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Lorath "Zahl" Class Cruiser.


Inactive Member
1. About the [Zahl]

The Zahl is intended to be used as the backbone of the new LSDF. The Zahl class Cruiser is intended to serve as a warship and patrol vessel which would also serve as a proving ground for new Lorath ship building technology and engineering.

Due to the Zahl being the first dedicated space warship that the Lorath have produced, the mission profile of the Zahl is currently quite vague, thus, the Zahl's assignments range from delivery of precious cargo, to waging full scale assaults at a moment's notice.

2. History and Background

Through the use of cutting edge Lorath designs, and the leap in engineering methods which have been introduced through contact with the YSE, the Lorath have managed to bring their Zahl Cruiser into existence. Prior to the YSE's influence, the Zahl Cruiser was just in its early planning stages, a mere dream made from ink and paper.

After the Misshu assault on Lor, and to uphold the Lorath's agreement that they would defend themselves, the Lorath Self Defense Force has developed the Zahl from the planning stages, to production. This has mainly been accomplished through the use of QnS ship building facilities. Additionally, the QnS documentation that came with these facilities allowed the Lorath to incorporate a number of QnS technological innovations in their cruiser, which range from basic component design, to some entire systems.

Since the destruction of the Taiie system, and the increased Misshu activity surrounding the Southern Nebula, and Lor, the Lorath have decided to focus more of their resources to the restoration of the QnS equipment to construct their cruisers, and allocating more personnel to oversee the construction of these vessels.

3. Dimensions and Crew Compliment

Organizations Using This Vessel:
Lorath Space Militia

Type: Cruiser
Class: Zahl Class Cruiser.
Occhesta House
Velor Tomoe Tur'Lista
Manufacturer: Lorath Occhesta House
Production: Limited Production in YE 29, Production estimated to increase by YE 30

In the frame of time within a week of the Taiie system's explosion, the Lorath have only one Zahl class vessel near completion, several additional Zahl class vessels are in production. Large scale production is estimated to take place near the beginning of YE30 when the Yamatai loaned QnS shipyard and building equipment is restored to full operational capacity. Thanks to the mostly automated operation of QnS equipment, the Lorath are able to operate their shipyards and equipment with a skeleton crew, and a group of space trained Helashio workers. Due to the automated features, the Lorath can continue their planetary recovery efforts, while simultaneously bringing their fleet production into full swing.

YE29 Estimated Production: 5 Zahl Class Cruisers.
First Quarter YE30 Estimated Production: 75 Zahl Class Cruisers.
Extended YE30 Projection: 150 Zahl Class Cruisers.

Estimates based upon the usage of a single QnS shipyard, does not account for additional shipyards or construction devices.

Crew: 4 - 12. (6 Would be standard complement, 4 would be the minimum requirement without computer automation.)
Maximum Capacity: 30 (Not counting crew in stasis).
Appearance: The appearance of the vessel as seen from above is of a crescent like shape with an extension that is like that of a neck, that leads to a some what triangular shaped section that houses the bridge of the vessel.

Length: 185 Meters.
Width: 125 Meters. (Without wingtip extensions)
Height: 42 Meters.
Decks: 4.5
Mass: 2,750,600 ~ 2,890,000 kg

4. Performance Statistics

Speed (STL): .80 C / 239 833.9664 kilometer/second. (.9002 If safeties are disabled, engine burnout would result in 3 minutes.)
Speed (Subspace Wave Drive): 1975 C
Speed (Borrowed Fold Drive / (QnS) Hyperspace Fold In Select Ships. Limited Production): 2,350,110c
Speed (Aerial): Mach 3.

Range (Distance): Range is limited by the lifetime of the vessel.
Range (Support): The vessel can travel for a period of eight months without resupply.
Lifespan: Estimated at 25 years without refits.
Refit Cycle: Refits are carried out at the earliest convenience; mandatory refits are carried out every two years.

5. Inside the [Zahl]

Bridge: The Bridge of the Zahl is located in the forward section of the vessel on the second deck. The bridge is shaped in a trapezoid like shape. Two "pitsâ€
Alright, just a few things to begin with:

Firstly: How do you make Nuetronium and how do you provent its immediate deterioration? Given that Nuetronium can only really exist in the enviroment (that is to say with the pressures of) a Nuetron Star. Outside they simply won't exist - and so you'll need some way of sustaining those pressures. Very hard.

