Star Army

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RP: Yome Ismâopate [Mission 1.0] Whom fortune favors - Prologue

Before sitting back down Memi leaned over to Keyul and whispered. "Who is coming?" He was curious hoping he had enough recording devices for the meeting. The remotes were sitting next to his pad of paper and they devices were ready to kick up once he pressed the button.
Siama Ruo'sa

Keyul looked at Memi. "Besides the Tin-Ta'a. The Poku Wotanu'ka Legos Miaurm is here to see us off. " he said in a soft voice with a conspiratorial wink.

Potos walked into the Siama Ruo'sa, and chose a spot against the right wall. Another smaller, younger Qaktoro walked over to her. It was a male who appeared to be younger that Tos'feg. He looked at the Tula like he was something unpleasant smelling.
Potos looked at Tos'feg and said, "Tos'feg, this is Hewid Letes my other technician. The two of your will often be working together." She said looking at Hewid when she said that part.

Tigar turned from her friend to Pule. "Pule Yoieas, this is Jaqsi Yaobas. She is responsible for taking care of us when we are injured. She is also a good friend of mine."

Jaqsi looked at Pule, "You have a good person to learn from Sâvyjo. You would do well to learn all she has to share."
Siama Ruo'sa

Tos'feg had glanced around the compartment briefly as they entered; partly from pure curiosity, partly from ancient engrained instinct. That same instinct brought his gaze immediately upon the new Qaktoro as he began approaching.

"Tos'feg Fuir. A pleasure to meet you." He bowed his head slightly, eyes downcast and ears angled away all to make sure there was no indication of a threat. It was sometimes hard to tell when a Qaktoro was going to act like an aggressive, dominant predator or when they would merely be a jerk.
Siama Ruo'sa

Hewid looked at Tos'feg like he was something to scrape off his sandals. "Why are you here plant tender? Going to maintain the life support system for us?" he said soft enough that Tos'feg could hear it but their superior wouldn't. He then turned to Potos, "I knew they said we were going to have a diverse crew. But I was not expecting this diverse." he said.
Siama Ruo'sa

Tos'feg lifted his gaze somewhat - jerk it was, though he still wasn't going to give the bigger male a reason to get aggressive.

"Life support systems are very intriguing, though I'll admit my main interests at the moment are in drive systems," Tos'feg replied with total earnestness, though at a normal level; not the private volume Hewid had pitched his comments at. It was true, as well. The precisely engineered tolerances required for the atmosphere and water filters handling the environment in a closed loop system like a starship were quite marvelous. Still, his volume and directly sincere manner had a touch of calculation behind them. His parents and relatives had plied him with advice before he left the safe confines of his home; the bit that had stuck with him the most was "kill them with kindness." The Qaktoro would either eventually come to accept Tos'feg's presence or he'd make an ass of himself. As long as he looked to his own duties, things would turn out just fine.

"If you'd like, I'd be happy to coordinate work schedules to rotate through all of the systems."
Siama Ruo'sa

Hewid snorted at the offer of the Tula to coordinate work schedules. If he had his way, this Tos'feg would be packing his bags and heading back to World Station. This posting was to be his chance to make a name for himself. He would not have it tarnished by associating with the leaf lover.

Potos turned briefly to her two Bajao'a. "The Tin-Ta'a has deemed that the two of your are good enough to serve aboard his ship. I am the one who will assign work details. Depending on how the two of you perform, one of you will be my acting To'a. Keep that in mind when you do things." she said.

At that moment the Second for the ship entered the room. He looked around and took a place over by the lone female. Leagar gave a quick salute to her superior.
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Siama Ruo'sa

Pule nodded to the new female and smiled "i am Pule ma'am, its a pleasure to meet you" he smiled and looks between them "and if i need your help i will come as soon as i need it" he looked around "and if i need to protect you, my life is second to all others on this ship".
Siama Ruo'sa

Jaq'si looked at Pule. "I would not be so quick to throw your life away. Just because you are responsible for protecting someone does not make you expendable. After all if you are killed, who then protects your charge." she said with a slight smile.

Hewid's eyes sparkled at Potos' words about appointing which ever performed better as her second. He was confident that would be him, but he was also perfectly willing to take steps to make sure that the Tula's work did not measure up. Once he had the position, the Tula would be in his proper place and that would be fine with Hewid.

