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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 11.3] Back Into Chaos

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Yaichiro followed, angrily and teeth clenched. His job was to be an advisor pulling double duty. Speculating and giving his opinion was his damn job. Apparently pulling duty from his station in engineering and not being on the bridge, however, made that impossible.

"Let's get this over with." He simply said as he followed.

If this was a UOC installation not under NMX control, and this turned out badly, it will have been in part Yaichiro's failure...this was one of the few times Yaichiro was truly angry at how things had developed. He noted in his own log that he did not like the situation, but admittedly did not consult on it as he should due to his double role keeping him off the bridge. He wasn't as angry at Hanako, he wasn't angry at Helen, he was angry at what he perceived as his own failure -- and its potential political repercussions.
As the Elysian followed the surly engineer out of the armor bay he kept a straight face, his wings expanding halfway out to their full length. The Paladin took up an over-watch position, sensors scanning for any threats.

Sending a telepathic message to Yachiro, Michael bared his teeth, grinning widely at his message.

"Aww, don't be so angry, Yayoi-chan~. If things do go sour, maybe you'll be rewarded by the Ketsurui for helping them obtain those nasty Jiyuuian rebels. Yui might even promote you if you find a way to cut their population in half while we're here. Maybe even give you a planet named after you, Yayoi-chan~"
Yaichiro sent a telepathic reply to Micheal. It sounded notably sorrowful.

Many of their citizens are still innocent. If you had the slightest inkling of my history here before their defection, Papadopoulos-Hei, you'd realize that I would find no relief or reward in committing genocide; much less on these people...as well as just how cruel your well-intentioned words are.

I'd have preferred never to have had to come back to this place. Not like this.
Takeyu dropped out of the bay and into space, straightening his path and moving up just behind Yaichiro and the Elysian. He didn't get involved in what Yaichiro was going on about, he felt the soldiers concern but it wasn't his place to criticize someones actions when he wasn't around at the time.

Will deploy the drones once we get inside, those should help in locating any possible hostiles, he thought as he checked his suits counter and then looked around the space and at the distant station. Still, this mission worries me a lot. We are underequiped for a mission like this, his concern notable on his face but hidden by his helmit.

His hand gripped his rifle tightly as he scanned his general surroundings. Way to quiet~
Kiko launched from the armor bay, blissfully ignorant of the possibility that the station might not be NMX-controlled, as well as Michael's sudden cruel streak. She just watched the surrounding space for activity and flew near the rear of the group in her Mindy.
Sune had plenty of data poring in and was working on a couple of ideas to help with the communications concerns raised by Helen. However, that did not stop him from thinking about how things had been proceeding on this mission. While the system was running a couple of simulations, he turned towards Hanako.

"Ketsurui Taisa, have I failed in my performance to you and this vessel on this mission? As your Executive Officer, I should have been made aware of our mission prior to departure, or at least involved in the planning of this mission. When given the opportunity I have provided my concerns and reservations about your original mission idea. Which is my job as your second in command.

Up until this point I have been excluded from any aspect that is commensurate with my position. From what I can see there was no planning for this mission, to put it succinctly Taisa. It would appear that upon our arrival into this system, you have turned over operation control of the mission to Klein-Shosa. Who summarily dismissed my interrogatives, and suggestions.

So I must ask again, have I somehow failed in my duties?"
Michael shook his armored head, looking at Yaichiro's Mindy, sending another message to him.

"I know that they're innocent, Yaichiro. Lots of innocents have been killed by Yamatai in the past, including my birth parents. I was trying to get you to think about something, namely about the morality of the Ketsurui. Just a few years ago, they would reward someone like Hanako for killing everyone on Jiyuu if it helped Yui in some way. They're not good people, sir, and the only reason I fight underneath an autocratic monarchy is to protect innocent people from the larger threat of the NMX. As long as we're fighting something worse than the Ketsurui, you can be damned sure of my loyalty." The Elysian looked over at his squadmates, smiling at them, trusting them.

"People like you, Kiko, Kumiko, Takeyu, Mikael. They're what the SAOY is really about, what it needs. Good, honest people who fight, not out of loyalty to the Ketsurui, but out of a desire to protect their people and their country."
After sitting at her station in silence for a time, Junko turned toward Endoh. “Well this seems more like it,” she said with a hint of sarcasm. She knew having four engineers aboard had been too good to be true, though having both of their senior personal poached for an away team wasn't what she'd been expecting.

“Do you have any idea what's going on up there?” she asked. “Nobody said anything about our mission while I was up in Medical, though the Chusa did suggest something was going wrong.”

“Sune,” Hanako replied, “You have not done anything wrong. The fact is that I have planned this mission poorly. We are out here on what is essentially mathematical guesswork and we’re gathering information as we go…which is why Helen, the intelligence agent, has been put in charge of the away team. Besides, you said you wanted to remain on the ship, right?”

Armor Bay

As the team waited to get started they could see enemy gun turrets starting to “notice” the hole in the station’s stealth field and aiming at Eucharis through it.

