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SYNC Medical technology update request


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RP Date
To: Available members of Star Army Research Administration
From: Chui Aliset of Koun


To whom it may concern,

A few days ago, I was accidentally bitten by a Separa'Shan member of Star Army personnel, due to an accident and triggering of a pain reflex. Her name will not be mentioned for her privacy. This bite was purely accidental and my fault. However, it did highlight a few problems facing my continued service as the YSS Koun's astronavigator and helmsman.

In my career, I have noticed a not insignificant level of judgement due to my body's incapability of cybernetic augmentation, the lack of the Star Army of Yamatai's ability to back up my mind in case something goes wrong, and more, the inability for Yamataian medical technology to meaningfully assist me in the case of injury or illness without near complete destruction of my immune system. I cannot interface with computer technology outside of manual controls, cannot download and disseminate files, and cannot "feel" Yamataian ships as I can Senti vessels. This last is a point of insecurity for me, as despite my talent making up for the lack of ability, I am still only as good as an average SPINE augmented Yamataian pilot. At the cost of over two hundred pounds and an inability to affect G forces to minimize the strain on my body.

Moreover, Venis ethnic Separa'Shan can be highly venomous, with a hematoxin and neurotoxin cocktail that left me incapacitated for several days, and handling an infection for more than a week. This time period left a Plumeria 2e down a helmsman and astronavigator, and the sickbay burdened with my medical treatment that for any other species could have been taken care of with a quick injection of hemosynth and an antivenin. For me it was three days of constant, nightmarish hallucinations, hot flashes, and immobility. Had my ship's medical personnel not remembered that I cannot take saline solution injections, nanite injections, or that many medications do not work as intended on my physiology, I would likely be dead. As such, I would recommend them for awards and citations, were I of sufficient rank to do so. More annoyingly, many of these things simply cannot be done without the complete annihilation of a key component of my immune system, the general virophage living in my blood.

As such, I would like to volunteer for medical testing for the integration of SPINE and other standard Yamataian medical technologies to Senti physiology, and ask for any updates you may have regarding any current projects in this vein.

Kindest regards,

Chui Aliset iš karo laivo Kōun neé Tokyo iš Yamatai y tarybos narys mūšio y Vadasirinidias krovininis Soren iš Shurista.
TO: Chui Aliset iš karo laivo Kōun neé Tokyo iš Yamatai y tarybos narys mūšio y Vadasirinidia-[[ERR-BUFFER-OVERFLOW-C#739]], YSS Koun, First Fleet
CC: Shoi Takeda Sayako, YSS Koun, First Fleet
FROM: Chujo Iemochi Feyani, Director, Star Army Research Administration

Chui Aliset,

Your willingness to volunteer as a test subject is greatly appreciated. In light of this, your Star Army record has been amended to include our Testing Division as one of your assigned memberships. This may make you eligible for Innovation Awards depending on the outcome of research you assist with. Hopefully it will also make you more willing to engage with us into the future.

A Testing Division patch will be shipped to you for use on your uniform until such a time as you earn the right to wear it in perpetuity, you are no longer willing to be involved with SARA, or it is revoked for some reason.

The Chief Science Officer aboard the YSS Koun has not registered an active project with us. Therefore, they are open to project assignment at our discretion as a Science Officer. They are the obvious choice for this endeavour given your proximity and have been sent an official assignment to this research project as a member of our Research Division. If this poses an issue, we can assign another science officer instead.

In addition, one member of the YSS Koun's engineering staff will also be assigned to the project, at the Science Officer's discretion. Engineering personnel on another ship can be assigned to assist virtually if this poses a problem.

Research Division and Development Division patches will be sent to each of them respectively, if they do not already have them on their uniforms.

We've also sent a memo to First Fleet and our colleagues in the Medical Administration regarding the YSS Koun having a Senti aboard. Obviously, your science and medical personnel need to be kept abreast of information related to your species.

As Senti are underrepresented in the Star Army (as are most races other than Nekos), we have no developments to share with you at this time in relation to other projects regarding Senti.

A list of personnel and resources for the three of you to draw upon will be provided below. Luckily, we have several experts in augmentation of species within the Star Army. Taii Iemochi Seinosuke is currently pursuiting a similar project in relation to implementing SPINE for Elysians. They will be included on the list of available consultants.

We expect your initial report within the next month.

Best of luck,
Director Iemochi Feyani

P.S. Snakebite is the best cure for a snakebite, or so they say.

