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[Lorath] "Winter" Power Armor


Retired Staff
Inactive Member

https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=lo ... ter_series
Behold, the long awaited "Winter" power armor. Please feel free to comment productively and try to help me work out any existing kinks which need to be worked out. If there are none, then may it be approved in a speedy manner.

Needs a review. I've been watching the concept for some time now. It's come along quite nicely, I must say.


am reviewing it. Higher level submissions like this one take time. Just know I am in the process of looking at it.

I have to express my serious concern over the 'History' section of this power armour. Both the events and wording are written (most obviously I might add) to portray the Occhestan faction as negatively as possible. It really seems to me like its using a submission to deliberately tread on rule #1.

Wes wrote:
Members of the Star Army community are expected to abide by the following rules:

1. No Player or Faction Bashing. This is the number one rule because it is the most important. Players must respect fellow players. Being deliberately hurtful to or harassing another player or Game Master will not be tolerated, including remarks made in private or without the victim’s knowledge. Similarly, any player found making hurtful remarks about player factions will be punished. (Added 8/26/07)...

I believe that counts as an IC part of the submission, where the rest of the Lorath really do not like the Occhestans, and thus this rule shouldn't really apply. other weapon/ship/armor submissions have the same kind of stuff, if i'm not mistaken.

Indeed, these are IC statements, made about IC events. I doubt Rule #1 applies here. Chill Scribbles, and don't go looking for blood when it is not needed.

I'm not looking for blood anywhere.

However, I've not seen any other submissions related in an IC view (with the minor exception of a few quotations added for flavour). Every other description I've come across has at least remained objective.

The designing Lorath being killed in cold blood by a group of his Occhestan colleagues certainly isn't the kind of history you normally see, and it certainly lacks a certain neutrality toward what is even prior to this submission a separate faction. In particular it does its best to paint Occhestans as villains.

I'm also a little skeptical on its portrayal of Occhestan's as cold blooded killers; thats not the common Occhestan style(Occhestans are largely mediators, Philosophers, and Scientists). Being extremely practical people, murder is just too messy and physical. Occhestans would have been more likely to lock him in a broom closet, and walked out with the plans. Or better yet, if we were being particularly devious someone would have put a slave collar on him and erased his memories... then locked him in the closet . The current just doesn't seem to be representative, seems a lot more like Fynneuns to me actually.

But out of respect to other players, GMs, and factions, Occhestan submissions don't have this kind of stuff about other factions. I don't think many other submissions would get far if they were calling say... Yamatians, or Elysians, thieves and cold blooded killers. But hey thats just me.

I stand by my previous statements. Remember the wiki is a resource for players and GMs, not the characters themselves. I hold myself to certain standards, I don't think they're so difficult, but again thats just me.

Doshii Jun
You're also barely around anymore. Take the reigns of your creation back, if you wish to protect them so.

IC descriptions, like those of the Winter, are in Yamatai submissions. The neutrality is at the top part, but when in history or otherwise, bias is in the history portions.

That players aren't aware of that immediately I don't find to be a bad thing, but with this submission, they'll be aware.

EDIT: I'm told by Scribbles that he's only been gone two months, instead of what seems like 5, considering he's not posted much since the site switch. My bad.

Scribbles wrote:
I'm also a little skeptical on its portrayal of Occhestan's as cold blooded killers; thats not the common Occhestan style(Occhestans are largelyy mediators, Philosophers, and Scientists). Being extremely practical people, murder is just too messy and physical. Occhestans would have been more likely to lock him in a broom closet, and walked out with the plans. Or better yet, if we were being particularly devious someone would have put a slave collar on him and erased his memories... then locked him in the closet . The current just doesn't seem to be representative, seems a lot more like Fynneuns to me actually.

One fact invalidates your entire argument: OCG's orbital bombardment of Fyunnen infantry.

That is all.

There are still no weapon descriptions.
First I think the issue of misrepresentation of the Occhestans needs to be addressed here and then I will get to the actual armor.

Firstly, you are comparing first-degree murder to a military action against another military force. This has been discussed in depth elsewhere, but suffice it to say that their actions were justified by the situation at the time. Fyunnen are described in the bio as aggressive individuals, prone to violence and strong emotion. This is supported both in OOC discussions and the IC behavior. Considering the orders that had been given (even if they were later rescinded) and the established (general) nature of the Fyunnen, eliminating them to preserve the lives of numerous others was justified. I quote from your post on April 5th, 2007 (15:39:00) from the old forum:

As Velor strode about the palace, hundreds if not thousands of Occhestains were pushed from their position in the sun of success. Fyunnen troops broke into offices, disposing of paper and electronic data. Even individual Occhestains found themselves without access to the Lorath communication networks, their very telepathic signals which allowed them to communicate so well, caused them to be marked as individuals to be silenced. But, no individual would be killed if they did not deserve it, only those who went directly against the crown, and had the ambition to “change the world” so to speak, would be removed from existence, the very memory of them would be removed.

Even if Destiny countermanded him after the fact, Velor still gave the order. Raiding offices, summarily firing thousands of people, and then rounding up and arresting other, all done without any investigation, any chance to defend themselves, nor any trial. Tomoe, those are the actions of a tyrant and a dictator. As though that weren’t enough, you also gave the order to erase people. To the Occhestans, memory and knowledge are paramount. To erase someone, to deny that they even existed would be a punishment so severe to them that no crime would be hideous enough for it.

How could you expect Occhestan commanders and politicians to sit idly by while these kinds of orders where being given and while armed, hostile troops were heading towards their facilities?

Tomoe, in this thing you are saying that civilian research scientists killed a fellow scientist over political differences. I do not see this ever happening. Considering the degree of screening the OCG would be capable of, someone that unstable (never mind a entire team) would never get into a research position. The entire situation is nonsense and biased, unsupported slander against the Occhestans.

