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RP: YSS Miharu Mission 1 "REAR GUARD", Day 4

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The ordonance of the LASR sheared through the creature, slicing through carapace and flesh. Blood exploded in geysers from the multiple wounds, covering the nearby walls, floor and ceiling (along with Kotori and Mizuho) with blood.

The Ghost Mishhuvurthyar survived them. Despite the wounds, the tentacles curled angrily and wrath seemed to fill the air around the beast before it dove over Kotori and Mizuho to get into reach of the Mindy.

Yukari tried to track the Ghost Mishhuvurthyar, but with a foreign shriek it whipped several tentacles across the power armor, swatting the Mindy and making its back make a clamor against a wall. Yukari was unhurt, but the beast actually being capable of standing against a Mindy was a daunting thought.
The LASR fell from Yukari's hands as she was knocked back. It clattered away and into the door of the monitor room. The wind was knocked slightly out of her, but she would have none of it.

Her left forearm weapon crackled and a bright shield came to life. She raised her right and, hiding slightly behind the shield, fired one small aether shot toward the creature's head.

Instincts were blending inside of her brain, making a pincushion of her ability to reason. Rational thought leaked away, but there was plenty enough left to be aware of Mizuho and Kotori.
Bright aether slashed across the mishhuvurthyar's body, cleaving through flesh and carapace to finally stop against the ceiling, where it bore through the yarvex and nibbled at the zesuaium a bit. The creature screeched and apparently lost its abilty to levitate: its mass came crashing down on the floor, where it laboriously scrambled to try and move itself with half tentacles it had left.
Yukari wasted no time. Letting the anti-gravity take over she slid away from the downed Mishhu and snapped up her LASR. She secured the butt against her shoulder and, taking aim, pulled the trigger and held it, the fire at its lowest speed setting.
Fire and metal tore at the Mishhuvurthyar as Yukari's rifle whined loudly. The surroundings became covered with gore and the crature crumpled under the assault and was reduced to a cracked, leaking shell of its former self resting on the floor with its spread of tentacles spasming.

Kotori dashed the blood from over her eyes and yelled: "Put it to the torch so it won't regenerate!"
Mizuho clung rather desperately to Kotori for the sake of balance, her head lulling against the captain's shoulder. The myriad stings were causing her to quickly lose herself to the neurotoxins, and, all at once, she slipped off from her leaning posture to crumple against the floor, seeming not to notice the splattered Ghost Mishhuvurthyar which now stained her pretty white dress.

Consciousness was gone, at last.
Yukari did as ordered, igniting the aether sword of her right forearm weapon and bringing it down into the Mishhu's center. She then increased the intensity of the blade, searing and burning its insides. Ignored were the spasming slaps against her armor by the tentacles desperately trying to sting her, knock her away, do anything to stop a pain it would never feel again. But it was to no avail.
Once the gristly deed was done, nothing was left of the Ghost Mishhuvurthyar except for a carbonised spot over the ground.

Kotori knelt next to Mizuho, cradling the upper body of the latter in her arms as she looked at the Mindy. Her skin and bathrobe were caked with blood which had already partly dried from the furnace-like heat the aetheric blade had generated. All the places were the blood of the beast had dribbled over, spattered or sprayed over had turned a flaky red-brown color.

Golden eyes examined the scene and Kotori's breath finally whistled out of her lungs - she had been holding it in when the Mindy had unleashed the power of its forearm weapon. After having moistened her lips, she managed a "Well done," for the Mindy's pilot.
"Hoshi, I'm getting no reply from Black Rook 01. She may be too busy to respond or unable to. Is there anyway I can patch into the Mindy's viewscreen and see what Yukari is seeing?" Nyton asked.
Leutre sighed. She was right, he was being a bit too casual again. "Sorry Mas...asko. Juni. You're right, we snatched them from the jaws of death fair and square. They're ours now, not Death's. Isn't that right, Lady? Of course it is." Leutre howled in laughter. But soon laughter faded as he came to the realization that he was being even more casual than before.

"Ahem. There I go on again. Sorry. This sort of work just reminds me of being back home. I get caught up in the moment sometimes." In a quiet mutter he added, "I'll just, uhh, shut up and get back to disarming and checking the torpedoes... Or something." He the promptly retreated back to the torpedo racks in hopes that Masako would ignore off his outburst.
The pilot was mildly amazed with herself ... she was barely breathing heavy now. The blade had long since retracted, but she had not left the position she had been in, still carbonizing a long dead beast from one knee.

A small notice blinked on her HUD -- Nyton had twice tried to contact her. She did not move as she responded, "Black Rook 01 to Hoshi ... target neutralized. The Taii and Yukisato-san are safe."

She then slowly returned to a standing position.

Kotori said:
"Well done."

