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RP: Yome Ismâopate [Mission 1.2] Whom fortune favors - Aftermath


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The star that Âmuar orbited was high in the sky above the Yome Ismâopate. The warm air from the solar radiation mixing with the cooler air descending from the mountain formed dust devils that danced across the surface around the starship. Members of the crew were working on loading equipment into the ship and some were conducting tests of the atmosphere. The testing was actually a training exercise for the Sâvyjo on the crew.

ADyet'una flitter approached the landing site having flown from the Mâhoa'ka Âdor.
It circled the field at about 500 meters and then came down towards the Yome Ismâopate. It settled on the grass about 25 meters behind the ship. The rear door of the flitter swung upwards silently. The pilot of the craft stepped out and looked around. "Okay, transferee this is the Yome Ismâopate. the Tin-Ta'a is onboard and waiting for you." The gray tiger striped Qaktoro said looking back into the flitter.
Syaboa nodded to the pilot then walk out off the flitter then walks over to the Yome Ismâopate and gulped as her belt jingled with blades of different designs, she took her first steps onto the ship then had to check where the Tin-Ta'a would be "its bad getting lost before I have even started". Syaboa found her way but this made her late for the time she wanted to be there for "I am sorry for my lateness Tin-Ta'a, I got lost on this magnificent ship of yours" she laughed and looks at the Tin-Ta'a "its the oath first right" she knew the procedure but her and her sister always said it by their shared blood not just their blood.
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Qaedal looked at Syaboa, his blue almond shaped eyes taking stock of her appearance and demeanor. "So you would be Syaboa Purpur of Ruoka Qintyâ'jo. I would have your oath then you can find yourself a cabin and report to the hold We have reconnaissance team returning and the will be much work to be done one they arrive." he said and stood by his console.

"Tasi, activate bridge recorders." he said out loud addressing the ships brain. "Recorders active Tin-Ta'a Aaeas." came the disembodied voice of the brain.

Turning his attention to Syaboa, he said. "Syaboa Purpur, you have been assigned to this vessel. Do you give your oath that you will obey the orders of those above you as long as they are worthy? Do you give your oath that you will commit your skills, blood and even your very life should it be required? Do you give your oath freely and with no evasion that you will serve in the Wotanu Abokatinka Poku, with distinction that will reflect well upon the Poku, your Ruoka and your Punla?”
Syaboa nodded at Qaedal and pulled Smiler off her belt putting it over her other palm "I give my oath, that I will follow the orders of those above as long as they are worthy to give orders" she dug the dagger into her palm a bit to get ready for the cut "I will commit my skills and life to to you, the Yome Ismâopate and the clan". Syaboa cut into her palm letting the blood drip down "I give my oath freely and will serve the Wotanu Abokatinka Poku, with distinction that will reflect well upon my Poku, Ruoka and Punla" she cut a bit deeper "this I swear on the blood that is shared between two of the same family".

Syaboa bowed slightly and looked at Qaedal "was that acceptable or should I prove my loyalty another way?" she was prepared to do anything to prove that the oath she just gave was the truth, as she cleaned off Smiler and put it back in her belt then looked around "if it was acceptable I would like to get going so I can get to know the others of the crew when they get back". Syaboa was standing there waiting for permission to leave, she let those above tell her what to do like a proper warrior would, she wanted to make sure she didn't do anything wrong on the first day on the job.
Qaedal watched Syaboa and noted the determination in her expression. He would keep an eye on this Sâvyjo. "Your oath has been accepted and was well done." He said, then turned to the main screen. "Tasi, discontinue recording."

Qaedal turned his attention back to Syaboa, "Take your possessions down to Deck 2 and find a cabin. We are understaffed so you have the option for a room to yourself. After that report to Kasâvyjo Kehula in the cargo hold. She is making preparations for receiving the team. "
Syaboa bows "thank you" she turned and leaved going towards the single rooms, wanting one of them so no one sees the scar on her stomach, she smiled and started to unpack her stuff, when she did she made sure everything was in pristine order before she left the room.