(A list of contacts and available resources is attached, as well as official documentation authorising this project and assigning personnel)

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TO: Chujo Iemochi Feyani, Director, Star Army Research Administration
CC: Shoi Takeda Sayako, CSO, YSS Koun, First Fleet, Chui Kamiko Akino, First Officer, YSS Koun, First Fleet ,[[YSS Koun Medical operations]]
FROM: Chui Aliset Koun, Helmsman, YSS Koun, First Fleet


While I agree that Shoi Sayako is a strong candidate for this research due to proximity, I feel I must clarify that her primary field of study is currently gravimetric sciences, and thus probably better suited to helping me with a completely dissimilar project. However, her guidance has been, and continues to be a valuable guide in my endeavors. In all ways but a lapel pin, she is my superior on most subjects, and her capacity to connect to a computer and instantly learn any subject has been a source of great frustration to me.

To that end, I would like to propose a research project I have been modelling in Koun's navigational computers since I came aboard, spending most of my downtime catching up on the physics to make it work.

It has intrigued and angered me since I was a little girl that FTL jumps are typically straight lines with no deviation. However, in searching through Soren's jump logs, and even those of Koun, that there were sometimes minor deviations from course, especially when passing close to gravitational phenomena. I believe we can harness this. The current logic states that maneuvering in FTL is nearly, if not completely, impossible due in part to the velocities involved. However, Shurista has access to half a million year's worth of data and extant technology. One such find is from a now extinct civilization in what is now CIN space, that bears marked similarities to the Yamataian Continuum Distortion Drive. Along with this piece of technology was found not insignificant documentation, leading us to believe that this was a prototype, barely functional, and generating perhaps 3 C in straightline FTL.

My proposition involves two maneuvers based on modern computer science and timing. However, I will have difficulty executing this maneuver without the SPINE augment. I would find this maneuver too risky to try on my own home vessel until a small craft has successfully documented the execution of the maneuvers. Ideally, this craft would be capable of high FTL speed and range, with sensor and telemetry equipment comperable to a Fuji class vessel's main sensor suite. It would be small and inexpensive if at all possible.

The first maneuver, I have called "Stutterjump." In theory, it is fairly simple, utilizing the similar sized realspace bubble shared by both the Hyperspace Fold drive and the Continuum Distortion Drive, and shielding the ship from detection as it exits the hyperspace fold by already being in a continuum distortion. By this method, the quantum foam shift by which a CDD jump would be detected is shrouded by the collapsing hyperspace fold, leading attackers to believe that an unstealthed vessel has dropped to slower than light speeds and has not jumped to FTL. This may prompt attackers to not attempt FTL tracking methods, and in stead scan empty space, Tactically, this carries little advantage without the capability of performing maneuvers while in FTL.

This is where the second maneuver comes in. As stated earlier, it is widely recorded that many ships have wound up either slightly or severely off course by the interaction with massive objects in the sector, and worse, if a ship actually hits something at FTL velocities. With this knowledge, I believe it's possible to curve the trajectory of a spacecraft in FTL by superimposing the preexisting continuum distortion of a supermassive object such as a black hole off center of the direction of travel, utilizing the spatial density constant to cause our CDD to travel along "curved" space, and causing an effect of faster than light combat maneuvers.

In theory, this allows a combat manever I have been considering since my time on the YSS Tokyo and assisting with the servicing of the Combined Field System and Hyperspace Fold FTL dribes used on the Ginga heavy bomber.

In theory, the Ginga is sent to a target site such as a deep station target, and as standard, would enter via hyperspace fold., preferably within 1/2 light hour of target Stutterjump to CDD and use the shadow of the collapsing hyperspace fold to make a sharp course correction directly to target. All FTL tracking is going to be looking for a new jump. When it detects the jump signature, it will likely be milli light seconds from the target, dropping full payload and immediately jumping out before interdiction measures can be made.

I understand if this project seems insane. And I understand any trepidation in the theory.

Thank you for your time.

Chui Aliset iš karo laivo Kōun neé Tokyo iš Yamatai y tarybos narys mūšio y Vadasirinidias krovininis Soren iš Shurista.
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> Reply chain intact 32kpls

As a Star Army Science Officer, I am knowledgeable and capable in all of the following areas: «744 kpls hidden, touch to show», and thus capable of acting with professional competency outside my primary speciality even if I were an organic. While aboard the Random Alien vessel I witnessed a simple intervention by a Senti medical officer for a medical condition that no non-Senti in Yamatai even knew was a problem, as Senti are not, in general, given to complaint about minor, or even moderate, issues. Additionally, due to my particular speciality, Kōun-Chūi's performance and efficiency as a navigator is increased by a measurable margin when I am in close proximity to her. Therefore I am in a unique position to monitor Kōun-Chūi's status and response. No other Senti has volunteered for such a project and certainly none with such a degree of constant contact with their Chief Science Officer. It would limit both the efficacy, as well as efficiency, of any project relating to Senti biology if it were assigned to any other science officer, organic or not. Please consider this my preemptive acceptance of any such project as may be assigned.