Second, I'm not sure an EM field will stop Scalar weaponry. In fact I'm almost certain it won't. In addition an actual energy capacity would be great.

Thirdly, those speeds for FTL are pretty damn fast ... if you're going to use Hyperspace can't you use the Lightyears Per Minute dealo everyone else likes to use? It makes it a lot easier.

If you could explain the Lorath Subspace Wave propulsion that would be great. Even if it's detailed elsewhere it's nice not to have to run around looking for details.

I'm not sure that a Fusion Engine could get to the speeds you want - and while it might be able to eventually you're going to have to have run it for a long time and had a fairly huge amount of fuel. I don't see storage facilities for the Hydrogen. Also if you're using a form of shield that requires the expulsion of material to work then you won't be able to have the shield up and use it - since the material would simply remain inside the shield.

Also with a simple EM shield you're going to find it very hard to fire out of it.
1st: To be honest... I have no damn clue. Wes is the one who said that neutronium is a usable material in this setting. For an IC excuse, I would claim that the Lorath collected the material from "Failed Stars" which have formed in their nebula, but quickly died due to instabilities.

2nd: If I recall, EM fields can produce distortions in gravity. Scalar fails to operate properly in irregular gravity.

3rd: Its the usual fold speed of Star Army produced Hyperspace Fold drives, which the Lorath have access to the plans for. (Either way, with fold drives its a moot point due to all fold drives having the ability to cross known space in a matter of seconds)

4th: https://stararmy.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=18430#18430

5th: This is due to plot continuity reasons.

6th: Maybe, but there is also the possibility of adjusting the structure of the EM field, a different shaped bubble if you will, which would allow energy moving outward to pass through the shields easier than energy attempting to move in.
To stop Scalar effects you need an anti-gravity effect. More importantly - EM fields don't effect gravity. Electro-magnetic fields do not distort space time.

For the drive - if you could incorporate that (in a somewhat reduced form) in to the design that would be great.

6: I personally don't see how that would work.
Zakalwe said:
To stop Scalar effects you need an anti-gravity effect. More importantly - EM fields don't effect gravity. Electro-magnetic fields do not distort space time.

For the drive - if you could incorporate that (in a somewhat reduced form) in to the design that would be great.

6: I personally don't see how that would work.

Space time... Oh, then the shields would work, since they are tied into the subspace drive system. If that won't work, it looks like I may have to toss a gravitic shield in there some where, I'm simply not sending out a ship to be one shotted by a scalar attack.

Also... I recall you writing up that index for the approved section, just toss the subspace drive thing under the Lorath section, it would be just as easy.

For #6... eeehhh... well, it would involve distorting the electro magnetic field to have a weak field where the beam would exit the shield's bubble, either that, or just channel the beam's energy through the shields like YSE ships do, something like using the shields as a prisim.
Simply because they effect subspace does not mean that they produce gravity. Scalar Electrogravitics have nothing to do with subspace - they are purely a feature of this universe - as such having a shield in subspace is irrelevant. So yes, a gravity shield to be the equivalent of the NDI's Repulsor fields would be required. How your people know enough about Scalar technology to compensate for it I don't know - given that the SA rarely uses it these days.

The Index is irrelevant - in a ships description you should describe in a fair amount of detail how every system of the ship works. It should be useful simply as itself - not having to chase around various links for more information. Note that Wes always explains his CDD and goes in to depth on the materials that make up his ships hulls.

Channelling energy through the shields in order to create a cohesive energy beam or something of that nature is bloody hard, and nigh on impossible to work out how it works. Can you explain how an electro-magnetic field generator (which is somehow limited to only producing a field a few centimetres thick) can produce a high powered electro-magnetic beam? And aim it? If you leave the shield up and weaken it you'll actually 'punch' through the shield and so do damage to your generator - and if you do either that or actually negate the shield in that area (a damn hard thing to do unless you have multiple overlapping shield generators, and even then the 'weak' or nonexistent part of the shield would likely be larger than required) you open up a considerable weak-spot in the ships defences to be preyed upon.

