it's way into his clothing. Standing up his Doctor's instincts kicked in and he walked over to the technician, Latham still in his arms to see if the other man had been harmed.

"Your goose, is cooked." The technician said as he struggled to get back to his feet. His face was that of exhaustion, and the face of a man who just had a close encounter with a deckplate at 30 KPH.

Naicen let out a screech, shocked at the sudden force from behind him as she crashed to the floor as well. With a growl he was quick back to his feet, resuming his position even though his tail was throbbing now.

Seeing that he was alright Tranquil moved over to the person that he was more concerned about, Feather, who had taken a much worse beating from the looks of it.

Feather was laying face up on the floor, most of her body throbbing from her crash-landing. Then, Looming over her were two Tranquils, and two Lathams. "Where'd you're twin come from doc?" Feather asked in a dazed voice, as she raised an arm to point to empty air, "And... Can you please get the room to stop shaking? I think I'm going to be sick..." She said, raising her head slightly, before letting it fall back to the floor, with a clanging sound.

Tranquil paused then bent down to check over Feather, worry rising for a moment as Latham flew into the med bay and out of the way, coming back with a small kit in his beak. "Thank you Latham." Tranquil stated checking over Feather for any major injuries.

Feather just laid there, letting Tranquil examine her. Though, like most warriors, she was more or less all right. No broken bones, and only a mild concussion and a shit load of bruises.

From a doorway Jariyaa stared with blank surprise at the scene unfolding in front of her. "What's going on!" she screamed as she pulled a side arm from her belt, a taser projectile pistol, it was definitely a model from the Occhestan Security Forces.

Tranquil ignored the shout from behind him as he pulled out a small ice pack from the kit and shook it for a moment, feeling as it started to get cold in his hand before putting it on Feather's head. "Can you hold it there?" he asked trying to keep her awake.

"Ma'am!" The technician snapped to attention. "The goose stole a tool from me, I gave chase,

Feather groggily did as asked, giggling, yes I said giggling, at the sensation. "This feels cold." She said, stating the damned obvious.

Naicen looked over to Jariyaa for a moment, before she looked back to Latham. He licked his lips as he crouched backwards.
Latham seeing Naicen, honked loudly before hiding behind Tranquil, who looked up upon hearing what happened. "I am sorry for him. It's the only way that he knows to get somebody that doesn't know him to follow." He stated in a tone that matched his emotionless features before turning back to Feather.

Jariyaa shot one of the non-leathal rounds at the large panther in-front of her, to try stop it from pouncing.

The panther was quick though, leaping up into the air and to the side, a deep throated growl coming from his throat.

Despite her injuries, Feather hopped to her feet quickly and in a defining moment, Spun in place while hopping into the air, her right leg raising out to the side, as she preformed an outside crescent kick, aimed at Naicen's mid-section, while said panther was also in mid flight.

The poor panther let out another growl, his fangs showing as he turned to the side and gave a roar. Naicen wrapped himself around the leg, claws digging in deeply into the leather then skin.

The technician took this opportunity to grab his tool from the deck, and make a break for it. He decided to make himself scarce in the lower depths of the Harvester Class ship, where no one would look for him for some time.

Naicen let out a high pitched screech of pain as he felt the kick connect. The maneuver had absorbed some of the pain, but it still hurt like hell.

Latham hissed slightly at the sight of the fleeing technician, unwilling to let him go after all the trouble to get him there he followed after.

The pain from the panther's claws woke Feather up from her stupor, and with the added weight from Naicen latching onto her leg, Feather landed badly and crashed for a fourth time to the floor, this time, a clear, crisp SNAPPING sound resounded through out the hall... Followed by Feather's roar in pain.

Tranquil whirred around, now very angry, not even noticing the sight of Latham chasing after the technician. "If you would, please settle down." he turned to Jariyaa, "Could you please help me get Feather into the med bay so I can properly treat her?" he asked already moving over to the much larger woman.

The technician walked through the corridor calmly at first; he desired to put the mess behind him. That is until he heard the tapping of webbed feet against the deck. He looked back to see a goose with spread wings and an open bill, charging him from behind. "HONK!" the goose exclaimed as it charged him, the technician broke into a run.

Jariyaa handed her taser pistol to her own tail before coming over to help Tranquil with Feather.

Naicen quickly untangled himself from the attacking leg, limping a little as he growled menacingly at the Fyunnen that had attacked him.

Feather was on the deck, breathing sharply through clenched teeth as she glared bloody, skinning death at the panther.

Latham followed after the technician unwilling to let him escape, flying to the side and getting in front of him, the implication clear, he wasn't going to let him escape.

