Star Army

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RP: YSS Heartbreaker [M4A2] Shadow and the Dancer


Paradox Addict
Inactive Member
YSS Heartbreaker, Power Armor Bay

Skade hummed along to 'SUPER MEGA DEATH EAGLE F*** YEAH!!!' as she worked on her armor, its various armor plate stacked to the side as she looked at the frame's condition. Didn't really get to use it last mission, she thought, moving a few cables and hovering off the floor to get a better look at the shoulder joint, but you never know. Could have gotten Vekimen spit on it or something.

Takeshi looked for Skade in her cabin first this time. When he saw she wasn't there, he decided to check the Power Armor Bay. He could hear her humming from the doorway. The android wasn't sure what she was humming. He couldn't really tell the difference, it all sounded similar to him. If he had a stomach it would be filled with butterflies. He walked up to her slowly and made a noise like someone clearing their throat to get her attention.

"Hmm?" she said, looking over her shoulder before smiling. "Hi, Saba-kun," she continued, mentally turning the song off. "What's up?"

He looked down at her armor, thinking about exactly what to say. After a few seconds he looked up again and spoke. "I think something may be wrong with my programming. I ran a diagnostic, but I can't find anything."

Tilting her head, the Neko floated down to the deck and turned to face the android. "Why do you think something is wrong?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I am starting to have.. irrational thoughts." Takeshi replied. "About you and Edtoto-san, mostly."

At this, her brow furrowed in confusion. "Irrational in what way? she asked, "As far as I remember, most Yamataian androids develop personalities over time."

"I was designed for combat. I'm not sure I was intended to have... feelings, I think you would call them. I think it would be considered jealousy if seeing two people together makes you angry, would it not?"

Skade blinked at that question. "Jealousy?" she asked, closing the distance between them and putting a hand on his arm. "Takeshi, do you think I'm ignoring you or something?"

He looked down at her hand on his arm. "I see the way you smile at Edtoto. You have never smiled at me like that. I want to make you as happy as she does."

She took a few momments to process that, but then laughed a little, before shaking her head. "Saba-kun, I like you, a lot," she said, absent-mindedly rubbing her hand up and down as she looked up at him. "Your innocence is really cute and I like how protective you are, but still let me do stuff. I'm grateful to have you be my friend. I mean," she continued, glancing over his metal chassis, "there's really only a few things that seperate you and Edtoto on the, umm, friendship scale."

It took a minute for him to figure out what Edtoto might be able to do that he couldn't. "You mean sexually? Sexual release does trigger endorphins and the secretion of oxytocin. If that's all it is, I could learn how to please you." Takeshi said casually.

The blue-skinned Neko almost giggled, covering her blush with a cough. "I mean," she said, after regaining her composure, "Yeah, you could and I'm flattered that you would be willing to do that, Saba. I just don't want you to, umm, denigrate you and have you do something that you don't really get anything out of." I mean, she thought as she looked back up at him, essentially becoming a sentient vibrator doesn't really sound enjoyable from the metal side of things.

He was confused by her initial response, but he felt good about making her laugh. Once she finished talking, he shrugged. "The offer is always on the table. Making you feel good is the only reward I need. If not that, then is there something else I can do to make you feel happy?" He asked hopefully.

Is he being serious? she thought, looking up at his unmoving face. Wait, of course he's serious, he Saba. I don't think he has ever said something he didn't mean. "Hmm," she said, floating up and putting her arms around his neck. "What else could you do?" she mused, looking off to the side in thought. "Well, my back does kind of hurt from working on my Mindy. Do you know how to give a massage?"

Being this close to her, he was feeling a little strange. He couldn't remember ever being this close to another person, except maybe when he was trying to kill them. Then there was that time he was carrying Edtoto to the med bay. "I can learn. I don't think this is a good place for that though. Do you want to go to your room?"

"I would," Skade said, looking at his face again, "Unfortunately, I think Sara and Edtoto are still having fun in there. And the floor is fine, had one from her here." She smiled at the memory, before she remembered his jealousy. "So, umm, we can go down to the cargo hold," she continued, pulling up until her mouth next to his 'ears,' before whispering, "Your place."

Takeshi was unsure exactly what to do next. He remembered a scene from something he had seen the crew watching. He picked Skade up and carried her to the Cargo Bay like a husband carrying his wife into a hotel room on their wedding night.

"Doing pretty good for your first date," she said, putting her head on his metal breast plate, her contentment shown by her smile and her tail swinging back and forth. "You downloading how to give a massage?"

