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Mantus Infantry Power Armour


Inactive Member
I could really do with help over a price guys ...

NovaCorp No-M-01
Mantus Infantry Power Armour

History and Background:

NovaCorp had never made a power armour, despite a vicious rumour about a system called ‘Scythe' which no-one in NovaCorp has any memory of. Looking for a niche they noticed that there was a lack of Infantry power armours that were actually in use, and because of this suggested that Ephesus might want to design one. He had actually already designed a power armour, but not one that was exactly going to be common, and so did in fact want to. And did. And so came Mantus came in to being.

About the Mantus:

The Mantus is an Infantry Power Armour, designed almost completely for use on a planet or possibly on a space station of some variety. As such it lacks any form of FTL propulsion, has poor STL propulsion and lacks weapon systems that would be of much use outside a planet. It does not have the sort of weaponry that can take on a starship, or the sort of body that can withstand ones weaponry.

However it is very well suited for combat on a planet – it has a very high speed in atmosphere as well as the ability move underwater at high speeds. It has considerable defences and offences, high range, and is both strong, fast and with an AI which is highly capable of close-combat. The armour is significantly larger than other power armours.

Statistical Information:

Government: Not restricted.
Organization: NovaCorp.
Type: Infantry
Class: Mantus No-M-01
Manufacturer: NovaCorp.

Appearance: The Mantus is a large power armour, but is graceful looking – it is all smooth curves rather than hard lines, and sticks fairly true to the human form – although it is 8ft tall and usually a very dark green (colour can vary). There are significant bulges in the forearms.

Length: 1.75 ft.
Width: 3 ft.
Height: 8 ft.


STL: 0.17c using Gravitic Drive.


Running: 110 mph (assisted running with gravity manipulation)
Flying: Mach 5 (using shields in order to make the armour perfect aerodynamic)
Underwater: 105 knots.

Range: Theoretically unlimited due to it being able to move without a pilot. Limitations on the pilot limit it to 32 days (human standard) before food runs out.
Lifespan: Twenty years before significant repairs need to be made.

Weapons Systems:

Xaser Pulse Canon (2): Built in to the forearms of the power armour these powerful weapons fire pulses of electromagnetic energy well in to band of the X-rays. These pulses have very high energy, and their natural penetrating ability grants them very long range and the ability to wreck havoc even through significant armour. These weapons are known to either melt through most metal or cause matter to explode due to the extreme temperature difference. The XPC is particularly damaging to electronic systems and biological constructs (including life forms).

Location: Incorporated in to the fore arms of the armour.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Infantry
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Armour/Assault.
Damage: Heavy – Very Heavy.
Range: 450km in atmosphere.
Rate of Fire: 1 pulse a second.
Payload: Effectively unlimited while the power source still functions.

Alternative Setting: Laser Pulse Canon (2): Given the Grasers formidable penetrative power, which at times can be overly potent and risk damaging civilians, friendlies and cause other collateral damage it was decided relatively late in the project that in addition to the PEP setting the XPC would be designed to also fire a standard (although high power and concentration) laser pulse instead of the graser pulse. At close range this can actually be more effective as more of the energy interacts with the target.

Location: Incorporated in to the fore arms of the armour.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Matterial/Anti-Amour.
Damage: Medium-Heavy.
Range: 10km in atmosphere.
Rate of Fire: 1 pulse a second.
Payload: Effectively unlimited while the power source still functions.

Pulse Energy Projectile Setting: No so much an alternate weapon as an alternate setting, the Xaser Pulse Cannon can quickly be reset to this mode by the instruction of the pilot. It is in effect the Less Than Lethal option of the weapon, or at least the weapon of choice if you don't want to blow something up. It functions by emitting an invisible laser pulse which when it makes contact with the target evaporates part of the surface, which creates a small amount of exploding plasma which then results in a sound and shock wave which stuns the target along side electromagnetic radiation which affects nerve cells to cause great pain. The weapon has two settings: Less than Lethal and Lethal where the power of the laser and thus the plasma explosion is significantly higher, high enough to kill.

