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RP: Yome Ismâopate [Mission 1.0] Whom fortune favors - Prologue


SARPaholic & Admin
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Convention Veteran
Location: Poku Movi Vamâqi (Clan Void Berth)
Mai: 754

The Yome Ismâopate a Yome Nuiqai - Class Ship sat in the departure bay. The ship systems were obviously offline as the ship had a number of umbilicals attached. Every few minutes a vent on the ship would open and purge with nitrogen causing brief plumes of condensation. Behind the ship the doors to space were still closed. The view ports in the doors gave hints of the Siama Rya. The nebula that for so long had been the sole home of the Clan.

Silver Moon personnel were busy moving provisions into the ship. Containers were moved from the facility across a conveyor belt to the ship. Where Pokuvonai would review the coding on the container and then move it to its proper location.

At the front of bay a pair of doors opened and a group of Qaktoro emerged. They were all wearing maroon umlati and jendomu with black and gold trim. The first person to exit the tram however was a Qakla, named Qaedal Aaeas, the Tin-Ta'a or ship's commander. He looked around at the activity and smiled. He turned to his second, Toidorno. "Check with the technicians as to what the delay is. I expected the ship to be operating on its own power."

"I shall see to it immediately Ta'a." he said and crossed the bay in a loping gait.
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Qaedal turned to the other senior crew members. "Go ahead and board the ship, select your cabins and then get to your stations. I will expect status reports from each of you when I get to the bridge. For now I plan to meet with our fresh blood. I will have their oaths before they come onboard."

The group saluted the Ta'a, and when he returned it moved towards the ship. At that moment a faint thrum started to come from the ship. It was the primary power system coming online, and the generators spinning up to speed. He watched the senior crew members as they boarded the ship. Each of them had been hand chosen by him, so they were known quotients.

He walked over to the airlock ramp and handed his bag to one of the station people with instructions to take it his cabin.

Qaedal took out his data pad and reviewed the roster of new crew members. Most of the new recruits were Junior Apprentices. Though one name on the list stood out. 'So my little brother is going to be on board. Well I wonder whose idea that was. Is this some kind of test to see if I can be impartial with a sibling in the crew. I doubt it, anyone who knows me knows that anyone under me is treated the same.' he thought
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Pule was walking to the ships with Keyul laughing then stops when he sees the ship fully and was even more nervous "wow it's so cool" he smiles and walks to the ship again seeing the Ta'a and gulps then when him and Keyul reach the Ta'a he salutes him the one handed way because of the bag he was carrying "hello Ta'a".
Keyul had slowed briefly to take in the site of the Yome Ismâopate. He then noticed his brother, the Tin-Ta'a standing in the ship's colors. He walked along side of his friend, and stopped. Saluted Qaedal, "Sâvyjo Keyul Aaeas reporting for duty Tin-Ta's Aaeas."

Qaedal looked at the two fresh bloods, "Put your bags down over by the airlock ramp and come back over here. I will have your oaths and give you a quick set of instructions."

Meanwhile behind the starship a number of loading platforms were being positioned next to it. On each where three of the latest Stako Yanuto Goa'ismâ (Scout) version. They were still wrapped in packing material which made it clear that these were fresh from the factory.

Qaedal's datapad chimed and he tapped it, the voice of the Second came out of it. "Ta'a, you are needed to come on board. I know that you wanted to wait for the new crew, but we need your presence in the brain room. This being a new ship you have to provide your command codes to grant it operational access."

Qaedal growled softly, receiving command of a newly constructed ship had been a rarity. So rare that he had never known a commander who had to perform this duty. "I will be there momentarily." he said in response.

He looked at the two new members, "Remain here, I will be back in a few minutes." he called out and then entered the ship.
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Pule stands there then chucks his bags by the air lock "this is such a cool ship, i thought they would of already had the codes done for when we arrived so this wouldn't happen".
Tos'feg Fuir was nervous, excited, and irretrievably curious as he advanced across the bay toward the small collection of what appeared to be his new shipmates. He had dreamt of this moment for years, indulging in the decadent excess of imagination. But now the genuine article was in front of him, an actual ship - fresh from the builders even - ready to take to the stars with him aboard. His tail moved in an unconscious expression of anxiety.

He slowed as he approached the two. They were both very, very large to his eyes and one was almost certainly a Qaktoro. Tos'feg had precisely zero interest in startling them.

"I'm here to report aboard the WAP Yome Ismaopate," he said quietly, careful not to make prolonged eye contact.
Pule turns and smiles at the new guy "hello there buddy" he pats the back of the Tula and grins "the Ta'a was called into the ship, we were told to wait for his return so that we could do our oaths and give us a quick set of instructions" he sits on his bag and waits looking at the two guys.
Keyul was about to reply to Pule when another crew member spoke up. "As our fellow crew member said, Tin-Ta'a Qaedal Aaeas was needed inside. He will return shortly." he said to Tos'feg.