Further, what occurred against the power armor wing is not “orbital bombardment”. Quoting from my post in the same thread on April 7th, 2007 (02:25):

“Free fire understood,” the officer responded as the ship finished its rotation,” weapons are active… target acquired by fire control. Firing.”

At that moment the 16 weapons pods mounted on the upper surface of the ship opened up on the ground below. In the span of just a few seconds nearly a hundred a fifty bolts of energy lanced out to the two groups of unsuspecting armors 5,000 km below.

Each of those bolts is only a few inches in diameter, hardly “orbital bombardment” in the commonly accepted term. If anthing, this was a example of the impressive restrain on the part of the Occhestans. If we had been dropping gigaton AM bombs on the palace that would be orbital bombardment.

Without unpleasantness out of the way, on to the armor itself.

1) In regards to the railgun, how is the ammunition fed from the container to the weapon? Does it feed through the arm or through a external feed belt (which seems more likely)?

2) What is the muzzle velocity of these rounds?

3) On the above, isn’t 30mm going to be a problem moving around for such a morphic armor? Assuming 10:1 length:width ratio of the round it is going to be over a foot long and (assuming something massing around steel) weigh more than 3.5 pounds per shell. The entire ammo module would weigh more than the armor!

4) How does it cope with the recoil from 120 such rounds fired per minute? That is allot of recoil for such a light armor.

5) For these “Plasma Vent Strips”, DR 7 seems quite high for a the extremely short acceleration period such a small vent would be able to provide on a PA.

6) Shouldn’t the use of this drastically reduce the fuel capacity of the armor, since it is using the same material (and would be requiring a good amount of it)?

7) How big are the missiles the AM missile system fires? How fast can they go? What is their range?

8) DR 8 is way, way too high for these missiles. The Positron cannons on a Sakura are rated as only 10 times more damaging yet have a theoretical yield more than 1,500,000 times as much and are shield penetrating and are going much, much faster.

9) On the plasma sabers, I would like to note that the DR you gave these (and the one that is on the wiki), I am assuming you are IP, was put in nearly a month after submission was approved. To me this seems like a serious, serious breach of protocol. The submission was approved on 08.30 (viewtopic.php?f=32&t=958&hilit=plasma) and the DR rating was added 09.21.

10) I would really, really like someone to explain to me how the armor is able to essentially teleport heat without this process producing more heat. I would also like to know how it does this passively.

11) How does this stuff using the Casmir effect to block shots? The Casmir effect is not repulsive and does not apply in most (the vast majority of) interactions.

12) On the DR, do the two number mean this thing is essentially double-layered with a total, effective DR of 13? I am seeing this stuff pop up a lot recently, is this a approved procedure?

13) How long can the life support maintain a pilot? Both in terms of liquids, nutrients, and air (assuming the three are different).

14) On the emergency ejection, it seems quite unsafe to use a magnetic accelerator to boost them to high enough speeds to get out of the area as that would subject them to very, very unsafe accelerations.

15) How does the Gas Collection System gather the gas? Magnetic field, what? Also note that most habitable atmospheres are going to have a very small proportion of hydrogen and helium, simply because the planets cannot retain those gasses. On Earth Helium is present at slightly over 5 parts-per-million and Hydrogen is present at 0.5 parts-per-million.

16) I think that this armor should have a endurance on it. With the number of systems that use large masses of plasma gasses I think it would go through its store quite fast.

17) On the above, with the maximum speed this thing can attain in space its plasma thrusters would tear through its gas store in short order.

18) What are the ranges of the various sensor systems?

19) How do these sensors interact with the shield systems, which would be expected to heavily distort if not out-right block incoming emissions.

20) Shield DR is still way too high. You are saying it has the shields of a hundred+ meter high-end starship.

21) Is this magnetic field strong enough to act on neutrally-charged matter? If so, how does it affect the rest of the armors functions (as well as the pilot)? Such a strong EM field would also have serious effects on the surrounding environment.

22) I don’t see how you could get a dense enough electron field on a PA to have any noticeable effect on a positron weapon.

23) If this plasma shield is strong enough to deflect and block physical objects, it would have to be extremely dense. Combined with its immense heat, this would make it opaque to both the incoming radiation and the armors own sensors.

24) All of these shields would make this armor show up like a star on any ship or PA sensors.

25) This Combined Shield thing is way, way, way too powerful. You are saying that this armor can generate a shield a strong as a multi-kilometer battleship. Even if it is time limited (and two minutes is pretty long in combat), that is still way too big.

26) How does the repair system work? Does it use nanomachines, what? How long does it take to fix things? You realize that if a nanomachine can fix the full armor, that puts some limits on how strong the armor is.


Edit: To Doshi, yes history can be biased but what is included in this history is not bias, which would be portraying a group you dislike in a negative light. Tomoe just goes straight for the gold and says essentially that Occhestans are evil, murdering pricks and makes it a historical fact, not a bias of opinion.

Edit Edit: Let me give you a example in IRL terms. Lets say that the president of Kyrgyzstan decides that the CIA has been pissing in his cereal so he goes and arrest a few thousand Americans and shoots a few dozen more, not particularly trying to determine (or careing) if they had anything to do with the previous Cornflakes incident. He then procedes to send a collum of tanks to "pacify the disidents", who happen to be a US base in the region (which he believes has a few CIA agents in it).

Now, given that situation, what do you think would occur? Do you seriously believe the US would just twiddle its thumbs and let the tanks cruise in to the base to get the CIA agents? Not a chance in hell, the risk that they would just tear loose on others is way too high, not to mention the Kyrgyztany President's previous actions to US citizens.

No, we would proceed to bomb the shit out of that colum with precision bomb strikes (or cruise missiles). I imagine that the US would then continue to obliterate Kyrgyzstan bases until they gave us our people back or we ran out of things to blow up.