Location: Incorporated in to the fore arms of the armour.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Infantry
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Civilian.
Damage: Light (still very capable of being lethal to a lightly armed target though).
Range: 500m in atmosphere.
Rate of Fire: 1 pulse per second.
Payload: Effectively unlimited while the power source still functions.

NovaCorp Micro-Missile Launchers (4): The power armour has four sets of micro-missiles launchers: one on each shoulder and one on each upper arm. When activated the launcher rises up from the arm from its protection under an armoured plated, revealing a row of five micro-missiles. Each of these missiles is launched by a small electro-magnetic rail device before using its own propulsion, and is guided by the suits computer. The micro-missile has a range of 5km and a payload of 0.01g of anti-matter equivalent to a 0.1kt explosion. The micro-missiles are each eight centimetres long by three wide and tall, and each launcher has three rows of five.

Warhead: Micro-Missiles
Purpose: Anti-Armour/ Demolition.
Damage: 0.6 Kt explosion.
Range: 20 km.
Rate of Fire: Individually, or in volleys of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 from each pod.
Payload: 15 Missiles each.

NovaCorp High Kinetic Rifle: Carried by the power armour this large bulky looking rifle functions by firing a spike of tungsten-carbide encompassed in a perfect iron shell at supersonic velocities using a coilgun system of electromagnets. The rifle relies upon its own power source in the form of a fist sized quantum foam generator which provides it with all the energy it requires. The power of the round is exceptional, capable of penetrating considerable armour and with very high kinetic energy transfer causing great damage. It is very capable of being an anti-material rifle as well as used as a sniper rifle, making use of its great range. The weapon has a 0.60 calibre, and needs servicing every other combat situation to compensate for coil decay.

Primary Purpose: Anti-Infantry
Secondary Purpose: Assault/Tactical.
Damage: Heavy.
Range: 10,000 metres.
Rate of Fire: 300 rounds per minute. Capable of both automatic and semi-automatic.
Payload: Uses a large clip with 1000 rounds. More can be carried by the power armour.

Field Reinforced Sword (2): Built in to the side of each of the power armours arms is a retractable one foot long blade. This blade is formed from perfect diamond and so is both very damage resistant and extremely sharp, sharp enough to cut through most materials with the strength of the power armour behind it. However in order to deal with other targets the power armour is capable of projecting a force field around the blade which protects it from being damaged by more powerful weapons. This force-field isn't invulnerable though, and when activated relegates the sword to little more than a powerful bludgeoning weapon.

Spikes: In order to make the power armour somewhat more dangerous, there are a number of semi-retractable perfect diamond blades in certain places over the armour. These are actually blades despite being referred to as spikes, and have a cutting edge. There is a spike on the elbow (two inches), knee (two inches) and feet (from the soles of the feet, two 3 inches, one out the front one out of the heel).

Hand to Hand Combat: The Mantus has the capacity to be almost as agile as a Mindy, but unfortunately the pilot is incapable of thinking and reacting at this speed. To make up for this the AI of armour often handles melee, which makes the Mantus a very able combatant with access to an enormous data-base on combat and moves along with learning and predictive programming which helps it ‘suss out' an opponents fighting style. The preferred situation is when the pilot and the AI work in tandem. The Mantus' joints are less flexible than a Mindy, given that it relies on a somewhat sturdier construction, but it is strong – capable of lifting six tons with its arms and of dragging or pushing ten. With clever use of its dampening field and gravity control it can lift more than this, something which it often uses in combat. The Mantus is designed to be a devastating force on the ground, and as such its expertise is in 2D fighting – something which it is supremely good at.

Systems Descriptions:

Armour: The Armour of the power armour consists of a mixture of perfect-diamond and perfect-iron with carbon-ring making up the more damage resistant areas and plating the exterior. The combination of these materials results in a power armour which is very hard to damage, being particularly resistant to kinetic force but also being highly resistant to heat and temperature change. A centimetre of carbon ring is equivalent to one hundred centimetres of Rolled Homogenous Armour, and given the armour plating on the power armour is three centimeters thick. To aid the armour in resisting energy or heat based attacks the armour is covered with a grid of superconducting wires built in to the armour itself. This spreads any energy based attack across the entire surface of the armour, massively reducing its effect. The combination of these means that the power armour is capable of withstanding most kinetic weapons it might encounter, and has good resistance to low-middle level energy weapons.

