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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 11.3] Back Into Chaos

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Takeyu rolled and dodged the incoming fire, attempting to avoid being hit. Half of his mind pondered whether it was really intelligent for the Elysian to fire his weapons, while the other half wondered if the base was enemy or friendly controlled.

He raised his weapon and as he closed in with the station he locked onto one of the turrets and fired a continous spray for a few seconds before evading and going back to following his squadmates.

What the heck is the Eucharis doing? He slowed briefly and brought up his forearm shield to protect himself from the incoming fire while making a beeline toward the opening Helen made. "Ma'am, orders?" he asked her via encrypted telepathy.
"We're here to do a job! Get in and get out of the fire." Helen instructed as she waited for her armor group to get into the breach. She then looked upon the Eucharis, seeing the damage the ship was taking, and feeling her gut churn in the process. What the hell were they doing? Trying to be heroes? It was absurd, questionable, and generally irresponsible, though, that was not her problem, the mission at hand was. If things went sour, she had a FTL unit in her machine, she could get home if she needed to.
Outside of the Eucharis

Mikael flew out of the bay after everyone else and assumed a rear guard position since he had the slowest armor. He sighed to himself over his stubbornness to stick to the familiar.

He noticed the turrets of the station moving, but kept his focus to the rear. The NMX had a nasty habit of popping out of the rear. He started to move erratically when they begun to fire on them.
"You heard the lady! Everyone in, Now!" Michael yelled, firing another salvo of missiles towards a turret as his armor slid laterally through space, diving sideways into the hole made by Helen.
Space, outside Eucharis

Takeyu glared in Micheals direction, even though the Elysian couldn't see it and added onto it with the shake of his head at the mans actions.

"Watch for enemy fire, don't get caught in the turrets sights," he shouted over the squad's comm. and flew past Helen and into the breach, coming to a halt just inside with his rifle raised and ready to fire in the event they got unexpected company.
As soon as Sune moved the ship, the ship's CFS system collapsed and the hole in the station's shields sealed up, blocking anyone else form entering.

"Armor teams, if you can hear this, we are evacuating. Return to the ship at once," Hanako transmitted. However the signal couldn't be heard through the jamming.

Meanwhile the Taisa got the ship moving towards the FTL border where the ship could enter into hyperspace. "I imagine we would be getting a lot of hails from the UOC if communications and sensors were working normally," she commented.

The ship continued to be rocked by fire from the station's defenses for a few seconds longer before the station stopped, presumably in the interest of stealth.

The armor team was now stranded.
A wide beam of simple visible laser light shined upon the Eucharis as it began to pull away, and carried upon the pulses of light was a message, sent from the LSDF Trishka which took a position behind the Gunship as Hawk-Class Fighter/Bombers flew parallel to the Eucharis.

"Attention Yamataian ship, halt your egress from this system. You are wanted simply for the purpose of answering questions as to your reason for being in this system at this time. Repeat, halt your egress. We will provide cover for you at this time while your ship is repaired, do not attempt to flee, or it will simply serve to incriminate yourselves." Spoke the voice of the ship's commander, a woman's voice it seemed.

As the Trishka moved into position, a Peacekeeper Ayana-Class escort moved into position beneath the Eucharis. It seemed, there was an overwhelming opinion that the Yamataian ship should not depart, and this was only added to by sensors being able to detect the increase of graviton emissions from the two ships. While they had not placed their graviton beams into effect, they were charged, and ready to latch on if the ship were to make a break for it... though, notably, none of their weapons had locked onto the Eucharis yet, perhaps, it was a sign of good will.
"Well...things have gone south...but we should continue to observe." Yaichiro said, pondering their options.

"Their pointing their weapons at us does not prove this place to be under NMX control, as I'd think that if any ship and team moved on a Yamataian station in the way this craft did, they'd at minimum ready weapons. More recon is required.

There are ten Repair and Production Bays aboard a Stellar Link Siphon, if this is indeed built around what I designed. They can be used to repair ships, especially if this installation has been militarized...maybe we can take a peek at what kinds of ships are docked in some of those places and get a better idea of what we're dealing with?"
"Confirmed, we'll try to get a look around, but the main objective at this point is to determine the primary purpose of this station, how to shut it down, and how to escape when we have completed our operation." Helen explained as she hunkered down near an access hatch which led from the wreckage of the turret compartment which she had so brutally violated.

"At this time though, we need to focus on being able to securely conduct our operation without being overwhelmed. Squad formation will be as follows; Papadopoulos on point, then myself, followed by Yaichiro and Takeyu, then Harris, with Kiko covering our rear." She then weighed the situation further, before making something perfectly clear; "Mission critical personnel will be protected, these individuals are Takeyu and Yaichiro. They're our engineering experts, and they will make this operation possible. If they are rendered unable to complete the operation, then we will be forced to destroy the station or retreat, depending on what we find out about the function of this station, understood everyone?"
Kiko had her Mindy bow an acknowledgment to Helen, then fell to the rear of the group. A pair of drones launched from its legs and flew through the armor's CFS, sending Kiko feeds of areas that her helmet camera couldn't get a view of without pointing away from other areas.
Station, within destroyed turret

Takeyu nodded and fell back away from the hatchway and toward the rear, behind Harris-hei. "Yes ma'am," he said in response and glanced over his shoulder at Kiko and gave her an approving nod when his HUD tagged the drones. He was going to suggest them, but he didn't have to.

His shoulder pad opened up and both of his own drones deployed, sending a set of orders to the drone's micro computers to instruct them to keep an eye out for possible hostiles. The orders were simplistic, his drones were to only observe and recon, not to fire under any circomstances unless he ordered them to.