Transfer this to the SARP and you can see that not only where our actions justified, the reaction was fairly predictable. Also note the restraint of our strike. Did we procede to attack Fyunnen bases even though we could have done so easily? No. Did we bomb Matriarchy cities even when it would have been easy? No. Did we try to withhold vital services to Matriarchy civilians? No, even when we knew you had done it to ours. When people wanted to leave the LSDF ships for the Matriarchy, did we just shove them into escape pods and leave them in deep space, assuming they would be picked up by someone, eventually? No, we put them on shuttles and made sure they got to a base safely, again even with the knowledge that you where shoving our people into escape pods at the same time.

Tomoe, don't try to portray the Occhestans as something they are not, especially considering the Matriarchy's track record. As the saying goes," He who lives in a glass house shouldn't throw stones."


This does not belong on the tech forum. Your discussion with Tomoe regarding the misrepresentation of the Occhestans belongs elsewhere.

Vesper, please consider this an offical warning , if you continue to drag non-technology forum issues onto this forum you will recieve a permissions based restriction which will remove your ability to post on this section for 1 week.

Please take corrective action.

Also Doc, please do not respond to anything but topics related directly to the armor submission itself.

I don't think we have any official ruling on what shouldn't be considered for the history section but unofficially history articles due tend to be biased in favor of the creator's side.

That being said I get the impression from the history section that this is biased to the point of being extremely misleading about IC events. I think this crosses the line of what is acceptable in a history submission as new players can easily consider this as what happened and not a biased account.

Yes but Vesper's issue here goes beyond the history in this article. This issue about the Lorath and Occhestans is something that should be handled outside of this forum section as that it impacts many other things as well.

Believe me I am not trying to sweep this under the rug, but Doc, Tiff, Vesper etc have to settle this broad ranged history issue in a more suitible place (RP Discussion).

Uso, I added weapon descriptions.

And the Vesper List:

1: Addressed.

2: Addressed.

3: Addressed.

4: No need for addressing, the armor is inherently strong enough to deal with such stresses.

5: No need for addressing, refer to the original plasma arc weapon write up.

6: Due to the relatively small size of the stream, the plasma consumed is not that excessive, and the plasma can be supplemented through the use of an external source if need be, or replenished over time.

7: Refer to the antimatter munitions article.

8: I'm just going off of the damage ratings scale.

9: I put in the DR afterwards due to the original article lacking a DR. Yes, this was a mistake, but it was more so the evaluator's mistake for missing that error, which I had the good sense to correct when I noticed it.

10: Magnetic confinement and some such.

11: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casimir_ef ... uum_energy , its a matter of quantum harmonics.

12: Yes, double ply, just like toilet paper.

13: Maxing out at a month.

14: Yes, it would be quite unsafe, if there were not a gravity manipulator attached which has been shown in previous submissions from other factions to also apparently dissipate inertial effects.

15: Addressed.

16: It may indeed run out of plasma, but it would still be able to utilize it's other non-plasma related functions in the event of failure. Fortunately, it also includes gas collectors and accelerators.

17: Addressed.

18: As I've said before; let me go get a degree in astrophysics and I'll get back to you on that.

19: Repeat above.

20: That must be one rusted-out starship.

21: Its strong enough to work as a shield and get the job done, sure it may cause the pilot to tingle a bit, but alas, thats life. Sure some plants may get crushed and air may get shoved aside as well.

22: Thats not my problem, thats Yamatai's problem.

23: Addressed.

24: This is why its not a stealth armor.

25: I reduced the time.

26: Addressed and elaborated.

On that note, thank you for putting such time into making sure that the Winter would be a plausible power armor, it is too much to know that such time has been invested on something which I have the humble task of working on.

1: Going by the art having 14 sabers stored inside of the armor’s arms would mean there is little/no room left over for anything else what so ever.

2: oscillate out of quantum phase? That phrase sparks a lot of warning lights in my head. I’d like to see more description on just what that is. I also thought there was an agreement to do away with ZPE in the setting?

3: there is also no real explanation of how the suit sidesteps the 2nd law of thermodynamics at a distance.

The elegance of the construction also means that the entire mesh acts as an amplifier to this effect and provided a low feed of energy is provided to the frame after the initial high-ampage ignition, it can continue to operate on very tiny amounts of electricity until combat performance is desired.

Breaking the law of conservation of energy?

5: I thought we were trying to phase out aether? As a backup aether generator really isn’t needed for this.

6: Even if you did displace the mass of the mecha into subspace it would still exsist and be attached to the bit of mass you are moving in real space. I don’t see why this would circumvent the laws of momentum.

7: The Hyerpspace Shielding: It states you are deflecting rounds, not stopping them. As such they would still be able to penetrate the shield at full strength, only slightly off target instead of preventing things from passing through it.

8: The electron Screen: I don’t see how the suit would be able to produce enough of a screen to stop any positron weapons beam or otherwise. It would be like trying to stop a bowling ball with a screen of ping pong balls.

9: a DR8 shield, one 1000 times better than the shields on the Yamatai power armors, should not be able to fit on a power armor built by a lower tech race.

Uso wrote:
1: Going by the art having 14 sabers stored inside of the armor’s arms would mean there is little/no room left over for anything else what so ever.

2: oscillate out of quantum phase? That phrase sparks a lot of warning lights in my head. I’d like to see more description on just what that is. I also thought there was an agreement to do away with ZPE in the setting?

3: there is also no real explanation of how the suit sidesteps the 2nd law of thermodynamics at a distance.

The elegance of the construction also means that the entire mesh acts as an amplifier to this effect and provided a low feed of energy is provided to the frame after the initial high-ampage ignition, it can continue to operate on very tiny amounts of electricity until combat performance is desired.
Breaking the law of conservation of energy?

5: I thought we were trying to phase out aether? As a backup aether generator really isn’t needed for this.

6: Even if you did displace the mass of the mecha into subspace it would still exsist and be attached to the bit of mass you are moving in real space. I don’t see why this would circumvent the laws of momentum.

