Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: Yome Ismâopate [Mission 1.0] Whom fortune favors - Prologue

Tos'feg hesitated for a moment. He had most certainly not underwent the Baqnor, indeed he hadn't even considered taking part. His first instinct, given the option, was to treat this oath the same way. He was Poku Vit; all of this posturing and pretense seemed at best silly, and at worst brutish. But he was truly committed, to this opportunity, to this ship, to his new lease on life. If that was what he would be demonstrating, as the Tin-Ta'a said, it would be no pretense. The spectacle of the forms still smacked of Qaktoro excess, but Tos'feg thought he knew what the Qakla was truly offering him.

He raised his eyes to meet the Tin-Ta'a's, this time unwaveringly. "It is."
Qaedal watched as Tos'feg had obviously been considering the decision, and was pleased when the Tula said yes. He gave a brief smile then said, "Then if it shall be done, let it be done well.

Keyul waited to hear what the Tula would say in response to the Tin-Ta'a's offer. He smiled when he heard Tos'feg say that he would. He turned and entered the ship after his friend Pule. First to find a cabin, then to prepare the temple.

Qaedal then said in the same voice he used earlier with the others, "Tos'feg Fuir, you have been assigned to this vessel. Do you give your oath that you will obey the orders of those above you as long as they are worthy? Do you give your oath that you will commit your skills, blood and even your very life should it be required? Do you give your oath freely and with no evasion that you will serve in the Wotanu Abokatinka Poku, with distinction that will reflect well upon the Poku, your Ruoka and your Punla?”
"I give my oath freely, that I will obey the orders of those above me." Tos'feg made his best attempt at speaking with confidence and formality. "That I will commit my skills, blood, and even my life. That my service in the Wotanu Abokatinka Poku shall bring distinction to the Poku, my Ruoka, and my Punla."

Drawing his knife, more a small utility blade than a showy combat implement, he paused and stared down at the blade for a moment.

"I so swear." He pushed the blade into his palm, making a fist as he withdrew it. Somehow he managed not to flinch at the pain, but thought all the same that he might have cut too deep. The blood began to pool within his fist and seep out between his fingers.
Qaedal gave a wry smile at Tos'feg, the Tula was made of sterner stuff than some of the others in his command might give him credit for. He also noted that blood seemed to be flowing a bit too rapidly from Tos'feg's hand.

"Tos'feg Fuir, I accept your oath. You are now one with all the crew. Bound by your oath, their oaths bind them to accord you the same respect as any other member. If I see a failure I shall discipline the culprit personally."

He walked over to Tos'feg and put a hand on his shoulder. "That hand looks like it might need attention. Take your bags onboard report to the ship's Wapoin'asa in the Wapoin Rou'sa and get it taken care of. Then find the ship's keeper to receive your proper colors, find a cabin and secure your effects. Once you have done so report to the Tinsae Bajao'ka." Qaedal said.
Pule was in the ship looking around slowly he left the other two till later he wanted to be alone fora while and find the keeper quickly. "Now where would the keeper be at this time..." he continues to look around hoping to find them then get a bed, he sigh looking back he was still thinking about the oath not sure what posessed him to do what he did he just thought it was the right thing to do.
Keyul stayed just long enough to see that Tos'feg was going to take the oath. So he entered the ship and looked around. He had studied the layout of the ship which he would serve upon, but seeing it person was definitely different. He saw Pule ahead of him. "Shall we find the keeper." He took out his datapad and established a link to the ship's network.

"Keeper is Sâvyjo'ka Miooki Gisil, current location is deck three in the Wuny Tin (Ship's Locker). So we need to find a vertical transfer and go up two levels. After all it is unlikely that we could carry our bags up a climb shaft." He said to his friend, "There is a vertical transfer staircase just a little ways up this passage." He started moving up the passage and entered the stairway.
"Sadly as a new crew member, the computer won't provide anything more than name and rank. I am be Apoloa to the Tin-Ta'a, but that does not get me any special privileges. If anything I fully expect him to be harder on me than the rest of the new folks. Just to make sure no one accuses him of favoritism." He said as he ascended the staircase. It was a simple task to get to the proper deck, then he started down the hallway to the Wuny Tin. "So, care like sharing a cabin? Or would you rather wait and see who else comes on board?"
Pule was happy to share a room with him "that would be awesome bro" he stops utterly stunned at what he just called Keyul and didn't know what to do "i....... um... i..... am.... sorry" he looks down and walks quickly away.
Keyul watched Pule walk away. He let the Qaktoro have a few moments of peace. 'Well, now I know part of what Siamaka has planned for me. Obviously I am here to help him deal with the grief from the loss of his Apoloa. The bond between them was very strong, and he will not be able to move on until he has moved past it.'

Keyul started walking forward heading towards the ship's locker. He could not wait to get his ship uniform and then make his way to the temple.

Meanwhile outside the ship another vehicle brought another batch of mecha up to the ship. These ones were much larger in every respect to the first ones that were loaded.
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Pule makes it to the ship's locker just before his friend and smiles, slowly looking around trying to find the keeper. He was nervous but tried to hide it from the other
"Now who put these back here. I swear I am going to skin the next person who puts items into this locker." Came loudly from the Ship's locker. A moment later a Qaktoro with white fur and tawny stripes appeared at the entrance. He looked at the two with his one yellow and one green eye.

