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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission 16: Sosei Suru

YSS Kaiyō II

Alastair continued to listen to the details being proved by Hoshi and Eden. It was no mystery that Eden would show up for a mission dealing with being a savior. If anyone could bring hope to these people it would be her. After all she did teach Alastair all that he knew about getting the crew to blend in with each other. Even he had fallen victim to her spell. His gaze shifted over and looked towards Nora. He felt his cheeks get a little warm. He quickly looked away, now was not the time to be getting smittened.

He moved his focus back to the speaker and took note of the plan of action. He would have no problem with the goal to subdue the civilians. His experience from past missions would aid him in accomplishing this task. For him it was always better to subdue than to kill. He would be sure to bring extra gear aimed for this very task. Since CFS will be limited for this mission he would find a new load out to take on the mission. He was trying to decide between Leader Support Pack or “Kalamari” Manipulator Arm System. He felt that each could play a critical role in the mission. After a short review of the facts he felt that this time around it would be better he did more to lead the team. After all he did not want to always be the knight in shining armor. Plus the Belmont Compound only had so much room.

Alastair took down a check list of the changes for his mindy and uploaded them to Boss so the changes could be made. He also made a point to highlight having extra cuffs and bracelets in case his team needed more. He would also make a note to slip some collars into his pack. Just in case they came across a person who would not submit.

Alastair was ready to liberate another group of people from the clutches of evil.
YSS Kaiyō II
Wardroom then Power Armor Bay.

Kiyomori’s comrades had their questions like she knew there would be. She tried to think of her own questions, but found it difficult to come up with something she wanted to ask, so like before she said nothing since it would be a waste to her if she had nothing important to say. So she chose to listen as the questions others have asked were answered by Eden. She was soon told that these Kuvexians also had the technology they did, Soul transfer. She wondered what it was like, to transfer herself from one thing to the other. She almost asked if it was possible to be transferred from a humanoid to an Animal, but given the situation, she didn’t ask that particular question.

Her eyes were on Eden as she continued to speak this time, of what they hoped to do here, which was to give hope to the people, specifically those whose culture and way of life had been bent to the whims of their enemies. She liked the idea of giving hope to people, especially in these times where there was an evil force that might want to do them harm. She continued to listen as she made her orders known when it came to civilians.

She remembered the rules when it came to Prisoners of war, but it wouldn’t hurt to review what she knew especially if something has changed, since the last time she reviewed them. After Eden spoke once more and then dismissed everyone to their stations, she walked towards her Mindy, and as she did so she began stripping out of her uniform soon putting that in the appropriate place before she turned so that her back faced her Mindy, and began getting herself into it, while she carefully shoved her tail into the metallic sleeve it belongs in. She heard others speaking, her memory telling her this was the rules for Prisoners of war.

There was a slight jolt as her body went in, and then the Mindy closed over her, and she tested things out. She stepped away from her power armor bay. She performed the checks to see if everything was running smoothly, then checked to see if she had everything as Eden had asked.
YSS Kaiyō II
Wardroom then Power Armor Bay

Sacre nodded, she didn't think the dangers of teleportation were as bad as the captain was making them out to be. There were ways around the flash issue for unshielded personnel. The CFS was a much larger danger. "All right people, you heard the captain, let's suit up. Everyone takes flexcuffs, and tracking bracelets. NCOs, you'll also grab a roll of thermal labels. We'll keep the blankets and pillows in the box till their needed. I'll be pushing the PoW regs to your huds, read and acknowledge them. There are only six, so even you bunch slow readers should be able to get through them before we deploy out. You two, you get to carry the box in." She said pointing at two of the infantry.

Sacre slid into her own armor and looked over the infantry suiting up. She read the pow regs herself once and acknowledged them. She wasn't going to expect any of them to do something she wasn't going to do. That was what officers did, and she worked for a living. She grabbed several flexcuffs, a roll of thermal labels, and tracking bracelets and put them in her medical pack. "Ragnar, Saya. I don't want you to grab the PoW supplies, grab basic medical instead. We're probably going to have to patch up some of the civilians and I want you to be ready." She instructed over the medical team's private channel.
YSS Kaiyō II
Wardroom then Power Armor Bay

Elenor nodded, and finished jotting down her notes, and stood up upon being dismissed to suit up. Catching a glance of Alastair, Elenor walked over. "Sir, recommend at least one clip of non-lethal ammo if the weapon accepts it. If only to try and help mitigate civilian injuries as much as possible." She suggested, even as she began to shrug out of her Type 37 uniform (one of the few concessions to her being a Ranger, including the Ranger patch located in the space Medical would have put theirs), revealing her wearing the Type 22 bodysuit underneath.