Interior: The inside of the power armour consists of a great deal of cushioning polymer which moulds to fit the pilots body. This serves the purpose to massively reduce the effect that kinetic impact has on the pilot. The polymer encompasses the entire body including the face, oxygen being supplied by a tube in to the mouth.

Life Support: The pilot of the power armour is sustained by a system of tubes. The most obvious way this occurs is that oxygen is supplied through a tube in the mouth. This is actually part of a small bundle of tubes, others supplying nutrient rich water laced with modafinil – a drug which keeps the pilot at full wakefulness for up to 90 hours without requiring any form of rest. The air that the pilot breathes is constantly recycled, and the carbon dioxide split in to oxygen and carbon with great efficiency and when combined with oxygen stored in the armour means that the pilot can breathe quite happily for up to forty-eight hours. If needed the oxygen supply can be replenished from the outside atmosphere by way of a small sliding panel (around three centimetres by three centimetres) on the outside of the armour revealing a patch of flesh like substance which absorbs oxygen through osmosis. Urine is taken away using a catheter if the pilot is naked. Blood flow is encouraged by occasional massaging by the polymer.

Entry: To enter the Mantus the torso opens up and you simply ease yourself in backwards before the torso closes and seals itself, and you're left in darkness for a moment before the interface is activated. To exit it simply happens in reverse.

Shield: The power armour is protected by its own energy shield, a combination between a electro-magnetic field and a forcefield, which is capable of deflecting or negating all manners of physical or energy attacks. While powerful the shield can be temporarily deactivated with multiple attacks of some power, or one powerful attack. It takes around eleven seconds for the shields to return to their full strength. The shields can withstand up to a 1.1 kilotonne explosion, equivalent to 6.35968 terrajoules. The power armour is as such very well protected from most mecha based or conventional ground based power armour. The shield is on as a default, a conformal shield which stays an inch away from the surface from the armour and is invisible until impacted upon. The shield plays an important role in flight where it extends to make the armour perfectly aero-dynamic and thus greatly reducing the amount of energy needed to accelerate.

Dampener Field Generator: In order to combat the menace that is scalar electrogravitaional weaponry the power armour makes use of an anti-gravity field which negates the force of gravity around them and as such protects it completely from scalar electrograviational weapons. An alternative use of the Dampener field is that, because it negates gravity in the surrounding the Mantus can encompass an object in it and therefore lift it because it is, effectively, weightless.

Gravitic Drive: A related component of the armour is its propulsion system – the Gravitic drive. By creating a gravity well in the direction it wishes to move the armour can effectively ‘fall' gracefully and at high speed in that direction. While lacking the brute speed of other drives, it does have high agility as it can stop its momentum in an instant and ‘fall' in any direction after only a moment simply be redirecting the centre of gravity. This allows it to do all forms of highly improbable looking acrobatics in atmosphere.

Volumetric Projector: Although not specialising in stealth, the power armour has multiple volumetric projectors which are capable of projecting a three dimensional images which are nigh on impossible to distinguish on using visual sensors (for example eyes). The image displayed can be almost anything, as directed by the instructions of the pilot as extrapolated by the computer. This can be used as a direct disguise simply showing what would otherwise be seen.

Conformal PSC Device: A standard in almost all power armours, mecha, and starships the Conformal PSC provides complete protection against psionics and telepathy. It can allow certain channels to remain free to allow for telepathic operation even while providing full protection against psionic assault. An additional advantage is that the PSC negates all forms of magic. It can be left on at all times, and is by default constantly active, the field extending only an inch past the shields and as such not does not create a psionic ‘dead zone'.

AI: A new development for power armour is that the Mantus comes with its own Artificial Intelligence. The AI has a rather quiet personality, and not an assertive one – most of the time it simply lets the pilot get on with whatever he or she wishes to do, only coming in when it is needed or to give advice. The AI is not more intelligent than a human, but it does think considerably faster and have complete control over the Power Armours systems when needed.