7: The Hyerpspace Shielding: It states you are deflecting rounds, not stopping them. As such they would still be able to penetrate the shield at full strength, only slightly off target instead of preventing things from passing through it.

8: The electron Screen: I don’t see how the suit would be able to produce enough of a screen to stop any positron weapons beam or otherwise. It would be like trying to stop a bowling ball with a screen of ping pong balls.

9: a DR8 shield, one 1000 times better than the shields on the Yamatai power armors, should not be able to fit on a power armor built by a lower tech race.

1: Due to the larger space provided by the sizable arms of the Winter, the components involved in heating and providing initial acceleration to the plasma can be placed in the forearm of the unit, plasma can be routed to the finger based emitters through a series of tubes... not much of a stretch of thought there.

2: Mmm, how about ditching Quantum Foam and Nermium where you're at it?

3: Again, a degree in physics would be nice.

4: Ever turn on a florescent light? Takes more power to turn it on than to run it for a whole day. Go with the concept.

5: The aether generator is there for something that I was forced to remove. I am going to leave it there in the event of the device being approved.

6: Technology concept already approved, move on.

7: This means that the round would continue to move, but be re-routed around the armor, or even deflected in some random direction... of course this is relative to the size of the incoming object.

8: Addressed.

9: Actually, the Mindy's shields do not have a DR explained, of course if we were to base the Mindy's shield DR off of it's DR 9 armor rating, then we could easily say it is somewhere up there.

1: the sword in your picture is several times the size of the hand and forearm area of the mecha. Fitting 14 of them inside of the arms it not reasonable.

2: Nermium is a metal, we know how metals react. QF at least has mathamatics backing it up at least to some extent. ‘Out of phase’ as far as I know is only used when characters need to move through walls on Star Trek.

3:If you are unable to explain how the device works in any way it should be dropped. Saying that it works because it does is not acceptable.

4: Actually this is untrue. The power cost for turning on the light is only about as much as keeping the light on for about a second. In either case regardless of the power costs of a lightbulb this does not explain how you are able to get around conservation of energy as I do not see how a florescent light is able to get around the conservation of energy.

5: I think you can find something better than just ‘aether’ then.

6: Then the concept technology needs to be looked at and re-examined as I do not believe this was the original intent of the tech. If I remember correctly it had to do with accelerating a round inside of a weapon in a bit of a different fashion.

Subspace/hyperspace Shielding
Through the use of subspace field bubble manipulation, the Winter is able to distort or disrupt incoming projectiles which have a subspace or hyperspace field charge. This resulting shield prevents hyper folded torpedoes from progressing beyond the shield, and it prevents subspace encased positron weapons from breaching the field's influence without losing the subspace charge which grants a majority of the weapon's penetrating power.


This means that the round would continue to move, but be re-routed around the armor, or even deflected in some random direction... of course this is relative to the size of the incoming object.

In the description you say that the round is prevented from passing beyond the shield, that the round is distorted, and in your last post you said that it is deflected in a random direction and re-routed around the armor. You essentially have 4+ descriptions of the same tech that seem to contradict each other. I would suggest either creating a separate entry for each and going from there or removing the device entirely as it is not clear what the device does.

8: If you can not explain the technology so that players can use it, it shouldn’t be used on the submission.

9: SAoY shields are generally DR:5ish for their starships. Remember armors are materials that can be used on an extremely small scale and shields require some sort of strong-reinforced emitter for greater DR protection. I think it is extremely unreasonable for DR 8 shields to be on a mecha this small.

Doshii Jun
The Forearm Shields on a Mindy 2 are technically DR 10. They are meant to stop anything (armor grade, at least) from hitting the armor.

The downside is that they only have 15 seconds of power before they must recharge, and the shields cannot be a) used when the forearm weapons are out, or b) shot through by the Mindy armor itself.

They also do not encapsulate the entire armor. It's like a Lamia's old shield, but energy instead of a solid.

The precedent for the Winter's shield is there. It shouldn't be as powerful, nor as "efficient," but the precedent is there.

On looking over the armour I noticed something that I'm surprised nobody has mentioned yet.

S1. The Magnetic Shielding system will wreak havoc on the armours plasma systems(thrusters, swords, ect.).

S2. Also, maybe its just personal preference, but I wouldn't be using high powered magnetic based shielding if I were carrying around an anti-matter containment pod, it really seems like a bad mix to me. I think I know what the answer to this one might be, but despite whatever precautions have been taken, I sure would be leary about using both systems on a power armour.

1: Read harder.

2: Its not as dramatic as you seem to perceive it, relax.

3: How about this, you go ask the banned man who's legacy this thing is. The structural layering concept has already gone through it's paces and it has been given a green light, chill.

Along with that, it dissipates the heat over a wider area, and if there is increased exertion, yes, the heat will begin to become noticeable, it is explained there, read harder.

4: Simplified: You turn it on for a high cost to initialize the mesh, then it can remain sustained for less of a power cost. Get with it, its a matter of a sustained reaction being easier to maintain.

5: Tell that to the setting, mkay?

6: Its the same concept, and if we're going to go on about it, you could also refer to the various Lorath starships which are propelled by the same means, and the plasma strips which utilize the same means. Its science fiction physics, chill.

7: How about, you use your imagination and picture a round coming at a shield bubble and it being diverted off course, being slowed and repelled, or dropping out of hyperspace then getting stopped by a magnetic shield? Hmm... not too hard.

8: Read the wiki harder, I elaborated on the technology.

9: Mindy shields in general are not explained, and as Doshii indicated, there have been stronger put into use.


I've adjusted the magnetic shield's description to address your concerns.

Anything else gentlemen? Maybe a paint color change? Bigger hips? Maybe a jiggly bust to appeal to other factions? Come on, I can keep this up all year.

Uso wrote:
2: oscillate out of quantum phase? That phrase sparks a lot of warning lights in my head. I’d like to see more description on just what that is. I also thought there was an agreement to do away with ZPE in the setting?

