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Member Spotlight: SageShooter!

Time and again, @SageShooter proves to this community that he is both supportive of others and responsible for his own actions. Despite not doing all of the standout aspects of the site, such as GMing, creating new lore, or contributing to the wiki with many articles, SageShooter is a vital part of the formula for a great RP- he is a player. To me, inside and outside of my plot, I see many qualities that make him great beyond the scope of what encompasses a player, but when looking at his player attributes, two hallmark qualities stand out to me.

The success of a plot depends on so many factors, but the support of those in it may be one of the crucial and meaningful components. SageShooter is a player that is happy to provide his best to the GM, players, and community in regards to the plots he is in. When I see Sage talk about the plots he participates in, he does so emphatically and with a desire to share the fun and enjoy the fun. If an OOC question is asked, he answers to the best degree possible. I admire the positive and forward-looking attitude SageShooter exercises and I am happy to be able to appreciate it in this post.

Being a responsible player is not always easy. At times, you are on an adventure without a known destination and, yet, the adventure requires the players to push it forward through their in character posts. It's easy to do one of many things that can decelerate that adventure! I have noticed SageShooter avoids that sort of reduction in speed both through consistently posting and through encouraging the plot to thrive through his characters. Whether that's intentional or not remains to be known by me, but I like the mystery! SageShooter is on a variety of plots and I can't speak for his in character actions in all of them, but I notice that in all of them, he is on top of making sure he posts when he can and also that he answers player and GM questions when it's applicable. Making sure he is a part of the progression of the plots he is in through his responsibility is another reason I am happy to diatribe about him!

With all that being said, it's definitely time to recognize SageShooter formally and officially through a member spotlight. I am elated to do so now, appreciative of who he is and how he plays such a key role in the site, and forever thankful him and others choose to come to Star Army Role Play as well as come back, in SageShooter's case, to write with and be a part of this community! Thank you everyone!
D'awww thanks Ame! SA is such a fun place to rp so it's easy between the plots and players, it was the first board I started on way back in the day and will always hold a special place for me. I'm sad I missed out on some awesome sounding plots during my absence but hope to make some more going forward!
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