One of the things the AI does is calculate trajectories and so forth or the target, and then steady and aim the weapon – effectively aiming for the pilot. This is usually not noticeable, but you'd notice the suit tracking the target with the weapon. The result of this is that the power armour very rarely misses a shot. The AI also follows all potential threats with its sensors and alerts the pilot to the significant ones, if necessary taking control of the armour to avoid one given that the AI can react significant faster than a biological pilot.

The AI really comes in to its own when in mêlée however, since it is largely built to be able to make a human pilot comparable to a more advanced creature in a power armour – despite humans not being able to react as fast, having the innate tactical knowledge of fighting experience. It uses its own reactions to move the armour to attack or defend, although whenever possible it leaves the pilot to think that it was truly his decision (often it does this by learning what fighting style its pilot likes to use and emulating it). It is also able of ‘learning' and opponents style of fighting, and with this information form a crude variety of predictive programming where it has a pretty good idea what the opponent is going to do, allowing it to react even faster.

The actually personalities of the AI change somewhat from armour to armour, but tend to show a dry wit when they do speak. They are completely subservient to the pilot and can not over-ride a command from him (or a higher ranking official if programmed in). The AI is capable of operating the armour without an occupant.

Interface: The interface between the pilot and the AI which allows them to control the power armour as they would their own body, and being capable of tell the power armour to do things while never opening their mouth, actually relies on a number of systems.

Firstly there's a system is that of a general pressure sensor in the polymer which works to keep some form of movement interface even if the higher systems are disabled.

The primary interface of the Power Armour is a SQUID, Superconducting Quantum Interface Device, which is capable of detecting the magnetic fields produced by the brains electrical activity and in effect actually read the pilots mind. Using this it is capable of both reading the movement (or motor) centres of the brain, and thus fully replicate what the pilot wants to do in terms of movement, but also read the speech centres of the brain. With this in place all the pilot needs to do is to think an instruction in a particular way (a quickly learnt skill) and the armour will be able to receive it. The SQUID is capable of reading other parts of the mind to generally improve its performance. The Armour improves its efficiency with time as it grows to know the pilots brain better.

In order to make the interface two way – something needed for the data transferral, a very complicated and subtle magnetic field generator is installed in the head-piece of the Mantus, which is delicate and specific enough to encourage electronic activity in the brain and in effect actually relay data in to the mind. This is a rather complicated system – but it does seem to work, with the pilot seeing what it asks the armour to show it, and experiencing other stimuli usually from the perspective of the armour itself and also to ‘talk' to the pilot by way of manipulating the areas of the brain responsible for hearing. Alternatively, if you wish to avoid that for some reason or another you can be given some goggles which can be relayed relevant data, and ear-phones, although this will significantly reduce the effectiveness of the armour.

Of course the armour is also fitted with a NovaCorp bio-neural interface which allows it to perfectly interface with anyone possessing the relevant port. This does simplify the situation somewhat.

Slaves: Another new asset of the Mantus is the ability to ‘Slave' some forms of NovaCorp device, bringing them under the control of the armour. This can be such things as the weapon drones specifically designed for this armour, or (and this is fairly common) an Arachni II drone. The armour can control up to five weapon drones or Arachni drones.


Wide-Band Optical Array: Effectively the eyes of the power armour this sensory system is capable of seeing in to the entirety of the electro-magnetic spectrum, all of which the AI monitors but which it normally only shows the pilot the normal human range (and infrared upon request). The power armour can give a steady view of up to 250x magnification. There is an LED light which can emerge from the side of the head when required, in order to assist in low light conditions. The brightness of the light can be decided by the pilot, but it is capable of going up to a degree which can cause temporary or not so temporary blindness to the naked eye.

Complete Optical Cover: For the use of primarily only the AI, given that the pilot would not be able to cope with the data in put the Complete Optical cover consists of tiny cameras all over the surface of the Mantus and providing complete 360 degree by 360 degree cover of the surroundings in visible, infrared, ultraviolet and microwave wavelengths. This is used by the AI to make sure that no-one and nothing sneaks up on the armour and to help it in mêlée.

