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[Lorath/Nepleslian] Virtually Goodbye


Inactive Member
Nepleslian/Lazarus Communications Bridged Contact - Simulated Conference Room - Virtualization of Nepleslian Embassy Conference Room - YE 39

"Yes, the message was serious." Spoke the Lorath High Priest in response to the Nepleslian diplomat, a senator, which had reached across space in a virtualized conference, seeking answers for what could have been a rather cryptic message, at least from the Nepleslian perspective. From Tomoe's perspective, the message could not be any clearer, his people were leaving. "We will uphold our obligations, but we have no reason to remain in our current position. While our people are cohesive in our cause, and we are stable in our current position, it is a precarious one, one that can be disrupted by any sudden action of our neighbors."

"Sudden action," Senator McBeal spoke out evenly to Tomoe. "Not on our part, assuredly, so on whose?"

"Don't be coy, Senator." Replied the High Priest, "Our same neighbor which decided to withdraw from the treaty on account of a technicality. Our same neighbor which was responsible for pulling my people into their war with the SMX. Our same neighbor which forsaken the 5th Expeditionary Fleet, and left us to fend for ourselves until the UOC collapsed and they picked at the bones."

McBeal breathed in resignedly and out in another moment, taking it all in.

"How can we help?" McBeal said after that moment's pause in which she made the choice to stand by what her people expected of her, what she expected of herself, and what she would want done for her nation if in the same position. "We have plenty standing in the way of doing so, but even more behind us pushing us to do what we must."

Across the virtualized table, Tomoe, or as his people knew him, Velor, looked to the senator with a gaze that weighed much; the senator herself, the Nepleslian people, the Yamataian Empire, and the neighbors which encircled them all. "We only ask that you accept our gift to you, accept and know those which stay behind as your own, as part of the Imperium. Considering this, we ask that you make sure our gift be received by your forces properly, with an extension of your defensive line to support the northern territories we will be leaving to you. If possible, and it is a stretch of a favor, we would also hope for some of your forces to provide protection to our egress, to prevent tampering or interference. Our people will work cohesively to guarantee the operation; however, external interference remains a potential source of complication." Tomoe explained, a frown across his pale lips.

"That is something well within the designations of our treaty together. Your exit will be as graceful as you so please and we'll ensure it goes unperturbed. There is nothing I can do to convince you to stay, is there?" The question was rhetorical, of course, and McBeal went on to question something that had been bothering her. "You say interference will be external, but what are we to do if the problems arise internally? Are those left behind by the Matriarchy going to want to be under a new roof or should there be certain contingency plans in place?"

"Only thing that could possibly convince us to stay would be the extermination of our neighbors, down to the last. Even so, we can't see that happening anytime soon, and so, that leaves us to depart." Tomoe spoke, almost wistfully, as he leaned back in the plush simulation of a Nepleslian designed chair. Overstuffed leather padding gave a simulated creak with his shift in posture. "Frankly? There are no internal dissenters amongst my people. Those which once dissented against the Matriarchy were wiped from the northern territories we now claim. Domestic unrest does not exist in any appreciable degree, as my people are well fed, housed, working, fulfilling their potential. Objections have only come from those who will not be fulfilled in their thirst for war, even then, their objections are quelled by promise of new lands, and new opportunities. If there is an 'uprising', it would undoubtedly be a false-flag operation, surrounded by propaganda. My people are willing to live to their fullest, or die for the Matriarchy, and her people, and our future."

"It has to be asked," Alyssa McBeal said, leaning forward to rest her elbow on her knee. "Where are you going, and will you come back?"

"Since I am speaking to an ally, I will speak honestly." Tomoe glanced down, not only in virtualization but in his reality, as he confirmed the encryption on their channel. "We have found means to leave this universe, and the multiverse surrounding it. We have already scouted a destination, and we will be firmly closing the door behind us. We do not want unwelcome guests, nor do we want a temptation to return to this unfortunate existence."

