Star Army

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MB Multi-Purpose Rifle [Manufacturer Needed.]


Inactive Member
Producer Information
Designer: Michael Brazille
Manufacturer: Michael Brazille
Price: Michael Is not sure yet he is still looking for someone to produce his weapons the original was made by himself.
Individual Component Costs:
Name of Weapon Part: Stock Cost: 40
Name of Weapon Part: Barrel Cost: 90
Name of Weapon Part: Bolt Cost: 50
Name of Weapon Part: Scope Cost: 20
Name of Weapon Part: Clip Individual Cost: 10

Nomenclature Information
Name: MB Multi-Purpose Rifle
Type: Solid Projectile
Role: Sniping, Anti-Infantry
Length: 4 ½ ft.
Weight: 28 ½ lbs.

Discharge Information
Projection/ammo type: Solid Projectile
Firing Mechanism: When the weapon is cocked a round is brought up and chambered by the spring in the weapon's magazine. A firing pin on a hammer then moves forward upon release of the trigger to detonate the charge in the round's casing. As the pressure from the explosion forces the round out the front of the weapon. Some of the gas is diverted from the barrel backwards to recock the weapon and chamber another round. This weapon has 2 bolts as well as 2 barrels. The second larger barrel. You slide the bolt back locking it into place. Then you place the round into the barrel and slide the bolt back into place making the 50 cal. weapon single shot. The 50 cal. barrel uses a flash suppressor.
Caliber: 30.02 Cal. , 50 cal.
Effective Range: 600, 2000 yards
Maximum Range: 700, 2 miles.
Minimum Range: o
Muzzle Velocity: Chemical Propellant Speed : 2000 feet per second 50 cal. , 1000 feet per second. 30.02 cal.
Muzzle Blast: The weapon lets off a considerably large flash when being fired. This flash is increased if you are firing the larger sniper caliber rounds out of the second barrel.
Firing Mode‘s: Single Shot, Semi-Auto ,Full Auto , 3 round bursts
Recoil: When firing the smaller rounds used for the full automatic part of the weapon the recoil is less than would be expected and reduced by the padded stock making it seem like you have just fired a 22 rifle. The second larger 50 caliber bruises your shoulder every time you fire it depending on what race you are. (I'm going to use weapons in this time 2007 to make accurate comparisons of my weapon take note that this is my first and I need as much help as I can getting this up off the ground.)This weapon uses a gas piston to help with the recoil and can also be outfited with a tri-pod/bi-pod.

Ammo Description:Name: 30.02 cal 150 GR. HP Steel Case Hollow point Non-Corrosive Cartridges.

Visual Description: IE: The ammunition is stored in a square stainless steel magazine. Ammo: The magazine stores twenty 30.02 cal. hollow point rounds.
Damage Description: When the lead hit's the target it spreads out making a bigger impact area. (bloody mess, gore, etc.)

Name: 50 cal.
Visual Description: IE: The second bolt of the weapon is single shot. You have to put the cartridge into the bolt, pull the bolt back and snap the cartridge into place.
Ammo: 1
Damage Description: Have you ever noticed how much damage your shoe can do to an egg? Think bigger.

Weapon Mechanisms:
Safety: Switch. Right above the trigger
Fire mode selector: Lever with 4 notches on it. Single, Semi, Auto, Burst. This is positioned above the trigger and back twards the stock 3 in.
Weapon Sight: (Y/N) The Mb Multi-Purpose Rifle uses a infrared scope that is able to magnify to up to 2 miles but can be set at diffrent distances using a dial on the top of it.
Attachment Hard points: (Y/N) Description [help]
Really cool built in thingy: The bottom of the barrel comes to an edge (blade) that is 4/9ths the size of the weapon itself.

Maintenance Information:
Field Maintenance Procedure: Take it apart, Oil it, Clean the barrel's with a cleaning kit that comes with the weapon, and then put it all back together.
Replaceable Parts and components:

Visual Description:
The stock of the weapon is made out of aluminum. But the barrels/firing mech. inside parts are made out of stainless steel. ... eRifle.jpg new drawing ... rifle2.jpg

This weapon was the first weapon designed by a man named Michael Brazille who is currently in the Elysian Navy.

