Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 December 2024 is YE 46.9 in the RP.

RP: 4th Fleet (NSN) [Mision 5.1] Operation Roundhouse

"Smoke grenades, smoke grenades" Sawyer said as he looked on his armor, "nope ain't got any of them, but I do have some good plasma grenades, those'll work to throw the enemy off balance a good bit" he said pulling one of them out in case it was decided to make use of them.
responding to his Sgt's orders, Rayne Wheeled his Hostile putting the plasma shotgun in a firing position, careful to avoid sweeping his teammates a she advanced down the designated hallway. Blood pumping in his ears, he armed the missile racks on his suit's thighs, ready to handle any threat.
"Yeah, that's wh-... God you're a dumbass." Rita replied to Laura with groan and a shake of her head. She followed behind silently and then stacked up against the wall next to Zyv, her HPAR in her right hand and her chainsword in her right. They were both held up parallel to the wall to reduce her profile.
Lisa grunted and hissed as she crashed into the shocktrooper, tumbling with it through the hall. Living ball of metal, limbs and tentacles. She tried to thrust her knife as deep as possible, going for the fleshy, soft parts of the big monsters. She felt tentacles battering aginst her suit, but they were not strong enough. Except for the saw-bladed one emerging. With her left hand free, she tried to grip it, before it could strike. Her goal was simple, grab, wrap it around her forearm and rip it off.
"Pack it in you two!" Henry advised to Romero and Stenton, "Everyone, get ready in three..." He bought his remote control up to eye level, "Two..." He unflipped the covers to the switches.

I bet they aren't expecting a Nepleslian to just open the door rather than blow it open. "One!" He pressed the switches in his pre-determined order: One to unbolt the doors, immediately clicking two to open half of the door, and he waited for a second to let any preliminary grenades or fire from the squad come through, and for the NMX to fire their loads of surprise. Finally, he activated the third switch to open the other half of the door and said: "Go, go, GO!"

He discarded his switch and took up his LPA in both hands, searching for targets as he took point into the room. One of the advantages to having sat down and worked was that his shields would've recovered a little. Not a lot, but just enough that his armour wouldn't be made of paper.
When Henry finished opening the door to the half way point Sawyer leaned around him and tossed a trio of plasma grenades into the corridor beyond. Then he ducked back and readied his LPA to get ready to go into the room after Henry went in on point.
Zyv waited for the “crump” of the grenades detonation before following Henry through the door echoing the corporals “Go.go.go” with his own.

After that it was through the door, identify a target, get two rounds into their chest and repeat until all targets were down, he had to get to cover or he was ordered otherwise.
Having stacked up at the end of the line, Wulfe followed the other marines breaching the room. Everything seemed to be going in slow motion as the marine moved to the nearest corner to his right, and then opened up on the enemies with his PLA as soon as he picked up any targets.
The NMX AI knew well enough that the ship's interiors were flooding with intruders. It had been ordered by the Nightmare, Helszepont, to resist their efforts to the best of its ability. Without any means of physically countering the intruders, the NMX AI put its best efforts into resisting digital intrusions while continuing with its primary purpose of coordinating the fleet action.

Henry's maneuver worked as he had planned. The door opened for a second, Sawyer's lone plasma grenade sailed through as the door shut itself again on Henry's command. As it opened again, the Marines led by Henry and Rita entered, two abreast. Behind them, Laura and Zyv followed with Wulfe and Sawyer taking up the rear.

The NMX AI, however, had realized that it had lost control of the door and immediately worked through the subroutines and redundant circuitry to regain control of the blast doors that Henry had opened. When the Marines were several feet past, the NMX AI's efforts had paid off as it triggered a localized emergency signal that caused the blast doors to automatically shut and lock themselves again.

In addition to sealing off the Marines' line of retreat, the AI alerted various security teams and redirected them to the two hallways occupied by the Cavaliers. At the far end, a pair of Rippers entered the hallway accompanied by four Crab types and a Shocktrooper. Between these heavy NMX combatants and Henry's unit were NMX Nekos who leaned out of doorways and sniped at the Marines with their particle beam rifles.


Similarly, Bastilen found his efforts to hack into the NMX system being frustrated as the NMX AI threw up firewalls to delay him as it changed the command routine path to open the door. Now, in essence, the doors in that hallway could only be opened after approval from the NMX AI. The Marine had managed to get the door partway open before the AI had ended his efforts.

Leon strode over to the entangled combatants and kicked the NMX shocktrooper. A tentacle swatted at him. Lisa had ripped off the saw-bladed tentacle, though one still clung tightly to her armor's left leg. The Marine Chief stepped on the Shocktrooper, pointed his AS4GS at the its head and pulled the trigger. Superheated plasma discharged from the shell and burned straight into the Mishhu's brains. The NMX monster exhaled its breath and lay still.

"Come on, Simmons. Help me with this blast door," Leon told the Tech Sentry, unaware that the NMX AI was at work against them.
Fear is never a good emotion when it overwhelms. The over-abundance of fear kills minds, drives men mad and is single-handedly responsible for completely and utterly destroying empires and individuals alike. However, a complete absence of fear is similarly crippling, since it leads to poor decisions and confidence begging to be shot in the back.