Alyssa bit her lip for a second before catching herself in the act and straightened her back a bit, having gotten lost in thought at this revelation. Again, she inhaled slowly in order to give herself a moment to think before speaking.

"We don't want to get in the way of an ally's ability to find their home in the many universes we find ourselves in. There is no reason for you to fare poorly out there and no reason for the rest of the Lorath to fare poorly while still in the northern territories. We will protect what's yours there as if it's our own until your egress, and then. Well, then it really will be ours and we'll protect it just as fiercely, hoping one day for your return to claim it as your own, again."

"Judging by our neighbors, it is quite possible those we leave behind will likely return the favor to your people. They are all volunteers, looking to protect a legacy. They will do everything they must to keep that legacy clean and unsullied... perhaps, one day, we will reunite. I know in my heart however, it is overwhelmingly unlikely, so long as the Empire remains." Tomoe was honest and genuine in his words, enough so he felt a pit in his stomach at the thought of leaving behind yet another place in the stars where his people came to call home. "Senator, know that while we are leaving you, we leave you knowing that the Imperium has the strength to endure the challenges ahead, otherwise, we would have remained to share in our strength, to keep our future alive."

The senator was visibly confidant as her fists balled slightly and she said, "We are strong in many ways and weak in but a few, if any. Our favoritism towards your people is not something I can count as a weakness in the least. What you have given us in our alliance far outweighs what an enemy can try to take from us. What is done by you in the coming time will do more for your people than I nor you can imagine now. I have as much confidence in our mutual tasks as I ever have and ever will. The Imperium is behind you in every possible way, as am I. Please, for the both of our nations, have as much confidence in your plans as we do. If that is the case, only great things will come."

"We thank you, and the Imperium as a whole, for your support. Your people's willingness to confront hardship, your ability to overcome the adverse and cruel, and your drive to embrace life have come together to be our reason for giving your Imperium the respect it so rightfully has earned, and deserves. This judgement of your character endures now, and I know as we leave, this memory of your people will go untarnished." It was a little sappy, but, the words were genuine as Tomoe gave a somber sigh; "This feeling endures, even after so many treacheries against your people have gone unpunished."

"If the memory remains..." Senator McBeal said, trailing off. "That's all I can hope for, really." Composing herself a bit more, thinking less somber and more sobering thoughts, the Senator went on, "I would prompt you to speak not only to me, but to Sky Marshall Sanders, as well. If you do not get a chance, know that I will relay to him our conversation in full, but that I speak in earnest and knowledge that he, too, backs you in the same ways that I do."

"Admittedly, it is unlikely that time will permit an opportunity to speak with the Sky Marshall, as our plans for departure, are as your people say, coming to a head." Admitted Tomoe, as he gave a light nod to McBeal; "I thank you for conveying his good will, and I do ask that you convey my own to him in return, assuming that we do not have the opportunity to contact one another."

"I will do so, as a formality as well as out of personal desire to see the Matriarchy and all of its people taken care of to the fullest extent." Then, in a voice that was both soft and hard and a crude try at spoken Ci'kesa, Alyssa McBeal tried to say goodbye in Tomoe's formal language. It was hardly perceptible as a farewell, but it was a try, at least, to speak it.

There was a smile in response, a genuine smile, as the virtualized image of Tomoe stood from his seat. "Thank you, Senator McBeal, your effort is truly endearing, and honors us." In response to the Senator, Tomoe stood straight, before bringing a straight almost knife-edged hand near his brow, in a traditional Nepleslian salute. "I thank you, and your peoples of your Imperium. Perhaps, before we depart, further words may be spoken, however, in the likely event that the opportunity does not present itself; thank you, and goodbye, Senator."

McBeal returned the salute after standing, too, and gave a curt nod. She wasn't all too pleased to be losing such a congenial ally, but knew that to find one's place in the many universes they apparently found themselves in was of the utmost importance.

"To you, as well," the Senator said before giving another terse nod. "Goodbye."
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