Potos noted the arrival of the Tin-To'a so she knew that the Tin-Ta'a would be along shortly. She looked back at her two Sâvyjo. "Hewid after the meeting, I want you to go to reclamation and process the items that have been put there. You know how important it is that we do not waste stuff." she said looking at the brown furred Qaktoro. Shifting her gaze to Tos'feg, "Tos'feg, I want you to check out that piece of equipment we were talking about earlier." She said and turned back towards the center of the room.

At that point in time Qaedal Aaeas came walking in. "Yome Ismâopate Ovuhu-te." he called out in a loud voice. He watched as all of the senior crew members snapped smartly to. The newer crew members responded a bit slower but they were not expecting it. Once he was satisfied with the status of his people, he walked to the door way. "They are ready for you Sar."

A large Qaktoro entered the room, he was taller than most Qaktoro. But as tall as Legos was it was his bulky muscular build that combined to make him look huge. There were traces of white fur on his face and chin that showed his age. His fur was raven black, and a number of thin jagged white lines of fur crossed both of his arms, and one ran down the left side of his face.

He stood in the center of the room and surveyed all of the person's presence. Few of them had the opportunity to meet the Wotanu Abokatinka Poku before, but everyone in the room recognized him. "Ovuji-te." he said in a voice that carried authority and just a hint of age in it.

Officers relaxed their stance just slightly and waited.

A moment later two individuals entered the room wearing a new style of combat armor. They took up positions next to Legos and stood silent. A moment later their helmet visors opened.
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Siama Ruo'sa

Pule stood up straight when he heard new the Qaedal Aaeas and looked at the new Qaktoro that walked in and made a note of the Qaktoro's age and his obvious strength "shouldn't get on the wrong side of him" pule looked at the new armour and smiled "awesome" he mumbled.
"You and the Yome Ismâopate are one of the first of a new kind of crew and vessel. You are members of the clan defense fleet assigned to protect our territory. But while the ship is owned by a single Ruoka, the crew is composed of members from a number of them. As the first of the new fleet you are being given access to our newest equipment; including these lovely suits of armor. These were developed from a number of various prototypes during the battles with the NMX. With a little training you will find yourself able to execute some of the most complex physical feats without difficulty.

Your orders in general are simple. Intercept any vessel that enters our territory and deal with them as appropriate. Though your first stop with be our colony, where you will get the chance to test some of the new frames. We have a couple of possible sites where the NMX may still be dug in. You will be rooting them out." Legos said.
Sitting there quietly, Memi scribbled down a transcript of the whole proceedings. Between lines he would make sure the recorders where aimed correctly and made sure to take plenty of pictures. As he wrote he heard the operational orders. The fact that he was on a warship bothered him a little, but at least he wasn't going to be sent off to fight in the frames or anything of the like.
Tos'feg had been cognizant of the honor attendant in his appointment, but hearing the enormity of the situation, the full context of the special faith and trust placed in them inspired new heights of wonder in him. That was unusual. Tos'feg could get excited, curious, and focused in the world around him, but seldom did his particular place in it and the meanings involved truly affect him. He'd bounce back soon enough and continue about his business with little regard to the larger world. For the moment though he waited, enraptured, for the Legos's next words.
Legos looked around at the crew, seeing the assortment of species present and smiled. "One last thing, our ships have noticed that since the Siama'bu Soujo withdrawn. Scum vermin have become more plentiful. Pirates our allies call them, they fight without honor. They cripple a ship take what they want and leave people even baqli on board to die the slow death of stale air. If you encounter these show them what it means to be hunted. And any that survive when you board, be sure to eject them out the nearest airlock without the benefit of a space suit, so that they may feel their blood boil and their lungs rupture as they try to scream to whatever nameless god they worship in the dark.

Hatakur'te ibâ." he said then walked out of the room.
That... was something else entirely. Though similarly evolved predators, the Tula had long since given up the aggressive instincts the Qaktoro had retained. Tos'feg could understand, intellectually, the importance of defending the clan, of keeping strong in the face of enemies. But reveling in bloodshed, in the vanquishing of one's foes was not something he thought he would ever get a taste for. As such, he twitched briefly - stifling a shudder - at Legos's final words. He was glad to have seen him and heard his encouraging words for the crew but Tos'feg would never countenance such a punishment against anyone, whatever their crimes.
As he scribbled away he was absorbing the information being said, but at the statement of the pirates Mini looked up, with a bit of shock. His hand continued taking down what was being said, but his mind was racking over what was being said. He didn't want to come along just to document the crew jettisoning pirates into the vacuum.