Sliding into her Mindy, she not only added the 'advised' few extra flex-cuffs and tracker bracelets, but also a pouch mounted onto her leg with an extra IFAK and a few more cuffs and trackers. This on top of her wishing there was a non-lethal ammo for her LASR, but alas, the closest was a training round, and it didn't actually fire. So for now, she just hoped her service pistol's stun would work well enough in the interim.

Ragnar rose from his seat and left to the bay after disapprovingly grunting. There had been a long series of borderline conflicting heartfelt speeches. Seems the upper ranks were completely down with the party line; whatever that happened to be at the time. Ragnar didn’t have such illusions of nobility and selfless heroism.

Suiting up, he glanced over the regs on pows and made sure to double up on medical supplies. He was compliant in making sure his forearm blasters were locked in a stun setting but he was sure to grab the scalar smg he’d grown so fond of. Even began scratching a few symbols from the home world onto it where no one would glance at right away.

He gave Sacre an acknowledging nod in response to his direct supervisors orders, however he wasn’t about to let good intentions put anyone from the crew on ice. Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been chewed out, he thought bitterly as he slapped a fresh charge into the gun.

He allowed himself a hard long look over the gathered crew before taking his spot in formation. Thankfully the helmet hid his more tender expression. That’s right boys and gals, doc rock gots y’alls six.
YSS Kaiyō II
Wardroom then Power Armor Bay

Wyatt nodded as the answer to his suggestion was given, minor warp-burns weren't the worst thing compared to something like raw aether or infact the CFS as the Shosa mentioned but he understood the reason, it was far from a pleasant experience even when wearing an AMES and the shock alone might be too much depending on who you were warping. Operating the power armour came with hazards for those around, and now the crew had been reminded of that so his tactful question had served its purpose as long as the crew listened to the denial and subsequent warning given by Eden.

He received both the files after running a quick security sweep of both, shunting the language fragments off into one of the carefully-maintained file paths that made up Wyatt's digital mind before he ran over the PoW regulations one last time - a slip up in that department could mean some very bad things for public image and would only fuel the Kuvexian propaganda against the SAoY, and they couldn't have that, so he grabbed an extra roll of thermal labels as Sacre had instructed the NCOs do and moved to get armoured up.

It was an odd feeling to see his Mindy again, a Neko finishing up the process of mounting a capacitor to one thigh before scampering away to finish up her armourer duties elsewhere - the blue, featureless glare of the suit at rest reminded Wyatt of his CAD files sitting back behind walls of encryption, he almost wondered if there was enough time to quickly swap the thigh plating out for that of a Daisy with its deeper pockets but came to the conclusion of 'probably not' and just hopped in to the suit's cavity. The suit's synthetic muscle culture sealed up and hugged his body as statuses began rolling past the HUD, green across the board as expected and now that the Minkan was hidden inside his armoured shell he faded away the volumetric projection of a uniform to reveal his black bodysuit that was... at least he considered it a bit too revealing to wander around in without a false uniform over the top.

There was a slight click as the suit decoupled from its rack and the ginger Minkan began walking towards his girlfriend's own suit, dumping the anti-armour rounds out of his model-38 revolver's freshly-milled cylinder to replace them with special-purpose stun rounds, flicking his wrist to shut and then holster the purple hand cannon.

["It's rather odd~"] Wyatt began as he sidled up off to the side of her armour, taking up position and crossing his arms while waiting for Saya to suit up. ["I hadn't worn power armour once during training, first mission back and well~"] he explained over the telepathic network with a small huff of amusement, helmet tracking the bubblegum-haired medic go about her own business.

