Star Army

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RP: Yome Ismâopate [Mission 1.0] Whom fortune favors - Prologue

Nyora'a Ruo'sa

Potos smiled at Tos'feg. "Well, I would have expected when can you get started. Well, before you can start, we need to get you a set of tools. Come with me." she said as she walked across the Ruo'sa. As she crossed the room she would briefly touch the various machines that were close enough. She paused by one of the generators. "We will need to see about calibrating this one. The turbine is cycling slightly instead of holding consistent." she said looking back at Tos'feg.

Once she got to the main entrance of the Ruo'sa she opened one of the lockers. She reached in and pulled out a sash similar to what she was wearing. "Here you go, these are your issued tools. Take care of them. After all hard to do a good job without them." she smiled and held it out to him.

Ra'ahu Ruo'sa

Tigar stood up, "I am pretty sure I do not require an escort. But I guess we can consider it a training exercise. Let's go." she said and headed for the door.
"Yes video, and if possible still a photo recorder also.." Memi asked politely as he started poking and prodding the video recorders. "But these should do for the meeting... that we should be heading to." He gently gathered up the recorders, "You want to walk with me, to the meeting... I would hate to get lost again and have the Tin-ta get pissed at me again for being late and lost."
Ra'ahu Ruo'sa

Pule smiled and walked with her and looked around the ship while he did so "this ship is amazing" he said then turned to Tigar and smiled brightly.
Wuny Tin

Miooki looked on the shelves, "Those cameras can take still images, but they are optimized for video." He reached over and picked up an item off the shelf. "Here you go. This is a still recorder. Has a more powerful focus lens array. All of these you can upload via the ship's network system. I will stay here until the Tin-Ta'a makes the broadcast. After all if another crew member comes on board. They will come here expecting their colors. You should go on ahead so you can get set up. I'll be there before the meeting starts."


Tigar looked around the passage way that she was walking though with Pule. "She is all bright and shiny, she has the latest the clan can give. But I am waiting to see what her Rya is like. I've been on ships that look good, and have bold names. But in battle systems fail unexpectedly, and such. I hope that the Yome Ismâopate has a strong heart and a fierce Rya."
Nyora'a Ruo'sa

Tos'feg looked up and bustled over to catch up with his superior. He had stopped by the generator to listen carefully, holding his breath and trying to pick up any indication of what the imbalance might be. Now he was holding up the Qaktoro though; a sheepish look on his face, he ground to a halt and reached out to accept the sash. The sheepishness disappeared as he took it into his hands and examined the tools. It was rather difficult for him to sustain any emotions other than curiosity and excitement at the moment.

After briefly looking over the equipment, he belted the sash around his middle and looked up at the Bajao'ka Tinsae and saluted. "Thank you, ma'am."
Nyora'a Ruo'sa

"Trying to figure out how I knew that generator. That's easy enough to explain. When I was in the Academy, I took a hit to the right ear by a another student in combat training that did not like me. The blow damaged the inner ear, and my parents had me fitted with a cybernetic implant. I could have replaced it later if I wanted, I could have afforded it. But I found that with the implant I can hear things that otherwise I would miss; like subharmonics and fluctuations." She took a look at Tos'feg standing there with his sash on. "No need to salute down here with me, we are working together."

Across the ship's speakers the voice of the Tin-Ta'a came out.

"Attention, this is Kasâvyjo Qaedal Aaeas. All hands are to report to the Siama Ruo'sa in ten minutes."
"Thank you." Memi bowed when he accepted the photo recorder. "Well then i will head up to get set up. Thank you again." He smiled and gathered up the recorders and started up to the meeting. On the way he stopped by his cabin and gathered up his notebook, so he could transcribe the meeting for record.

Using the data pad with the map, he made his way. It was all exciting, just in a few hours he went from only documenting minor events and researching in the libraries. Now he was on the fringe of the unknown. He would be documenting events and things that no one else had ever gotten a chance to witness, let along know of.

Once arriving in the Siama Ruo'sa, He went about setting up the video recorders to capture the whole meeting and then arranged himself in a place which he could hear everything and have the room for his wittings.
Siama Ruo'sa

Pule had finished his preparation of the room long before his brother the Ta'a made his announcement. He was in the living accommodations that were adjacent to the temple. When he heard someone moving about in the temple he look into the room and was surprised to see a new face moving about. That the person was setting up cameras, he figured this was the ship's chronicler. He decided to let him finish his preparation. He would come out shortly before the meeting was to start.

Pule nodded in agreement "same here, my father always said a ship is only as good as it's systems and crew" he laughed "what I've seen so far of the crew, this is a great ship". he looked at Tigar "lets just hope the systems don't fail us" he banged on the wall lightly three times, then shock his head "sorry old thing my mother taught me, it is to ward of bad luck and such".
Siama Ruo'sa

Keyul came out of the side room and looked around. Then walked over to Memi, "Greetings fellow crewman. I am Keyul Aaeas, Detis Goa'a for the ship. Welcome to the Siama Ruo'sa.

Am I correct in presuming that you would be the ship's Kynlumu'a?" he inquired.


TIgar smiled when Pule explained his gesture. "No need to explain something that helps you focus. I know plenty of seasoned warriors who have their own way of warding off misfortune. I don't know if it actually works, but from my way of thinking, if it helps a person focus and put their fear aside. Its a good thing then." She looked at the entrance to the Siama Ruo'sa. "Look sharp in there, we will be having a very important visitor during the briefing."
Nyora’a Ruo’sa

Tos’feg had a contemplative look on his face as he listened to the Qaktoro’s explanation. He usually didn’t give his own situation in life much thought; there were far too many much more interesting things to hold his attention. But from time to time, he was compelled to think on his life experiences and he usually didn’t find his appraisal quite so favorable as his superior found hers. He was quite impressed with the way she had turned a seemingly negative event into such a positive. It seemed there was going to be much more to learn aboard the ship than just mechanical details and technical marvels.