Tranquil took one shoulder and lifted Feather up, leading her to one of the few flat spots on the medbay, the floor before moving down to see just how bad the damage to her leg was.

The technician stopped and sighed as the goose had him. "What in the goddess' name do you want?"

Latham honked and flapped his wings walking a bit towards the med bay. The bird just wanted to be followed.

"Fine fine, whatever... you're taking the heat for this though." The technician said as he scowled at the bird.

Latham honked happily and starting walking back to the med bay, looking so proud that he had gotten the technician to come back.

While the technician followed, he resisted the urge to punt the avian menace.

With a sharp hiss, Feather let herself be lifted to the bed, Her sabotans and grieves keeping he shin in place as she winced while moving her right leg.

Tranquil prodded the area as gently as possible; unfortunately all of the pain killers were still packed so he was going to have to do this the difficult way. "I don't have any sort of sedatives and I need to reset your leg." Tranquil explained while going through what was unpacked for what he needed. As he did Latham walked back in, Tranquil spared him a glance before going back to his work. "I am very sorry about Latham." he stated moving back to Feather. "Now this is going to hurt like almost nothing that you've experienced before so brace yourself." he stated giving her just enough time before taking her leg and moving the broken bones back into their proper position, trying to be as gentle as possible while doing it. "Latham can you find some pain killers please?" he asked.

Naicen followed the others into the medbay, and set up to the side, ready to pounce when Latham came back in. As he saw the goose return to the medbay he began to stalk again.

The technician in tow raised his brow. "You need to block her sensory input from the nerves?" He inquired as he strode over to the injured warrior and the doctor as he slipped off his gloves.

Tranquil looked up as Latham rooted through what he could reach looking for something that he recognized as a pain killer. "Unfortunately she doesn't have any cyberware, but could you help Latham find some pain killers?"
Feather reached out for the nearest thing in sight, which just so happened to be the Technician's un-gloved hand. Looking straight into his eyes, Feather muttered something... "Payback's a bitch, right?"

The technician looked genuinely insulted. "I was going to help you, but I guess I won't now." He looked upon the hand which grabbed his own; he then channeled a flow of neural impulse energy into Feather's own hand, which would cause a sensation of a burn, or shock.

Tranquil looked up as soon as he did. "Stop that, i will not have my patients come to even more harm due to spite."

"She was assaulting me when I was going to help her." The technician replied as he snatched his hand away from Feather. "Hmph, their kind never knows when to keep their hands to themselves."

Jariyaa pulled a datapad from her belt, activated it with her thumb print, and handed it to the technician. "Here is the cargo manifest find what the doctor needs, before you get yourself thrown into the brig" Jariyaa said sharply. Then she turned her attention and pistol toward the still stalking panther.

"One after another..." The technician muttered darkly as he took the pad from the Helashio. He then strode away from the group and medbay to address the movement and handling of the supplies indicated.

Feather gritted her teeth hard as she gripped the sides of the bed while Tranquil reset her leg. She never made a noise aside from labored breathing through her teeth.

"Doctor if the Commander can deal with the pain for the moment you might want to wait until we control other situations before you do anything else," Jariyaa said still looking to the panther.

Tranquil shook his head. "I deal with injuries first, and Latham is in no danger at the moment." He stated not even turning his back as he finished resetting the leg and moved on to binding it. Behind him Latham proved him right as he flew to another position, well out of the reach of the panther. "If you are really that troubled about him send him back to Starblaze." He stated before turning back to Feather. "I'm almost done, and the worst was just over, it'll turn to a more of a dull pain in a bit until we can find something for the pain."

Feather didn't respond as she focused on blocking the pain out of her mind, her breathing was on the heavy side, but it was focused and steady.

"I'm no shaman; you send it back to its master!" Jariyaa snapped back to Tranquil.

"I am a shaman but I am not his shaman." Tranquil stated calmly as though talking about the weather. "Nor am I somebody that is of a higher rank than his shaman. You however are."

The panther in question was sitting in the side of the room still, his eyes locked on the goose.

"Shoo cat!" Jariyaa yelled at the panther; even though she thought Tranquil's suggestion that she would be more effective because of her rank silly.

Naicen blinked, wondering what the woman was doing as her eyes shifted over for the moment to the Helashio.

Tranquil turned around, suppressing a sigh for a moment. "Naicen go back to your shaman. You're getting in the way."

Naicen pouted a little, or what looked like a pout. He ears wilted back and her tail no longer swishing. He sunk lower to the deck and purred softly. As a side note, he was well out of the way.

The technician from before strode into the medbay with a large box slung over one shoulder, and a cloth satchel slung over the other. "Here is your first load of supplies. One Emergency Response Kit, and one Cabinet style kit."