["I almost missed its embrace as much as yours~"]
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Kaiyo II
Wardroom then Power Armor Bay

Saya, much like the others, jotted the things down that she would need and made a mental list through the ship computer to remind her how to load her suit out when she got down into the actual bay. She looked to Wyatt and sent him a small smile as they headed down, and after a few moments, left herself.

As she got to the bay she went on her way to gather the modules she needed. She made sure to gather the medical supplies she hoped not to use but gathered them regardless. A teleportation module, some restraints as commanded by Sacre, and a pair of extra magazines for her Mindy's rifle should she absolutely need them. She prayed she wouldn't.

As Wyatt spoke to her mind she smiled just as she slipped into the armor and secured her helmet.

["I've missed you too. It's been lonely, I mean everyone has been here, but I've missed you in particular. I guess I would miss you in particular regardless since we are... But... I guess you know what I mean?"]
Kaiyo II
Wardroom then Power Armor Bay

As the briefing broke up, Odo turned and walked to the PA bay.

Another combat mission. They didn't mention how often this would happen in the academy. He thought to himself. Though he had been told the Kaiyo II was not an ordinary ship. He gathered up the recommended materials, as well as also packing his engineering tools into his buttpack, and then loaded into his Mindy.

As he was getting suited up, he looked around the PA as other members of the crew were doing the same. He wondered if those more experienced than him still got the nervousness he was currently feeling every time they went into combat, or if it would go away as he got more missions under his belt. Whatever it was he didn't have time to get lost in thought. He shook his head and finished his suiting up.

He cycled the suit through its diagnostics, checking his systems and armaments. Once he was satisfied it was all working, he moved to get into position.
Kaiyo II
Wardroom then Power Armor Bay

Corsalyn remained silent during the briefing and planning of this mission. Many of the people present were CO's But there were still other soldiers present as well. It was strange in many ways. She had never been to a briefing like this. It felt casual while at the same time did well to address the various concerns and thoughts of people from many different ranks. So far from what she had heard things seemed pretty straight forward. Hostiles had control of the facility in question. There would be civilians present, and the potential for hostages was very high. It would be tense, and they would need to tread carefully in order to avoid an incident.

Before long everyone was heading to the armory to suit up. Corsalyn would hold back, following in behind the other soldiers to prevent tripping them up on her tail. The walk to the armory was not particularly long, but it was enough to allow her to collect her thoughts., She still hadn't spoken to any of the officers or any of the other soldiers in regards to this mission yet. Instead, she wanted to mentally prepare herself for the scenario at hand.

In the Armor bay, she proceeded to her the rig that held her armor. There were not many 4S's on the ship so it was easy enough to spot her setup and get prepared. She started by removing her uniform, revealing her Sports Bra and underwear. She didn't have much in regards to a sense of modesty so it wasn't a concern that others might see her like this as she poised herself, taking a quick moment to fold her uniform properly, before lining her large body up with her armor.

Considering her size it took her longer to get suited up. But once her body was encased in the armor she started to run through her system checks. After a moment everything read nominal and she slipped effortlessly into position among the other soldiers. She had always marveled how easily the suit moved. Despite a limit to her flexibility, she was still able to move incredibly well considering how much weight she was wearing and how rigid the plates actually were. Inside she could feel the mechanized systems assisting her movements, and carrying her along. It was intuitive, working with her muscles to work flawlessly.

"Auroris up and ready." She announced into the radio to signal that she was set to go. Naturally compared to the lighter atmosphere, her rather rigid words felt sterile and stern.
YSS Kaiyo II

...A little later...

"Exiting FTL in ten, Chusa. If I've calculated it right, which I always do, we'll pop out right on the edge of the debris fields." Gravity announced, keeping her eyes on sensors and gripping the throttle tight.

"Chlobot, be ready for any surprises." The pilot hissed to the robot beside her. Call her paranoid, but Gravity would never discount the possibility of bad intel.
YSS Kaiyō II
Power Armor Bay
Kiki approached her Ke-M2-4E and decided to reconfigure the accessories, knowing they were going to extract civilians. She kept the Kalamari Manipulator Arm System, the Leg NSB Launchers, and the handheld Aether Beam Saber-Rifle, but she removed the Scalar Machine Gun and Missile Pod from the shoulder hardpoints. Instead, she added a Shoulder Capacitor and Energy Cloak Shield Projector. After storing some tracking bracelets and flexcuffs alongside her engineering tools in her armor's buttpack, she got in her Mindy. She was almost tempted to use her manipulator arms to carry extra PoW handling kits, but she didn't, knowing she'll probably need full use of her arms, all 8 of them. She checked her armor's systems, then the PoW regs Sacre sent and acknowledged them.