He had almost forgotten that he didn't know how to give a massage. "I am now." He replied. While he walked her to the cargo bay, he connected to PANTHEON and learned how to properly massage a Nekovalkyrja. The first step was to prepare the room, but he probably couldn't change the temperature in the room like the guide suggested.

"Good to know," the Neko said, giggling as she pulled on his neck and leaned forward to kiss his cheek. "Cause it would be difficult to give you a tutorial massage."

If he could smile, he would probably be grinning right now. "You are the only crew member that treats me like anything more than a weapon." He said softly.

"Then I have you all to myself," she said, stretching in Saba's arms to put a foot on his shoulder, looking up at him, trying to keep the pang of pity out of her face.

They reached the cargo bay about the same time as his download finished. "I think I will need some oil. Should I go look for some?"

"Hmm," Skade thought, hopping out of his arms. "I thought I had some, but I don't remember seeing it recently." She looked down the cargo bay, walked down to where her extra stuff was, and opened a container. "Hey," she said, pulling out a cream-colored bottle, "I did leave it here."

Takeshi followed her across the room, scanning the area for any sign of her cargo. He stopped when she found the container. "I don't really like being so far away from the rest of the crew here." He said, taking the bottle from her gently. "Maybe I could get a cabin too."

"Hmm," she murmured, as she started undoing her uniform top. "I don't think its technically infeasible. Might have to rewire a few things to keep your charging about the same as it is now. I'd offer mine, but I don't know how Sara would like having a second roommate."

He thought about the cabin assignments while he warmed his hands internally. His eyes focused on her hands. "I know Ingrid-san and Kiko-san have no roommates."

"True," the Neko said, shrugging off the top and revealing a dark navy blue sports bra. "If you want to have the rest of the crew to start treating you like a person, it would probably be best to ask them yourself." Looking at him with a smirk as she undid her belt, she asked, "Do you want me to come with you when you ask or do you feel comfortable doing it by yourself?"

"That is a good idea. I should not expect them to try to get to know me if they never see me outside of missions." He admitted sheepishly. He started to feel a little nervous again. Even with a lack of male parts, he could apppreciate beauty when he saw it. "Your spots are beautiful." He said, admiring the irregular patterns.

Takeshi looked around for something soft for her to lie down on. He spotted a box with the corner of a towel sticking out. "Let me get you a towel. The floor is cold." He suggested. His body floated up off the ground and over to the box. "Any preferred color?"

"Thanks," she said, looking down at herself. She had gotten her face pattern changed during the shore leave to leapord spots, but had kept the polka dots for the rest of her body. Looking back up at the android, she smiled as she thought, Huh, he's reacting to the physical stuff more than I thought he would. How much should I milk this?

With her smile widening, Skade said, "Surprise me," as she undid the red bow that held her ponytail together. The shoulder length hair unfurled from its braid, which she helped along with a shake of her head.

He looked through the box, ending up choosing a red towel. Then he turned around, just in time to see her let her hair down. He felt something like a warmth in his chest cavity, although he knew the temperature hadn't changed. For the first time, he wondered if a biological body had some advantages over a mechanical one.

With the towel in hand, he floated back to her and placed the towel on the floor. "I don't recall seeing your hair down before. It suits you well."

"You think so?" she asked, stepping on the towel as she closed the distance between them and put a hand on his arm and looking up at him. "Usually keep it in the ponytail because its easier to deal with in power armor. You like it?"

He reached his hand up and ran his fingers through her hair like he had seen on a show. "It's a part of you." He said. "Of course I like it."

The Neko leaned into his hand and moved her hand to the other side. "But which one do you like best?" she asked with a smirk.

His mind played back a memory of her with her hair up. "I like it how it is now." He answered, and his hand moved to her cheek and rubbed it gently.

"Then I'll let it down just for you," she said, smiling as she closed her eyes at his touch. "Hmm." Opening her eyes, she teased, "You going to do the rest of my body or just keep to my cheek?"

Takeshi tilted his head to the side slightly. "Do you want me to massage you while you're standing? I thought you would want to lay down."

"Good point," Skade said, as she reluctantly let go of his hand settling down on the towel on her stomach. "Mind if we start with my back?" she asked, looking over her shoulder.