Tanquil looked up and walked over, thanking him as he took the satchel, going through it to find a salve before walking back over to Feather and applying it to the unbound portions of her leg which should have started going numb soon after. "You can put the box anywhere." he stated not turning back around.

"Yes sir." The technician replied, he strode to a nearby bulkhead, stripped a pair of adhesive covers off the back of the cabinet, and placed it upon the wall, where it promptly stayed in place.

"You, datapad, now..." Jariyaa said flatly to the technician holding out her hand.

Tranquil looked up again, starting to get annoyed with all the distractions. "I think I should say that the mess from before was more likely Latham's fault, I am willing to take some of the blame for it."

The technician visibly scowled when addressed in such a manner. "Elaborate, you're not presenting your order clearly." Even with the technician's blunt response, he still bit his cheek, he knew full well he had far more to say to being addressed in such a manner.

Jariyaa promptly shot the technician with her taser pistol, now being stretched to the limit of her patience.

Tranquil whirred on her "I am not aware that it is the position of officers to shoot their staff." he stated moving over as he finished with applying Feather's pain killer to assess the damage to the technician.

At the draw, the technician attempted to move out of the path of the weapon, but failed as the taser's prongs caught upon his uniform. Inwardly, the technician was thankful for the stonethread fiber as he felt a mere fraction of the intended surge of electrical current rush through his flesh. At once, a cybernetic override of his arm muscle was given; he grasped onto the wires of the taser and pulled upon it.

Naicen was also up in a moment, his fur standing on edge as he growled at the Helashio, his tail puffed out as well now

"Now give me my datapad. Immediately." Jariyaa snapped at the technician.

"What? Was it your first possession or something?" The technician snapped back, he was obviously quite angry, after all, he had just been tasered by a woman of a species whom he had learned to view as a second rate citizen. "I would request, ma'am, that you take your high and mighty attitude and jettison it now." The technician then held out the data pad, the screen on it flickered slightly. Apparently the taser had blown out a delicate circuit of some sort.

Tranquil leaned down next to him and examined where he had been hit. He was completely unconcerned with the datapad. "Hold still while I examine you."

"I assure you, I am fine." The technician said while he still held out the data pad. "The uniform took the physical hit, and the bulk of electrical... the current was not even enough to cause a data stream error. The officer before me was apparently under educated in the technical aspects of our uniforms."

"Yes, well I prefer to be sure." Tranquil stated but got up to go back to Feather and finish the binding on her leg. "Perhaps. Also I would like to make sure that you didn't take any lasting damage earlier, I only gave you a cursory examination."

Jariyaa took the datapad completely frustrated with the entire situation; walking over to a panel on the wall she pushed a few buttons opening a comm. channel. "Pilot, retrieve you animal from the medical bay immediately.â€
Jariyaa entered the room which was assigned to her and the captain, like most of the ship it was a very large room far to large to be normal quarters, she thought that it would be possible to put an entire apartment worth of areas inside it, if she was given the time. For now however The room had been divided into a few areas with a few stand up screens. Giving her and Skka'ri separate areas to make their own.

Jariyaa walked over to her bed and feel onto it, burying her face into the pillow. I did exactly what many of my Bureau instructors would have done... she thought to herself. How did this all happen? Only a few months ago everything was fine, I had a great life before considering my circumstances... I was essentially free, I had a job, money, an apartment with Skka'ri in Kaalla...everything now is just so...hectic... She sighed deeply into her pillow as she continued lay there on her bed.

After a short time she washed her face and hands to refresh herself, retrieved a new datapad, and after a few minutes working on it she returned to help the Doctor set up the lab, about half an hour after she had originally left.
On: LSDF Reclaimer, Bridge; 1 hour later

Back on the bridge of the Reclaimer Skka'ri looked on while the Reclaimer did its best to scan a debris field from the outside, the readings we're varied registering various types of materials, sporatic power readings, and hints of anti-matter. Tregectory data was coming in for some of the closer and larger objects that were visible.

"I think it is time we went to work," Skka'ri said looking at the data.
Aurora placed the large datapad she had been using on one of the crates next to the one she was sorting though. Jariyaa had been doing it earlier but with the helashio busy helping the doctor in the med bay it fell to her as ship's quartermaster to sort through all the new supplies and update the ship supply database. Besides, she need to get the technician a new uniform in anyway. They weren't just for show and regulation, that flimsy cloth ground-side uniform would not protect him from a fire or vacuum in the event of a disaster.

