Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 December 2024 is YE 46.9 in the RP.

RP: Yome Ismâopate [Mission 1.0] Whom fortune favors - Prologue

pule smiles slightly "about the object, what if one of the security force doesn't go past it in that day, like if i needed to stay with my charge that day and didn't come across the object, would i get punishment for not finding it? And I'm guessing to make sure i should tell you if I'm needed and cant do it".
Ra'alu Ruo'sa

Tigar listened to Pule, "First did I say anything about punishment for not finding the object. Obviously if you are off ship performing your duties; I would not expect you to find it if you left before I placed it. The purpose of the exersize is to foster awareness and observation. It is a training aid, not a test."
Ra'alu Ruo'sa

Pule nods and smile sweetly "thank you or clearing that up for me" he bows and looks around "so am i to be reporting to you" he smiles hoping he hadn't annoyed her too much already "i am truly sorry for not reporting when i was ready".
Ra'ahu Ruo'sa

"Well, as your supervisor, it falls upon me to make sure you fully understand your duties. I have accepted your apology, we will not speak of it again. So long as you make sure to not repeat it. So what do you think of our mission?" Tigar inquired.
Nyora'a Ruo'sa

Tos'feg took a moment to drag his gaze away from the full majesty of Engineering, but then trotted over and offered a salute.

"Ma'am," he said, careful not to make too prolonged eye-contact with the Qaktoro as she leaned against the tunnel drive unit. "I apologize for the delay. It was necessary to impose upon the Wapoin'asa before I could report."
Nyora'a Ruo'sa

Potos pulled her arms out of the system, and slid the tension wrench into its home on her sash. She picked up a cloth and wiped the worst of the grime that was on her hands. "The ship's brain notified me of your little mishap with the oath. I must say I liked what I saw in your training records. Your instructors gave you high marks, that's one of the reasons I requested you.

You see the Yome Ismâopate is a bit of a test bed for the fleet. We are getting all the latest the Silver Moon Clan has to offer. So I need good technicians to keep her operational. We even got one of those new engine designs a Tinvyma Piatypeda, based on the type our allies use. A cantankerous piece of machine if ever I saw one. We will not need it unless we leave our Territory, but we need to make sure it is ready when the Tin-Ta'a calls for it."

Potos closed the panel on the engine she was adjusting and secured it.

"So tell me a bit about yourself Sâvyjo. I am particularly curious why you are so old for a first timer." She said leaning against the drive.

Meanwhile in Memi's Cabin.

The ship's brain Tasi spoke through the cabin speakers. "Sâvyjo Sotar, the Tin-Ta'a wants to see you in his cabin as soon as possible."
The announcement cause Memi's pencil to slip a hair. He would have to talk to who ever was in control of it to chime or something before speaking in his room. With a bit of a growl he gathered up the parchment he had and his pencils. sliding them into a shoulder bag, with the thought that he could sketch the Tin-Ta during the meeting.

With a sigh he put on his colors and rank pins, before grabbing his bag and walked out the door with the parchment in hand. He took a bit more of time wondering the ship trying to find the cabin in question. He started to plan on the way to draw up a map when he had time to completely explore the ship. Maybe they would be able to be framed and gifted to the ship. With a shrug he figured at least it would be in his collections of information gathered on this trip.

Finally 20 minutes after the call came he found the door to the cabin and knocked.
Tin-Ta'a Ruo'sa

Qaedal was sitting in his room in one of the Buvoli Vakame. He was looking at the documentation for the ship's roster. Tasi would periodically let him know how long it had been since the Kynlumu'a had been summoned. That it took twenty minutes was enough to raise the Tin-Ta'a's temper. When Tasi informed him that Memi was obviously unfamiliar with the ship and was getting lost.

He looked at his utility knife, resisting the urge to stab it into the table in his room. This was his first day aboard, and he refused to damage the furniture.

The door to his room slid open with a hiss, he turned to the doorway.

"Well, you took your davros time getting here Kynlumu'a." He said laying the knife on the table. "I do not know how things were done before you came here. But when I summon a crew member to my cabin, and emphasize as soon as possible. I expect the person to arrive within the next 5 minutes 10 at the latest.

