Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: Yome Ismâopate [Mission 1.0] Whom fortune favors - Prologue

The as the various external accesses closed, there was a slight increase in pressure that could be felt briefly in the ears. This was standard as the clan ships always over pressurized above standard as a safety precaution.

On the diagnostic display the system continued its work

Level 2 Fault Analysis
- Controller assembly 1 - pass
- Controller assembly 2 - pass
- Load controller assembly 1 - pass

- Load controller assembly 2 - fault detected
- Load controller assembly 3 - pass

The ambient noise in the engineering room increased as the primary generators ramped up to operating load. A brief flicker in the lights occurred as the Bajao'ka Tinsae switched the ship to internal power. She activated the intercom. " Bridge this is Engineering. Primary power is operating normally, we are running on internal power. Drives stand ready to respond to commands." she said.
Nyora'a Ruo'sa

Watching with interest as the diagnostic clicked between iterations, Tos’feg perked up with interest as the first fault appeared. He let the diagnostic continue on the off chance that another subcomponent was malfunctioning as well but turned the bulk of his attention to pulling up a schematic of the load controller assembly, noting where he would need to access it and where replacement parts could be found - assuming the fix would be more complicated than replacing a wire or reseating a coupling.

Without looking up he called across the compartment, voice rising over the new noises and harmonics that sent a chill up his spine. “Ma’am, I’ve identified the probable cause of the problem here. Assuming a visual check confirms the error, I’d like permission to take the sub-system offline temporarily to do a tear-down.”
Nyora'a Ruo'sa

Potos looked over at Tos'feg, and smiled inwardly. She was pleased that he was not merely going to accept what the diagnostic was showing. "Your assignment was to repair the generator. So you have permission to take it offline."

Meanwhile the fault analysis for the system continued to report.

Level 3 Fault Analysis
- Turbine base bearing - Pass

- Turbine top bearing - Over temp
- Turbine governor - Pass

Fault analysis complete.
Niu'te Ruo'sa

La'tâ Qoji was panting trying to catch her breath, she had just barely managed to get onto the ship in time. She had received her orders, but there were complications at home and an unexpected child birth that there were not enough attendants for so she had to help with and she ended up behind schedule "You had said you would report with haste, and then you are nearly late La'tâ. This is not how you should be representing house Muiqor or you family." She took a moment more to make sure she was presentable and then walked, heading to the medical bay to report for duty.

Wapoin Ruo'sa

She stood in front of the Anomu Wunyte for a moment to once again make sure she was composed and then stepped inside. She put down her luggage and crossed both arms over her chest, bowing as she spoke, "La'tâ Qoji of house Muiqor. I apologize for my late arrival." Her teeth show quite often as she speaks it might be from her upbringing or just she shows her true self at all times, hard to tell without asking her. Only after speaking though did she raise her head and glance around to get a feel for the space.
Wapoin Ruo'sa

There were a number of containers on the floor in various places. A white furred Tuoro was standing near one of the cabinets with a couple of drug packs in her hand.

Jaqsi when the doors opened turned to see who was entering her domain. She watched as a brown furred Tula entered. She put the packs in her hand on a shelf and walked over to the Tula. She had a slightly annoyed expression on her face. She returned La'tâ's salute. "I am Sasâvyjo'sa Jaqsi Yaobas Wapoin'asa for the
Yome Ismâopate." she straightened, and continued.

"Sâvyjo La'tâ Qoji another minute or two and you would have missed the launch. Missing the departure of your assigned ship is a very serious matter. It is bad enough that you boarded the ship without giving your oath to the commander. Do you have an explanation for your lateness."
Wapoin Ruo'sa

La'tâ Qoji looked disappointed in herself, she whole heartedly agreed with Jaqsi about how bad this was. "I apologize I know this was a failure on my part. There was an unexpected birth at house Muiqor and the Wapoin'aka were not there yet so I assisted and lost track of time. I assure you this will not happen again however. I take my assignment and my duties very seriously." She looked up to the Tuoro with a look of conviction. "I will take any discipline you or my superiors deem appropriate for my actions."
Wapoin Ruo'sa

Jaqsi listened to La'tâ but she also was watching the Tula's demeanor and body language. She considered the options, the Tin-Ta'a would be busy on the Jyaonruo'sa. Best to not bother him for something minor and unavoidable.

"Sâvyjo Qoji, I have no wish to disturb the Tin-Ta'a about this matter. So I will handle this incident. After all I am well aware that there is no way to predict how long a birthing will take. You will serve two extra hours a day for the next three days. I believe the Tin-Ta'a will consider that sufficient. " she replied her facial expression softening. She walked over to the terminal at her desk and flipped a switch, "Tasi, please record that Sâvyjo Qoji is required to perform extra duty per my command. Copy the Tin-Ta'a on the record."

