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RP: YSS Celia Mission 1: [Anisa] Mission Preparations

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Inactive Member
Somewhere in the outer fringes of the Anisa system, the Celia and her escorts suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"Celia, open an audio channel to the rest of the ship," said Henry.

The silver haired neko nodded.

"The trip to our objective will take several hours with the CDD system," Henry announced to everyone. "Our mission is to make first contact with the dominant species in the objective system. Before we leave Anisa, I wish to have us begin preparations. We will follow standard procedures.

"If the species in question has space travel capabilities, we will attempt to make first contact either in space or in the orbit of a populated planet. Otherwise, a planetary landing will be necessary. There will be two away teams, with each taking a shuttle. Team Alpha will consist of Shosa Hayasaka, Taii Kaori, Taii Kamitaka, Taii Tanaka, and Taii Yuan and I. Alpha will attempt to make first contact. Team Bravo will consist of Ittô Heisho Wikkedson and anyone else whom he wishes to bring along on the shuttle. Bravo will act as an honor guard for any diplomats and dignitaries that would greet us, or as our security force if we receive a less than friendly welcome.

"Now, Taii Kaori, Taii Kamitaka, please report to the medical bay to get yourselves backed up on the ST machines. I'll need you back here on the bridge before we move into unexplored space. The rest of us will take turns on the ST machines while we are in transit. First Sergeant Wikkedson, please assemble your team in the mean time."
Wikkedson gathered up his sentries as usual, and sent them to their stations in the bay. Not suprisely, they were wearing body armor and heavily armed. The team consisted of Wikkedson, Bloodfist, the Nishizaki twins (as the shuttle's pilot and copilot), Seraphsmasher, and Sixthree Tangozulu. Leet and Woot were told to hold down the fort (besides, they were busy getting sloshed the night before).
Ryoko had been stationed on the Celia, and had taken a ride on an aeroshuttle to reach it, longhours later her shuttle contacted the Celia for docking permission. While the impatient neko waited inside tapping her foot, she was wearing a stararmy uniform with a redpanel because she technically didn't have a occupation just yet and she needed something other than exotic dancing clothing to wear. "Come on I've been waitingfor hours..." she said irratibly.
"Sir, Yamikage Ryoko requests permission to come aboard," said Celia.

"Hmm? Were we expecting her?" asked Henry, while his crew made preparations to move into unexplored space.

"Yes, sir," the voice of Shosa Hayasaka Yuri chimed in from Henry's computer terminal. "I requested a junior intelligence officer for this ship, sir. Please make the proper arrangements."

"All right," replied Henry, feeling very much inclined to let the SAINT agent get what she wanted. He began typing into his terminal.

"Thank you, sir."

The shuttle was immediately given permission to dock, and was soon inside the Celia's shuttle bay.

When the shuttle's hatch opened, Ryoko could see a brown haired neko waiting for her. The neko had a dagger-shaped genetic tattoo on her left cheek.

"Greetings, Miss Yamikage."
Ryoko squealed a bit girlishly when they finally docked and pushed the backdoor open and stepped out and stretched, hauling a fair size duffle bagon her shoulder. She blinked her pretty blue eyes and looked at the neko who was waiting for her and walked over and examined her visually, remembering the tattoo so she could put name with face. She bowed a little in return. "Hello." Ryoko said sweetly to the girl.
Yuri gave a quick glance over Ryoko's body, noting her height and build. The SAINT agent did not offer Ryoko her name, as she was accustomed to not giving out information unless she felt it was necessary. She took out a data pad and checked Ryoko's new orders from Henry. "You'll be working under me as an intelligence officer. Your rank... is now Shoi," she said. "Your room will be next to mine... Here." She let Ryoko have the data pad, which now displayed a map of the ship, with her room high-lighted. "I'll have a sprite deliver your rank pin and a gray-paneled uniform to your room, in case you don't feel like using your holography system. Get into proper uniform and report to me in the medical bay... Any questions?"

Yuri looked a bit uncomfortable as she gave Ryoko her orders. She probably was not used to talking this much in a conversation.
The fairly tall amythest haired neko nodded and had patiently waited for her to check on it and scanned it when she was finished with it to find her quarters. She gave a small chuckle of amusment at the sudden rank hop, obviously she'd done something good in a past life to have such good luck come her way. Ryoko noticed that Yuri was feeling a little...uncomfortable with speaking this much but she appreciated the effort. "I'll do just that ma'am." She said and started for the door. "Look forward to serving under you." Ryoko smirked maliciously. "Though I prefer to be on top." She quipped...not refering to rank.
Kaya stood patiently in the medical bay as ordered, she was unsure of what to do so had decided to wait for someone else so that she could observe them.
Yuri watched as Ryoko walked away, and then went about her business. She had a bit of time before she would have to meet with Ryoko again in the medical bay.

"Hi, you're the first one here! This way, please." An Asian-looking Geshrin girl directed Kaya to an examination bed. "Lie down, please." The girl was wearing a green Star Army uniform and a Taii pin.

After Kaya had lied down on the bed, the Geshrin girl folded out a mechanical arm out from under the bed, which held some sort of scanner over Kaya's head.

"You are new here, right? My name's Meemeel. Allow me to explain how this system works. This scanner is taking a snapshot of the current neural patterns in your brain. If you ever get fragged out there, we can take the scanned image, and, with a little help from some Elysian technology, bring you back from the dead! Neat huh? You'll probably lose any memory gained after you've been scanned, though. So check back with me periodically, and especially before potentially dangerous missions..."

Of course, Kaya probably knew all this, as a former SAINT agent trying to forget her past. Meemeel had no way of knowing that, though.

The small indicator light on the scanner changed color from yellow to green.

