"We will have to strike a balance. Distance to grow, yet close enough that we have access to resources we may not find, or find we need wherever we go. The Yamatians and Nepleslians have always loved the sound of their own voices at the diplomatic tables, even when I first sat with Uesu and that man Rufus. We will do as we need, make them believe we need them, and get what we do need from them for the time being. I plan to be independent from them as soon as we can be, and be simple trade partners unless something else arises, like this more recent skirmish."
It seemed as if the Xiaah hadn't just been relaxing during her time away, that she had at least been thinking on what she wanted to do when she returned, if she ever had. She took the food and led them both in to find a seat at one of the tables. As he posed his question about what the ship had been like, she seemed to stop for a moment and think on it. A small smile formed across her face as she thought back on her time on the ship.
"I suppose... Not much has been learned of what has happened to me, has it?" She sat back from her food for a moment as she chewed the bite she had stolen and tilted her head. Her mind went back to when she had woken up. "I have glimpses of my memory from before I passed out on my ship. Power Armor suits, the cats, consoles exploding, bloody screaming and rage and combat on the bridge. I remember pushing one of my bridge members to leave, to find a escape pod and get off... Then I remember passing out in my chair after we had set a course to ram another ship..." She toyed with her food as she collected her next thoughts, ice blue eyes staring at the carefully crafted dinner set before her.
"The next thing I remember was awakening in absolute agony. I remember distant muffled voices, people calling out orders for something, I remember the lights as they passed overhead, then blissful darkness as I passed out. Again I woke up, this time in less pain, clearer head, to be told that my people were half gone and I had been dead for a decade. My family gone, my people scattered, everything I knew was... Wrong. From there after I healed and recovered, I found work. Simple physical labor, I figured out a way to streamline work, and was promoted. I eventually ran some of the construction sites on the colony and before long, I had the money to buy a ship, and I did so, leaving behind friends that had no idea who I was. I told them the night before I left, people I had shared food and drink with like a commoner, like we are now."
She took a quick bite of her meal to let the words settle in, and to settle her stomach a little as she thought on the next part she had to explain, how to explain the Karakoram. She smiled at the thought of the ship, of the twins and the foolish Charles, of Mo and everyone else.
"Of course I knew nothing of flying. I got into space somehow... Got... somewhere, and then got lost and ambushed. I killed the bandits of course, but the ship was badly damaged by the bandits. Thankfully, a ship was passing by and they were able to pick me up. They brought me back, but not until after I fell in love with the Mecha that I flew in. Deciding this would be my next job as a way to pay them back for the rescue, I trained to become a Mecha pilot, and actually became a pilot. I joined a ship, the Origin industries Karakoram which is where you all found me, and spent some time there as one of the Mecha squad pilots. It was... Different. I was a regular person, no one knew I was the Xiaah of an entire race. No one realized just what I commanded, save for a few in the upper ranks of the ship and company... None of them knew how much I had. And well, at that time I had nothing, and for a while I wanted nothing more than I had." A push here and there of food before she scooped up another bite, crunching into the vegetables before she took a sip of water and spoke up.
"I am not sure if I am glad yet to have returned. I suppose time will tell, but I know even if you had not come to get me, I would have returned eventually. I would have found my way back to return our people to where we need to be. And the start of that... We will be sending our scientists to work with the Yugumo Science Symposium to work to reclaim what that idiot of a brother of mine tried to destroy out of malice and stupidity." Icy blue eyes looked up from her food to her new "brother" to see what his reaction would be to her first command back in the seat of Xiaah.