5: I thought we were trying to phase out aether? As a backup aether generator really isn’t needed for this.

2. No we did not agree, it was emphazied that it was one of the more fictional components in the science fiction setting. It is part of canon.

5. I thought we were trying to phase out aether? Stop trying to further what you want to happen. Aether again is apart of canon. And for now, as the rules state it is here to stay.

I will continue to review this submission, and will have some comments on my own over the next few days. I just felt this required some moderation.


I don't really like this submission from what I've read thus far.

Wes wrote:
I don't really like this submission from what I've read thus far.

Could you please elaborate some, in a constructive manner?

Lex wrote:
Wes wrote:
I don't really like this submission from what I've read thus far.

Could you please elaborate some, in a constructive manner?

Wes wrote:
from what I've read thus far

Implying he is not done reading it yet.Obviously when he is done he will. Or he will wait until I am finished my review of it too.

For the record it is possible for us not to like something. I think it is extremely overpowered for the Lorath myself which I have stated a few times.

Anyway I will save my comments until I am finished reviewing it.

Yes, although liking or not liking is a strictly subjective view; i had the feeling that tech submissions were to be viewed as objectively as possible. (Since no human is strictly objective, we can only try our hardest.)

As far as history goes, i think it's a good question if propaganda is allowed in an items description, in the history section. I lean towards that it should be allowed, but also explained that the text doesn't necessarily describe the events as they really happened.

History changes, depending on who it's written by, in favor of the writer. It's not a new phenomenon. I can see how it could play a vital political role in SARP, if it doesn't already.

The Discussion about History is here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1450
Wanted to let you know that Toshiro, Soresu and I are all working on this review now. We should have something up for you. Sorry I havent had the chance for that talk yet. Had some IRL stuff to take care of.
It has been a while since I had time to touch on this...Figured I would give you one thing to work on.

Zero Atmosphere: .80c
Please check the new Starship Speed Standard on the wiki and update appropriately. (tables near the bottom help)

Something really needs to be done in terms of the weapons and armor and sheilds on this. There is just too much stuff to be on one power armor. This submission would take the Lorath leaps above their current technological level.

I will be on tonight and will be happy to go over the specifics. (Yes i know I am crazy busy, and I will continue to give feedback.)

Ill be on 10/11pm I have one other meeting arranged but will be availible to talk over YIm and IRC.
I'm going to be honest with this statement:

Stop breaking my kneecaps.

That table means absolutely jack in relation to application in an IC setting. A large number of other armors listed have FTL and STL methods to propel themselves, and the recently approved NaX has a flight speed of .75c which went without question.

We've previously established routinely that the Lorath have different means of STL and FTL propulsion, and faster speeds have been previously accepted. Stepping it down now would leave a considerable gap in capability that would turn the Winter into a complete and utter lemon (Stick in the mudd, slug, turtle, quadruple amputee, paraplegic, etc etc). Along with that, if future submissions which are more advanced step down in speed, it would make absolutely no sense in comparison to previous submissions with higher speeds. Unless everything were to be retconned, but we've established that such a thing is forbidden.

What it comes down to in regard to speed, is that the Winter has no FTL, it needs to be able to maneuver in comparison to potential enemy armors, and toning it down will leave it utterly crippled.

As for the weapons, the Winter is a big machine, and the equipment put on her fits within the size parameters. Again, fellow armors which are far smaller get far superior armament. Such as the Kylie being able to field a railgun of a large caliber, or even the old Demon being able to utilize a 35mm chaingun WITH a 40mm grenade launcher. The arms of the Winter are essentially as big as a whole Demon or Mindy.

As previously stated, I greatly reduced the number of plasma sabers aboard the Winter, and I've added bulk to the integrated solid ammunition weapons by stating that they receive ammo from external cannisters. As for the plasma vent strips, read the plasma arc weapon wiki and you'll find that they have a rather pathetic range in comparison to weapons fielded by even Nepleslian street gangs.

The armor is as it is, there is not really much to tweak about it other than the raw number which is it's DR. I'm basing the number off of the responses which I received in the Q&A thread asking about armor materials.

The shields have been weakened heavily already, and any more they're not going to provide protection against even a heavy machine gun. Also, I've noticed that other power armors in circulation don't even have damage ratings stated for their shield systems.

What weapon design comes down to is a massive game of "Keeping Up With The Jones's". Why even bother designing and fielding a power armor if it is going to be frail in comparison to your enemy? Why even go to war with your own inferior super-expensive specially developed equipment if your enemy's low-end civilian unit is capable of literally flying circles around you and shooting you dead?

What has also been established is that the enemies of the Empire have teeth, the Lorath know this, and the Lorath have the means (QnS designs), the want (revenge), and the need (survival) to design a high-end armor which would be able to contend with the enemies of their allies.

Fun Facts Of Lorath Military History said:
Enemy Armors Encountered By Lorath Forces:

Black Spiral Mindy on planetary deployment: 1
Lorath Dead: 50+

Black Spiral Mindy in orbital deployment: 20+
Lorath Dead: 6 Billion due to them covering the moon-drop incident.

Gang Owned Kylie Armor on Nepleslia: 6
Lorath Dead: 0.
Nepleslians Dead: 3 AIR units.

Misshu Attack Pods: 200,000+
Lorath Dead: Unknown
Loss: Lor

Damaged Pumpkin Captured Mindy: 1
Lorath Dead:0
Outcome: Victory. (Mmm eat it.)

Enemy Starships Encountered by the Lorath:

Black Spiral Sakura: 1
Loss: Original "Star Seeker" exploration craft.

Black Spiral Nozomi: 1
Loss: 6 Billion Lorath due to it's coverage of the moon-drop.

Shlarvasseroth-class Flagship: 1
Loss: 6 Billion Lorath due to the moon-drop.

"Belly Stabber" Pirate Vessels: 8
Loss: 0 (zomg victory)

SMX Attack Fleet: 1
Loss: Lor

YSS Sakura + Power Armor: 1
Loss: Freedom and the Lorath Occhestian representative "Code".