"All done!" Meemeel announced, folding the mechanical arm back under the bed. "You may go back to the bridge now. What's your name, by the way?"
She had calmly just done as instructed and listened quietly to what the Geshrin told her. Once she had finished Kaya sat up and that's when the Taii officer had asked Kaya what her name was.

She looked at Meemeel a blank expression on her face the only movement a single blink. After a few seconds of silence though she finally answered, "My name, is... Sarah, John, Seiji, Aya, Mira, Teijo, Akina, Sakura... or at least a few of them are... but the name everyone refers to me as is Kaya... she's almost gone though..." Her tone carried a heavy amount of sorrow but just as quickly as it had come so did it dissapear and she broke into a smile while energetically pushing herself off the bed to land on her feet.

"You're right we must report to the bridge, the eager one awaits, do please keep my muddle safe!" That said, she ran out of the room with an excited burst of speed towards the bridge.
Ryoko headed to her room and flopped down on the soft bed and snuggled around in it a little and yawned. Then she sat up and started getting her stuff organized, though it wasn't too long before the sprite showed up with the grey paneled uniform and rank pin for her. Ryoko nodded and immediately changed into that uniform, it felt good to have one offical one of her own and in a few moments she strode down the hall to the medbay, her stride confident in herself mixed with a little habitual sensuality, but nonetheless she showed up where ordered. "Shoi Yamikage Ryoko reporting." but before she got herself composed, another neko came flying out of the room and slammed into Ryoko; bowling them over.

Ryoko giggled then acked, their bodies intertwined as they lay onthe floor, Kaya on top. "I'm glad to meet you too." She smiled after brushing a hair out of her mouth.
Meemeel was about to look up Kaya's full name on the crew manifest, so that she could store Kaya's brain image properly, when she heard the "thump" of flesh hitting carpeted floor outside. "Is everyone all right?" She asked as she poked her head outside.

Meanwhile, Yuri was walking down the hall toward the medical bay. She didn't see the two nekos slumped on the floor yet.
Kaya looked at Ryoko with a puzzled expression before stating, "You shouldn't walk in the way of people who are running." This said she got up and sprinted off towards the bridge again.
Ryoko blinked at the girl, she was puzzled by how she instantly blamed her. How could Ryoko know she was gonna come barreling out of the medbay. She shrugged and turned to Meemel and smiled. "Hi, I'm ok." She said. "My name's Ryoko, what's yours cutie?" Ryoko smiled.
"Um, I'm Meemeel. Hi... Oh, please, um, have a seat on one of the beds and I'll be right with you." She then went back inside the medbay to save Kaya's brain image into memory, blushing all the way. Meemeel was still not used to the nekos flirting with her, despite having served for a quite a while with the Star Army.

Yuri was standing by Ryoko, who was still on the floor, and looking down at her. "Odd place to take a nap, Shoi," she commented.

Meanwhile, Henry, also known as "his eagerness", was waiting patiently for two of his bridge officers to report back to him.
Ryoko got to her feet and nodded; "Yeah it is isn't? I got bowled over by another neko." She said standing up and went into the medbay to take a seat. "Let me guess, routine ST backup day?"
"You know the drill, then," said Yuri as she followed Ryoko inside. "By the way, we are on a first contact mission. If we go planetside, I'm bringing you with me. It should be a good learning experience."

Henry nodded to the two bridge officers as they returned to the bridge from the medbay. "Man you stations, lieutenants. Celia, you have the bridge. Start up the CDD and take us to the objective system. Shina, you're with me."

Shina nodded as she got up from her chair, and followed Henry as he headed for the medbay.

(OOC: I'll carry Andrew's character along the plot until he picks things up again. Also, we'll be leaving Anisa soon.)
"Actually...." Ryoko smiled, rubbing her purple hair embarassedly. "This is the first time I've been on a starship before, and still a little shocked at that I got promoted from slave to shoi in such a short time." The sultry exotic dancer said as she waited to get her backup created. When Yuri mentioned planetside, she blinked in moderate confusion, she'd never been on a mission like that before and was mildly unsure of her place in it. But facing the fact that she didn't have a choice in the matter, she smiled and nodded. " Hai, it should be."
Yuri watched as Meemeel backed up Ryoko's brain patterns on the ST system, and shrugged at Ryoko's comment about being a former slave. "We're all slaves to the Star Army here, in a way," she observed. "I wouldn't trade this job for anything, though."

It didn't take long for Henry and Shina to reach the medbay. Several medics helped the admiral and his assistant as they made use of the ST machines.

"Taii Kamitaka," the Celia avatar addressed Kaya, in person this time. "Please make one last check on our plotted course before I activate the CDD. I'd prefer not making course corrections while going FTL." The avatar neko was standing behind Kaya's station, watching her with the neutral expression that she usually wore.
For a moment, on the active machines, Ryoko's brainwaves shone with momentary curiousity. If such a thing registered on brainwave scans; she looked up at Yuri for a moment. "No, you're a soldier, hired or created to serve. I was created to be an exotic dancer but I fell into debt and sold myself into slavery to the military." She said pointedly. "I enjoy what I do and I figure that I'm here to to perform and keep morale up." Ryoko said, making a few gesticulations as she spoke to make her point.

She looked up as Henry and Shina walked in as she rose from her seat when the backup was completed. She noticed their rank pins, and figuring that they were the bigshots around here; Ryoko went she half struted over to Henry and bent over at the waist showing alittle clevage as she bowed to him. "Hello Taisho-san." She said and winked at him. She smiled and trailed a couple fingers over his cheek. "Mmm you're pretty cute, I think I might enjoy being on this ship.." Ryoko giggled. and backed off.
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