"I am Sâvyjo Keyul Aaeas, Warrior and Detis Goa'a for the Yome Ismaopate. My friend here is Sâvyjo Pule Yoieas. As for the Ta'a being needed inside. He only arrived here a few minutes before we did. So he did not have time to authenticate himself and the brain. I know that he had to go to see the Poku Wotanu'ka before coming here. And since the Yome Ismaopate is brand new, the brain has never been integrated with the ship prior."

He smiled at the Tula and held his right hand up and open which also showed that unlike his companion, Keyul had a thumb, "So who are you and what position are you cast." he inquired.
The large Qaktoro's behavior was confusing and concerning to Tos'feg. Like all his kind he had nothing against the bigger species and was happy to work and socialize with them, but at the same time knew to never expect the sentiment returned - at least not right away. So this one's actions, without any trace of the characteristic disdain or at least annoyance with the Tula was bizarre. He wasn't quite sure if the Qaktoro was making fun of him or simply disturbed in some way.

But upon seeing the telltale thumb of a Tula, or likely a Qakla in this case, of the other crewmember he relaxed somewhat. If nothing else, he didn't feel towered over to the same extent.

"I am Savyjo Tos'feg Fuir, to join the Yome Ismaopate's company as a Bajao'a. A pleasure to make your acquaintance," he said, returning the smile.
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Keyul was a bit puzzled by Tos'feg's initial behavior when he spoke, but then realized that the Tula probably saw him as a Qaktoro and expected to be ignored or worse. He was pleased when he saw Tos'feg's expression relax for the moment. He made a note to see about speaking with the young Bajoa'a when they were off duty.

A Qaktoro exited the ship via the lock and walked across the bay over to a group of Silver Moon technicians. He seemed displeased about something and though they could not hear his words, his gesturing and facial expressions made it quite clear. He walked back to the ship and looked at Keyul and Pule. "The Tin-Ta'a will be with you two shortly. " he said and walked up the ramp.
Tos'feg had tracked the brief movements of the new Qaktoro with his eyes, feeling for his Jael-brethren. The odds of the larger species using physical force to display their displeasure was astronomically low but the remaining evolutionary traits of a predator species meant that a Qaktoro's visible expressions of dissatisfaction would always elicit an instinctual fear. Even from a distance, Tos'feg caught himself flinching. After that being pointedly ignored as the Qaktoro returned to the ship was welcome indeed and rather comforting in its familiarity - an improvement over both open hostility and the erratic friendliness he had just experienced.

As he stared at the airlock aimlessly something clicked in his head, a connection he would have made much faster under normal circumstances. He turned slowly to glance up at the Qakla. "Are you, by chance, of the same Punla as the Tin-Ta'a?"
Keyul had watched the XO and his berating of the technicians. He knew his father would never have behaved so, it was completely rude and totally unprofessional. When the XO walked by and ignored Tos'feg, it rankled him that the XO would dismiss a member of the crew.

He turned from the airlock and looked at Tos'feg when he heard the question. Keyul's ears twitched reflexively a few times while he thought how best to answer the query. "Yes, I am of the same Punla as the Tin-Ta'a. Qaedal Aaeas is my older Apaloa. Although I fully expect to be treated just like any other member of the crew."

There was a change in the sounds coming from the Yome Ismaopate, indicative that the rest of the primary systems were finally coming online.
Pule looks at the other two, he didn't like how the XO acted towards Tos'feg, he smiles "so it sounds like he will be back soon" he laughs and looks at the Tula "so Tos'feg, i'm happy to meet you acquaintance" he looks around then back at them.
From the airlock a Qakla emerged wearing the ship's uniform. He was 184 cm tall, and had a very muscular build. He stepped off the ramp and walked over to three new members of the crew. For those who had been here earlier they would recognize him as the Tin-Ta'a.

"Now that my presence is no longer required aboard ship. Let us dispense with the prerequisites. Step forward and I will have your oaths. Then you may board the Yome Ismâopate.

Keyul Aaeas, step forward." He said in firm tone.

Keyul looked at the other two briefly, "So it begins." he said softly to Pule. He walked over to the Tin-Ta'a.

He stood straight in front of the commander, and then leaned slightly forward with his hands held out from his body.

"Sâvyjo Keyul Aaeas presents himself to the Tin-Ta'a of the WAP Yome Ismâopate. I am prepared to give my oath." he said while maintaining eye contact with the larger individual.

Qaedal had watches his sibling approach, and was grateful that he followed proper protocol, though he really did not expect other wise.