Note: looking for manufacturer.
For some reason it switched my words around.... Thats not what I said.. But I do need help Fine tuning this weapon..any help would be...well...helpful? lol
2000 feet per second, give or take 100 is a good average muzzle velocity for a .50 caliber rifle round. Of course, if the character in question is stronger than a human, it's quite possible he could take much higher grain-counts, and ths higher velocity. Hope that helps, in any case.
Dude, this thing is heavier than a modern heavy machine gun, and you're making it for an Elysian Plebian, a group that is known for being rather weak and malnourished? There are much smaller, more practical weapons available for use with the same or better effects in this setting.

Also, where would he get the parts to make it? Plebians are pretty poor.

Finally, you might want to actually get the character approved before you start pumping out guns in his name.
Most Barrett "Light Fifty" sniper models are 13 kg, which is about what this weighs. A Plebian might not be able to handle it, but for the weapon being introduced, the weight is well within reason.
This weapon seems more along the lines of an assault rifle that's trying to pump up it's usefulness by dumping a sniper rifle assembly into the frame. Maitenance on this thing would be a monsterous bitch, probably beyond what most people would ever want to think about, let alone undertake on a regular basis.
2000 feet per second, give or take 100 is a good average muzzle velocity for a .50 caliber rifle round. Of course, if the character in question is stronger than a human, it's quite possible he could take much higher grain-counts, and ths higher velocity. Hope that helps, in any case.

Updated, Thanks You

Dude, this thing is heavier than a modern heavy machine gun, and you're making it for an Elysian Plebian, a group that is known for being rather weak and malnourished? There are much smaller, more practical weapons available for use with the same or better effects in this setting.

Also, where would he get the parts to make it? Plebians are pretty poor.

Finally, you might want to actually get the character approved before you start pumping out guns in his name.

Who said I was making it for the Plebeians? Perhaps I was making it for the Patricians or another race/star army? and if a Elysian Plebeian is about as strong as a Nepleslian and neplesians are as strong as a normal human than this weapon is pretty accurate. 28 lbs while most sniper rifles weigh more than 40? Its actually a great deal lighter than a sniper rifle so the assault rifle will still be effective on it. In my profile It says I was born into a Plebeian Family that was higher on the food chain than most. He used a great deal of his family's money putting it into this weapon. And my chara has been approved twice once by Wes and then again by Zaka. If you want me to send you the thread URL I would be more than happy to.

This weapon seems more along the lines of an assault rifle that's trying to pump up it's usefulness by dumping a sniper rifle assembly into the frame. Maitenance on this thing would be a monsterous bitch, probably beyond what most people would ever want to think about, let alone undertake on a regular basis.

I suppose it would take a fair deal of maintenance.. But the effects pay off. And it is not like you will be poring sand down the barrel every time you go into a battle. This is a mainly anti-infantry gun with some anti-armor capabilities (50cal.)

Note: I still need help. :) Lol
For the record (I'll get to this tonight): Most sniper rifles do not weigh 40 pounds or more. Most weigh as much as a normal rifle.
You might try modeling it after the XM-8 ( ), which used interchangeably barrels to achieve a similar effect, rather than having both barrels on all the time.[/url]

I dont wish to change the design I think its fine. Plus changing the barrels would take time not to mention you would also have to change the bolt in order to accommodate the larger caliber round. I want something that is multi-purposed and can be used at the same time.

For the record (I'll get to this tonight): Most sniper rifles do not weigh 40 pounds or more. Most weigh as much as a normal rifle.

Actually the Barrett 50 cal. Sniper rifle weighs close if not more than 40 pounds. 50cal. Sniper weapons usually way a little more than normal assault rifles.. (shocks and such) Mine uses many small lightweight shock absorbers and the stock forms to your shoulder (2inch of padding).

PS: oh and here is my character's thread, It shows wes and zaka approving my chara. ... 2&start=20

I really just need help getting the kinks out of the weapon system and finishing the sign up sheet... But all help and critosism is still welcome ;)
As I said above, the Barrett actually weighs what you said -- 30 pounds. And it's an extreme example; most rifles don't weigh more than 10 or 15 pounds, especially specialist sniper weapons that have to be weighted precisely for recoil and transportation. A Designated Marksman Rifle, on the other hand, is a bit more robust.
Anyway... I need more help? I mean what needs to be changed before anyone would even start to consider to approve it? This is my first weapon I have tried to make and I was hopeing I might be able to get it into the "approved additions to SARP" board if you catch my drift?
1. Right now, the biggest hangup is the firing mechanism. I'm at a bit of a loss as to how it works, and your image doesn't have the detail to do it for me.