In addition you still haven't stated how strong the shield are in either a quantifiable fashion (Yottawatts, Exowatts) or in the latest Shield rating system. Please do one or that other, preferably the former (in my opinion).

stasis condition activation device (Ship wide freezer)

So your 'stasis' is simply freezing people? You know the success rate for that is extremely low, especially when it's just a temperature derived operation - if nothing else you have to have Cryoprotectant chemicals in the brain at the time to stop it being destroyed by the freezing process. In addition to that Cryonics don't even try to protect the body from the freezing body (mostly) - just the brain - and as such it would be a one way thing. Once they were frozen you'd need some place to do major medical treatment on them upon waking up. You have to have Cryoprotectant chemicals in your system or ice crystals will destroy large parts of your body. In addition to this reviving someone who has been frozen (using Cryonics) may seems to need advanced molecule science and possibly nano-technology - taking in to account the damage done to the body by freezing and oxygen loss. In fact the term 'freezer' is right out because you actually are trying to avoid the body freezing - that is fatal.

Actually this also applies to your Warrior Storage - there is no possibility of them being restored in thirty seconds. Try something more like thirty hours of high level medical treatment. Also it's Cryonics not Cryogenics - that's a misnomer.
Oh wow. Those people are serious. Cool. :)

Aubrey de Grey is among Alcor's scientific advisors, not surprisingly.

Ah. Mr. Grey. Visionary to some, crackpot to others.

This is a cause for concern though.

Don't see it? How about now?

That was meant to be funny, by the way. :)
To the entire first point in regards to shields: Qel'noran ships do it, YSE ships do it, thus the Lorath, through their research of Qel'noran designs and YSE information, shall also do it.

As for cryonics... I'll toss in something extra just to dispell the entire point made.
Incorrect. They don't use Electromagnetic shields. They use distortion shields - completely different kettle of fish.
Zakalwe said:
Incorrect. They don't use Electromagnetic shields. They use distortion shields - completely different kettle of fish.

Re-read the shield discription, we're talking about the same kettle.
Zakalwe said:

are EM field based

That seems to be the important bit. Your section on subspace simply means that it grants protection from attacks in subspace.

But look at the rest of the discription, stating energy beam deflection. I will restate the issue of it being "based on EM" but it does also have a subspace distortion effect.
Simply stating it can means little unless you explain how it manages it. An EM field should not be able to do that - more explanation is needed.
Zakalwe said:
Simply stating it can means little unless you explain how it manages it. An EM field should not be able to do that - more explanation is needed.

Get back to you when I get a PHD in physics.
Firstly I feel really uncomfortable with the speed you've absorbed White Beam technology. Even with the blueprints of QIS granted to you it should have take quite a bit of time to master the science - and yet you have barely received them and you are already making WB turrets - something I'm not sure even QIS had.

Secondly - 1 GT is not enough to be anti-planet - sorry.

If you're going to have a Positron weapon at least describe how it burrows through shields or however it does what it does - as it is Positrons are very limited as a projectile due to the fact they repel each other. The Mishhu burrow with theirs, SA makes shells with theirs - but you don't detail what your weapon actually does.
Wes said rather specifically in another of Tomoe's submissions that he wasn't going to buy the Lorath having positron based weaponry: the SA only recently even managed to make the positron railguns, so, it'd be unfeasable for the Lorath to acquire the same.
Zakalwe said:
Firstly I feel really uncomfortable with the speed you've absorbed White Beam technology. Even with the blueprints of QIS granted to you it should have take quite a bit of time to master the science - and yet you have barely received them and you are already making WB turrets - something I'm not sure even QIS had.

Secondly - 1 GT is not enough to be anti-planet - sorry.

If you're going to have a Positron weapon at least describe how it burrows through shields or however it does what it does - as it is Positrons are very limited as a projectile due to the fact they repel each other. The Mishhu burrow with theirs, SA makes shells with theirs - but you don't detail what your weapon actually does.

When the warhead is moving at superluminal velocities and is constructed from neutronium? It would burrow into the planet's crust, and more than likely make that planet unlivable, and most likely unstable from what I can figure.

As for the positron weapon, the methods of delivering the positrons are borrowed from Misshu technology and Yamatai technology, thus those methods are used... I'll insert a blurb in a few minutes.

As for the QIS weapons issue... please note the time of which the ship is to be put into service, and a turret would be possible by simply attaching the beam emitter to a rotating pod.
Kotori said:
Wes said rather specifically in another of Tomoe's submissions that he wasn't going to buy the Lorath having positron based weaponry: the SA only recently even managed to make the positron railguns, so, it'd be unfeasable for the Lorath to acquire the same.

I've asked Wes about it, he said that the Lorath can indeed field positron weapons if they are made by Yamatai equipment. To be exact, he said the Lorath could field weapons like the one that was previously proposed.