Omnidar: This sensor functions much as radar does, but is not limited using only radio signals, but can also use visible light spectrum (the so called ladar), ultraviolet and infrared. This allows it to make very precise readings of gas and meteological features. It has multiple other functions and advantages over radar, although tactically it is less significant. Understandably it is microwave and radio which are most usually use. The pulses are sent pseudo-randomly and last for less than a nano-second, the energy level making it very difficult to distinguish from noise and thus very stealthy.


Distortion sensor: This rather advanced sensor was created in order to defeat certain varieties of cloaking device as well as be a useful sensor. Simply put it is capable of detecting distortions in space such as those formed by a distortion based device, shield or cloak. It is not capable of detecting the more advanced versions, but constant refinement of the technology means it does not linger far behind. This distortion sensor has a range of 300 miles.

Gravitic Distortion sensor: A rather more difficult to use, the Gravitic Distortion sensor is capable of noticing the warping of space time due to mass, and both tell how large the mass is (roughly) and the location. This is rather difficult to use for the Mantus because it is designed for use on a planet – one of the largest gravity wells there is. However within five hundred meters it is capable of noting any object the weight of a man or above – beyond this range it can only distinguish ever increasingly large things. The sensor is capable of detecting several forms of cloaked vessels which can find it hard to disguise their mass perfectly. In space it is more useful and significantly more capable of detecting an object (even dampening systems will create a noticeable disturbance) and the range increases to twenty kilometres for an object with the weight of a man or above.

Audio: The Mantus is capable of picking up a whisper at five hundred metres when at its maximum sensitivity, and a conversation a kilometre away.

Communication: All forms of communication that the Mantus is capable of high versatility and high security, secured using Quantum Encryption technology as well as using extremely complicated ever-changing ciphers which are initiated before every mission. Systems that the Mantus is equipped with are:

Radio: Capable of operating over the full spectrum of radio and microwaves the radio communication is theoretically unlimited, and as far the Mantus is concerned is usually sufficient – given that it normally operates on a planet. However the curvature of the earth can limit the range somewhat.

Laser: For close-range transmissions, it is more difficult for the enemy to intercept, because they have to be in the area of the beam. Text only. Range: 200,000 miles (321,869 km).

Subspace: Allows faster-than-light transmission. The Mantus uses this when it needs to communicate with the other side of the planet or with something outside the planet. While it lacks a camera the AI usually projects an image of the pilot while it recorded before he or she entered.

External Audio: Allowing the pilot of the Mantus to communicate vocally with people around him (or her). It is capable of going up to a deafening 130 decibels – sufficient for you to feel your hair vibrating and to bring on ringing in the ears – possibly causing titanus.

Homing Device: While not normally in use, this beacon can be used to call in rescue and due to it having an independent power source capable of lasting for eight years – can continue broadcasting long after the pilot is dead. If the main power is available, the beacon will transmit constantly. If not, the beacon will put out a short distress message twice every two hours (five minutes between).

(Weapon drones to be supplied in seperate post.)
Care to make slightly more comprehensive criticism Cora?

From what I understand, going in the gamma-ray band expresses that the electro-magnetic radiation pulse projected create radioactive decay (electron-positron collision in this case, I think) on impact. Zakalwe's pretty much saying his grazer tears stuff appart on the subatonic level.
Well said Fred, but that's not what Gamma rays do. They penetrate, Gamma rays go through a target, its armor, the wall behind it, anything in there, and anything behind that.

Not to mention the level of power the gama rays he's using would spell near instant death for any living thing in it's full range. Gamma ray band radiation is never a very good weapon for urban combat simply because it's TOO GOOD at penetration.

Not to mention Perfect, or as another nom de clure, Pure-materials are notoriously brittle. Pure steel is hardly as strong as an alloy, or even normal impure Steel. Same goes for iron and more then likely diamond.

Then there's the Lazer pulse option which smacks of Unbalance. An invisable, soundless attack that can kill lightly armored targets and severly comprimise armored targets?

Not to menton it's shield, or should I say "whim of the writer" field since it's impervious to everything that the user of said shield wants, unless it's over powered by "excesive force" which is complealy contextless. Paired with it's dampening field, this thing is almost utterly invinceable.
This armour isn't exactly designed to care enormously about others in an urban environment Cora. All that matters is that its effective.

And I use Grasers a lot because its a high powered energy weapon that doesn't offend me on some level - I will never intentionally use Aether beams.