Syaboa made her way towards the cargo hold, happy to be useful on her first day hoping that she will prove herself to the other crew as well as the Tin-Ta'a, when she made it to the cargo hold she looked around for Kehula and sighed "hello Kasâvyjo Kehula? I am here to help you prepare for the team".
Potos looked at Syaboa, "So your the newest member of the crew. What is your name Sâvyjo? You can work help Hewid break out the braces, several of the Stako coming in are damaged. We will need them to prop them up so their operators can exit safely." Potos pointed to a brown furred Qaktoro with black stripes. The Qaktoro was entering the open end of a Wunya Tinsae and coming out with looked like a collection of bundled pipes.
Syaboa looked t the other two "I am Syaboa Purpur, I will do that" she walked over to the brown Qaktoro and smiled "seems you have some help with this now, so let me help" she didn't know quite what to do with the pipes but if she needed she would just do as she was told and hope she was doing it right. Syaboa looked at the bundled pipes "is this all or is there more in the Wunya Tinsea for me to take out?" she watched with interest at the brown furred Qaktoro and hoped that they would say what to do with this.
Hewid looked at Syaboa, "I am Hewid Letes. There are four more sets of braces in the Wunya Tinsea. Once we have them all out I will show you how to set them up. When setup they form a tripod with a base wide enough to support the Stako. These ones that I have taken out are for the Goa'ismâ Stako which is the smallest we have. The ones still in the Wunya are for the Matu'dahoka Stako."
Syaboa nodded and let Hewid move away from the Wunya Tinsea then goes into it and collects as much as she could of the braces and carefully pulled them out then looked at them "do we actually need all of them or is it safe to only take a few out? you see I don't know how big the crew actually is".
"Yes, we need to have all of them out. The recon group consisted of ten Stako. Eight of the Stako are damaged. We will set the braces up and when the Stako come we will slide them up to the ones that need them, anchor the brace to the floor and then attach it to the Stako. " Hewid replied as he started unfolding the current brace.

"The ship is capable of a compliment of 32 crew. We are currently at about 60% of that. With the Wotanu Abokatinka Poku still getting established, trained personnel are in short supply. After all not everyone wants to give up their current job for one that is such a new concept." he said with a grin.
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"okay, if you continue to set them up I will bring them out and then help you when I have finished unpacking them" Syaboa put the Pipes gently hoping she didn't look like an idiot as she got more of them out, this kept happening until all of the pipes were removed, then she started helping her ally to set them up for the others "I hope I can be helpful to all, I am only good at killing things though".
Hewid smiled at Syaboa, "Anyone with strong arms can help with recovery. Its not like the Bajao'ka Tinsae is going to expect you to repair them. Right now the job is getting them safely onboard and out of the Stako." He turned to the ramp and looked through the sterile screen. A Stako was walking up the ramp, its left arm missing from the elbow down.

"Looks like it is time to get started. Get those others." He said as he resumed setting up the brace.
Syaboa nodded and continued to work with the pipes and braces and hoped to get enough done for the others coming in before they get too many people compared to the amount of braces they had ready, she worked as quickly as could and hoped that it was fast enough for the flow of people coming into the ship soon, her eyes glint with determination as she worked to get everything done.
Hewid called Syaboa over to show her how to properly brace the first of the Stako. He showed her how to anchor the brace to the deck. Then attach it to the secure point on the Stako. Given that the first one was one of the larger it would require two braces. So he let Syaboa attach it. "Once you have it secure we'll go to the hatch and see if the operator needs assistance." he said with a grin.
Syaboa nodded happily as she done the work that she had been told to do, she hoped that she was doing as she was shown, embarrassed that this wasn't natural to her like it seemed it should be. It took a while but Syaboa finally did it then turned to Hewid "it is done sir, now lets go and see what else can be done" she looked down not sure if she can actually do, she wished that her twin was here to do all of this.
Hewid looked at Syaboa, "My name is Hewid, we're the same rank so no need to call me sir." He stood and moved around to the rear of the Stako. He knocked on the back panel and a moment later there was a click and the back panel swung open. The Qaktoro inside was bleeding from a wound in its left bicep.

"Thanks for securing the Stako. If you would finish shutting it down, I need to report to the Wapoin'asa. I'm going to have to talk to the Kasâvyjo Kehula about getting a custom paint job." He stood up and stepped out of the cockpit. He smiled as he looked around the hold. Then walked off towards the Medical bay.
Syaboa watched as the guy missing an arm walks to the Medical Bay as she thought for a moment "the people on the ship seem brave, they will be loyal companions" she smiled slightly and turned back to Hewid "okay then Hewid". Syaboa looked around "just waiting for the others now, right?" she looked at the Stako then back at Hewid.
"Yeah, I would loved the opportunity to have gone with them. But my superior wanted me to stay on the ship. The ship is newly launched and he still has a few idiosyncracies to deal with. Before long everything will be up to the Engineers standards." Hewid looked at the next Stako entering through the sterility mist. He pointed to the scout stako, if had anumber of weapon strikes and an assortment of claw marks."

"You take care of this Stako, it is a one person job I will get the next."
Syaboa nodded and walked over to brace her first of the Stako, doing exactly what Hewid had showed her to, she smiled as she got it right then knocked on the back panel waiting for the response from the person inside the Stako.
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