I called for you because I have a task for you Sâvyjo. Though in light of your performance, I have decided you need another task." He slid a personal pad to the other side of the table in Memi's direction. "On this pad are the deck plans of the Yome. I expect you to commit them to memory and be able to give directions to any ruo'sa on command. You have until tomorrow morning to commit Deck 1 to memory. This is both a punishment, and a training aid as I expect everyone aboard the ship to know their way around. Do you understand?"
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"Yes Sir..." Memi Walked forward and took the pad. It was a bonus he thought, he would be able to translate them to parchment in a few hours, and he would have most of the ship memorized before he laid down for sleep that night.

"I apologize Sir... I hadn't had a chance to look over any of the ship's information as of yet. I was planning on doing that latter tonight, once I finished with this." Gingerly he laid the parchment out on the table the Tin-ta was sitting at. On it depicted the side on view of the ship with the loading ramp down and an outline of Qaedal standing next to the entrance.
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Tin-Ta'a Ruo'sa

Qaedal glanced at the in process sketch. It was easy to identify the scene, but he was uncertain why the Kynlumu'a was drawing it. "I have an assignment for you, then we can discuss this sketch. I want you to embark on a project. Our ship requires an anthem, a song to motivate the crew. I do not know if you have the skills of a Niut'a or a Tasba'a, so you may consult with one. I will expect regular reports from you on the progress." He said.

He picked up the sketch again. "What is your ultimate intention for this drawing? Are you planning on making a painting to be hung in one of the common rooms? Or is this just a person project?" He inquired.
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"Oh my... That would be an under taking... How time parameters have you set on this project?" Memi stood there thinking about which tomes or scrolls would have information that would help with this project. He had never written a song, so he was sure he would have to communicate with a few people he knew back at the world station.

Then Qaedal commented on the parchment. "Well i though I would in the mouth of the door Iluminat the oath you had us take, and then maybe color it with watercolor. they would give the right washed out look i think would go great with it. As for why, I was brought on to document things. This was a major part of the ship's trip. My plan was just to add it to the archive I will be building, though if you want it can be framed and hung somewhere..."

He stood there thinking, "I was going to explore the ship when I had the time A. To get use to the lay out, so I could find my way about, and B. To create hand done maps to be hung in a commons room. The act of drawing it along with the act of the exploration would have help set it in my mine, though now with the pad you have given me I will be able to just copy it onto parchment, Though it would have been persona sheets, I wouldn't waste the ships supply on personal projects of such. Only archival creation."
Nyora'a Ruo'sa

Tos’feg was quiet for a moment, more in contemplation than concern. The reason itself was straightforward enough, but the nuance - like any delicate machinery - warranted some deliberation of action.

“Simply put, ma’am, I was very sick in my youth. Nothing genetic, you know,” he added quickly. The weight of their society’s intolerance for congenital defects had always made him a little defensive when discussing his chronic illness, less for his own sake than for the censure his parents would face if it was thought they had harbored an anomalous entry into the gene pool.

“I had pursued more academic study when physical efforts were denied me, but when the opportunity arose, I couldn’t accept remaining on the path to becoming a
Kynkasâjo'a when I could pursue more direct contact with technology.” He shrugged a little embarrassed at hearing the earnest, naive excitement in his voice.

“If you say this ship is a testbed, then so much the better, ma’am.”
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Tin-Ta'a Ruo'sa

Qaedal put the sketch back on the table. "I do not want the ship's song to be rushed. I am more interested in quality. Perhaps if you could have it done before we return to port. That way you might be able to incorporate some of what happened along the way. Not necessary, but something for you to consider."

He paused for a moment and scratched his chin for a moment with his tail.

"I am concerned about having paper strewn about the ship. In a combat situation, that would be a menace. I am not opposed to you drawing them. But speak with the engineer, see if she or her technicians can make cases to mount them in that will prevent them from catching fire." He said looking back at Memi. "I am not worried about the supplies, the ship has the standard allotment of supplies needed for your position. You do not need to use the pad to make the drawings. But for now, use it to make sure you can get to meetings on time."

