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- RP Date
- YE 47.1
- RP Location
- UNN Alyelume
UNN Alyelume - Bridge
Njord System, Kikyo SectorIn the vast corridors of the Alyelume, briefings typically occurred in designated conference rooms or alcoves, specifically tailored for such purposes. However, given the limited crew aboard the immense vessel, such formalities had become impractical. The ship's mindhives efficiently managed most of the vessel’s operations, compensating for the shortage of hands, which allowed the small group of personnel to become increasingly familiar with the nuances of their floating fortress. With only a skeleton crew to man the extensive systems, the atmosphere aboard had grown unusually informal, a condition that Aphelion found mildly disconcerting yet necessary under the circumstances.
After concluding a communication with Vaedum, who had outlined the small crew's first official mission, Aphelion was ready to relay these new orders. The Alyelume was back under the command of the United Norian Navy, freshly reinstated with standard uniforms and kits distributed among the crew, transforming a group of once-strangers into a unified team.
Standing at the operations console, Aphelion pressed the controls to activate the ship's internal communications system. Her voice resonated through the ship's corridors with a crisp, authoritative tone. "You are required on the bridge for a briefing," she announced, her voice carrying the weight of impending duty. "Our first mission has been given by Naval Command." With a flick of her finger, she closed the channel and turned her attention to the mission package data now splayed before her.
Above the operations table, the stellar cartography of an unfamiliar region of space materialized in volumetric projections, interspersed with initial probe data. Aphelion meticulously reviewed the details, her fingers gliding over the projections, shifting and expanding the images as needed. A look of mild confusion crossed her face as she examined the still images embedded within the data, her mind racing to piece together the strategic implications. As she awaited the arrival of Adrin and the others summoned to the briefing, the dimly lit bridge felt larger and more imposing than usual.
All player characters have been called to the briefing on the bridge