Species Encountered:

Status: Friendly
Lesson Learned: Highly efficient species with superior technical design available for purchase. A race which has also shown that effort alone can allow you to break free of your former limitations.

Free Spacers
Status: Friendly
Lesson Learned: Intelligent and highly capable race, which offers any and all information which it has gained, including information from their friends the Nepleslians.

Status: Unknown
Lesson Learned: Adaptation is key to survival. Exploitation of an enemy's greatest strength being their own weakness.

Status: Subjugated
Lesson Learned: Your own innocence is your greatest weakness, and your ignorance of your enemies is your own demise.
Previous Losses: Exiled for 5000 Years.

Yamatai Empire
Status: Overlords
Lesson Learned: Freedom is something to be cherished, and defended to the end. When Freedom is lost, it is impossible to truly gain it back unless you're willing to spill blood for it.
Loss: Freedom and innocence

Status: Enemy
Lesson Learned: Not all snakes linger in the grass, nor do all snakes bite the same, some give warning, and some even give a chance to befriend them.
Lesson Learned II: To hope for freedom, you must be able to defeat those who have the capacity to make your captors yield to their capability.

Technical Specs Available:

Yamatain reverse engineered technology from vessels loaned after initial treaty.

Qel'Noran Shipyards documentation.

Full records of Sourcian technology.

Developments made by the Occhestians prior to their exodus.

Nepleslian documentation available for purchase if need be.

Free Spacer documentation available for trade if need be.

Salvaged Technology:

Burnt Out Nozomi: 1

Sourcian Gunship: 1

Black Spiral Mindy Units: Various chunks

SMX Positron Weapon: 1 (Thank you Yggdrasil)

"Belly Stabber" Pirate Vessels: 2

Reverse Engineered Technology:

Ki-F5: 1

Sojourner-Class Medium Cargo Transport:1

Delta, Epsilon, and Gamma Power Armor: 1 Each

Nepleslian Airbike: 1

Various Small Arms: Unknown

Sourcian Technology

Salvaged Technology

(I don't really recall the full list of the stuff loaned to the Lorath after the original treaty signing, but I assure you, it was all promptly examined)

This alone should explain the Lorath's motivation and design goals and capabilities in regard to the development of the Winter. Despite this, I hope to get in touch with you soon.
I've adjusted it, but I will bring up an issue which troubles me.

The issue is, the Winter is meant to carry out combat operations against other power armor targets which have been previously encountered by the Lorath, other power armor are capable of accelerating anywhere from 0 to a few thousand times the speed of light. The Winter's STL engines were directly designed to at least provide some hope against FTL combatants. I feel that it is unfair to leave a power armor utterly defenseless simply because it is lacking a FTL system.

I know that my armor which is primarily reliant on close-range combat would be met with impossible odds Vs. a Ripper or a rogue Mindy. Armors with FTL will simply trample the Winter, but at the same time, I do not have any desire to add FTL capability to the Winter for balance reasons, thus I am left in a situation which is utterly broken.

Even more so, I find the matter to be troublesome due to the fact that Lorath designs are meant to push the STL envelope through the use of modified and low power FTL inducing technology. Its all a lot of sci-fi pseudo-science, but it has been approved previously.

I'll stop my babble and ramble here, but I still have my concerns on the matter, and I would like to know what will be done for balance... otherwise I may have to end up adding FTL in the long run, something I did not intend for the sake of the very thing which is gimping the Winter, balance.
SUBLIMEinal said:
Er, you can add a booster device, Tomoe, like the Dark Demon did, and jack up your speed pretty substantially.

The boosting device is built in, the subspace coil does that... unfortunately it is not an FTL drive, so FTL speeds do not apply so it gets stuck with the STL cap.
Keep it at the fast end of the new standard...

Dont worry older submissions will be making the transition soon. Please be patient Doc. Not everything is out to screw you.

We are busy sorting out the how and when now. I have done everything I have promised and more, have some faith in me. :)

(enough talk about speed) Ill have some comments on the rest of the armor in an hour or so.
I have been over this power armor about twenty times in the last month. The general agreement between all of the staff is that the armor is a huge leap for the Lorath.

However, I am also forced to look at the climate the Lorath now are subjected to. Nyii is under threat just as much as the 5th is and the Lorath have promised the help with the offensive operation the 5th has been planning for months at Bizranko--well to keep that promise they need a power armor that can stand up to some serious punishment.

Doc has been very patient, and has made changes along the way to fit problems that I have brought to his attention. My goal for this post is to work my way from the top down.

Development after the Occhestian betrayal was slowed due to the upset in the social structure of the Lorath's civilization, and the impending SMX invasion. Thankfully though, due to the very same threat which forced the evacuation the development was able to continue with the aid of MEGAMI computers found aboard the Kyoto-Class carriers assigned to moving the Lorath to their new home.

Kyoto has WIES.

Also if our computers assisted with the design credit should be given in the general information.

Subspace Field Assisted Rail cannon
Utilizing pre-existing technological concepts, the Subspace Field Assisted Rail Cannon utilizes complex magnetic and subspace fields to propel a projectile from the weapon at which border luminal velocities. The weapon is located on the right primary arm and is integrated into the armor's structure, but can be removed if required.

Location: Primary Arm (Right), Internally mounted.
Purpose: Anti-Armor
Effect: Various depending on rounds used.
Range: 50 Km in atmosphere.
Rate of Fire: 2 Rounds per second
Payload: 100
Note: Technology based on: L-Mark-Two

Ammunition for the rail cannon is provided by an externally mountable container which attaches to the upper section of the primary arm equipped with the rail cannon. Through the use of gravity manipulation, the ammunition container for the Winter has been granted a near feather-weight, even while carrying a full load of ammunition. Ammunition for the weapon is fed through a link less feed system.

