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OOC [LSDF Akahar] OOC Thread

A-pup-up, wait for me.

The party don't start until Luca weaves his magicke.
I believe Shotjon, SSharp and Demibear have expressed interest in this plot. I believe they're in the process of writing biographies for characters.
I can't think of a reason not to. I'd do it myself, but I'm writing this from a phone.
Yay! Now to go dropkick those who haven't submitted characters, myself included *boot to the head*
I'll have my "Prologue" post for Merril up tonight or tomorrow. Running around doing things irl right now.
To those ready to play:

What happens now? It's time to introduce yourself. Not to Keib or to Braincase, but to Greg.

Generally, Greg speaks entirely in mumbles for comedic purposes (And only Keib can figure him out), and it has been known to wander around the ship wearing a labcoat, singlet and undies like it's nobody's business, and it is helpful towards all crew on ship, but ultimately loyal to Keib. Greg is everybody's friend.

Your characters could have come aboard the ship a couple of weeks ago, or maybe you've been there for longer, perhaps a year or two. The arrangements are fairly flexible, so you can write nifty introduction posts for your characters. Perhaps you know people on ship, or perhaps you know eachother after fraternising. It's up to you really.

Here's a wiki article for the ship we're using: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=lo ... ptor-class . You have a lot to play with, so have some fun and express your character in this introductory post.
We are waiting on one more, a mister Demibear, so for the moment feel free to wander the ship... well within reason... Braincase's office is not a realm one wants to enter... unless your Greg.
That is the honorable Demibear, not mister
As you can see, we're just fleshing things out somewhat with some other background. Think of it as laying pipes for a future adventure after our current one runs it course.

Don't worry, we will continue with the main plot as usual. It is our priority to deliver a story and to follow through with it. We're just fleshing it out as we explore each other's character's pasts.

In the current Prologue (From Dark) the IC date is: 28/10/YE35.

The dates for the Pre-Prologues will be at the top of the page. I will be keeping an eye on the date IC'ly for bookkeeping purposes.

With that in mind, I'm going to lie down again.
Prologue (From Dark) the IC date is: 28/10/YE35.
I am uncomfortable with you starting over a year in the future.
Oh, my mistake. I meant YE34.

Just a typo. That's all.
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