"Sâvyjo Keyul Aaeas, you have been assigned to this vessel. Do you give your oath that you will obey the orders of those above you as long as they are worthy? Do you give your oath that you will commit your skills, blood and even your very life should it be required? Do you give your oath freely and with no evasion that you will serve in the Wotanu Abokatinka Poku, with distinction that will reflect well upon the Poku, your Ruoka and your Punla?"

"I pledge my oath to obey those above me so long as they be worthy, to commit all that I have. I give my oath freely and shall ever strive to serve with distinction, for the Poku, my Ruoka, and my Punla. I swear these things to my Tin-Ta'a." Keyul replied, and took out his knife and made a small cut on his left palm and let several drops fall to the deck. "I give a token of my blood as proof of my word." He said and then sheathed the knife and stood up.

"Keyul Aaeas, I accept your oath. You are now one with all the crew. Bound by your oath, and by theirs. Take your bags onboard report to the ship's keeper to receive your proper colors then find a cabin and secure your effects. Then go and prepare the temple." Qaedal answered.

Keyul performed the two arm salute bringing both hands up to his chest and bowing slightly. He then walked over to the ramp, grabbed his personal effects and walked partway up the ramp.

The Tin-Ta'a waited until his sibling had started up the ramp, then called out.

"Pule Yoieas, step forward." He said in firm tone.
Pule walks forward completely different to how he normally acted his body was upright and his eyes never moved from the Tin-Ta's

He done the same stance as Keyul and kept a straight face "Sâvyjo Pule Yoieas presents himself to the Tin-Ta'a of the WAP Yome Ismâopate. I am prepared to give my oath."
Qaedal watched young Qaktoro move over and present himself. 'Nicely done,' he thought.

Once Pule had made his declaration Qaedal spoke.

"Sâvyjo Pule Yoieas, you have been assigned to this vessel. Do you give your oath that you will obey the orders of those above you as long as they are worthy? Do you give your oath that you will commit your skills, blood and even your very life should it be required? Do you give your oath freely and with no evasion that you will serve in the Wotanu Abokatinka Poku, with distinction that will reflect well upon the Poku, your Ruoka and your Punla?"
"I pledge my oath to obey those above me so long as they be worthy, to commit all that I have. I give my oath freely and shall ever strive to serve with distinction, for the Poku, my Ruoka, and my Punla. I swear these things to my Tin-Ta'a." Pule spoke calmly but instead of pulling out his knife he pulls off the necklace and looks at him "i promise on the memory of my dead brother" he squeezes the claw and blood drips on the floor "and by our blood that i will keep this oath with my life".
"Pule Yoieas, I accept your oath. You are now one with all the crew. Bound by your oath, and by theirs. Take your bags onboard report to the ship's keeper to receive your proper colors then find a cabin and secure your effects. Once you have done so report to Tigar Taeas. She is responsible for security aboard the Yome Ismâopate. She will explain your assignment, and duties." Qaedal answered.

The Tin-Ta'a then turned to the smallest of the new crew members.

"Tos'feq Fuir, step forward. I would have words with you before the matter of your oath." he said.
Tos'feg had stared intently as the two with him gave their oaths, wincing as they cut their hands to seal their bonds. He was not looking forward to that part overmuch but the forms were the forms; there were no exceptions. At his superior's command he stepped forward. The Tin-Ta'a being Keyul's brother and thus a Qakla himself comforted him. If nothing else, it suggested that there were other possibilities than Tos'feg being in trouble.

In front of Qaedal, he squared himself up and forced himself to make eye contact, though he couldn't maintain it perfectly - breaking his gaze away briefly before forcing himself to resume the contact. "Sâvyjo Tos'feg Fuir presents himself to the Tin-Ta'a of the WAP Yome Ismâopate."
Qaedal looked at Tos'feq and paused for a moment. He already knew that his Second was not particularly happy with the idea of Tula serving in the WAP. He witnessed the slight that Toidorno had made when he spoke to the new crew members and patently ignored Tos'feq's presence. He had hoped that the Tin-To'a would have had a more open mind, so he was going to give the Tula a chance to proclaim his loyalty.

"Savyjo Fuir, according to your records you are Poku Vit since you never underwent the Baqnor. Poku Vit members are technically not required to give their oath. However, as the Tin-Ta'a it is my perogative to offer you the chance to give your oath. While not a requirement for you; doing so will be a sign to the others of the crew that you are as committed to the ship as they are. It also means that any who fail to treat you properly will have me to account to.

So, Savyjo Tos'feq Fuir, as your Tin-Ta'a I formally ask, is it your desire at this time to give my your oath?" the Qakla asked in a formal tone.
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