Aurelus sighed, then turned around and looked up at the balcony to look at Mender. "If Denkou's gonna go lookin' through the mansion, she c'n go 'head n do it on 'er own! I already almost go' maimed in 'alf by one o' em traps, and ye want me ta go lookin fer more?! This mansion i' nothin' bu' trouble, lass! If ye already forgot, this place was almost our death beds yesterday nigh'!
If yer goin' ta waste yer healin powers on someone, ye might as well do i' on Denkou, since she's th' one tha wants ta stay 'ere. Me? I'm layin down on th' grass, if anythin! I'm tired as a mule, and I'm 'ungry, and thirsty, an I hate this mansion!
An' don' go talkin like we're still sick with tha vermin rat's disease! We go' rid o' the source, din' we? Tha was th' reason fer comin here, 'member!? If we went through all this trouble fer nothin, I'll beat that cleric ta a bloody pulp and send him straight ta hell fer lying under 'em holy robes a his!" Aurelus turned around and crossed his arms, then sat down on the grass.
"Ye can go righ' ahead n search th' place all ye want! Denkou's jus' wantin ta get 'er hands on some loot, bu' she ain' thinkin' bout other stuff like health, food n rest! More importn't than money, I reckon!"