He opened the bottle of oil and squirted some of the oil on his palm, then rubbed his hands together. His hands were about body temperature for a biological person now. "I don't mind. That is recommended, anyway." He explained. That feeling of nervousness came back again. He tried to ignore it, applying some oil and then starting the massage with light strokes at the base of her neck.

"Hmm," she murmured, starting to relax under his touch. "How are you heating your hands?"

"I am transferring most of my heat to my hands. There are internal heaters designed to keep me from freezing in space." Takeshi said. "I don't know if this is good massage conversation though."

"Sure it is," she said, pointing upwards as she continued, "Turn up the heat some more and put some more pressure on. I'm a Neko, not a porcelain doll."

He played a laughing sound he had downloaded. "I'm sorry. The instructions said to start soft." He said. Following her instructions, he turned the heat up and started working on her shoulders, more forcefully now.

"Umm," Skade said, her hand lowering to the deck. "Perfect." After he finished her shoulders and started down her back, she said, "Dig in your elbow just below where you are now. Got a kink there."

Before he complied he turned up the heat in his arm to match his hands. Then he used his elbow on the spot she suggested, digging in to work out the kink. "Right there?" Her only response was a moan and a thumbs up.

After working with his elbow for a minute or so, he added more oil to his hands and went back to massaging her back, before he couldn't resist and went to her sides, the tips of his fingers going under her sports bra and touching her breasts.

The Neko gasped, not expecting his exploration. "I can roll over if you want," she said, giggling as she moved her hands and put them on his to press them against her body, enjoying the warmth.

Takeshi was glad to see her react like that. He hadn't actually expected the massage to lead to anything else, but now he was getting curious about her body. "Only if your back feels better." He said, not wanting to stop too soon and leave her with a sore back.

"It's good," she said, "The kink was the problem." At that, she moved his hand a little before she floated off the floor, flipped over, and pulled off her bra before settling back down, grabbing his hands, and guided them on her chest. "Uhhhung," she moaned, eyes unfocusing slightly as her arms fell to her sides. "Now I know why Edtoto likes the temperature difference."

He would have been smiling right now if he could. The android was quite pleased with himself. He wanted to see how much of a reaction he could get out of her. He started massaging her breasts, not as hard as her back.

Skade continued her moaning, her leg rising off the floor and rubbing against his. "I'd kiss you if you had lips," she said, looking up at him with a satisfied smile.

"I do have lips, they just don't move." He reminded her. His hands started to explore again, moving down toward her thighs, leaning forward as he slowly got lower and lower.

"Then I guess I don't have an excuse," she said, before putting her arms around his neck and pulling him to her. He leaned closer and pressed his lips against hers in his version of a kiss.

He felt something he had never actually felt. It was similar to the joy he got when he killed a Mishu, but different somehow. Apparently he could actually feel pleasure.

The Neko chuckled as she kissed the android's inanimate lips. "We'll have to do some upgrades to you some time," she said, before wrapping her legs and tail around one of his and pulling to bringing him down on her. Grunting from his weight, she smiled and said, "But this is great too," before kissing him again, one hand moving to his heated palm and guiding it downwards.

He was surprised at the sudden drop onto her, but it wasn't an unwelcome surprise. "I would like that." Takeshi said, then his palm moved down between her legs...


"...and maybe put some bulletproof padding on your chest," Skade said, having listed off a number of upgrades she had apparently thought of during their 'session,' ending up with Takeshi spooning her, her tail swishing between his legs. "We can write it off as extra protection for your generator."

Takeshi thought about her suggestions carefully. He had a few ideas of his own, a couple that he wanted to be a surprise for her, so he didn't say anything. "Does that mean you want me to have breasts?" He asked, trying to make a joke.

She snorted and laughed. "No, not at all. I just thought that this," she said, bringing a hand to tap the metal next to her head, "might be a little more, erm, comfortable if you had a few soft spots." She was quiet for a moment, before she sighed. "Do I just sound like I'm complaining?" she asked, turning her head to look at him.

"Not at all. I have been considering requesting a few upgrades. My weaponry is somewhat limited, especially if we encounter a real threat." He answered. "Some things about my construction don't add up. I'm not compatible with Mindy accessories, and I don't even have an Aether reactor."

"That is weird," the Neko agreed, setting her head back on his chest. "You'd think Uesu or whoever made you would have put the best they could on you." She paused, moving her hands to his, where he held her around the waist. "We'll get the permission to give you that compatibility and all the other stuff you need or want."