Name: Mid Yield 30mm Compressed Antimatter Containment Shell
Charge: 1 lb of compressed antimatter.
Damage: Initial penetration damage until slug deforms, soon followed by matter/antimatter reaction which results in energy and radiation release. When used in atmosphere, heat results in nuclear explosion-like blast effects.
Damage Rating: 7

Name: 30mm Plasma Charge Slug.
Damage Description: Moderate plasma disruption effects, combustion effects.
Damage Rating: 7

Name: Conventional 30mm Slugs.
Damage Description: kinetic impact damage, penetration effects on lighter armor.
Damage Rating: 4

Name: 30mm Container Slug.
Damage Description: Variable.
Damage Rating: Variable

How many of these 30 mm slugs can it carry? I really strongly feel the antimatter slug should be left out here. I think the 30mm Plasma Charge Slug is adequate. Armors carrying around compressed antimatter somehow seems overpowered to me.

Linear Gatling Cannon
Located on the left primary arm of the Winter, the linear gatling cannon is an integrated version of the FMS-1 Linear Rifle "Stalwart Special". This weapon is a linear accelerator which is used to propel high velocity needle-like rounds at an intended target. The ammunition for this weapon is held in an external container which like the subspace rail cannon's ammunition container, has a gravitational control device which reduces the weight of the ammunition to feather-like weights.

Location: Primary arm (left), internal.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Armor
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personnel
Damage: DR 4
Payload: 2500 .05 Caliber Ceramic composite linear rounds.
Payload Note: Standard payload of ammunition is delivered by externally mounted container, 400 rounds are held internally.
Rate of Fire: 700 Rounds Per Minute
Notes: Internally mounted variant of FMS-1 Linear Rifle "Stalwart Special"

I like this...Nice.

Plasma Vent Strips
Through the use of the pre-existing plasma vent strip technology, the Winter is capable of producing arcing streams of plasma from several vents placed throughout the surface of the unit. These vents utilize a highly efficient system to accelerate the plasma and maintain a heated state. Unfortunately due to the relatively small size of the plasma strips used on the Winter, the plasma ejected from these strips tends to plume outward at rather short distances. (Consult notes in relation to technical questions related to the approved for usage plasma vent strip technology.)

Location: Located upon the frontal torso, thigh fin tips, back of the neck and shoulders.
Primary Purpose: Missile & drone defense solution
Secondary Purpose: Close-quarters suppression.
Damage: DR 7
Payload: 30 Second bursts. Five second recharge
Rate of Fire: Semi-auto, three second burst, stream.
Notes: Lorath Plasma Arc Disruptor

I would say that this should have a lower DR. Yes it is plasma, but its a kind of plume type dispersal. Since it is undirected ...DR 5?

Magnetically Contained Charged Plasma Sabers (3)
Fourteen simplified plasma saber units have been mounted within the wrists of the Winter's primary arms. Due to the size of the arms of the Winter, the plasma saber units each utilize their own stores of plasma which would typically be utilized in the hand-held variant of the Magnetically Contained Charged Plasma Saber. An additional plasma saber is included in standard deployments of the Winter. This hand-held plasma saber is meant to produce a high strength projection of plasma, the power for the hand-held unit is delivered by its own plasma generating system and gas collection system.

Location: Mounted within the wrists of the primary arms, and one hand held unit.
Primary Purpose: Armor Cutting
Secondary Purpose: Igniting targets
Damage: DR 8
Payload: When attached to Winter reactor, three hours.
Rate Of Fire: Stream
Note: Magnetically Contained Charged Plasma Saber

Ok you reduced the number of these weapons. I would be happier with 2.
I mean it is "hand-held" unless this armor has three hands...

Internal Mesh
DR Rating 6
External Mesh
DR Rating 7

This just seems so excessive for a Lorath power armor. I mean the point of this was so that it would be fast. I would decrease these armor ratings. The internal mesh around DR 4, External DR 6.

Shield System
Overall Damage Rating: DR 5

Magnetic Shielding
Through the use of a series of high power magnetic field generators, the Winter is able to rapidly create a magnetic bubble around itself which would be able to protect it from incoming attacks which are comprised of matter (Projectiles, plasma streams, particle beams). The magnetic shield unfortunately does not serve as strong enough protection to deflect subspace encased positron beams and raw-energy attacks. Fortunately, the magnetic shield systems of the Winter are capable of producing a tightly confined magnetic field which can be sustained as a bubble, or as a directed 'wall'.

Subspace/hyperspace Shielding
Through the use of subspace field bubble manipulation, the Winter is able to distort or disrupt incoming projectiles which have a subspace or hyperspace field charge. This resulting shield prevents hyper folded torpedoes from progressing beyond the shield, and it prevents subspace encased positron weapons from breaching the field's influence without losing the subspace charge which grants a majority of the weapon's penetrating power.

Plasma Shielding
By utilizing vented plasma and a magnetic field projection, the Winter is capable of creating a directed shield of plasma which can be used to deflect or block incoming projectiles, energy beams, and particle beams.

Gravitational Shielding
Through the use of the Winter's gravity manipulation devices, the Winter can produce a field of manipulated gravity which can redirect projectiles and particle beams. Along with this protection, the gravitational shield can manipulate nearby objects, and prevent Scalar pulses from damaging the Winter.

I have a huge problem with the Subspace/hyperspace Shielding. Your talking about the ability to remove the subspace encasement of SMX SEPCs something that even Yamatai in all of its technical advancement has been hardly able to do. This cannot stay, and sadly it either goes or the submission is not approved.

Overall DR rating on the sheilds is too high, I can see maybe DR 2-3, This is a Power Armor!!! (And no arguing about the Mindy isn't going to help you here...cause this is the Winter I am reviewing)

Mass produced power armor is like infantry in a army, the first to fall, the easiest to fall. I mean even Yamatai didn't jump right to the Mindy 2's level, it took time. Your wanting the Lorath to jump several technical levels in a mere submission. Its taken Nepleslia and Yamatai years to do it. I see this as bad for the setting, the Lorath are a newer race on the scene-they need to reflect that and work their way up.

