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OOC [LSDF Akahar] OOC Thread

Huge post to introduce Osaka's character, Aiesu Kalopsia, but let me summarise it:

New Arrival!
Interesting Things! Lazarus is Involved!
Her name is Aiesu!
You guys have a meeting to attend up in the Pilot Ready Room!
More summary:

Aiesu is mean to Greg!
Aiesu pukes on Greg's labcoat during revival!
Keib is intriegued by her strangeness!
Aiesu is a bitch to Four! (its super effective!)
Four wants to be left alone!
Bitch threatens to maim her!
Keib plays dolly with Aiesu's body!
Keib loses his cool!
Greg is shocked!
Bitch is now fascinated by Keib!
Bitch is one sick puppy!
Bitch ...er... Aiesu behaves!
Keib flashbacks!
Keib takes his happy pills!
All is right with the Raptor!
Waylan16, Demibear, get posting as soon as you can. Because the briefing is about to start and we don't want either of you missing out!
Hey I'm not gonna be able to post for the next few days. I have a reenactment I'm participating in from Friday to probably late Sunday. I hope it doesn't interfere with the prologue. The GMs can controll my character till I get back if it's needed.
Just been wiki-walking and found a character I've only actually used for some roleplay with Doc testing some gear and annoying the hell out of some Yamatians during a conference forever ago.

Mind if I use her, Luca?

Might I suggest you recommend how I introduce her if I can? :3
Sorry. I'm erring against multiple characters. One or the other, but not both.

In programmer terms:
var cha_aiesu = new Character();
var cha_blackwolf = new Character();
var play = new boolean;

if (cha_aiesu ^^ cha_blackwolf){
  play = true;
}else if (cha_aiesu && cha_blackwolf{
  play = false;
  //still nothin'.
  play = false;
I plan on replying, but I won't get around to it until tomorrow. People over here are stupid and rescheduling things on me even after times were agreed upon.

EDIT: Remember what I said about people being stupid and rescheduling things? As the great prophet Hella Jeff once proclaimed, "IT KEEPS HAPPENING"

I'll get my lazy ass to posting.
No worries.

I'm in the double up job stretch so I'm getting an hour of productive time a day... (I know I'm there otherwise but I'm either at work or to damn tired to RP XD) Luckily I'm off sunday.
Er. . . should Osaka and I recompile our posts into one big JP or something and repost it that way? I feel like we're taking up too much of the thread now
Those who haven't posted tomorrow will be the last GM post before launch and social hour will be over.
Someone set the scene on the new chapter. Luca, Arieg. Either of you.

Without a set, the actors don't know what they're doing, which is why there've been no posts past the establishing post.


1) The outfit was tailored for Four, not for Aiesu. Remember our first encounter and the PMs we had?

2) The incision was made in her arm, not her leg.
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