It is of no consequence for me to assist with both endeavors. Not only am I capable of multiple, parallel, dedicated subprocesses to assign to them both, I am not subject to organic frailties such as the need for sleep and sustenance, and may dedicate additional subprocesses to recreational routines. As such, I can sustain continuous operations and thus have an average of a 60% increase in work hours per standard Yamataian day.

I already consider both projects to be within the purview of my standard responsibilities, and conversely not additional duties to be assumed.
TO: Shoi Takeda Sayako, CSO, YSS Koun, First Fleet
CC: Chui Aliset Koun, Helmsman, YSS Koun, First Fleet
FROM: Chujo Iemochi Feyani, Director, Star Army Research Administration


These theories are certainly something. 3c and extant technologies, quite exciting.

However, as was stated, SPINE is likely required for the second proposed project, which makes the first a prerequisite.

For now, the first project is authorised as stated, however you can work informally on the second as long as progress on the first is not affected. Once the first is complete I will formally authorise the second.

I'll see about organising procurement of an Eye-III Class Stealth Corvette for the 'small, fast and sensory' requirements on the second project, however I believe we're still waiting for Logistics to close the deal on the initial shipment so this may take some time.

The CSO is correct insofar as this falls under standard duties for both themselves and whichever engineer/technician is chosen by them to assist. However, whomever your Captain is may require some convincing to give the Helmsman time to work on SARA projects directly. Feel free to drop my name in any discussion related to that.

Other than that, everything you require should already be sent in my original message.

Director Iemochi Feyani
TO: @Chujo Iemochi Feyani, Director, Star Army Research Administration
CC: @Shoi Takeda Sayako, CSO, YSS Koun, First Fleet, @Chui Kamiko Akino, First Officer, YSS Koun, First Fleet ,[[YSS Koun Medical operations]]
FROM: @Chui Aliset Koun, Helmsman, YSS Koun, First Fleet

Alright, first month update on the implimentation of SPINE technology to Senti physiology.

Some basic points to cover before we begin.

  • Tsulrati physiology includes a symbiote that feeds on complex proteins. Lab grown samples have shown that it will consume cleaning nanites, bloodborne femtomachines, microsurgery nanomachines, and even medical scanning nanomachines, often with disproportionate and aggressive colony growth. It's bacterial, and responds to general antibiotic treatment, but is a potent general virophage. For general viral load of the nanomachines in the ship air or in the food, it's fine. However, it means that any nanomachine injection is likely to cause immediate blood sepsis.

    This problem alone would necessitate the removal and destruction of my immune system temporarily. However, reinnoculation of my immune system may be lethal.
  • Yamataian medical scanning technology, and even basic first aid technology relies on technology actively detrimental to my health, with no progress available on software, hardware, or chemical markers to prevent the aggressive immune response.
  • Tsulrati physiology does not handle invasive surgery well, with several common non-nanomachine sterilizing agents such as sodium iodide or other iodine compounds delaminating the cellular binding layers in my skin and musculature.
I'm sure there are methods around these problems. However, most of this is well outside the technological capabilities of Yamatai and the Shuristan Councils. It may be necessary to outsource the project to an allied government with a less specialized medical industry. I'll leave the actual report to be filled in by my scientific superior.

Please report when ready, miss Sayoko.
TO: @Chujo Iemochi Feyani, Director, Star Army Research Administration CC: @Shoi Takeda Sayako, CSO, YSS Koun, First Fleet, @Chui Kamiko Akino, First Officer, YSS Koun, First Fleet , Taii Sacre Ven Sansinnia, CMO, YSS Koun, [[YSS Koun Medical operations]]
FROM: @Chui Aliset Koun, Helmsman, YSS Koun, First Fleet

Taii Sacre Sansinnia has achieved the first successful ST of a Senti person into a body of the same species with no errors notable at this time. Full diagnostic and stability data will be made available within the coming week, alongside methods.

