Star Army

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RP: YSS Miharu Mission 1 "REAR GUARD", Day 4

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"Okonomiyaki?" Asher scratched his head, he hadn't such a thing before. However, he has had beef before, and he knew that was good. The Hei pulled up a plate and put two of the beef kinds on his plate, the seemed big enough to satisfy what was left of his hunger. He then grabbed a glass and took his meal and drink to the nearest table.
BOOM, cha cha cha!

Was this the same Yukari? The once fragile, rigid daisy had changed into a lusty, swaying rose, with eyes so sharp they'd pierce a man's heart in an instant.

Oh, he thought he had put on armor to avoid the sting of her two thorns, but they knifed through his tin can defenses, lighting his soul on fire.

And her arms -- damn -- the mouth of that V dragged his eyes down to meet her well-defined features and share in a little eye-to-breast conversation.

Hello, ma'am! Oh, you brought your twin sisters over for breakfast, too? How delightful!
"Freeman-Heisho?" she asked sweetly. "May I have some seafood okonomiyaki, please?"

Snap. Back. To. Reality.

"Sure thing, ma'am," Tom replied, bowing ever-so-slightly -- it was hard not to stick his face inbetween those two melons -- with a smile. "Here you are."

And just like that, a seafood okonomiyaki was placed on Yukari's plate.

"H-HEY everybody," he said, sticking his head out the kitchen opening. "Go ahead and eat! I'll join you all in a moment!"
There was only a little squeek from Yukari before the okonomiyaki was placed on her plate. She failed to notice Tom oggling her bust.

The moment all of the aroma filled her nostrils, Yukari flushed, sighed as if she had just achieved a nice orgasm, then ... seemed to burn back to normal. She looked at Tom as if she'd just noticed him. "Thank you, Freeman-Heisho," she said, bowing.

She turned to leave, but seemed to hesitate.
"Oh ma'am, you are very, very welcome," Tom replied, quickly biting his lower lip to suck up the drool that had been accumulating. "Do... you need anything else? Some more sauce perhaps?"

He couldn't help but catch a glimpse of Yukari's backside, his body screaming out, but his mind holding back.
Yukari turned back, and gave Tom a warm smile. "That would be wonderful," she said, walking back to him. Gone was all of that brutal confidence and feminine swagger ... she was just herself again. "I do not want to ruin the fish, but I do love okonomiyaki sauce."

She looked into his eyes as he held the ladle, blushing a little.
Tom grinned. He had seen enough in the last few moments to feel excited about the next break time. His eyes spoke volumes.

"You just tell me when to stop, ma'am."

He started to drizzle the sauce on the Okonomiyaki, the thick, brownish liquid spreading on the egg topping.

He had to break eye contact with Yukari, but that was better than spilling sauce all over her outfit.
"There," Yukari said, smiling. There was a little more on her okonomiyaki now than normal, but it was in a swirl, so it was fine. She looked at Tom again -- a quick glance behind her, no one could see them -- and she reached up to give him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you," she said again, blushing, then left to sit on Kotori's right. She bowed before she sat, then began to eat, listening to the conversation.
Kotori watched Yukari go and was very tempted to say something to the other once she had been seated - but she decided against it: no sense in embarassing Yukari, especially in public. She gave Nyton a meaningful nod and then started eating her own meal.
Leutre blinked for a moment in confusion. What was I doing again? I hope it wasn't something important... Oh right, lunch! He suddenly recalled as his senses caught the smell of Okonomiyaki, and the sounds of lunch being eaten by the crew. He hastily strode out of the kitchen and into the wardroom.

"Eh, erm, oh! You've started already. Ahem, err, sorry for my tardiness, Taii. I was just ... Err, I'm actually not sure what I was doing..." Leutre quickly bowed to Kotori, then hesitated a moment as he tried to collect his thoughts. "Sometimes my mind, for reasons I don't necessarily understand, just decides go the pub for a few drinks. Of course one could argue that in order to lose one's mind in such a way, one actually needs to possess a coherent mind to lose..."

Leutre trailed off as lunch and the Taii slipped from his mind. Maybe I just need more sleep. Or maybe my careless lifestyle is finally catching up to my health, he thought as he glanced at once of the windows.
Kotori listened to Leutre as he yammered about. She wasn't sure what he exactly was rambling about and wasn't sure she even cared to piece it together. "Leutre," She began, eyebrows furrowed and tone stern (she hoped he'd see it as elder sister-like stern and not I'm-going-to-murder-you-in-your-sleep-captain-like stern. "Just go over to the counter and ask Tom for something to eat before our cook leaves to eat himself. Quickly."
Masako kept quiet as she ate her meal. Looking down at the table for a while longer, she dared to glance up to see how her crewmates were doing. The majority of the crew seemed to be eating in peace, though Leutre was speaking about something that the young warrant officer didn't quite understand.