It wasn't like he didn't feel the urge to aggression, though he had focused it over the years into his trade. But the biggest reason he was worrying was he didn't want to end up just becoming a mindless warrior craving battlefield after battlefield.
Qaedal stepped forward, and looked around the room. "I just want to clarify something. Our standing orders regarding any alien vessels we encounter, be they Scum Vermin or merchants have not changed. If we board a vessel, we WILL take prisoners. Those prisoners will stand trial if they are Scum Vermin. Other intruders will be taken to the Kâur Ruomâq. Poku Wotanu'ka Legos Miaurm has a personal reason for his vehemence. A Ytaqo'a returning from a trading trip to Yamatai. They were approached by a number of ships claiming to be merchants. They were not. There were four punlai on that ship, and three baqli on their Kâbo'kai Ojme. The ship's were in fact Scum Vermin, they crippled the ship, took what they wanted and left her adrift. All hands were lost, one of the baqli who was on Kâbo'kai Ojme, was the grand daughter of Legos Miaurm. "

He paused to let his words sink in.

"Tasi start the countdown to launch at ten minutes. Report to your duty stations. We are getting underway." he said and then walked out of the room.

The senior crew members started filing out moving with a practiced sense of urgency.
Tos’feg hesitated for a moment before starting off behind his superior. He followed her back toward engineering but then remembered her orders from before. Darting off quickly, enquired from the computer how to find the Keeper. Once he encountered the Savyjo’ka, he relayed with all due deference the Potos’s directions and received a set of coveralls. He pulled those on in a hurry as he nearly ran back through the corridors to reach the Nyora’a Ruo’sa.

Tool sash resecured around his waste, he sidled up to the recalcitrant generator from before. He took a moment to watch and listen to the equipment before finding a diagnostic display and triggering a fault analysis.
Siama Ruo'sa

A gray Qaktoro with tawny stripes turned to Pule. "Hey, your Sâvyjo Yoieas we need to secure the ship before departure. Go to the airlocks on deck five and secure them. I will see to securing the cargo hold. Then report to Sasâvyjo'sa Taeas." He said and then headed out of the temple.

Hewid watched as Tos'feg hurried out of the temple. He knew that the Bajao'ka Tinsae had given the Tula a task. 'Probably repairing a piece of diagnostic equipment, after all she would not entrust the safety of the ship to a Tula. Now I have a chance to prove my skills at recycling. Everyone knows that proper handling of the recycler was essential or the materials would be contaminated and have to be redone.' He made his way down to where the recycler was and started looking at what was waiting for him. It was a good assortment, and included some old suits of armor, most likely some of the prototypes now obsolete.

Nyora'a Ruo'sa

The diagnostic display in front of Tos'feg showed the fault analysis running through each of the components of the generator. started running it checked off each of the components with a status.

Level 1 Fault Analysis
- Armatures - Pass
- Insulator - Pass
- Coils - Pass
- Transmission - Pass
- Control circuit - Pass

Initiate Level 2 Fault Analysis?
Once everything started winding down Meni remotely shut down the recorders and started wrapping up his notes and transcript. he knew there was going to be a long night of typing the transcript up, using both his notes and the recordings to make sure everything impotent was documented and recorded. Then there were doing up some sketches for future paintings of the event. It was all history that needed to be secured and cemented for generations to come.

With a little sigh he got up and started collecting his notes and sliding them into his satchel. With care each item was slipped into it's folder then into a particular slot in the pack, he wasn't risking losing any of these notes. Once the last of his pens and notebooks were away, he started dismantling the recorders and slipping them gently into their own cases, making sure to pull the data chips as he went. It took him a few minutes before everything were into it's place. Once satisfied he started off his cabin.
Keyul watched as Memi worked at packing up the recording equipment. He went about tidying the temple. When he saw Memi heading out he called out. "Hey, I would hurry with putting that gear up and then head towards the bridge. The Tin Ta-a is going to want you on the bridge when we lauch."

Meanwhile vibrations ran throug the ship as the primary systems came online. Airflow through the ventilation system increased and the lighting brightened.