The Star Army of Yamatai is now able to soul transfer Senti personnel. Tonight we drink!
TO: @Chujo Iemochi Feyani, Director, Star Army Research Administration CC: @Shoi Takeda Sayako, CSO, YSS Koun, First Fleet, @Chui Kamiko Akino, First Officer, YSS Koun, First Fleet , @Taii Sacre Ven Sansinnia, CMO, YSS Koun, [[YSS Koun Medical operations]]
FROM: @Chui Aliset Koun, Helmsman, YSS Koun, First Fleet

Subject: Project complete.


Report and assessment of ST technology as used on Senti personnel, plus detailing of version 2 Senti body

Sacre Ven Sanssinia
Aliset Koun


Since the Second Elysian War, ST or Soul Transfer technology has been used to preserve the minds, experience, and lives of Yamatai Star Empire soldiers and civilians. While the technology is still too new to truly understand the cultural and economic impact of transferrence based immortality, several limitations and concerns have been already noted and presented. Please keep in mind that this article is based entirely on the advice and expertise of the team of doctors and engineers responsible for this advance and the writer(s) apologize for the simplification and any minutiae lost in such a simplification and briefing.

In general, ST technology relies on a three step process, with safeguards to prevent "alpha fork" instances wherein two of (effectively) the same person are present in the same area at the same time. Please keep in mind some steps may be skipped or changed based on situation. These are as follows:

  • Copying/digitization
The original mind, emotions, muscle memory, etc. must be copied and converted into a digital model that can be used, compressed, or otherwise manipulated in a digital environment. This can be achieved in several methods, all of which essentially achieve the same end goal of a high resolution scan, including every neural pathway, structure, and chemical marker at the moment of the scan, the theory being that "A high enough resolution image of a structure can be used to recreate that structure," applied to the chemoelectric computing apparatus of a sapient brain. Each method has strengths and weaknesses which will be notated.
  • Helmet method is the most common, using a high energy scan across the brain and main portions of the central nervous system to produce a data shadows image of the mind during the scan. This often severely damages or destroys the brain in the process, even if the mind and neurology can be immediately reinstalled.
  • Passive scan beds use frequent, low energy monitoring scans to produce the same impressions by long exposure, often while the subject is asleep and their brain is in a low energy state, resulting in high fidelity scans, though vulnerable to material interference or shared beds causing bleed through of partners' scans.
  • Implant systems use direct connection to the central nervous system to develop a mirror of the mind in a purely digital environment, or to constantly update an existing model with new information and experiences, though cannot accurately map the individual neurons or brain structures.

Prevention of alpha fork instances is mostly based on operator judgement, availability of "spare" bodies, and confirmation of death before the scans are utilized.

  • Compiling/preparation
Once the scan has accurately modeled the subject brain and current state of memory and sensation comes a preparatory stage. This is most often when things go wrong, and is also the most heavily restricted step by laws, ethics, and morality.

Awareness of injury may be modified or deleted depending on the availability and condition of spare bodies. This is primarily to prevent the occurences of psychosematic pain or dysmorphia caused by the sudden change in health or physical status. Typically this is achieved by replacing portions of the model neurology with baseline neuron groupings that indicate a lack of awareness of relevant injuries on a subconscious level. For example, restoration of the atriphied sections of the motor cortex of a former paraplegic patient when placed into a body with operational limbs. This is especially important when dealing with species transferrence and the difference in capabilities between species.

This is also typically when the new body (if applicable) is prepared for the incoming mind, whether by cloning and fresh preparation, or by modifying the ST file for implementation as an informorphic or datamorphic life form.

  • Implementation/activation
This step takes the ST models and scans that have been completed and imprints them on the final media. Most often this is done in a modified version of the helmet scan method, where the tissue and chemicals of the brain are forced into place by high energy flashes to assemble the media into the proper neural configuration, and to flash the memory into the individual bit segments or neurons as appropriate, often in a single step. Though not every ST or similar technology does this the same way.

When this segment is complete, the patient will usually wake up as though from a coma or deep sleep. Though some times, if there is an unusual structure or modification to the neurology, the brain must be "synchronized" between neurology, stimuli, and memory. This can most often be done via some powerful, familiar stimulus that elicits an instinctive and conscious simultaneous response. The common joke being "true love's kiss", though the presence of a family member, a familiar scent, or some personal artifact may also be used.