Chlorate clanked into the bridge, a little more slowly than usual. The mechanical girl made a low-sounding beep and sat down in the weapons operator station. "Affirm... ative..." she responded to Gravity, clearly sounding like something was off, something was on her mind. It wasn't that she wasn't paying attention, no, she could be ready for surprises, but what she wasn't ready for was her father leaving.
YSS Kaiyo II
Wardroom then Power Armor Bay

Klaus got off his chair and strode to the power armor bay, in contemplation. He'd liked Eden-chusa's speech. It spoke of liberating the oppressed and destroying the oppressors. It made him think of one of his grandfather's speeches. 'The pursuit of Justice is balanced on two scales: safeguarding the innocent and punishing the guilty. Some say one is more important than the other, but I say they are irrevocably equal in importance. You must remember that.'

Klaus smiled, as he got inside his Mindy. It wasn't a friendly or easygoing smile. It was akin to a predator's smile when they had found prey. There were few things he hated. He detested the Mishhuvurthyar for taking his father and for being abusers and corruptors of all that was good in the universe. He detested broccoli. And he despised slavers, for he loved freedom. So Klaus thanked his lucky stars, that he was born in this time and age. For now the enemies of Yamatai were the true vermin of the galaxy. And you don't feel bad when you exterminate vermin.

He changed his usual loadout on his Mindy to a new one. In his right shoulder, he mounted a Ke-M2-W3902 Scalar Machine Gun. On the other shoulder a Ke-M2-W2906 Missile Pod. For his legs a pair of Aether Blade Wakizashi for CQC and a Leg Capacitor. For his main weapon his trusty Aether/Scalar Submachine Gun. He left the Nodal Support Bit Launcher, seeing various uses for it on this mission. As per the Chusa's instructions he stocked up in prisoner equipment.

"Nito Hei Kurogane, ready to procceed." he said as he stood ready for anything. He gazed upon all who were in the PA bay, seeing new faces and close friends alike. He caught Belmont-chui nearby and approached him. "Belmont-chui, I would like to request that I take point on this mission."
YSS Kaiyō II

Hoshi watched sensors in her mind's HUD while her vision rested on Gravity and her maneuvers through the debris field. There were no signs of hostile forces, but the station's emissions and position was apparent.

"You see her, take the ship in, Gravity-heisho." Hoshi spoke, "Chlorate, remain present and ready for what remains."

Power Armor Bay

While Muyomi Peio and Lauren Strong worked together to figure out a good way to hold the box as Sacre had tasked them to do, Eden was double checking parts of her large suit. The mechanisms of the scalar machine gun mounted on the shoulder of her Mindy rotated at her beckoning while her eyes were set on the pivot points. She touched the weapon with her bare hand, looking at it intensely before her eyes closed and her eyebrows momentarily pushed towards one another and apart, only to push together once more. Her hand slipped off of the weapon and clenched at her side before she hovered and turned in the air, eyes closed and mouth set in a tight and almost forlorn expression. Her eyes opened marginally as her legs and arms shimmered quickly as the volumetrics of her body adjusted. She slightly lifted a forearm to look at the now-visible protrusions as they flexed outward from her skin, only to move flush against her appendage. Her legs icicle-like growths moved in the same way before slipping into the slots for each one and Eden's golden eyes closed again as the suit's chest closed up around and the helmet slunk into position. She pulled off of the rack from the collar and within the instant she was on the ground, she was testing various disguises.

A heavily robed, ornately decorated, purple-skinned and large-footed Kuvexian was standing where Eden's Mindy had once been. Then, with a top-down adjustment, she was a nude Elefirn. Then, she was once again a Kuvexian, this time with blue skin tone, changed facial tattoos, and different apparel. She flicked back to being Teien Eden with a complete volumetrics shift, albeit shorter than her current self and wearing a soft pink kimono ensemble and kanzashi in her intricately tied hair. She sent schematics of all of the forms she had just taken, save for her own, to the Mindy that were manned in the bay with a small text description: "Disguises of a Kuvexian and a known Kuvexian ally, the Elefirn. No data on if they will be present. Please adjust disguises as you see fit."