A smile slowly formed, "Ah you must be two of the new crew members that Tin-Ta'a told me to expect. Sâvyjo'ka Miooki Gisil of Ruoka Sinloa. Keeper for the ship. I've got a lot of work ahead of me since the folks who loaded the locker had no sense of organization."

He took stock of what they were wearing, "Well, we need to get you suitably attired. One moment." He looks at a data pad and steps into the locker. Miooki comes out a minute later with two stacks of clothes.

"Okay here you go Sâvyjoi , two umlati, jendomu, and one pair of black boots. You both also receive a silver yome pin. When not wearing your uniform always were your pin and rank naturally." He said putting the piles on a small folding table by the door.
Pule smiles and nods at Miooki Gisil "thank you keeper" he walks to one of the piles and collects the clothes then looks at Keyul and sighs "i think i'm going to try my luck with one of the other crew members on the ship in my cabin" he smiles and laughs "because i want to get more friends on board the ship".
A short Qaktoro came shuffling up to the boarding ramp balancing a hugh stack of books in one arm, and dragging a trunk with a duffel strapped to the top. the lumpiness of the duffel screamed more books and tablets, what didn't show was with in the trunk hundreds of scrolls in tubes neatly stacked in it.

The Qaktoro stumbled up to the Tin-Ta'a, Though he didn't see a rank pin he was to busy keeping things from falling to the ground... "Excuse me... I need to know where I can put these... I'm sure I'm suppose to be here..." He shuffled he load a little to pull a orders slip from out of the top book...

Memi Sotar stood there with his books, His camouflaged stripped fur would scream he should have been a warrior, but his posture, hunched over, and all of the tomes and scrolls he brought tolded the whole story of this Kynlumu'a.
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Ship's Locker

Keyul waited for Pule to get his issued items. He then accepted his allotment from Miooki. "Gratitude Keeper." he said. He looked at Pule, "That is fine. If you feel like changing your mind later I'm sure the Tin-Ta'a will let you relocate. Well I need to store my gear and then get the temple ready. See you around." he said and set off down the hallway.

Loading Ramp

Qaedal turned his attention from Tos'feg to the Qaktoro who approached him. His bright blue eyes took a moment to study this person.

His ears flattened and his nostrils flared a few times before he spoke. "For the moment you can put all that over next to the ramp. I presume you are Sâvyjo Memi Sotar. Before you take a step on that ramp. There is the matter of your oath to be give. You should also think about comporting yourself properly when addressing your Tin-Ta'a. Otherwise your career aboard the Yome Ismâopate will be one of the shortest. So once you stack all that by the ramp, come back and present yourself for giving your oath."
Eyes snapping wide, Memi never expected the Tin-ta'a meeting him at the ramp. He quickly made to dragging his trunk, duffle, and books off to the side. Fumbling the whole way. He was sure this commander hated him now. His family would not be pleased. he looked ever bit, someone who should have stayed in a library or a dusty old tome room. Being around others in general was something so alien to his kind that

Once everything was stacked, Meni returned. "I am sorry... I wasn't expecting to be shipping out so soon." He stated as he bowed and crossed his hands as formally as he was taught as a youngling. "I hope I have not dishonored myself already in your eyes." His bow was deeper then normal, with hopes that the formality would help.
Loading Berth.

Qaedal took a moment to listen to Memi, then returned the salute. "Everyone is entitle to make a mistake. The importance is to learn from them. We will not speak of this anymore, unless you give me cause to. So I will have your oath now.

Sâvyjo Memi Sotar, you have been assigned to this vessel. Do you give your oath that you will obey the orders of those above you as long as they are worthy? Do you give your oath that you will commit your skills, blood and even your very life should it be required? Do you give your oath freely and with no evasion that you will serve in the Wotanu Abokatinka Poku, with distinction that will reflect well upon the Poku, your Ruoka and your Punla?"
"Ye..yes Sir." He answered a bit lackluster, not because Meni didn't mean it, nor on the contrary he meant the oath whole heartedly. No, the reason was the mentioning of the blood... He didn't have a blade on him. It was a good thing his fur hid his skin, for he was flushing as he started patting down his pockets and pouches... Only to find a quill pen he was given by one of his mothers. With out thinking, or he would have worried for the pen's health, he drew it and stabbed it into the back of his hand. Pulling it out it left a ling of blood dripping down his hand.

"I Do Give my word with my blood. Me for the ship." a few drops of blood dripped off the quill as he spoke. In the back of Memi's mind he wished he had a parchment to write the oath out, with his blood.
Loading Berth

Qaedal watched the Qaktoro before him, it was clear to him that the individual was nervous. He was surprised when it came to the the spilling of blood that the Kynlumu'a chose to use a pen to draw blood. Though upon reflection he felt there was a certain symmetry with the action. He thought about asking why Memi had chosen to do so, but decided to let the matter rest.

"Memi Sotar, I accept your oath. You are now one with all the crew. Bound by your oath, and by theirs. Take your bags on board, find yourself a cabin and store your items. Then report to the ship's keeper to receive your proper colors. Once done you will be on your own until I call for the crew to report for the briefing." Qaedal answered.