Not to mention Perfect, or as another nom de clure, Pure-materials are notoriously brittle. Pure steel is hardly as strong as an alloy, or even normal impure Steel. Same goes for iron and more then likely diamond.

Not so. ... darmor.htm

Look down the page a little.

Then there's the Lazer pulse option which smacks of Unbalance. An invisable, soundless attack that can kill lightly armored targets and severly comprimise armored targets?

Firstly it's Laser, not Lazer. Secondly there is a sound when it hits. And thirdly - it can't severely compromise armoured targets? Where did you get that idea from?

Not to menton it's shield, or should I say "whim of the writer" field since it's impervious to everything that the user of said shield wants, unless it's over powered by "excesive force" which is complealy contextless. Paired with it's dampening field, this thing is almost utterly invinceable.

Did you even bother reading it? It's not 'impervious to everything that the user of the shield wants', because it has a very well defined upper limit to the amount of damage it can take. Context-less? I gave figures than means it makes sense in any context! There are much more powerful shields on power armours out their. The dampening field only functions against Scalar weapons, and is pretty standard on all armours these days. It's not invincible, not even nearly invincible.
I don't need to check that page Zakawle, know why?

Please note that while I am an engineer (BSCE) and do my research, I am not a professional in this field. Do not take anything here as gospel; check the facts I give. And if you find a mistake, please let me know about it.

The writer brings his one writing into question, so as a sourse. It utterly fails. Please try again.
Cora, you're only giving negative criticism here. If you don't see Zakalwe's sources as appropriate, why not find your own and make suggestions over what you think is inappropriate for the submission?

Please. We're supposed to help him make his power armor work, not drag it through the mud.
Chris, please don't be so picky. This isn't a scholarly work Thomas is compiling here, and we're not engineers.
If I only give positive criticism they'll become complacent in the fact the SARP doesn't need actual science and not theoretical nonsense for it's technology. True I'm almost always negative in my criticism, but there really hasn't been any technology released in a while that doesn't either:

A: Massive violates one or more laws of accepted science or physics. (I'd give an example, but just look back at several tech requests and you'll see them.)

B: Ignores the fact there are already current technologies approved in the sarp to deal with the situation (Such as the Arachni II, why is THIS drone needed, when the original is still a serviceable model WITHOUT the Gamma rad device which would indiscrimintly kill countless innocent people when the drone is a peace keeping device). Remember the Occham's Razor was coined and created for a very simple purpose.


C: Something so mindblowingly powerful it shouldn't have been though up in the first place. (I defer to the Genesis Cannon and Onslaught Battleship.)

So really, with Wes trying to make the SARP more ballanced then it is, I should be cheering for something that actively takes a dump right on said balance?
What you said above, I'm not addressing. I'm just saying that Thomas found a source, a fairly good one by the looks of it, and you seem to be saying he has to go back to some textbook to prove how a theory works. No one else does it, so why should Thomas?

Why not just say "It's too powerful or impractical" and leave it at that? That's what you're getting at right?
His sourse isn't a sourse in the first place, it's an engineer who wrote a paper on the possability of building a powered armor suit using science fiction as a base. He suggested the use of "futuristic" materials like Perfect Iron, Perfect diamond and Carbon rings, and that's all he says about them.

Using that as a refrence for the justification of the materials existance is tanamount to saying the Earth is round because a ball is. And me saying it's too powerful and impractical is what I'm saying. BUT, if I just say it like that they'll ignore me and call me a troll.
Firstly there's a Micro Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS), which uses millions of tiny machines which surround the pilot in the polymer, and detecting movement replicated that for the body. This is very much a last resort system, and while it can be used to move the armour relatively well – it is usually only use if there is something very wrong with the AI or more advanced systems. Another system is that of a general pressure sensor in the polymer which works in tandem with the MEMS to create the effect.
Why take the extensive effort to put this in every one of these armors when it already has two other control interfaces? It's one of the most cost-adding parts of the armor in my mind and yet it isn't even useful.
That does raise a question.