Her golden eyes looked up and she clasped her hands at her front, then walked carefully to the open bay doors. She watched the debris field on the other side of the force field as the YSS Kaiyō II leapt through it and stayed there.
YSS Kaiyō II
Power Armor Bay

Alastair took his time leaving out of the wardroom. This was partly due to having his focus on the current topic at hand. The rules of Yamatai and the capture of prisoners of war. He wanted to make sure nothing had changed to this since the last time he reviewed it prior to the mission before. He expected this mission to be exceedingly more challenging than prior missions since civilians would be in the mix. This is more compounded by the fact the civilians could have already been radicalised by the false gods. This was something that caused Alastair's blood to boil. Using slight of hand instead of a strong will to corrupt others was the lowest of the low. In his mind, the Kuvexian were of weaker stature and would submit to the will of Yamatai might. He did not plan to take any Kuvexian prisoners. The same could be said for those who sympathize with them. The culling was about to begin.

The third in command slowly walked into the power armor bay. He look out across the bays at his crew prepping for battle. He could tell from the facial expressions the crew was prepping for a rough mission. As he walked towards his waiting Mindy he greeted his crew. "Hello Sacre and Elenor." He said with a smile. "Good day Ragnar." Giving him a half solute. Then he came across the newest match on the ship. "Wyatt, Saya, do well to look out for each other." He placed a hand on each of their shoulders as he continued past. He was happy to see some of his crew had found happiness. On down he went with a wave to Odo, "hello and happy hunting." He flashed a quick smile to Corsalyn. This was one of the new recruits and would be keep an extra eye on them to ensure everything goes well. Another quick wave towards Kiki before he was stopped by Klaus.

This solder was pushing to be the next Mark on the ship. Always eager to jump out in front and lead the charge. This was exactly the people Alastair wanted to have on this mission. He paused and looked to Klaus. "Fine request, I shall pass it along but I do not expect Eden to say no." He continued on past Klaus but stopped just long enough to put a hand on his shoulder. "Counting on you when the time calls, don't hesitate." He flexed his grip then released and kept on walking.

He finally made it to his mind and started to get his things together. He expected things to be close and personal so replaced his normal ranged weapon with a Ke-M2-W3901 Aether Blade Katana and Ke-M2-W3901 Aether Blade Wakizashi. This was in addition to his wing pack being replaced by the Ke-M2-E3000 Leader Support Pack. This would free up his shoulder mounts so he could attach a pair of Ke-M2-W3902 Shoulder-Mounted Scalar Machine Gun.
YSS Kaiyō II
Power Armor Bay

["I know what you mean, I~"] Wyatt's mental message cut off as Alastair passed them, a faint creak as his muscles tensed under the armoured plating as Belmont-Chui's arm met his shoulder, but the operative quickly relaxed and offered a nod from his helmet-covered head, "Will do, sir," the Minkan mused before his monochromatic-haired superior strolled off to rouse the rest of the troops.

["Stay safe, Saya, I'll have your back,"] Alder-Heisho spoke back to his medically-inclined significant other with a small smile before he began unpacking the files sent to each armour, cycling through them through his Mindy's volumetrics system. A semi-religious looking Kuvvie with tough hands and subtle tattoos over the sun-kissed skin of his right arm, next was an Elefirn with a troubled energy about her - one horn broken at the very tip and a bit of a hard-ass look about her, with the little bit of clothing being worn having a utilitarian feel to them... he settled on this, and set it to be ready in his volumetrics before letting the facade slip away to reveal Wyatt's armoured form once more.
YSS Kaiyō II
Power Armor Bay

Eden got the request and looked to Klaus momentarily before she sent him a message, "If you have hull cutting equipment like an ABSR, you can take point while we make our way to the station and then open the access panel or simply cut through their hull with the ABSR. Once we're out of any conduits, I will be leading the team, thus you taking point inside is not necessary for that reason."
YSS Kaiyo II

"Come on, girl. Nice... and... easy..." Gravity whispered to her ship as she glided them through the labyrinth of explosive space dust, keeping an eye on the route she'd drawn up on a display beside her.

