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[Lorath] "Winter" Power Armor


Retired Staff
Inactive Member

Needs a review. I've been watching the concept for some time now. It's come along quite nicely, I must say.


am reviewing it. Higher level submissions like this one take time. Just know I am in the process of looking at it.


I believe that counts as an IC part of the submission, where the rest of the Lorath really do not like the Occhestans, and thus this rule shouldn't really apply. other weapon/ship/armor submissions have the same kind of stuff, if i'm not mistaken.

Indeed, these are IC statements, made about IC events. I doubt Rule #1 applies here. Chill Scribbles, and don't go looking for blood when it is not needed.


Doshii Jun


There are still no weapon descriptions.








Doshii Jun




I don't really like this submission from what I've read thus far.

Wes wrote:
I don't really like this submission from what I've read thus far.

Could you please elaborate some, in a constructive manner?



The Discussion about History is here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1450
Wanted to let you know that Toshiro, Soresu and I are all working on this review now. We should have something up for you. Sorry I havent had the chance for that talk yet. Had some IRL stuff to take care of.
It has been a while since I had time to touch on this...Figured I would give you one thing to work on.

Zero Atmosphere: .80c
Please check the new Starship Speed Standard on the wiki and update appropriately. (tables near the bottom help)

Something really needs to be done in terms of the weapons and armor and sheilds on this. There is just too much stuff to be on one power armor. This submission would take the Lorath leaps above their current technological level.

I will be on tonight and will be happy to go over the specifics. (Yes i know I am crazy busy, and I will continue to give feedback.)

Ill be on 10/11pm I have one other meeting arranged but will be availible to talk over YIm and IRC.
I'm going to be honest with this statement:

Stop breaking my kneecaps.

That table means absolutely jack in relation to application in an IC setting. A large number of other armors listed have FTL and STL methods to propel themselves, and the recently approved NaX has a flight speed of .75c which went without question.

We've previously established routinely that the Lorath have different means of STL and FTL propulsion, and faster speeds have been previously accepted. Stepping it down now would leave a considerable gap in capability that would turn the Winter into a complete and utter lemon (Stick in the mudd, slug, turtle, quadruple amputee, paraplegic, etc etc). Along with that, if future submissions which are more advanced step down in speed, it would make absolutely no sense in comparison to previous submissions with higher speeds. Unless everything were to be retconned, but we've established that such a thing is forbidden.

What it comes down to in regard to speed, is that the Winter has no FTL, it needs to be able to maneuver in comparison to potential enemy armors, and toning it down will leave it utterly crippled.

As for the weapons, the Winter is a big machine, and the equipment put on her fits within the size parameters. Again, fellow armors which are far smaller get far superior armament. Such as the Kylie being able to field a railgun of a large caliber, or even the old Demon being able to utilize a 35mm chaingun WITH a 40mm grenade launcher. The arms of the Winter are essentially as big as a whole Demon or Mindy.

As previously stated, I greatly reduced the number of plasma sabers aboard the Winter, and I've added bulk to the integrated solid ammunition weapons by stating that they receive ammo from external cannisters. As for the plasma vent strips, read the plasma arc weapon wiki and you'll find that they have a rather pathetic range in comparison to weapons fielded by even Nepleslian street gangs.

The armor is as it is, there is not really much to tweak about it other than the raw number which is it's DR. I'm basing the number off of the responses which I received in the Q&A thread asking about armor materials.

The shields have been weakened heavily already, and any more they're not going to provide protection against even a heavy machine gun. Also, I've noticed that other power armors in circulation don't even have damage ratings stated for their shield systems.

What weapon design comes down to is a massive game of "Keeping Up With The Jones's". Why even bother designing and fielding a power armor if it is going to be frail in comparison to your enemy? Why even go to war with your own inferior super-expensive specially developed equipment if your enemy's low-end civilian unit is capable of literally flying circles around you and shooting you dead?

What has also been established is that the enemies of the Empire have teeth, the Lorath know this, and the Lorath have the means (QnS designs), the want (revenge), and the need (survival) to design a high-end armor which would be able to contend with the enemies of their allies.

This alone should explain the Lorath's motivation and design goals and capabilities in regard to the development of the Winter. Despite this, I hope to get in touch with you soon.
I've adjusted it, but I will bring up an issue which troubles me.