You've got two barrels, two bolts. That works. But that also means you need to explain how you switch between those bolts. Do you have separate trigger groups? If not, is there a switch to go between them?

And there's only one magazine port, right? Just for the 7.62 mm.

How do you manually cycle the action?

And, most important I think, is this a simple blowback weapon, as you seem to indicate, or is there another recoil mechanism (roller block, gas piston, et cetera).

2. Weight. Now that I examine this closely, it does seem too light -- unless you talk more about the materials used for the stock. Then it's not so bad, if lighter materials were used. Keep in mind, however, that a heavier weapon is at least more comfortable to shoot.

3. Caliber. While I realize your calibers are modern, the Star Army is not. You'll notice there are no "real world" calibers in the SARP except for a version of .22 LR. There's nothing wrong with wanting to use .30- and .50-caliber rounds, but don't just snap up 7.62 Soviet and 12.7 BMG because they're handy. Make new cartridges with roughly the same effect and caliber, and describe them for us, and you'll be fine.

4. Ranges. 7.62 x 39 mm, no matter how you slice it, is not effective at 1,000 yards. Hunters can't milk it for more than 600 yards, and that's after hot-loading it and using a much better rifle than an AK or SKS. The round's practical range is no more than 400 m.

The round can theoretically travel one mile, but take maximum range as the farthest distance a person could make a shot actually happen. One mile is a stretch; probably go for something closer to 800 m.

The ranges on your .50-caliber, however, are fine.

5. Muzzle flash. You should probably stick a flash suppressor or cage on that thar .50-cal, yo.

6. Recoil. Errrrr ... you know, on second thought, meh. This thing's heavy enough, and you've got a pad, so fuck it. It works.

7. Water-cooling system. This is your other big hangup.

You've seen the old Browning machineguns with those fat, ugly water tubes on the end, right? You know how heavy those things are? Very. Know how awkward and painful they are to deal with? Very.

I guess I'm at a loss as to why you're using the water-cooled system at all. The only automatic weapon you have is the 7.62 mm, and if you keep with the similar ballistics and cartridge properties, water cooling isn't necessary. Those guns were rattling off .30-06 at least 400 times per minute, after all.

There's also the issue of, with water cooling, you have to constantly change the water.

If you're worried about the heat from your big .50-cal warming up your lower barrel, I wouldn't sweat it. Just put a little space between the two, and you should be fine.

8. Safety. Well, er ... you could just use an AK-style safety or something. Part of the problem is your picture doesn't have a lot of details, and the design doesn't quite flow. That's not to knock your artistic abilities; it's just you have everything closer together than you need to. Space is good.

9. Fire mode selector. Just use the AK lever, but with two extra notches in it. That's all you need for that. Or any lever, for that matter. Any switch would work too, depending on what you want.

10. Damage description on the .50-cal. Extra points. That made me lolz.

11. The blade. Kind of a cool feature, really -- but your rifle design doesn't make it terribly easy to use ... it's too blocky, I think. But I'm no swordsman, so I dunno.

12. Field maintenance. Eh ... taking apart a futuristic weapon ... eh, yeah, sure. You could say something about having to crack open the stock or whatever, and then unattaching one or the other weapon mechanisms. If it's water-cooled, you'll have more work ahead of you to take it apart.

In short -- good idea, just needs some work. I think it's a fair design, and it's economical in a way. Just need to smooth out the mechanism, design some new cartridges, and then roll that water-cooling system aside. Looks good!
You could make the .30-cal a bit faster, at 1,600 fps.

Where's the switch and fire selector located? Near the trigger? Which side of the weapon? How's it shaped?

Do you need a scope that can see 6,000 ft.?

Do you have a manufacturer yet?
Updated, nope I still dont have a manufacturer but if anyone is interested PM me or post a message here.. Also anything else I need to fix?