Okay, I'm going to drop a bus on what is looking like a circuitous argument. You know, since I'm blunt, arrogant, and
Wes, you can stop wasting your time and ours by making an official pronouncement that the scale for the Starmap won't change because you don't want it to. It doesn't matter if you bring up a reason like "just because" (and that's what you're bringing to the table from my perspective).
However, note that you're the only one so far whom seems attached to this. The only one whom appears to see advantages (seen as inconsistent/ephemereal) by others, whereas they've listed what they saw as many advantage to making a switch in that direction.
No. The primary reason is still that because the distances between the systems are a permanent, deeply established canon of the SARPiverse. I've already said this in my previous posts. It's the same reason the cluster map system could never be successful as it was originally proposed. It's critical that the universe has consistency with its past.
Emphasis mine. If this is what you're getting hung up on, I think it is hypocritical. SARP has had worse offense in its history. Want one? At the time I joined, we were fighting the First Mishhuvurthyar War. The Star Army, operating on rather lean fleets, were fending off the Mishhu and taking losses. Huge losses. It showed in the roleplay of every plotship involved that it was grim and taxing. And then you decided to end the war, by bringing out from apparently nowhere
two million bloody warships that you claimed had always been there, held in reserve for some unfathomable reason, while Yamatai lost warships, crewmembers, territory, whole inhabited starsystems to a Mishhu zerg Yamatai had
always been able to stop with those millions of ships. It made our effort to roleplay hardships irrelevantly laughable because it had never been necessary.
So, consistency my eye. If we survived that, we can survive a starmap rescaling. ~_~
People asking here to retcon is done on the basis that they feel the current scale is something that comes from that initial scale being a poor foundation. They're trying to address
damage - like redressing a tree that wasn't growing straight. That's why your arguments appear to pale in thier eyes. To them, once that's addressed, maybe the still-uber-high-speeds of starships (arguably another form of lingering damage that comes from your past need to one-up anything that came from Ayenee) will feel more contextually correct. Maybe space will feel appropriately bigger from your audience as well. That's probably what they hope, the bone they're hoping to get from all of this.
But, all that I've just written - all that they've written - it doesn't matter. Not if you've already made up your mind.