Also being mass produced you can have strength in numbers. Maybe you could produce a limited edition elite model with higher level stuff for special purpose.

Combined Magneto-Plasmic-Subspace Field System
Through a combined execution of the magnetic shield, plasma shield, and subspace field shielding systems, the Winter can produce a combined shield which is capable of blocking incoming energy beams, volatile reactions such as super-novas, prevent crushing impacts such as collisions with starships, and even endure a point blank antimatter explosion. Unfortunately, the strain of utilizing this protection prevents the shield from remaining permanently activated. Along with the short duration of the shield's protection, due to the shield's overall strength, the Winter is unable to physically interact with objects outside of the barrier, or fire outside of it. Along with the prevention of physical interaction, the Winter also would be unable to communicate over extended distances, and would be reliant on external information feeds transmitted by close-proximity subspace communications, this limitation also applies to the Winter's sensors, meaning that the Winter would be rendered blind during the activation of the shield, except for data transmitted from external sources through the proper means.

DR: 6
Duration: Up to 60 Seconds, every 10 minutes.

I am frustrated with this. I mean it is a blatant remix of the Mindy2 Forarm sheild projector with some added pizzazzah!. I thought the Winter was going to be unique. I mean seriously I can see where the one ups are, I have listened to your speal about a ten times. However I could see this as the Lorath seeing the effectiveness of the Mindy2 unit and desiring some of its prowless. So I am thinking this...

DR 5, Up to 20 seconds, every 10 minutes. Limited use 10 times before unit requires shutdown. I think even DR 5 is a little high for a mass produced armor by the Lorath...

At a time when we are all seeing tone downs across the board, it is inconvient that your trying to push the envelope. Yes, everyones race wants to be the best. Give it time, put story into it...Your trying to walk a mile in a step.

Remember, the armor can improve overtime, we can watch as it progresses from the intial on up.

Honestly, unless there are some major changes here I am going to have to deny this submission, but I want to give you the oppertunity to do the right thing. The Winter has a lot of potential, help me out here and get it to a point where I can approve it.
On the first matter, I adjusted it to WIES, but I will not list Yamatai in the design credits, due to the design being Lorath. The WIES was used for calculations and simulation before production, the kind of thing high end computers are meant for.

Its listed, the payload is 100 slugs, externally carried. As for antimatter slugs on armors, refer to the Kylie, Wes stamped his approval on such a concept before.

The Plasma Vent Strip technology has already been approved for that DR level in this type of application, refer to: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=lo ... _disruptor

It has four, but that is besides the point. There is only one hand held unit, the other two units are integrated into the forearm structure of the unit.

I'm not going to move far on the armor issue. I'll budge to 5 and 7. On the matter of speed, this armor is indeed quite light weight, the majority of it's durability comes from the charge which flows through the armor, not from sheer mass.

I'll drop the shields down to 4, I find it difficult to entertain the notion that mere hand held machine gun fire would be able to do anything to power armor shielding, but lowering the shields to DR 2 or 3 says exactly that. So any hot-shot with a Mac 10 can bring down a Winter's shields... thats just silly in my opinion.

As for the shields being able to do something useful... I'm sorry, but what is this? Just because Yamatai fails at doing something, that means that another race has no chance of doing it what so ever? The Lorath utilize different technology and different engineering methods, thus I find it feasible that they'd be able to do something that Yamtai has not done yet. I find it horribly biased and unfair that you'd go about basing a submission's approval or denial on what Yamatai can or can not do. As you've said, you're reviewing the Winter, not the Mindy, or whatever other thing the Yammies are doing.

On the matter of slowing projectiles, Yamatai has been able to do it against the SMX's hyperspace torpedoes through the use of interdiction technology, this has been seen even in the recent 5th XF battle. Thus, that establishes that it is indeed possible to disrupt the FTL fields around projectiles.

As for the shield system, no, its not a remix of the Mindy's systems. It was a creation based off of a combined usage of the Winter's multiple systems at one time to construct a far more durable shield. I have already made the Winter Deaf, Dumb, and Blind while using the shield, I find it difficult to break it any more without it losing merit for it's sheer existence. I'll adjust the time allowed.

I've made adjustments that I am willing to make... I just dislike how it seems the Winter keeps getting busted lower and lower each time we speak on this matter. I've stated this before, the Lorath have designed this armor themselves, but they're using technology concepts which they have learned from Yamatai's discarded QnS technology, and the technology which has been dissected by the Lorath... I'll skip the full explanation, but please note, I am not wanting to produce a lemon. This armor is meant to be the backbone of the Lorath's defense against their enemies, and they will be putting every bit of their technological advancement behind it, even if it means borrowing from the QnS technology, and the technology discovered during their reverse engineering of components.

Yes, I do admit this is quite a leap from what you've seen previously from the Lorath, but also, its been quite a leap what the Lorath have been able to obtain, and what they've been through. They have the motive, and they've been spoon fed the technology, there is no reason for them not to make an advancement of such a high caliber. I'd also like this design to last, and not to have to design a new power armor every three months like as is done with the Mindy, and Elemental armors.
Make the changes you said you would above and tell me when it is done.
Andrew said:
Make the changes you said you would above and tell me when it is done.

I did make the changes, I'm looking right at it.

Edit: I've also decided to add a blurb about utilizing WIES in the simulation and calculation processes.
I find it horribly biased and unfair that you'd go about basing a submission's approval or denial on what Yamatai can or can not do. As you've said, you're reviewing the Winter, not the Mindy, or whatever other thing the Yammies are doing.
Its listed, the payload is 100 slugs, externally carried. As for antimatter slugs on armors, refer to the Kylie, Wes stamped his approval on such a concept before.

I will look at it when I get home. Last half hour of work.
Approved for IC usage.