She walked over to La'tâ. "Okay that takes care of your lateness." She said with a grin. "Now, are you ready to give your oath?"
Wapoin Ruo'sa

La'tâ had mixed feelings about the chosen discipline, she felt that she had made a more serious infraction than that, but at the same time she was aware that too severe a punishment and she would not be able to perform her duties at peak condition. She quickly bottled everything up though and told herself that her superiors know best, and she will give those extra hours her most superlative effort. When the Sasâvyjo'sa returned to her the Tula straightened up once more.

She gave a nod at hearing the question. "Yes Sasâvyjo'sa, I am ready to give my oath."
Wapoin Ruo'sa

"Tasi the ship's brain will witness the oath so that the commander will know you have been duly sworn in." Jaqsi said.

Jaqsi stood straight and tall, and speaking with her authority voice. ”Sâvyjo La'tâ Qoji, you have been assigned to this vessel. Do you give your oath that you will obey the orders of those above you as long as they are worthy? Do you give your oath that you will commit your skills, blood and even your very life should it be required? Do you give your oath freely and with no evasion that you will serve in the Wotanu Abokatinka Poku, with distinction that will reflect well upon the Poku, your Ruoka and your Punla?”
Wapoin Ruo'sa

La'tâ takes a breath and then holds her arms up and open as she begins to speak, showing her teeth once more"I speak with teeth bared and and arms wide as I give my oath. I shall obey those above in everything as long as they are worthy. I give this oath freely and with joy as I strive to serve with distinction and honor for the Poku, my Rouka and my Punla." She carefully draws her knife and cuts her right palm, letting blood drip onto the floor as she clenches her fist. "I swear by my fau, my hyru and my rya to my Tin-Ta'a that I will uphold this oath."
Nyora'a Ruo'sa

“Yes, ma’am. Thank you, ma’am,” Tos’feg still didn’t look up, his nose nearly pressed against the schematic display. The secondary fault - he was very, very grateful that he hadn’t let his excitement get the better of him and distract him from the possibility - was unlikely to be the main cause of the errant vibrations; after all, an uneven load distribution was more likely to result in a rhythmic disturbance. Still, a bad bearing bore fixing and now was as good a time as ever. In fact, if the load controller gave out entirely it might burn out whole generator. If the bearing gave out, it might send shards of the turbine through the generator casing and into the rest of the compartment with lethal force.

He paused from his reading to begin the shutdown sequence, using the time needed for the device to spin down to confirm his next moves. As the generator became comfortingly silent, he cracked open the indicated access port and peered in. With any luck it would be a mere chipset issue, indicated by its onboard telltales, and only need a plug-and-play replacement. Worst case scenario he’d have to pull the whole circuitry package by hand to confirm and replace the faulty elements. It would certainly make for a nice warm up before tearing down the bearing assembly.
Mene nodded as he left. thinking as he walked down to his cabin, he was wondering most how many events a day he would be needed to document, or if this one day was just abnormal because of the launch. It was such thoughts that held his mind when he entered his cabin and started stripping the data storage from the recorder that he was going to be taking back up to the bridge in a few moments.

Once the data was stored safely and his notes form the conference were placed on the table for him later that day, Mene took off out of his cabin for the bridge. Luckily he brought the tablet with the map so he could find his way up there.

entering he stepped of to the side and stood there quietly.

Around Meme things were going smoothly. The Tin-Ta'a had called for a last minute system check from the various stations. Once the last of the sections reported Toidorno the Tin-To'a turned to the Tin-Ta'a. "Sar, all stations report we are ready to get underway. The berth has been opened and we are cleared for departure."

Qaedal looked around the bridge at the eager faces, he even took a moment to glance at the young Chronicler whom he gave a brief wink to. He stood up. "Very well, all thrusters ahead. Once we are clear of the berth switch to plasma drive. Tell Engineering to start charging the Tinvyma Movidoanor. Once it is charged calculate a worm hole vector to the Âmuarpoku system." The main view screen showed the opening to the berth the edges of it sliding off the screen. The screen was filled with the nebula's glow. Once the ship was clear there was a surge of acceleration as the ship moved to STL drive. "Very good Everyone. The Yome Ismâopate has embarked on her first voyage. Now we shall see whom fortune favors." He said taking his seat. "Charging time for FTL transition 30 minutes and counting." came the voice of Tasi the ship's Brain out of the speakers.