An uneasy medium between fear and relative confidence was struck in Henry's mind as the situation unfolded ahead of and behind him. He'd seen worse. He'd dealt with worse - the Crooked Demon that he had to handle in a stand-up by himself on Kennewes was where his mind had turned from fear in indecision to confidence in action. He wasn't alone this time though, he had a squad he could depend on.

Really not a good situation, but I must- "Stay Calm," Henry recited upon reflection of his squad's current circumstances with a practised, unnatural stillness to his voice, "And kill." This echoed over the loudspeaker on his suit. Needless to say, the way Rita spoke was starting to rub off on him when the situation warranted.

His first action after his bold words were to launch a volley of DARTS followed by ARROWS at the two Rippers, being the priority targets, followed by dropping his LPA and swivelling his HPAR into action. He relished the fact that he'd finally seen some real action, and he was hoping that his swift reaction and deadpan delivery to the worsening situation would inspire the team.

He realised that bunched together, his Squad were prime targets for all being skewered with an Aether beam or two, or splattered in various directions with explosives, "Everyone spread out! Stones, Raikowski, take the girls on our flanks," He ordered without the loudspeaker commands, "Stenton, Sawyer - deal with the heavy infantry. Romero - feel free to pitch in where you feel." With those orders established, he started firing at the Crab-Type Mishhu with his HPAR, and fanning the fire towards the Shocktrooper.

He'd left his switch back on the other side of the door as he'd discarded it. However, he still had a remote link to it - and he could keep pushing the buttons all day once the dust settled - if it settled, which was highly unlikely.
"Sir, we've got an intelligence working against us." reported Bastilen over the Radio as he moved through the small space in the doorway. He went in, rifle first, sweeping the way, before eying back for his fellow squadmates. "Something locked me out of the system, and it set up too quickly not to be inside. We're either dealing with the actual A.I. or someone working from the A.I. Maitenance and working the central processing."
Lisa flapped around the ground, trying to the the rest of shocktrooper and it's tentacles of her. As she did she swore as a sailor. She picked herself up on her feet and smiled at the door Leon poked at. Her VCBS was sheathed and she took the cutter off her back. "Time to test this." She said and rushed to the doors.

"Hey somebody bring me my gun!" She said, since her large machinegun was left behind as she rushed into close combat. "Step aside Bastilen, let me show you a little different form of hacking." She said with smile and started her contraption. Machine started humming as it was brought to life, the energy from fission reactor finally giving it juice. "Well what would you think, it did not explode!" Lisa said happily and started cutting the doors.
Through the door, shift your weight, the HPAR rested on Rakowski’s shoulder before he was aware of the action. The target ended up being the heavy troops at the end of the corridor. Loosing a burst along with a volley of 3 DARTS and 5 ARROWS he than took cover.

- ‘Roger that corporal.’

He confirmed his orders and shifted his attention to the Nekos taking pot shots at the marines and started taking his own pot shots when something came to his mind.

- ‘Corporal? If we get some suppressing fire down I could rush the closest room those neko’s are in, clear it and give us a new position.’

There was a moments before he continued as if only remembering he was addressing a superior.

- ‘I mean it might work corporal.’

Throughout the entire time Zyv continued taking shots at the known neko positions.
Sawyer leveled his LPA and started engaging the Rippers first, with well aimed and controlled 3 round bursts, hoping that the trio of plasma bolts hitting in rapid succession would serve to take down the shields and also at a minimum start chewing through the armor, he'd also fire a volley of 30 ARROWS at one of the rippers, before attempting to at least gain a modicum of cover near one of the walls. He'd also send to Henry "Hey corp, I have a way to get out if we end up getting too bogged down here if that AI locks us in, I'm sure one of my demo charges can get us back out."
"Good thinking. We need all the lease we can get," Henry replied to Zyv as he kept his fire steady on the biggest threats before him. The illusion of calm in his mind was still in a reasonable state.

"Sawyer," Henry replied between evading beams and gunfire, "You'll have all the time in the world to set that charge once we get these bastards off our-" Dodge!
Wulfe pressed himself against a wall, checking his HPAR to see how much ammo was left on the magazine, "On it!", he answered Henry over the radio and then followed the orders given to him. He moved behind Sawyer, standing behind the marine and aiming his HPAR over the other marine's shoulder and firing at the Nekos who were taking pot shots at the marines. He would pick a spot from where an enemy neko was firing from, and then fire a burst at her as soon as she popped out, leaving Sawyer to take on the heavier armor with his LPA.
Kill? Really? That was the most complex order he was capable of? Oh, pitch in whereever she wanted to. Great... Reduced to having to fix others mistakes. Oh wait, wasn't that her job already as a medic? Fix people up because of the mistakes they made? Staying here, asking permission, Laura wasn't going to wait to for Zyv to get his act together.

Laura shoved past Rita and Henry so that she could advance into the wider section of the hallway, towards the room on the right. Her pulse laser array whirred as it rapidly spat invisible laser pulses at the two Nekos in front of her. The laser array, originally designed to kill incoming missiles, was more than capable of targeting and eliminating two NMX Nekos in body armor. Both of them died trying to fend off the Most Brilliant Medic in the Universe and her ego. It was a very one-sided match.