He pushed the document back to Memi. "For now, it would be best for you to take this back to your cabin. I am going to be gathering the crew at the temple to go over our mission and orders." He said.

Nyora'a Ruo'sa

Potos listened to Tos'feg's explanation about why he started so late. She listened with a sympathetic ear and waited for him to finish speaking before she spoke. "I like your rya. There is no need to feel like you have to justify being ill. Any of us can fall ill even if we did pass the Fofipa. After all during the Weakening many members of the clan were killed or disabled despite how healthy there were before. Obviously it shows that you were able to fight off whatever we limiting you, and the result is that you are now here.

As for the Yome Ismâopate, while we may be testing things for the rest of the Defense Fleet, I expect us to always be ready and will not put up with anyone saying that we were not able to perform because we are a test bed. If anything because we are; I expect our status to be better than the rest of the fleet.

Most of our systems are standard, as I said we do have that second FTL. But we also have a number of new items that will be used by the crew. I will release the technical manual information to you on the Tinvyma Piatypeda, and the Goa'ismâ. amd Matu'dahoka. I recommend that you start with the two Stako Yanuto. Because I know the Tin-Ta'a is planning on testing them when we get to Âmuarpoku. You will need to configure one of them for your use. My policy is we learn to use that which we maintain."

She smiled at the Tula. "So do you have any questions for me?"
Listening to the ideas that the Tin-ta told him to secure items, Memi smiled, "I will make sure to talk to heronce the meeting is over. Though is there perchance time for me to run back down to the ship's locker and speak with the Keeper about a pict recorder? It would make documenting things easier and quicker. I never had one of quality to bring along." He looked a bit embarrassed over the subject.
Tin-Ta'a Ruo'sa

Qaedal looked briefly at his data pad checking the loading progress. "There should be more than sufficient time for you to secure your stuff and to get to the ship's locker. That is unless you decide to go sight seeing on the ship. There should be multiple recorders in storage for use by the crew." he replied with a grin.
"Thank you Sir!" Memi was stumbling over himself to carry the pad with the map and the rest of his stuff out the door. It was when he was half way back to his cabin did he realize he wasn't dismissed. He would just have to deal with that when he next saw the Tin-ta. He found his cabin with ease with the pad and quickly laid his sketch parchment down on the table and grabbed his note book and lid it into the shoulder bag of his. Taking a quick look around he grabbed his writing quills and quickly left.

Ship's Locker

He stepped into the Locker room only a few minutes after leaving his cabin. Things were easier with the map. Memi walked up and waited a moment before calling out for the Keeper.
Ra'ahu Ruo'sa

Pule smiles and looks at her "i think it is very interesting an i'm honoured to be apart of the crew" he looks around "i really can't wait to start".
Ship's Locker

Sitting on the counter were two types of video recording devices. One was a hand held, the other was a remote that could be slaved to the other. The sound of the Keeper arranging things could be heard. After a minute or so Miooki came from the back carrying a number of uniform pieces which he placed on a table near the front. "I see you have come back, Sâvyjo Memi Sotar. Tasi said that you needed some video recorders. So I pulled out these two."

Ra'ahu Ruo'sa
"Well, best to head down to the Siama Ruo'sa. The Tin-Ta'a is going to summon all the crew. I am heading there myself. I prefer to get to these events early." Tigar said standing up.
Nyora'a Ruo'sa

“No, ma’am,” said Tos’feg, briefly looking away to try to catch a glimpse of the new drive unit. He was looking forward to pouring over all of the technical data the Kasavyjo had just promised him. Disappointment wasn’t quite what he was feeling, but he was certainly particularly excited to get his hands in the guts of the drive housing. Still, the exo-skels ought to provide plenty to interest him for now, particularly the less common heavy units.

“I won’t let you or the Tin-Ta’a down.”
Ra'ahu Ruo'sa

Pule smiles and looks at her "care for an escort ma'am?" he laughs "i need to get used to it, why not try before i meet my charge".