Challenges and adaptation

Human derived species, and the technology's originator species share in common the use of a hemispherical brain wherein the brain is a bilaterally symmetrical structure with a single main division between left and right, called hemispheres. Also common among traditional ST compatible species is a layered series of the central nervous system, from life support and sensation at the spine, instinct and food response at the stem, then the "lizard brain", into the "mammal brain" and finally into the "sapient brain" as compounding layers.

Senti do not share this brain plan, as several other species in the Kikyo Sector are known to be so different, most notably Hedoro, and some other unnamed oddities. However, where the Hedoro stores memory in the "core" and most of the mind of the entity is in the combined gelatinous musculoneural cellular matrix of the "slime", allows near infinite neuroplasticity and preservation of knowledge, skill, and instinct even with the loss of up to 98% of the outer tissue assuming no damage to the core.

Senti, however, utilize a trintsphere based brain, where the upper spinal column and stem reach to the forward section of the rear trintspheres. These rear trintspheres are, in essence, a complete and functional hemispherical brain with its own frontal cortex and latent telepathic ability that can operate completely independently of the forward trintsphere, which is devoted almost entirely to higher reason, abstraction, and function. This required dozens of high resolution nondestructive scans. However, this number increased significantly when material interference from the crystalline steel skull common of Senti personnel was accounted for.

The blood symbiote also posed a significant challenge for DNA extraction and sequencing, as Senti feature a bloodborne symbiotic bacterium that grew aggressively and consumed the complex proteins that made up most nanomachines. This usually caused immediate contamination and destruction of any hemosynth used. Genetic experimentation and traditional genetic guidance methods were successful in producing a varient of the symbiote that was capable of identifying and ignoring Star Army protein markers alongside the markers of Senti hormones and protein signals. Please contact Sacre Ven Sansinnia for further information on how this was done in precision. However, skin surface, cheek swab, and other sampling methods proved effective in the collection of requisite DNA and microbial ecosystem selection for the version 2 body.

In this effort, one body and a few components were cloned. The components included a complete central nervous system and various sensory components for the purpose of destructive scans and testing. This allowed a baseline model for later scans and imaging of the patient brain. The body was modified from genetic baseline over the course of several weeks by use of nanosurgical techniques.


The Senti 2.0 body currently in use by Aliset Koun features various improvements in health and base genetics over her original body, notably repairing damages from her pre military and SARA testing division career. It should be noted that Senti genetics is highly optimized, with evolutionary remnants of a caste system in their ethnic groups. Most caste genes are dominant and exclusive, leading to single presentation at or shortly after birth. A more diverse genetic group will be necessary for further development and paleontology.

  • Telepathy
Originally, Aliset was injected with a neurosurgical nanomachine dose directly into the base of the brain to produce telepathic capabilities and format an encryption and translation device. This was done under the mistaken assumption that the brain was an immune privileged site. Unfortunately, Aliset's brain was damaged in this attempt by the immune response, resulting in overpowered and uncontrollable telepathic ability, forcing the use of a damping implant or collar for the safety of herself and those around her.

The 2.0 body was equipped with the telepathic augments before the addition of the symbiote, with modelling scans modified to allow proper implementation of the ST, giving Star Army standard telepathic capabilities to the new body, which includes computer interfacing and data stream translation and encryption. This organ is based on the NDC Geist augment in both form and function.

  • SPINE augment
The SPINE augment allows direct central nervous system interfacing with computer hardware by a series of ports in the upper back alongside an neural transcriber assembly to directly link the nervous system of equipped personnel into the sensors and controls of a vessel. This allows high level control and access, and is heavily regulated.

Traditionally, the augment was performed using a series of nanomachine injections to form the necessary organs based on viral molecular circuitry. This allowed for a test of the improved symbiote by traditional installation.

  • Muscular density
Senti genetics, especially of the Skydasir ethnicity, have a high proportion of fast twitch muscle fibers that allow most Senti to perform great feats of strength, with very little endurance. This allows them to move their mass with casual ease, or even perform impressive physical feats once or twice, especially given the low density fat sleeving that prevents muscles from snagging or knotting.

The new body increases blood flow in the area whilst increasing the number of slow twitch fibers by about 18% on average, shortening gravity acclimation time and improving endurance to near human levels.

  • Skeletal reconstruction
Aliset's original body had several examples of massive crush injury dents that posed a direct effect on her health and mobility. These were corrected.

  • Eye health
Aliset had suffered several severe traumas in her time both before and after her entry into the Star Army, and with the Senti body utilizing mood stabilizers and antidepressants in portions of the adrenal system, this caused a rust buildup on her irises and retinas, which limited her ability to see. No modification to the body was necessary, as the damage had never occured.

