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Approved Submission Martial Arts


Well-Known Member
Submission Type: Martial Arts on SARP guide, links and base namespace
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=martial_arts

Faction: Yamatai-focused, other factions briefly covered, will add more if other factions wish to contribute
FM Approved Yet? Doshii Jun consulted but not formally approved
Faction requires art? No

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Yes
Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? No

Notes: This all sprang out of my desire to create a custom martial art, as I started doing research on other martial arts and could not find much information on the wiki. I realized I would need to get some experts to weigh in and provide info. Once I had all that information in one thread, I decided I might as well make a wiki article with it so others could find it easily in the future. I did my best to clear the Samurai martial arts descriptions and classifications with @Doshii Jun and @Fred while @Wes also weighed in. I tried to contact some SAINT players to okay the name and description I gave to the 'secret agent' type of style I assigned them, based on how I've seen SAINT Operatives RPed and some stories from the thread, but I didn't get much response.

I was hoping to make this a new default namespace (like :music is) at ':martial arts' but it said not to create new namespaces without approval, so I put it in wip first. I was hoping you could move it to just ':martial arts' for me, as I was planning to have some new martial arts that are being created now use that as the base namespace (like the one I'm submitting alongside this). Some of those unapproved martial arts are described and linked here, but those can be removed if they wind up not being approved.
Last edited by a moderator:
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Please use organized header levels instead of unordered lists (bullets).
Well that was an absolute nightmare to change, as it completely broke all of the formatting, and I had to go back in and add all the links to named styles all over again since links and anything else useful don't work in the headers you requested.

But that's done now.
Okay. We still need to put little blubs of text in the empty header sections. I left FIXME tags in the empty sections to make it clear where I mean.
No. I'm not going to do that.

If you want to reject this and throw out a week or two of writing, research and community outreach, because I'm not following a style guide someone pulled out of nowhere and inserting completely pointless filler text just to meet an imaginary quota and look 'more professional' or something, then I guess you can reject it, along with the other articles related to it.
I'll fix it tonight before bed. Submission on hold.
Reactions: raz
If you end up not having the time, Doshii, I don't mind working some wiki magic to get it to conform if that's okay with Reynolds. I freaking love making crazy wiki pages.
I am with K enjoying an empty house and sleeping W. I still should be able to get to it in a couple hours. I'm imagining the modifications are quick.
The updates look good.
For the Lorath, if you actually click on the link and read what's there, there is a lot beyond "Lorath hand-to-hand combat." Which further makes "Lor's history of martial arts development is assumed to be long and rich, but little is known about it at this time" super inaccurate. Maybe @DocTomoe or another Lorath person could stop by and throw out a quick paragraph.
I'll keep it simple here... add this on:

"But little is known about it at this time, at least to those outside of the Lorath Matriarchy. For those outside of the Matriarchy who have witnessed Lorath martial arts methodology, accounts differ greatly. Differences can be attributed to the fact that there is no uniform style adopted by the whole of Lorath society, but instead has been shaped by the culture and biology of the various subgroups within the Matriarchy."
FM approved for Yamatai
I hope I'm not holding things up, but I'll make some time to look over it in detail tomorrow and let you know what I think Doshii.
Homework. I'm wrapping it up now tbh. Give me another 20-30 minutes and I'll give it a close look over.
Some of the other factions can be further expanded upon and given more flavor, but that's not a requirement, and should be left up to their players or FMs/GMs to do. Other than taking note of that, this article is APPROVED
I removed the WIP warning from the page, but it is still in the WIP namespace. I was hoping to have it moved to its own base namespace to link other martial arts off of. Unless it should be somewhere else.
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