The pair of cats had been using a room for cover but now their corpses blocked the doorway so Laura grabbed both and threw them into the hallway. Only then did she notice that her shields had dropped to 72%, having taken hits from the Nekos farther down the hall.

As the medic took the fore, the rest of the squad slowly followed behind her. The minimissiles from Henry streaked across the hallway, one impaled an unfortunate Neko, and splattered her guts across the hallway in a red mist. His efforts, however, were less than fruitful as the NMX had plenty of time to react. In the cramped hallway, sprays of NMX aether and particle beams managed to intercept the majority of Henry's minimissiles. Only a couple DARTs and ARROWs exploded on the Rippers' shields, weakening but not penetrating them.

Sawyer's volley failed to launch. His Savtech pointed out that there was a 90% chance of one or more warheads hitting one of the three Marines in front of him. Even his plasma bursts were impeded by the presence of the Marines ahead. Each time he thought he had the shot, a Marine would suddenly move into his line fire. The Rippers seemed unfazed from the few plasma rounds that hit.

Zyv's volley of minimissiles flew off course and smashed into the doorway of a room on the left side of the hall, killing the Nekos occupying it. Now that Henry had begun to move out of his line of vision, the younger Marine's HPAR rounds had a clear path to strike at the NMX. Again, the NMX Rippers were completely unimpressed.

But now, they replied in kind. High powered positron cannons swiveled on their backs and locked onto the Marines still in the hallway. And fired. Bright green beams flashed down the hallway. Henry managed to dodge one, allowing it to slam into Zyv. The energy blew through his shields and damaged his right shoulder's Monoeye. The second beam had burned into the wall just to the left of Rita.

Wulfe's attempts to gunfight with the Nekos was pointless. From behind Sawyer, he was blocked by the demolitions expert and Rita. On the occasions when he saw a Neko come out, had aimed and fired, she had already fired and ducked back into her hiding spot as another Neko, somewhere else, popped out and sniped as well.

"Corporal, we need to fire and advance!" Laura yelled at Henry, watching the NMX Rippers advance as they fired with their heavy weapons. The Marines were moving forward much more slowly.

As if jerked into action by Laura's outburst and the near miss, Rita roared and shot forwards with her thrusters into the second room on the left, her PLA whirring and chainsword purring in her right hand. As she zipped in, a wild cackle and a cry of triumph on her lips, the Nekos began screaming as Rita hacked them to pieces.

"Like that!" Laura pointed though she didn't say the rest of the sentence that she wanted to. But not that recklessly


Leon glanced at Lisa. She expected it to explode and didn't warn them? That did not make him feel comfortable at all.

"Blackwood! Status on that door?" he yelled at the dancing Marine. She replied with the same information Bastilen had, the door was stuck and not amount of random button pushing was opening it.

Moments later, Lisa was done. She had used the cutter to cut away large chunks of the door. But it wasn't enough to fit a Hostile through. If they squirmed through sideways, the hole was barely too small. "Right, time to apply some muscle. Wreno, push that half in, I'll pull this. Can't have the ladies working up a sweat yet." Leon grabbed the right half of the blast doors, making sure they had cooled to the point where he could touch them without burning himself or having the metal cool off and stick on him. Then he pulled as hard as he could, relying on the extra strength provided to him by the nanomuscles and servos in his power armor. And slowly, he did feel the door slide back.

"Okay, I think that the AI probably just locked you out but didn't actually lock these doors. Put your muscles into them, Wreno!"
"Doggone it, nothing works when you want it to!" Bridget hopelessly bashed the keypad, but it was dead to her response. While she should have been irked by the situation, she instead flashed Hollister a wicked grin. She gave her vibrosaw a pat.

"We could just hack our way through, right?"

Before Hollister could protest or even turn pale, Bridget said, "Nah, let's just wait for more orders."
Since when did she learn to fight? Henry mumbled to himself wondering if Laura had a cure for collective stupidity she was withholding. Although his initial stay-still and fight routine had initially proved ineffective - he'd made an opening by some freak of luck (And a berserk Cyborg) and noticed it, "You heard the nutcracker: Move, into the corridor and spread the fuck out."

He followed after Rita's trail of blood, giving the others behind him an opportunity to get into the widening area, and benefit from mobility - perhaps giving Sawyer an opportunity to lay down the heavier weaponry suitable for the situation. He took cover in the room that Rita had cleared, and motioned for the others to get to the other room if they could - or at least get out of the corridor.

"HPAR ain't working against the Ripper!" Henry advised, upon seeing his HPAR do diddly to the hulking metallic monster, most likely made from Zesuaium. He figured that the next time he had to move he'd fire a volley of ARROWS or DARTS.
"Fantastic job Simmons," said Phaedra after she saw how well the jury-rigged torch worked.

"Blackwood, Hollister, Vater! On me! We are going through here!" she said over the comm, motioning for the three of them to rally with the rest of the squad. She ignored Leon's comment and instead readied herself for entry through the door, holding her HPAR tightly.