With his drones out and ready for use, he gave one final order to them to hold back a bit until they started moving, he didn't want the risk of his drones inadvertently tipping anyone off. Is this NMX, UOC, Lorath controlled? I guess we'll find out soon enough, at least the Eucharis was able to get out of weapons range, she'll be able to affect repairs and then return for us once our mission is completed, he said with a mental smile.
YSS Eucharis Bridge

"Attention pursuing vessels: keep your distance from us. Do not attempt to hinder our movement," Hanako transmitted. "I am sending our sensor logs from the last five minutes. You will find that we have discovered a secret base around your star that is contributing to the jamming. I request your assistance in disabling the station."

Next Hanako sent a beam transmission to the Nadeshiko. "Depart the system and report to Taisho Yui. Requesting immediate 1XF fleet combat operation in the Jiyuu system."

Jamming Station

The teams drones found a team of armed Jiyuuians in black coats were silently closing in on them.
Station, within destroyed turret

Takeyu glanced upward as his HUD displayed an image from one of his drones that hadn't stayed put like he ordered. Damn it, he commented as the image came together to show their unexpected guests.

He brought his rifle up slightly and transmitted the footage to his team. "Look's like we got company rolling in, Jiyuuians though...." he sounded suspicious.

As Michael took the head of the squad's formation, he grumbled to himself about the size of the corridor they were in. Being in front, of course, that was something he was more than happy to do. Stepping forward slowly, he extended the knee and elbow blades out of his armor, ready in case any enemies got too close for comfort.

"Great, Jiyuuians." Michael raised his rifle, panning to his left and right while moving forward slowly. "Any idea which direction they're coming from?"
Jamming Station

Quickly taking a look at the feed of Takeyu's camera, Yaichiro's eyes narrowed. as he got his weapon and systems ready for imminent combat.

"Black Coats...that means they're probably UOC personnel loyal to the Tange-clan. They're the most paranoid of the clans, and they're the most likely to shoot first and ask questions later. Be ready for anything...they also had stealth bodysuits available granting invisibility from optics and thermal, as well as bafflers for passive and low power active sensors even before they defected. Grip your weapons tightly and be ready for surprise hand to hand if necessary."

Sune monitored the ships, "Seems the Lorath and UOC both are wanting us to remain here." he muttered to himself.

He picked up the intercom and dialed the Engineering, "Takeda-Heisho, how soon to restore CFS capability? We are way too exposed at the moment." he called down.

Meanwhile he set the sensors to continue monitoring the other vessels.
Jamming Station

"Understood, I want scalar pulse sweeps of every corridor we are progressing through, and those adjacent. Use the stun setting on your NSD units for that effect. Shoot to kill, do not hesitate." Helen instructed as she took one of the two weapons she brought from being slung over her shoulder. For the moment, she settled on her LASR-SLAG. "Now move out!" Helen ordered as she let the Elysian go first. "Michael... I want you to progress in the direction of the station's center, at least until we gain any intelligence of compartments which may be located elsewhere which may be of interest... alright, opening the hatch, I want three pulse sweeps, spaced by one second each, then shoot to kill anything that is there and poses a threat." With that, Helen waited for the group's NSD equipped personnel to carry out the sweeps, before giving Papadopoulos the go-ahead to start clearing out the remains before moving ahead.

LSDF Trishka and Eucharis

"Your cooperation in explaining your presence is noted, we have determined the location of the 'secret base' which you have referred to as well, and have dispatched a demolitions team to the location to neutralize the target while minimizing threats to our assets. Due to interference, we are unable to raise them at this time to appraise them of your sensor data." Came the reply from the Trishka as the ship's commander gave a gesture to have the graviton beam emitters power down. "Yamataian vessel, do you require aid in damage control and repair?" It seemed that the Lorath ship was being friendly for the time being... it must have been the fact that the Eucharis had not shot at them for once, a notable development.
Jamming Station
Kiko turned toward the directions that the Jiyuuians were closing from according to the scouting drones and deployed her other four, which also stayed inside her CFS. As many as necessary gave her feeds of other possible avenues of attack, while the rest formed a pack programmed to fire into every corridor before MIchael entered it, as Helen had ordered, but also to return to the squad for recharging in a staggered schedule. Her drones' weapons were all set to stun as commanded, and she assumed a Judo stance, hoping that the mere presence of her CFS wouldn't kill anyone. The drones also relayed data to the rest of the squad, flagged for the relevance Kiko expected that drone's feed to have to each member.
Jamming Station

Looking ahead he lowered his rifle and looked through his drones before giving a new order for them to zip on ahead and recon the area just beyond the door.

A drone squeezed itself under the door for a moment before releasing a scaler wave, sending the readouts to Micheal and Helen before the other drone in his group did the same.

"Information coming in, sending it to Micheal. You should have a positive read on any hostiles that come into the range of the drones," Takeyu said, though he didn't like to judge people, he was nervous leaving the hands of his life in an Elysian who had little respect for his captain or at least, that's the impression he got.

"I guess that means that the spotlight falls on me now, doesn't it?" Michael said as he began to line up his shots, using the targeting data relayed to him by Kiko and Takeyu's drones. Even with his rifle's ability to shoot through walls, and its rate of fire, Michael didn't want to take any chances. When confident that he wasn't going to miss, the elysian exhaled, saying five simple words as he opened fire on the black-coats, a single bolt of transphasic plasma per still standing target.

"Michael Papadopoulos, Sniping the Targets!"
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