Yukari looked to her left and saw the two Nekos plastered in the blood of the Mishhu. She tried her best not to consider what she looked like at the moment. Her loudspeaker clicked on. "So sorry, Kotori-san," she said in Japanese. "I did not mean to ruin your yukata."
Asher looked at Ryszard incoming to the ship, he figured the operation would be done by the time he got here.

"Hey Rys, I'm going to go shoot ahead and meet up with the salvage team, let me know when you, yannow, land." Asher said, promptly shooting down the corridors. Everything seemed to look a little different behind the helmet of a power armor; everything seemed to feel different as well. He followed the path to the letter, focusing on the route and then area in front of him. Like he had thought before, the power was pretty similar to what he took, yet he was getting there quite faster. Soon enough he was at the doors of the torpedo room itself. He looked in a saw pair of two power armor pilots tending to the torpedoes.

"Hey, this is Santô-Hei Asher Orkin Westwood, I heard that you guys could use some help." Asher called to them.

"Another guy is coming, but he's taking his time due to Power Armor inexperience." Asher said, throwing in that last part to back Rys up.
Miyoko opened a communication window to the bridge, cautiously waiting to make sure Nyton wasn't preoccupied before speaking. "I've finished a preliminary analysis of the stuff that was in Mara's hair... It would seem your suspicions were right. This is definitely hemosynthetic material, and it doesn't look like it's from any of the species in the crew or the HSCS tubes. Chances are, it's from a Mishhu. What's more, it still shows some signs of being active. I think it changed colors to blend in with Mara's hair."

She paused, prodding the inert goo in the container by her side with the tip of the scalpel she'd used to extract it. "This sample doesn't seem like a threat, but if it's smart enough to camouflage itself, it might be a good idea to make sure that all of it is cleaned up after the Mishhu itself is taken care of." She tried to keep her voice from giving any credence to the idea that the creature wouldn't be 'taken care of' until it was too late. The fact that she still hadn't gotten Mizuho, Kotori, or Yukari ST backups yet had been bothering her all day.
"Black Rook 01 to Hoshi ... target neutralized. The Taii and Yukisato-san are safe."

Nyton gave a quick sigh of relief. "I copy that Black Rook 01. Good job." While he was relieved that the Mishhu had been eliminated from one half of the ship he was still cautious. He monitored the progress the two rescued soldiers were making towards the salvage team and figured he should update the others on Yukari's progress. "Medlab, this is the bridge. Just got an update from Yukari Chui: Intruder destroyed. Stay sharp though just in case our Mishhu guest had friends." he broadcasted to Saito and Mara. He then gave Masako the same update over the comm before he settled in for any new surprises.
Kotori blinked incredulously at hearing Yukari's voice coming from the Mindy's loudspeakers. Didnt Yukari hate power armors... particularly the Daisy? Wouldn't they have been better sending Mara or Masako instead? "I- I'm fine. It's only a yukata." She hugged Mizuho - whom they had come pretty close to losing - more tightly against her. "Thank you for saving our lives, Yukari."
Yukari blushed faintly beneath the helmet. "It is my duty, Kotori-san ... are you harmed? How is Yukisato-san?"
Kotori frowned at the question. She wasn't hurt... but that didn't man she felt fine. "I'm a bit unnerved, but I wasn't wounded." Kotori struggled to get up while holding Mizuho, but her feet couldn't find purchase on the viscous metal floor - she would have fallen back as she not caught herself with her anti-gravity. "Ungh!" She tightened her grip on the limp, comatose Mizuho. "Yukisato-san was probably stung many times but the worst of that was the neurotoxins." I hope.

The Taii began dragging Mizuho along with her to the main passageway. "How were things on your end?"
Yukari nodded, following her. "We are doing well ... were doing well. We rescued two soldiers, and the munitions salvaging is going smoothly."

A slight silence followed. "I did not mean disrespect, Kotori."
"Don't worry about it," Kotori replied back, though she had no idea of what Yukari had done that could have seemed disrespectful. Before she could add anything else, Sigurd emerged from the entry from the main passageway.

A quick survey of both the Mindy and the demeanor of the two nekos appraised him of the bigger lines of the situation. "Do you require any assistance?"

Kotori shook her head. She was about to say the Mishhuvurthyar was dead, but instead said, "Sigurd, please take Yukisato-san and bring her to the medlab. She has to be treated for Mishhuvurthyar neurotoxins."

"Yes, Taii." The combat android relieved Kotori from her burden, heedless of the blood that smeared over his jumpsuit in the process, and then jumped back into the main passageway; by leaping toward the ceiling, turning around and pushing off downward from there, he was quickly out of sight.

Kotori made a relieved sigh, once Mizuho was out of her hands. Before she knew it her legs turned to jelly and she collapsed to her knees.
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