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Approved Submission Mecha Calvary MOS


Inactive Member
Demi had given me permission to finish it for him but to me it looks good so im posting it here for review and if it needs more work i will do my best with the feedback.
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i think this MOS was created with the M19 Ryoko in mind as its the first "true" Mech recently made by the star army and if memory serves the Kirie and Keiko are kind of rare as is.
I remember Toshi and I discussing in DMs a while back about the Kirie and Keiko and the main point being that unlike Mindies which have your noodle arms inside them so you can't fold like a pretzel, Keikos are much more centralised around pulling an octopus and squeezing through doorways by using their ball-socket-like joints. Scuttle around like a spider, that kind of thing. It definitely seems like the kind of fluid transitional movement that would require specialist training.

In terms of rarity, Ryokos are fairly staple in Rikugun so they'd be the most common. Kiries are very rare as far as I know, given they were a limited production run, and I've reserved a number of those for SASO but only for the high level teams given their rarity. Keikos are a version of the Kirie designed to be more mass production, but I think they aren't incredibly common due to Yamatai's doctrinal aversion to mecha and reliance on the Mindy.
In terms of maximizing playability, I think that the Kirie and Keiko should fall under the Mecha Pilot banner. Mainly so that Mecha Pilots can get involved in more types of engagements without having to hang back and do nothing because their Ryoko is too big to get inside of something like a building without leveling it. Also so that GMs can more easily regulate the amount of firepower Mecha pilots bring, for missions where a Ryoko may be too much or might unbalance the encounter. The idea mainly is to optimize this so that Mecha pilots don’t get left behind and still have stuff to do
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Yes, the Kirie and Keiko are larger than Mindies...not so large that they can't fit in buildings or boarding operations, but large enough to where their mobility is optimized through unexpected maneuvers. They can contort, crab walk, and scuttle around like Zoidberg from Futurama while dual-wielding guns if desired. That kind of training isn't really found in either Power Armor or Mecha doctrine, but the remaining control/electronics/sensors systems and the prerequisites in training them are the foundation of current Mecha operation.

I guess in summary for Kirie/Keiko...

Control/Electronics/Sensors and pilot training: Mecha
Operations in space or on ground: Hybrid
Boarding or in-building operations: Zoidberg
the other side of this is that everyone gets power armor training as part of basic.
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Approved. Be sure to fill out struct, and remember to update and improve the article as history grows!
I'm lazy and haven't read all the responses. So if my question has been answered. Or I missed something. Blame my laziness. But is there an MOS page? As in, everything being MOS condensed onto one page with links and descriptors?
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