Why does this one suit have three different sinq systems as well as an independent AI?
Again on the topic of this Gamma-ray laser, you might want to know that with the powers you are ascribing it, it has a far greater range then 500m, a more likely estimate would be 500km (line of sight);. Penetrating nearly everything and killing all organics as it went along, and generally making things unplesently radioactive.
And me saying it's too powerful and impractical is what I'm saying. BUT, if I just say it like that they'll ignore me and call me a troll.

So you are a troll if you say it is too powerful and impractical. However if you say it is impractical but don't use the word impractical that makes you a what?

As for why there are several interfaces my guess would be redundency. In case the AI or something else goes wrong or is damaged in the armor it can still be utilised like it says in the discription. Cost is also not a factor in this setting.

The 500m gamma ray weapon scribbles is refering to is not a gamma ray weapon. The discription clearly says that it uses 'an invisible laser pulse ' not a gamma ray emmission.

Edit: I would also like to say that contrary to Cora's belief this is not a drone but rather a power armor.

You make a good point. It was simply meant to be a fail safe in case other systems were down, but I shall remove it. It doesn't really add anything to the armour I suppose.


Again on the topic of this Gamma-ray laser, you might want to know that with the powers you are ascribing it, it has a far greater range then 500m, a more likely estimate would be 500km (line of sight);. Penetrating nearly everything and killing all organics as it went along, and generally making things unplesently radioactive.

You see this weapon is largely not designed for urban combat - inside a city other weapons will be used such as its Kinetic device or the alternate function of the weapon. It is designed in other situations. In addition to this there is a failsafe in order to help reduce the amount of casualties:

The weapon is almost always fired at an angle that means that after it hits the taget it will only travel a dozen meters or so before the line of fire either takes it in to the ground or high up in to the air - in either circumstances it is not dangerous to innocents.

Can I also point out you'd have the exact same problem with a scalar weapon, or more particularly - an aether beam. An aether beam with its vastly longer range will also kill anything in its range and so is completely usless for fighting on a planet, in your opinion, or for urban fighting (I'm sort of tackling Cora's points at the same time, forgive me.)

However your points on range are well made and I shall edit it to have a longer range. Thank you.

If you were reffering to the other function: it's laser based (using the visible light spectrum) not using Gamma-rays. Thank you for making that point Zack.


The man has done research, he is a scientist and a considerable one if not in the relevant field and I do not think it is fair to say 'he is not a proffesional there for nothing he says should be regarded as signficant', these matterials make a great deal more sense than most things on the site, and are at least grounded on real concepts. If you read through that JOHT and his other ones you'll see that the man has a very good head on his shoulders and isn't just making crap up.

His sourse isn't a sourse in the first place, it's an engineer who wrote a paper on the possability of building a powered armor suit using science fiction as a base. He suggested the use of "futuristic" materials like Perfect Iron, Perfect diamond and Carbon rings, and that's all he says about them.

Firstly it is a source. Anything linked is technically a source, and as explained above this is more of a source than most. In addition to this he does not use science fiction as a base, in fact the only thing in it which even relates to sci-fi is when he says that power swords and jet packs are inpractical! In fact the entire article is about designing a powered armour using real science and with no basis what-so-ever on sci-fi.

In addition to this he does describe Perfect Iron, Perfect Diamond and Ring Carbon (as he calls it, I call it Carbon Ring), not in enormous detail it is true but in enough to give you a rough idea what they are and how they would work. As he says some of them have been synthasised in a lab - so not really futuristic, more matterials that will only be avaialable in the future - and what's wrong with using those in a setting set far far far further in to the future than what he suggests!?

So really, with Wes trying to make the SARP more ballanced then it is, I should be cheering for something that actively takes a dump right on said balance?

Cora, this is not one of the uber-powerful power armours. It's tough, this is true - but not so tough that it can out-class a Mindy or even a Kylie. This does not upset any ballance what so ever, and most certainly doesn't excrete on it as you seem to believe it does.

Also your A, B and C? None of them apply here. Don't talk about tech in general in this thread - just the specific technology at hand.
Cora said:
I don't need to check that page Zakawle, know why?

Please note that while I am an engineer (BSCE) and do my research, I am not a professional in this field. Do not take anything here as gospel; check the facts I give. And if you find a mistake, please let me know about it.