"Ah, here they are,â€
(Temporary raw JP, until edit is finished)

(21:05:19) dcm8211986: On: LSDF Reclaimer, above a Lor system debris field.
(21:06:53) cora_meliamne: (Timeframe?)
(21:07:21) dcm8211986: we are apx an hour and a half since the last JP events
(21:07:24) dcm8211986: ()
(21:07:39) dcm8211986: ( ^_^;; )
(21:07:50) Aicen21 - 'eraknight': ((Just don't forget that Latham followed Sharp to the brig))
(21:08:09) dcm8211986: ((noted))
(21:08:16) Aicen21 - 'eraknight': ((k))
(21:08:50) doktor_tomoe: ((AFK, family.))
(21:09:00) doktor_tomoe: ((Pestering me due to the annual celebration of my existance.))
(21:09:34) dcm8211986: (( can't you just say you existed enough last year, :P ))
(21:10:48) dcm8211986: (( Happy annual existance day btw ))
(21:11:14) Aicen21 - 'eraknight': ((Yea, happy B-day))
(21:12:29) vesper010: ((seconded))
(21:13:12) vesper010: ((also, tomoe just so you know, Aurora is checking in one you every 20 minutes or so))
(21:16:11) harrikke: ((ok back))
(21:16:25) dcm8211986: ((kk lerts start already then))
(21:18:55) dcm8211986: "Prepare to enter the Debris field," the Captain said to Starblaze as he look at the massive debris field that was displayed on the main screen.
(21:19:12) dcm8211986: (looked^)
(21:21:31) harrikke: "Understood sir." Starblaze nodded and slowly tilted the ship twoards the debris field. "Ready to enter on your command sir."
(21:24:44) cora_meliamne: Feather was laying on one of the medical bay beds, her right leg wrapped to help her broken leg heal.
(21:33:07) dcm8211986: "Officer Jariyaa please report to the bridge," was the message heard over the intercom system in the medbay. "Trial by fire, avoid serious impacts as best you can, I am not willing to gamble too much on this ships outright durability," Skka'ri said looking over to Starblaze.
(21:36:38) dcm8211986: "You'll have to excuse me for the time being Commander, Doctor," Jariyaa said nodding to both Tranquil and Feather and then leaving for the bridge.
(21:37:38) harrikke: "Yes sir. Entering the debris field sir." Starblaze edged the ship closer to the debris field, slowly gliding the ship into the field as she made sure she had all camera veiws were operating for her, not wanting to get hit blindsided.
(21:38:02) Aicen21 - 'eraknight': ((Alrighty session is done. 'bout to confront a mob too...))
(21:39:04) cora_meliamne: (Jeebus, Leviathan's a bitch! >_o )
(21:39:41) Aicen21 - 'eraknight': Tranquil nodded to her for a second before going back to his work as she left. He wondered for a moment where Latham was. He kept part of his attention on Feather as he worked.
(21:39:52) Aicen21 - 'eraknight': ((Leviathan?))
(21:40:10) cora_meliamne: (New summon for VI advanced. Bitching hard bastard to kill.)
(21:40:18) Aicen21 - 'eraknight': ((Oh))
(21:44:13) cora_meliamne: (Woah... Got it, in a physical war... o_o)
(21:45:45) cora_meliamne: (One of the four new summons is mine! *fanfare*)
(21:46:12) Aicen21 - 'eraknight': ((congrads))
(21:46:58) Aicen21 - 'eraknight': ((brb, gotta go unload a car))
(21:48:07) vesper010: Aurora, having finished the majority of the checking and organizing that needed to be done with the ships supplies walked to the brig, as she had done every twenty minutes or so since he had been incarcerated there. Pressing her palm against the access pad to the side of the door it beeped quietly, accepting her clearance, and opened. "Technician, Jariyaa dropped the charges against you, you are free to go, though I would advise against back talking superiors, not a good plan. Oh and one more thing,â€
The nets pulled in slowly. all the while debris was still floating around the ship.

"Prepare to take the nets contents into one of the cargo holds," Skka'ri said watching the nets progress on his screen, "lets see what kind of prize we've gottten."
"Energy readings are moving toward the ship, but we are still recording various fluctuations, including a few energy spikes," Jariyaa said turning to the others on the bridge.
Starblaze made sure she watched out for different pieces of debris floating around as she waited for her orders, or directions to the next thing they were to grab.

"Are we ready to move on sir??"
"Yes, move us to a less dense region of the field to better avoid impacts, make sure that the nets arn't snagged on anything before they are all the way in, from there we can continue scanning" Skka'ri replied to Starblaze.
"Yes, move us to a less dense region of the field to better avoid impacts, make sure that the nets arn't snagged on anything before they are all the way in, from there we can continue scanning" Skka'ri replied to Starblaze.