"It was not about leading the Away Team I was referring about. You have answered my concerns ma'am. Thank you. I have an idea that might give us a means to communicate with the away team, but I need some more time before I am willing to present it." He replied.
Kumiko shrugged, getting back to work monitoring the systems. "I'm not sure, to be honest. I know that the original plan was scrapped, for one reason or another, and that we changed our destination, so I'm not sure what our goal is here." She tapped into the ships sensors quickly, to see if she could check on the away team like that.
Via the sensors, Kumiko could see the station's energy levels rising. It was charging its guns!
Outside of the Armor Bay

Michael's trained eyes noticed the moving Turrets, the Elysian quickly deciding that being out in the open was an extremely bad idea. Before the apparent commander of the Away Team could hand out orders, Michael was in action, wing-mounted launchers belching two warheads towards the turret. The Paladin sprung into movement, moving towards the station through a series of zigs and zags, Michael's Transphasic rifle spewing bolts of plasmatic energy at the turret.

"So much for the element of surprise, dammit! Inoue, Takeyu, would you kindly find us a way inside? Kage, Klein, could you please help me keep these turrets from blasting the Eucharis into atomic dust?"
A sigh left Helen's lips, if it were not for Yaichiro's whining, and the spur-of-the-moment way in which the mission was conducted, she was certain they would not have been having the problem which they had just encountered. "Taisa, pull in close so they can't get a shot, or make a break for it and leave us to our job. Sitting there half way is going to get the ship's fresh paint scratched, ma'am." Helen spoke before her armor disappeared... and within seconds, a brilliant flurry of aether fire erupted from around the bottom of one of the nearest turrets before it was separated from the station, and shoved off by Helen who was beneath, pushing with the force of her PA assisted legs, providing a breach in the hull in which the group could get through. "We can't handle them all even if we wanted to, we need to make this quick so the Eucharis can get a better firing solution without us being in the way!"
Now that the station was clearly under attack, it opened fire on the intruding Yamataian gunship. Eucharis was pelted with dozens and dozens of searing energy beams and particle lances. The port side CFS projector took a large volume of the initial hits, throwing red-painted panels flying and destabilizing the ship's field bubble. If it collapsed they would be exposed and unshielded! Additional hits slammed into the cargo bay, armor bay, and engineering area. Engineering suffered electrical surges and a mild decompression. The armor bay had some structural damage and flying shrapnel. Radiation warnings went off throughout the ship. In the cargo bay, a few jagged holes we blown though the port side hull.
"Tch..." Was all that escaped Yaichiro's mouth as he rushed toward the hole that Helen made. As he moved for it, he spun around and fired a grenade from his LASR SLAG at one of the turrets in hopes of reducing the damage the station could do to the Eucharis -- though there was only so much he could do without slowing down. He didn't wait to see if the explosion of the grenade took out the turret, he simply went down the hole Helen had made for them and stayed on alert, looking around quickly for threats.

He didn't know if the guns would have fired or if they would have communicated with the Eucharis before doing so, but Micheal fired first...if that man just fired the first shot of a Yamatai/UOC war, he wasn't sure he would easily forgive the trigger-happy soldier.
Kiko raised her Mindy's left forearm shield and fired charged shots of the right forearm weapon at the station's turrets as she advanced with the rest of the away team, trying to cover her comrades' approach into the breach that Helen had made.
Junko scrambled to snatch up her AMES helmet, sitting on her workspace next to her, and seal it over her head. A moment later, it came alive, feeding her air and displaying all suit systems in the green. She then turned her attention to her screens, still set to the Power Systems repeaters from before. They were appropriately displaying flashing red tags, showing the deleterious results of the power surges throughout the Mainspace. The computer had already recommended several options for rerouting through different power trunks and activating stand-by capacitors; after quickly reviewing them Junko hit the function key to allow the systems to automatically stabilize.

That done she switched her screens to the general systems display and was immediately struck by the critical state of the CFS projector, the other instances of damage across the ship seeming to be minor inconveniences by comparison.

“Serious problems with the port CFS,” she announced, all business. “Who’s going to stay here, you or me?”

Sune dashed to the lockers on the bridge, grabbed two AMES, brought one to Hanako and donned his in record time, grabbed the intercom and called to those on-board.

"All hands to damage control stations. We have multiple hull breaches, radiation detectors are going off through out the ship. Blast shutters are deploying to contain the breaches. Engineering turn off the air handlers to slow down the radiation spread." he slammed the handset down and took his station.

We can not keep sitting here we need to protect the port side. he thought. He wondered why Hanako was not taking any action, "Ma'am taking evasive action." He said as he entered the commands to send the Eucharis forward and to bring its starboard side to bear on the enemy to allow engineering to bolster their port systems.
Kumiko kept working on her console, trying to contain damage and shut things down to limit the radiation's spread. "I'll stay here, keep the situation contained. Get that patched up as soon as you can, because we need to get moving soon."
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