The issue is, the Winter is meant to carry out combat operations against other power armor targets which have been previously encountered by the Lorath, other power armor are capable of accelerating anywhere from 0 to a few thousand times the speed of light. The Winter's STL engines were directly designed to at least provide some hope against FTL combatants. I feel that it is unfair to leave a power armor utterly defenseless simply because it is lacking a FTL system.

I know that my armor which is primarily reliant on close-range combat would be met with impossible odds Vs. a Ripper or a rogue Mindy. Armors with FTL will simply trample the Winter, but at the same time, I do not have any desire to add FTL capability to the Winter for balance reasons, thus I am left in a situation which is utterly broken.

Even more so, I find the matter to be troublesome due to the fact that Lorath designs are meant to push the STL envelope through the use of modified and low power FTL inducing technology. Its all a lot of sci-fi pseudo-science, but it has been approved previously.

I'll stop my babble and ramble here, but I still have my concerns on the matter, and I would like to know what will be done for balance... otherwise I may have to end up adding FTL in the long run, something I did not intend for the sake of the very thing which is gimping the Winter, balance.
SUBLIMEinal said:
Er, you can add a booster device, Tomoe, like the Dark Demon did, and jack up your speed pretty substantially.

The boosting device is built in, the subspace coil does that... unfortunately it is not an FTL drive, so FTL speeds do not apply so it gets stuck with the STL cap.
Keep it at the fast end of the new standard...

Dont worry older submissions will be making the transition soon. Please be patient Doc. Not everything is out to screw you.

We are busy sorting out the how and when now. I have done everything I have promised and more, have some faith in me.

(enough talk about speed) Ill have some comments on the rest of the armor in an hour or so.
I have been over this power armor about twenty times in the last month. The general agreement between all of the staff is that the armor is a huge leap for the Lorath.

However, I am also forced to look at the climate the Lorath now are subjected to. Nyii is under threat just as much as the 5th is and the Lorath have promised the help with the offensive operation the 5th has been planning for months at Bizranko--well to keep that promise they need a power armor that can stand up to some serious punishment.

Doc has been very patient, and has made changes along the way to fit problems that I have brought to his attention. My goal for this post is to work my way from the top down.

Kyoto has WIES.

Also if our computers assisted with the design credit should be given in the general information.

How many of these 30 mm slugs can it carry? I really strongly feel the antimatter slug should be left out here. I think the 30mm Plasma Charge Slug is adequate. Armors carrying around compressed antimatter somehow seems overpowered to me.

I like this...Nice.

I would say that this should have a lower DR. Yes it is plasma, but its a kind of plume type dispersal. Since it is undirected ...DR 5?

Ok you reduced the number of these weapons. I would be happier with 2.
I mean it is "hand-held" unless this armor has three hands...

Internal Mesh
DR Rating 6
External Mesh
DR Rating 7

This just seems so excessive for a Lorath power armor. I mean the point of this was so that it would be fast. I would decrease these armor ratings. The internal mesh around DR 4, External DR 6.

I have a huge problem with the Subspace/hyperspace Shielding. Your talking about the ability to remove the subspace encasement of SMX SEPCs something that even Yamatai in all of its technical advancement has been hardly able to do. This cannot stay, and sadly it either goes or the submission is not approved.

Overall DR rating on the sheilds is too high, I can see maybe DR 2-3, This is a Power Armor!!! (And no arguing about the Mindy isn't going to help you here...cause this is the Winter I am reviewing)

Mass produced power armor is like infantry in a army, the first to fall, the easiest to fall. I mean even Yamatai didn't jump right to the Mindy 2's level, it took time. Your wanting the Lorath to jump several technical levels in a mere submission. Its taken Nepleslia and Yamatai years to do it. I see this as bad for the setting, the Lorath are a newer race on the scene-they need to reflect that and work their way up.

Also being mass produced you can have strength in numbers. Maybe you could produce a limited edition elite model with higher level stuff for special purpose.

I am frustrated with this. I mean it is a blatant remix of the Mindy2 Forarm sheild projector with some added pizzazzah!. I thought the Winter was going to be unique. I mean seriously I can see where the one ups are, I have listened to your speal about a ten times. However I could see this as the Lorath seeing the effectiveness of the Mindy2 unit and desiring some of its prowless. So I am thinking this...