There wasn't much conversation going on at the moment, then again...what was there to talk about? They sat here, eating lunch, possibly their last meal if the Mishu found them. But, at least it was good food cooked by their crewmate and friend. Plus, they weren't dead yet.

Masako could only sigh as her former embarassment passed by and she continued eating.
"What? Oh, yes. Lunch. Food. Yes, sorry." Leutre muttered to himself and turned towards the counter. He was somewhat surprised that despite his absent-minded and tardy behavior, the Taii hadn't actually reprimanded him. That could only mean he was making progress, right? Leutre happily grinned with this in mind as he reached the counter.

"Man-who-is-free, give lunch to meee!" He called into the kitchen. When he remembered Kotori and Nyton were both within earshot, he quickly added, "Erm, with a respectful please and deepest thanks, of course."
Tom nodded and quickly served a plate of okonomiyaki to Leutre. He was starting to get very hungry, so he took one final look out into the cafeteria.

Noticing that everyone had finally taken their food, the cook, at last, served himself a plate of food and sat at the table, a big grin on his face.

"Dig in, everyone," he said cheerfully, holding his fork in the air. "We'll need our energy for later."
Yukari smiled a little -- she'd already started, so her brain was horribly divided. She nodded at Tom's suggestion, however; energy would be good.

That the conversation she had wanted to listen to had died didn't help her feel comfortable. But something in her mind told her that talking right now would be too difficult.
Wet, warm, deligtfuly soft. Mizuho dreams...

She dreams, at first, of white pennants, bursting in the wind beneath velvet cloudcover, white pennants atop scarlet sails, protruding from the tranquil sea like a sunburst of blood. She dreams of rivulets of water, tricklng through the rocks to join with a babbling creek. Then the water turns to blood, thick and warm.

She dreams of Arild Bard, and the insurrection on Destiny where she first truly questioned her own abilities. She dreams of the hands of her Nepleslian assailaints, questing too joyfully for her breasts, her nethers. The rough handling, her own inability to defend herself, her broken mental processes. She dreams of the off-kilter negotiations with the Nepleslian leader, far more refined than most of his kind. Mizuho recalls, at once, that she has no love for Nepleslians. And her dreams shift.

She again sees Arild, her secretly beloved, whom she has not heard from since leaving Confidence. Confidence. She is aboard Confidence, arms crossed, eyes broken, greeting a newcomer. Welcome to the Confidence, where we have none.

Then, her vision goes blank. She hears a voice, memory identifies it as that of Israfil. Confused, the darkness clearing, Mizuho sees a final dream...

"You are coming quietly, infidel?"
Mizuho crossed her arms delicately. "Yes, Israfil. So long as you remember our terms."
"Your crew will not be harmed if they don't resist us."
Mizuho spent a moment to size up the Patrician, then gave a quiet nod to Hina, still at sensors. "...go with them. No need to waste our lives."

Israfil's grin was wicked as a pair of Plebeians set to binding Mizuho's wrists quickly. She made no move to resist. Overpowering a Plebeian was not terribly difficult, but the lives of her crew held in her mind. And Israfil, she knew, would be a very formiddable foe if she tried to fight.

"You have no idea how much this means to me, little girl. God truly smiles upon me, to catch such a prize cat."

WIth a gasp for breath, Mizuho awakened, immersed in hemosynthetic fluid, eyes wide. A scream escaped, nearly soundless into the thick fluids about her.
Miyoko received a mental notice that her patient had awakened. Understanding how the yamataian science specialist was eating, the computer offered to have either a sprite or Sigurd tend Mizuho in her stead until she finished her meal.
Miyoko turned down the offer- as the first seriously wounded patient she'd treated, she was anxious to make sure that Mizuho's recovery had wrapped up smoothly. She rose from the table, looking apologetic at disturbing the silence. "Excuse me... it seems that Yukisato-san is waking up, and I should be present to make sure there aren't any complications." With that, she turned and quickly set off for the medical lab.
Kotori waved lamely as Miyoko had just goen up and left. It occured to her that this was the second time Mizuho managed to tear someone from one of Tom's meals - even if it was involuntary.

"Tom, it might be a good idea to prepare something for Yukisato-san to eat. It'll make two meals that she'll have skipped so far," she pointed out to the blond caretaker. "Something that can be eaten cold and will be very filling?"
Tom had just stabbed his first chunk of Okonomiyaki when he heard Kotori's request. His stomach harshly protested.

"I'll make cold soba noodles with a dipping sauce right away, ma'am," Tom said as he slowly put down his fork. "It's pretty good in any condition."

He motioned to stand up.
Kotori quickly motioned for Tom to sit back down. "It can wait after you've eaten." She couldn't help but break into a smile. "Like you said, we'll need all the energy we can get."

The day was hardly over and they still had plenty to do.

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