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Approved Character Michael Brazille


Inactive Member
Name: Michael Brazille

General Information

Species: Elysian (Plebeian)
Gender: Male
Age: 17

Family / Creators: Elyse Brazille (mother), Kegel Brazille (father), Prowell Brazille (brother), Cadance Brazille(sister, twin)

Employer: Elysian Navy
Occupation: Combat Personnel
Rank: Plebeian
Current Assignment: N/A

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'11
Weight: 128lbs
Bra Size:

Build and Skin Colour: Wiry/Slightly more Muscular than others of his kind, chalk white skin.
Facial Features and Eye Colour: Dark blue eyes
Hair Colour and Style: Black hair, 3 in. long, slicked back for special occasions.
Distinguishing Features: small black feathered wings that are useless for flight, A large black cross tattoo on his chest.

Psychological Characteristics

Michael enjoys being imature and making people laugh, he is usualy trying to impress people even at the expense of his own integrity, or what is left of it. But other than that he is pretty care free. He is a physical freak, works out all of the time.

Likes: Michael enjoys ice cream, discharging fire arms, and making jokes.
Dislikes: Michael dislikes people who are arogant and think they are better than him but he has learned to put up with Patricians but he harbors an inner hatred for them, coffee, Neplesians(because he thinks they are bigots.
Goals: To have command over his own ship, have a successful relationship, and get better at taking orders.


Michael grew up on Elysia where he was taught most of what he knows, his familys social status was somewhat hight but otherwise limited because they were Plebians and considered infirior but he was still able to get an education due to his fathers social status. He had a good family life, and was a twin. He also had a big brother that he looked up to until they got into a fight over a girl. But he was best friends with his sister and it pained her when her father disowned her brother and he left. He was disowned by his father at the age of 19 because he killed his brother in a street fight over a girl named Ariael Brazial. He later found that an Elysian ambassadorial ship was leaving to Yamatai so he caught a ride and joined up with the Elysian Navy.


Mathematics: Michael learned mathematics in school he always aced his math tests so when he was tested in basic training he came out swinging (figure of speach).

Communications: Michael grew up using walkie talkies and telephones but the was the extent of this skill until he went into basic training. Now he has an average level of skill in all standard forms of communication.

Fighting: Michael was taught fighting somewhat on his home planet because of him getting into so many street fights but also in basic training. While at the fort, they refined his technique, and taught him other types of fighting.

Technology Operations: Michael always had a knack for using technology which was later refined in basic training. He now can use all basic systems at a basic level.

Physical: Michael has always strived to keep himself fit he has always been this way and the training exercises at the Fort were not a big suprise nor a big challenge for him.

Survival and Military: Michael was also taught this in basic training initaily failing his first attempt at learning this skill, but learning it after begging his commanding officer to let him have another attempt, this isnt exactly his strong point.

Leadership: Michael has always been a good leader he has a way with persuading people to do things for him but doing it in a way that they will look up to him. He basicaly learned this skill when he made a gang of second class citizens on Elysia.
Trained at: Michael trained on the ECS Sorella
go into a bit more detail on your skills, and say where he trained. also, hes a bit of a eating disorder. 119 lbs for a 6' 11" frame? thats beyond anorexic.
sorry first time (I will fix it.) also the average height for an elysian is 7'3 and the average weight is 120 but i suppose my chara could use some broadening up. :)
updated, spelled format:

Name: Michael Brazille

General Information

Species: Elysian
Gender: Male
Age: 23

Family / Creators: Elyse Brazille (mother), Kegel Brazille (father), Prowell Brazille (brother), Cadance Brazille(sister, twin)

Employer: SAoY
Occupation: Combat Personnel
Rank: Santo Hei
Current Assignment: N/A

Physical Characteristics

Height: 6' 11"
Weight: 138 lbs
Bra Size:

Build and Skin Colour: Wiry build, chalk white skin.
Facial Features and Eye Colour: Dark blue eyes
Hair Colour and Style: Black hair, 3 in. long, slicked back for special occasions.

Distinguishing Features: Large cross tattooed on center of chest

Psychological Characteristics

Michael enjoys being imature and making people laugh, he is usualy trying to impress people even at the expense of his own integrity, or what is left of it. But other than that he is pretty care free. He is a physical freak, works out all of the time.

Likes: Michael enjoys ice cream, discharging fire arms, and making jokes.
Dislikes: Michael dislikes people who are arogant and think they are better than him, coffee, other Elysians.
Goals: To have command over his own ship, have a successful relationship, and get better at taking orders.


Michael grew up on Elysia where he was taught most of what he knows. He had a good family life, and was a twin.He also had a big brother that he looked up to until they got into a fight over a girl. But he was best friends with his sister and it pained her when her father disowned her brother and he left. He was disowned by his father at the age of 19 because he killed his brother in a street fight over a girl named Ariael Brazial. He later found that an Elysian ambassadorial ship was leaving to Yamatai so he caught a ride and joined up with SAoY.


Mathematics: Michael learned mathematics in school he always aced his math tests so when he was tested in basic training he came out swinging (figure of speach).

Communications: Michael grew up using walkie talkies and telephones but the was the extent of this skill until he went into basic training. Now he has an average level of skill in all standard forms of communication.

Fighting: Michael was taught fighting somewhat on his home planet because of him getting into so many street fights but also in basic training. While at the fort, they refined his technique, and taught him other types of fighting.

Technology Operations: Michael always had a knack for using technology which was later refined in basic training. He now can use all basic systems at a basic level.

Physical: Michael has always strived to keep himself fit he has always been this way and the training exercises at the Fort were not a big suprise nor a big challenge for him.

Survival and Military: Michael was also taught this in basic training initaily failing his fist attempt at learning this skill, but learning it after begging his commanding officer to let him have another attempt, this isnt exactly his strong point.

Leadership: Michael has always been a good leader he has a way with persuading people to do things for him but doing it in a way that they will look up to him. He basicaly learned this skill when he made a gang of second class citizens on Elysia.

Trained at: Michael trained at Fort Victoy, Yamatai
Unfortunately, if you hope to serve in the Star Army of Yamatai, you may be in for a disappointment: only Nekovalkyrja and Yamataians are allowed to serve as soldiers in the frontlines, with the Nepleslians tolerated for the moment... though they will soon either have to adapt or be reassigned.
A. Elysian Patricians are 7'3", not plebians, which is what you would be. I believe you need a warrant officer rank to play a patrician.

B. Elysians are so light because they have light bones which allow for flight.
Much better, although Plebians are quite scrawny, so you may want to tone down his weight, especially since he isn't an uber-buff patrician.
And I might have a plasma round waiting to burn a hole through your Yammie arse.

That's good as far as the weights go. Although, I don't think Elysia uses the Yamatai ranking system. You'd have to ask Zakalwe or Wes about what they use.

Also, there's no way in hell he'd last in Elysian society if he disliked people who thought they were better than him.

Also, run this through spellcheck. A couple errors here and there (like the slaughter of the word "Neplesians").
Update, and yet again, anything else? also if your elysian and you happen to see this profile could you tell me the ranking system? It would really help me out. Oh and also the skills you have to have in order to be in the navy.
Updated again, I just put my rank as Plebeian because it has to do with social ranking and unfortunatly I dont think Elysians have a military ranking system and if they do its hiden in some far off place. But if anyone knows still tell me. And if you have any ideas of how I could make my profile better plz tell :).