Wapoin Ruo'sa
"Very well, now no one on the crew should treat you any differently. For now you can help me with putting the medical supplies up. We already had one patient today. Now that we are on our way, I suspect we will have more." Jaqsi said to La'tâ
. She no sooner grabbed a couple of boxes and started putting the contents on the appropriate shelving. The door to the Wapoin Ruo'sa slid open behind La'tâ,

A brown furred Qaktoro stepped into the room with his left hand wrapped in cloth. "Excuse me, I cut my hand in reclamation and a simple bandage was insufficient."
Wapoin Ruo'sa
La'tâ has a slight smile on her face knowing that she was going to be treated as a full member of the crew now. She picked up a box to help sort supplies but turned to the sound of the door opening to see who had entered. She stepped over after listening to what he said and held her hands out. "May I see the wound?" She was already thinking of what possible injuries he might have and how to treat them, however in her mind she had to tell herself, she had a superior officer, and she should differ to her for treatment methods.
Wapoin Ruo'sa

Jaqsi turned to face the individual asking for assistance. She placed the box of medical supplies back on the cart and walked over. "What happened?"

Hewid looked around looking past the Tula to the female Qaktoro who asked. "I was working in reclamation, the Bajao'ka Tinsae wanted me to process all the refuse. In my eagerness to do the job in a quick and efficient manner; I made one slight misjudgement. I forgot to put on a pair of work gloves. So when I grabbed a piece of scrap metal it cut me." he said with just a hint of sheepishness.

Jaqsi turned to La'tâ, "Take him over to station one and clean his wound. I will get you the tools to treat the wound properly. This will be an ideal opportunity to demonstrate your skill." she said.
Wapoin Ruo'sa

La'tâ paused a moment at noticing the male Qaktoro look past her. She was not used to being ignored, while her family was Tula their place was retainers in the clan and they were appreciated for their service, it would take time to get used to people who feel that the young Tula was out of place. However her expression only remained miffed for a moment, and she quickly went back to being professional and waited to be told what to do.

When Jaqsi gave her the order she gestured towards the Wapoin Âotunay, she knew a proud Qaktoro would not take kindly to a Tula helping him walk so she allowed him to walk by himself but kept close. Once she was at the station with him she moved over to the scanning equipment if he had cut his hand on scrap infection was possible so it would be best to check.
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Wapoin Ruo'sa

Hewid followed La'tâ over to the Wapoin Âotunay once there he looked at her, "Do you think this will take very long. I would like to get back to my duty as soon as possible." he said with a smile. "Although I do not want to get you in trouble, so make sure you do a good job."
Wapoin Ruo'sa

La'tâ smiled to him and shook her head. "It will not take long." She started the scan and then moved over to him, grabbing the proper tools to clean his wound. Once the scan was finished she took his hand and unwrapped it to see what what it was like, but began to disinfect and clean the wound.
With the bridge starting to get busy, Memi found a spot out of the way. He held the recorder in his hand and panned it about taking in all of the actions that were bringing the ship to its maiden journey. He could feel the hum of excitement from the crew as they preformed their assigned duties. with that excitement and the warm feeling of pride in his own breast, it was hard for Memi to stay calm and concentrate on what was going on.

He tried to keep an eye on the Tin-Ta'a, so that he would be able to have him in frame when ever a new command was issued. He was sure that the ship was also recording everything, and he would be able to reference to the recordings, but he wanted to have a perspective from where he stood.
Nyora’a Ruo’sa

With the turbine spun down, Tos’feg reached into the access port and slid the controller assembly part way out into the open without actually detaching it fully yet. He hit the small button that cycled the chipset’s onboard diagnostics and watched as a few telltales predictably displayed an amber hue, indicating a fault. It wasn’t quite a red of an outright failure, but nor was it a green of full functionality. As he watched, though, he grew more confused. At first only one but then more of the telltales began periodically flickering to green before returning to amber again. He had initially just planned to pull the chipset and leave it for reconditioning later, but now he was curious. He only grew more so as the periods of green grew longer and longer until finally all of the telltales showed a constant, even green glow.

What kind of fault disappeared, even evidently fixed itself? He had no idea at present and that frankly excited him. Now he wanted to get the board out of its housing and onto a workbench for some closer examination and so he reached in to uncouple it from the rest of the generator. Stifling an utterance of surprised pain, he pulled back his hand almost immediately. The touch had only been glancing, but brief contact between his hand and a piece of metal framework had been enough to burn. Shaking his had idly, he wondered at the poor thermal insulation in the design before recalling the bad top bearing. Clearly the second problem area had more of an impact than the mere potential for a catastrophic blowout. Still, the chipset wasn’t showing any signs of melting or the typical thermal damage he would have expected.

More carefully this time, he reached back in and extracted the board. Staring at it excitedly, he carried it over to the nearest workbench, eager to get a better idea of just what the problem might be.