The writer brings his one writing into question, so as a sourse. It utterly fails. Please try again.
Are you a professional in the field? Do you even have an engineering degree of any kind? If not, then as a source, you utterly fail. Please try again. Really, instead of writing him off because he admits that he's not perfect, how about doing what he says and let him know of any mistakes.

His sourse isn't a sourse in the first place, it's an engineer who wrote a paper on the possability of building a powered armor suit using science fiction as a base. He suggested the use of "futuristic" materials like Perfect Iron, Perfect diamond and Carbon rings, and that's all he says about them.

Using that as a refrence for the justification of the materials existance is tanamount to saying the Earth is round because a ball is. And me saying it's too powerful and impractical is what I'm saying. BUT, if I just say it like that they'll ignore me and call me a troll.
This has perfect diamond, and has been approved. This has perfect iron, has been approved, and have already been deployed around Taiie. There, materials' existence justified.
Thomas, please define where the Grasers would be used. We kind of understand it can't be used in tight spaces, but it'd be easier if you just said where they are to be used.
Ideally the GPC's are made for the more wide and open spaces of a battle field, be this a proper feild or any of the exstensive wide open places which cover the vast majority of the land on most planets. In this situation it can be used highly efficiently due to its high range and penetrating abiltiy, which if use well can mean that it can take down multiple opponents in a single blast.

However as I state before you can limit this 'over penetration' effect by way of having the AI aim so that after hitting the target it will almost immediatly go in to the ground, and thus be rendered relatively harmless (although there will be an explosion of soil). This is relatively simple given the location of the weapon and the height of the armour - and means it can be used effectively in the complex situation of infantry battle, and in other situations where it might not otherwise seem possible to be used.

It is also well suited for aerial combat, given the ranges involved and the likelihood that attacks won't kill innocents. Combined with the AI's aiming this makes the GPC a very effective aerial weapon.

One place the GPC is not suitable is buildings above the ground floor. The weapon tends to blow up or do significant damage to walls, or kill people on the other side, and might actually brign the buidling down on you. You can't aim at the ceiling because that might bring half the next floor down on you, and you can't aim at the floor because that might collaspe the floor from beneath you. Ground floors with basements suffer a simmilar problem. It should however be noted that Aether weapons in particular share this problem, worse even since it's far more likely to demolish the building. Scalar weapons have the same terrible risk to human life, only more so. The suit can use its other weapons of course.

Ships share the same problem but more so, given that you are likely to hit a ships system or something like that, but again this is a problem shared by many of the more powerful weapons, and this power armour is not designed for ship usage.

In a City, and by this I'm thinking the streets and ground floors, the GPC is actually quite an effective weapon. The armour is more likely to use one of its other weapons, but using the ground shooting technique can render civilian deaths very low and unlikely (unless there's an unfortunate bunker).

In a forest one might expect that the GPC would be a disaster igniting thousands of trees, however the aiming of the AI means that one can usually find a way of hitting a target without the pulse actually going through any trees. If not then the armour will use its alternate setting or other weapons.

Thank you for your question.
Aren't the arms of this power armors a bit... well... overloaded?

I mean, each arm has a graser pulse cannon (pretty much the strongest weapon the Mantus has), those big field reinforced retractable swords and two sets of micro-missile launchers over the upper arms and shoulders -- and that's not discounting its armor, mobility, support frame, the actual space for the pilot, the PSC spread throughout the suit, the sensors, etc etc...

I know you make the mention of 'significant bulges' in the forearms... but my resulting mental picture of the Mantus is more like a hunched orangutan than a statuesque, powerful armored humanoid. Mind you, I'm not saying it can't have all that... but couldn't it me a little more spread out? Maybe the grasers, as powerful as they are, could be on swiveling fire-over-the-shoulder-but-fold-in-the-back-when-not-in-use turrets? I'd make the kinetic rifle a little more useful for being able to have better firing arcs. The swords could stay where they are, and perhaps you could move some of the micro-missiles to other locations like the legs or something.

( Note: If I start being picky, it means I actually read over the entry instead if skimming over it and find it interesting. Don't take the above criticism badly ^_^; Go Thomas! Beat Derran's Golems! XD)