“Understood, ma’am,” he replied. It made sense not to waste time with formalities when there was work to be done. On the other hand, he found that his people - Qaktoro, Tula, Tuoro, Qakla, all - didn’t necessarily do the most sensible thing all the time.

His train of thought was broken by the Tin-Ta’a’s announcement. He looked quickly back up at Potos. “Anything you need me to square away before reporting in?”
Nyora’a Ruo’sa

Potos gave a brief thought of the ship status her eyes roaming across the room. With a shake of her head she said, "There is nothing here that is critical. When we get done with the Tin-Ta'a's briefing you can come back here and work on that generator. Best we get ready for the meeting."

She then took off her tool belt and removed the coveralls she was wearing. She put them into the first locker that had her name on the top of it. Potos then retrieved her uniform from the locker and put it on.

"Actually before you start on that generator make sure you get with the keeper and get a couple of work coveralls." she added, then reached in and took her tool sash out of the locker and back on. "Best we get down to the Saima Rou'sa before the Tin-Ta'a." she said heading towards the door to the passageway.
Nyora'a Ruo'sa

Tos'feg nodded. "Yes, ma'am."

He looked down at his own uniform and reflected that it was probably best to protect it from dirt. His parents had certainly scolded him enough as a child for soiling his clothing regularly. It was usually from being overly focused on whatever messy work he was doing than any sort of rebellious intentional carelessness. Still, he rather doubted any sternly minded officers would scold him as gently as his parents, so avoiding the situation was probably indicated. As the Qaktoro set off, he trailed behind her at a respectful distance.

"Does the Tin-Ta'a greatly value punctuality, ma'am?"
Nyora'a Ruo'sa

Potos looked over her shoulder, "No more so than any other Tin-Ta'a I've served under. When he was a Tin-To'a if you had a good reason for being late, like repairing a critical system. It was okay. Today though is not a day for anyone to come late to the meeting. There is a very important person coming on board to address the entire crew. So coming in late would reflect poorly on the Tin-Ta'a and the Yome Ismâopate. I know I would NOT want to be in that position once the visitor left."
Looking up from his notebook that all ready had the beginnings of a sketch of the Siama Ruo'sa, minus areas he figured people would be seated at. "Yes I am. "He looked back down to his note book before closing it and laying his pencil down.

Standing, "Thank you, I am Memi Sotar. I was ordered to join the ship not a few hours ago. Kind of feeling a bit overwhelmed and rushed." He spoke clearly as he tried to study, and decided what he thought of Keyul.
Siama Ruo'sa

Keyul looked around the room. "I know how you feel. I have been dreaming of this day, and now that it is here, everything is happening so quickly."

He then walked up to the altar and lit some incense, one that helped to create a calming sensation. 'Not sure how well this will work, given who is coming. But at least folks should be a bit more relaxed before he comes in.' he thought. He then went into his attached cabin and brought out the clan heraldry which he placed in front of the altar.

As he walked over near Memi he watched as a couple of crew members came in.
Siama Ruo'sa

As pule walked into the Sima Ruo'sa, he looked around and saw Keyul and smiled a bit and held his necklace and muttered a prayer to his brother then went completely calm and walked over to where he could see everyone and keep a tab on their movement and behavior.

Then walks over to Keyul after a few minutes wait watching "hello again" he had a weird grin like he was trying to do something that he forgot how to do "how have you been around the ship?".
Siama Ruo'sa

"Hello, I've been rather busy setting this up here." He said to his friend, he turned to Tigar who walked over to stand near her subordinate. "Sasâvyjo'sa, a pleasure to meet you."

"A pleasure to meet you Sâvyjo so you are our Detis Goa'a, seem a bit young for the task." the brown furred female Qaktoro replied.

"I assure you ma'am that I would not be here if my master's had any doubt as to my capabilty." Keyul answered.

At that moment a white furred Tuoro entered the room, she paused and looked around. Then made her way over to Tigar. "I was told to make sure to have plenty of medical supplies on hand. I thought at first that was because of the younglings. But now I see that you are here. Maybe I should requisition some more." she said with a grin.

Tigar looked at the Tuoro before her, "Jagsi, still trying to figure out which end of a scalpel to use?" The two of them clasped hands and laughed good naturedly. "I see the Tin-Ta'a is going all ceremony on us." Jaqsi said.

A young Qaktoro with brown fur and black stripes walked into the room, surveyed the area and walked over to the other side and stood by herself.
Nyora'a Ruo'sa

Tos'feg nodded in agreement with his superior. The Tin-Ta'a had already proven himself to be very understanding and conscious of the problems Tos'feg might face integrating with certain of the crew who held with more traditional views. He didn't really want to sabotage that relationship right out of the gate, let alone make his immediate superior look bad. In any event, he didn't want to miss this meeting anyways. Sure, his curiosity was usually focused on technical and mechanical objects, but from time to time he'd found people to be rather intriguing as well. If Potos said they were going to see a VIP, then Tos'feg wanted to be there for the whole thing.

Lost in thought wondering who they might see, Tos'feg followed on behind in silence.
Siama Ruo'sa

Pule was listened to the two girls and smiled a bit as he thought it was an inside joke in between the two girls, them coughed a bit dryly trying to turn his attention to his job trying to work out the strengths of everyone here.