Gemini Star Fortress - Core Cargo One
Yue smiled as Atasuke mentioned she appreciated the help, and she agreed everyone was busy with the Colonial Fleet her included, but that Port Jiyuu might not move cause of the missing parts troubled her. The blue-skinned girl was pleased that her helping to clean the mess was appreciated. Her attention diverted to Alina as she asked about the recipes she mentioned earlier. “oh! Tako Boki, Tako Yaki, Fugue Sushi, Mochi, and, Fruit Salad. I’m sure the ship’s chef could make those but I thought that her Lounge could also have some meals too, from what Ka, I mean the XO said the tables in the lounge are fit to eat off of. ” She said to her, before her attention went to Atasuke again as she announced the news.
She eeped as they were told of where the parts were, and she thought that if the parts that were supposed to be for Port Jiyuu was there, then were were the parts that were supposed to be for that ship? She nodded to Savannah ”see you soon!” She said moving to retrieve the tracking tag for her uncles bag. “Not sure I’d be allowed on the ship, so I’ll take the tag and get Uncle Taro’s bags.” She said before she sent a message to her uncle.
//Uncle Taro we figured out where the parts are, the Battle of Taiie, While I am sure that Geminii was asked to hold that ship, but would you be willing to add your authority too? I’ve also got a tracking tag for your bag, so I am gonna look for that personally.// With her message sent, she held the tracking tag, and flew to where the tag was taking her.