  • Oral and digestive health
Years of poor diet had caused portions of Aliset's digestive system to switch towards geophagia, including the enlargement of her upper cuspid group and widening of her molars to produce a jaw more useful for piercing flesh and breaking rocks than for a normal diet. Dietary changes have been made, and the new body does not need the recovery time of the original.

  • Symbiotes and microbe ecosystem
Like most species, Senti use a complex endomicrobial ecosystem to assist in regulating their health, digesting food, and fighting various secondary infections.

A new, genetically modified microbial ecosystem has been innoculated into the body, improving safety of medical personnel in dealing with Aliset, and also improving Aliset's base health, whilst simultaneously making her compatible with Star Army medical technology. This has been noted as a great relief.

  • Cosmetic modifications
Attempts were made to bring the new body as close to Aliset's original form as possible, with fatty deposits in the hips, butt, and bust, alongside a softening of the definition of her musculature. This should lower chances of dysmorphia and dangers of a failed ST by psychological trauma.

Standard markings were also made across the left thigh.

Post procedure notes
Transcribed from dictation, Shuristan and Yamataigo

"My name is Aliset of Koun, who flew for Tokyo of Yamatai and Soren of Shurista. After over a year of stillness and minimal progress, the Senti ST project has made a significant breakthrough. While there are still growing pains, the completion of the first ST transfer of my species will, within a year, allow all currently serving Senti to respawn. Please be aware that I do not expect this to be a default. Culturally speaking, my people prefer to avoid life extension and immortality due to the importance of our burial steel, the material made from our own cremated remains. My species normally believes that our living are the mortal first stage of life in an infinitely massive amalgamate life form called Infinity. She is every intact soul, every memory, and every person who dies and is melted down to join her. We believe this is possible by the belief that our soul is trapped in the body after death, conscious and aware. That it remains in the steel and the dead support our descendants through Infinity's material aspect, the burial steel. That said.

My experience with ST, being the first of my species to undergo this procedure, was not expected to be normal. The sensation of being ripped out of my body was interesting. I felt a shock and a flash of light, I was disconnected from my own memories and sensations, and found myself… Honestly I don't know where I was. It was dark. But not light. Cold, like ice on my skin, but I was warm. Contemplating nothingness is not an easy feat, nor is the realization that I was the self severed from memory. I had wondered about that. It was… I'm not sure how to describe the effect it had on me. It was jarring, physically and mentally, and I find myself waking from recurring nightmares about it, now. I expect these to fade with time. What I do know is that I did not lose conscious through the process. I remember every instant, but do not know how long it took. It was like time was passing infinitely fast and I spent an eternity. I do not believe there is a clinical way to put this, and if there is, I do not know it.

It was Sacre's kiss that woke me. Jarred me, I felt her lips on mine, smelled her, there was instinct and sensation like a fire across me, I was burning in a way I never thought possible, like I had fallen in burning oil or boiling water. But it faded when I felt myself move. I didn't tell her what I had felt. I could tell I had scared her enough.

However, I understand the necessity of temporary immortality in the service of the Star Army. And I was devastated by the first death of a Senti soldier in the service. My husband, Joto Hei Nicol Sanger-Soren. If ST had been available to us then… It would be impossible to state what I would give to hold the only one of my species who saved my life and who never doubted my beauty to him.

I will not be putting Sacre or my daughter, Marigold through that. As of the completion of my involvement in the Senti ST project, I, Aliset Koun, of sound mind, mark my consent to ST and body transfers as necessary, conditional on the life of Sacre Ven Sansinnia. She is opted out of ST. As long as she is alive, I'll consent.

In review of my new body. I am quite impressed! I find myself stronger and faster, with a three point increase in physical fitness standards over the original body. No notable sensory issues, and my balance is better than normal. I believe there were some modifications made to adapt the Senti body to gravity enriched environments. I am not, however, privy to that part of the report. I do note that my senses, all of them, have been heightened to an annoying and sometimes painful degree, even going so far as to wear my psi damping collar to help prevent sensory overload. I believe this is due to the various implants and augments, combined with the lack of chronic pain and sensory damping from the collar.

Over the few days since my ST, I have found acclimation therapy to be helpful. I have also been undergoing physical therapy to regain my balance and accuracy. But the new body is serving me well and I feel amazing. I expect improvement in the coming weeks!

Please forgive the fact that this is my first ST, and I have no idea what I'm expected to say!"

End patient's dictation