"I will also try talking to the rest of the crew more, like you suggested. Maybe I can help them out with their projects or participate in their hobbies." He said hopefully. "Is there anything you need to talk about? We have only talked about my concerns."

"Hmm?" she asked, looking at him before she turned in his grip so they could face each other. "Oh, don't worry about that. I'll consider it me paying you back for the good time, Saba-kun," she said, putting her arms around his neck and giving him a kiss.

At first he hadn't actually liked being called Saba, but hearing Skade say it now, it made him feel warm inside. He didn't expect her to kiss him, but he wasn't about to complain. After the kiss, he looked into her eyes. "I'm glad it was the Heartbreaker that found me." He said contentedly.

"Oh?" she asked, smiling as her tail caressing his arms as it waved back and forth. "You like the cargo hold that much?"

"I like you that much, Skade-chan." He said. Noticing her tail's slow movements, he realized he had yet to actually see what she would do if he touched her tail. His hand took hold of her tail gently. "I never checked to see if your tail was sensitive." Takeshi said, stroking her tail gently with one hand.

The Neko grinned at first, but froze for a second when he stroked her tail. She then melted against him, purring as she put her head on his shoulder. "What did I do to get you?" she asked, kissing his neck and rubbing her chest against his.

Her little kisses were giving him that warm feeling again. "I was thinking the same thing." He admitted, moving his free hand to squeeze her butt and then pull her a little closer.

"Well," she said, as she moved her lips up the side of his head, "I guess the only thing to do is show my appreciation." She chuckled, then she moved to his lips, pressing her tongue against his mouth.

Takeshi's whole body felt warm. He enjoyed the feeling of her soft lips pressing against him. He released her tail and reached his hand up to cup the back of her head. Again he wished he had a biological body for things like this.

Skade moaned against him, moving a hand down to the one on her rear and started moving it, before she froze. "Oh, dang it all," she said, groaning and leaning her forehead against his.

The android stopped moving. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No," she said, sighing as she let go of his hand. "My shift starts in ten minutes."

"That is a problem." He said. "Although I suppose work is more important than pleasure."

"I wouldn't say more important," the Neko said, giving him another peck before slowly rising off of him. "More like annoying interludes."

Takeshi stood up slowly. "Unfortunately I think the Taii would disagree." He said as he bent down to pick up the towel. A few feet away he spotted the bottle of oil. "Maybe we will have more leisure time soon."

"Remove the maybe," she said with a wink, before she started putting her clothes on. "Mind doing me a favor?" she asked.

"Anything." He replied, turning to look at her.

"Could you clean up the mess I made in the PA bay?" Skade asked, stepping into her pants. "Really shouldn't have left it in the state I did, but I was a little distracted," she said, giving him a smile.

He played a laugh track. "No problem. Don't want you to be late for your shift." The android answered. "I'll clean up in here as well. Then I will try to make friends, starting with Edtoto."

"Thanks," she said, putting her arms through the sleeves of her uniform before floating towards him and gave him one last kiss. "You're a lifesaver."

Takeshi put his arms around her and pulled her close, leaning into the kiss.

The Neko moaned, putting her arms around his neck and pulling downwards for a moment, before she stopped and chuckled. "I need to get you a mouth," she said, pulling away and tracing his jaw, "I want to know what kissing you is like when you help more."

"I would like to be able to smile too. That way you can see how I feel instead of having to say it." He said. "It might help people think of me as a person too."

"Sure," she said, caressing his cheek. "But if they can't see you as a person anyway, then they've got problems. Cause you already are an amazing person, Saba-kun. And I don't just say that because you gave me a massage."

"You can't see it but I am smiling." He replied. "You had better get going. I don't want you to be late." As he said that he realized he was still holding her. He let his arms fall to his sides.

Skade chuckled as she floated to the floor. "I'll be fine. Got four minutes," she said, turning and fast walking to the door. She paused at the door frame and looked back at him. "See you later?"

Takeshi nodded. "I will come see you after your shift. Unless a mission comes up, then probably sooner." He said, then waved at her.

"It's a date," she said, giving him another smile before walking out of the cargo hold and running to engineering.

He turned and walked over to pick up the bottle of oil, and he stood there for a minute thinking about what had just happened. Somehow he didn't feel like the same android he was before. It was subtle, but he knew his mind was expanding. The question of who had created him weighed heavily in his thoughts.

He brushed the thought aside for now. No point in speculating about something without more information. He finished cleaning up the cargo bay and floated towards the laundry room with the towel in his hands.