DR 5, Up to 20 seconds, every 10 minutes. Limited use 10 times before unit requires shutdown. I think even DR 5 is a little high for a mass produced armor by the Lorath...

At a time when we are all seeing tone downs across the board, it is inconvient that your trying to push the envelope. Yes, everyones race wants to be the best. Give it time, put story into it...Your trying to walk a mile in a step.

Remember, the armor can improve overtime, we can watch as it progresses from the intial on up.

Honestly, unless there are some major changes here I am going to have to deny this submission, but I want to give you the oppertunity to do the right thing. The Winter has a lot of potential, help me out here and get it to a point where I can approve it.
On the first matter, I adjusted it to WIES, but I will not list Yamatai in the design credits, due to the design being Lorath. The WIES was used for calculations and simulation before production, the kind of thing high end computers are meant for.

Its listed, the payload is 100 slugs, externally carried. As for antimatter slugs on armors, refer to the Kylie, Wes stamped his approval on such a concept before.

The Plasma Vent Strip technology has already been approved for that DR level in this type of application, refer to: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=lo ... _disruptor

It has four, but that is besides the point. There is only one hand held unit, the other two units are integrated into the forearm structure of the unit.

I'm not going to move far on the armor issue. I'll budge to 5 and 7. On the matter of speed, this armor is indeed quite light weight, the majority of it's durability comes from the charge which flows through the armor, not from sheer mass.

I'll drop the shields down to 4, I find it difficult to entertain the notion that mere hand held machine gun fire would be able to do anything to power armor shielding, but lowering the shields to DR 2 or 3 says exactly that. So any hot-shot with a Mac 10 can bring down a Winter's shields... thats just silly in my opinion.

As for the shields being able to do something useful... I'm sorry, but what is this? Just because Yamatai fails at doing something, that means that another race has no chance of doing it what so ever? The Lorath utilize different technology and different engineering methods, thus I find it feasible that they'd be able to do something that Yamtai has not done yet. I find it horribly biased and unfair that you'd go about basing a submission's approval or denial on what Yamatai can or can not do. As you've said, you're reviewing the Winter, not the Mindy, or whatever other thing the Yammies are doing.

On the matter of slowing projectiles, Yamatai has been able to do it against the SMX's hyperspace torpedoes through the use of interdiction technology, this has been seen even in the recent 5th XF battle. Thus, that establishes that it is indeed possible to disrupt the FTL fields around projectiles.

As for the shield system, no, its not a remix of the Mindy's systems. It was a creation based off of a combined usage of the Winter's multiple systems at one time to construct a far more durable shield. I have already made the Winter Deaf, Dumb, and Blind while using the shield, I find it difficult to break it any more without it losing merit for it's sheer existence. I'll adjust the time allowed.

I've made adjustments that I am willing to make... I just dislike how it seems the Winter keeps getting busted lower and lower each time we speak on this matter. I've stated this before, the Lorath have designed this armor themselves, but they're using technology concepts which they have learned from Yamatai's discarded QnS technology, and the technology which has been dissected by the Lorath... I'll skip the full explanation, but please note, I am not wanting to produce a lemon. This armor is meant to be the backbone of the Lorath's defense against their enemies, and they will be putting every bit of their technological advancement behind it, even if it means borrowing from the QnS technology, and the technology discovered during their reverse engineering of components.

Yes, I do admit this is quite a leap from what you've seen previously from the Lorath, but also, its been quite a leap what the Lorath have been able to obtain, and what they've been through. They have the motive, and they've been spoon fed the technology, there is no reason for them not to make an advancement of such a high caliber. I'd also like this design to last, and not to have to design a new power armor every three months like as is done with the Mindy, and Elemental armors.
Make the changes you said you would above and tell me when it is done.
Andrew said:
Make the changes you said you would above and tell me when it is done.

I did make the changes, I'm looking right at it.

Edit: I've also decided to add a blurb about utilizing WIES in the simulation and calculation processes.
I find it horribly biased and unfair that you'd go about basing a submission's approval or denial on what Yamatai can or can not do. As you've said, you're reviewing the Winter, not the Mindy, or whatever other thing the Yammies are doing.
Its listed, the payload is 100 slugs, externally carried. As for antimatter slugs on armors, refer to the Kylie, Wes stamped his approval on such a concept before.

I will look at it when I get home. Last half hour of work.
Approved for IC usage.
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