She was as confident as she could be that there were no traps along this route, because an enemy would have to be near suicidal to attempt it. Indeed, in order to keep them stealthy as well as able to finely maneuver, she didn't keep the engines on. She would fire the thrusters in short bursts, then use the CFS to move.

Like right now, when she rolled fifteen degrees starboard and shifted laterally ten meters to the left. Gravity liked to say that the Kaiyo had a small chest and a fat ass, a fact shown to be true when the rear wing of the ship squeezed past a cloud with a mere few meters to spare.

Swallowing that lump in her throat and urging her heart to remain still, Gravity released a breath, and again just gently gunned the throttle.
YSS Kaiyō II

Chlorate's motors whirred as she looked up at the captain, responding "Affirmative, Chusa Hoshi..." The robot was sad, if she had volumetrics her artificial hair would most certainly be blue, but she didn't yet so it remained white. Nevertheless, she was still able to perform her job, though she was not used to this feeling.

Power Armor Bay
Kiki was now in her Mindy and unforunately so was her crest examining the possible disguises. Her armor's volumetrics transformed her into a blue skinned Kuvexian with cream colored hair and tattoos on both of her arms appearing to be made from Hexajup ink. She readied the disguise in her volumetrics and deactivated it, once again showing Kiki in her Doc Ock-esque power armor. The armored cockatoo noticed Alastair's wave and extended one of her Kalamari manipulator arms into the air to wave back, doing so and then retracting the arm once again.
YSS Kaiyō II
Power Armor Bay

Sacre put on a medical tailpack and a cargo tailpack. She felt she could probably handle three, but didn't want to push it on her first time out. Both of them were light for powered armor, as they were designed to be carried by unarmored personnel. However, they did restrict her movement options slightly. She loaded the cargo pack with supplies that they would need for handling a large number of prisoners and some extramedical supplies for if they got extra spicy prisoners.

Sacre turned on her photonics array, trying to decide on one of the captured images to use. She settled on the most generic one possible and then sized it to fit her dimensions a bit better. The photonics array projected over her tail and attempted to camouflage it. However, it did a poor job, as it was clear that something was still there. Sacre slid forward, and the image of the Kuvxian moved forward, but not nearly as smoothly as Sacre would have liked, the legs seemed out of sync with her moments ever so slightly. Annoyed, Sacre sent a message to be delivered to Gravity when she wasn't too busy. [I like what's between yours, and I get how they work on an intellectual level, but legs are weird. You are so used to them that you don't think about it, but seriously, they are annoying. I still would like to nestle between yours for a while when I get back, so stay in once piece.]

It took several times across the powered armor bay for Sacre to work out a set of movements that didn't seem too weird and helped hide her tail from whoever was watching. However, if she was going to actually use it, then she was going to want to stay in the back, where being surrounded by several others would help hide her awkwardness.

She turned off the projector and slid by each of the people preparing for battle, checking each of their suits by eye to augment her readyness readout. "For those of you trying out the uses of the projector, remember that your CFS will disrupt the projection. Keep that in mind if you decide to try any antics." She reminded them.
YSS Kaiyō II
Power Armor Bay

Ketsurui Aiko stepped through the bay's threshold, her gold-and-white katana sheathed and held low beside her left leg. She hadn't seen the place this busy in more months than she cared to recount, though it certainly had been despite her frequent absense from normal duties alongside her crewmates. All that time apart had its purpose, however — time spent learning, training, simulating, and forging Aiko into the officer she was created to be — leading to her presence here now.

She wore a white-paneled Type 22 bodysuit today, knowing she'd need to shed anything more for power armor duty. The thin uniform bound and compressed her chest well enough, but did little to hide the curve of her strong, wide hips and wrinkled up where her legs became her waist as she began walking across the deck toward Eden. The Neko's step was as refined and graceful as it ever was before, now carrying with it a more assured, determined gait following her advanced studies both in VR and the field.

"Chusa," Aiko said, addressing Eden once she'd arrived by the first officer's side. She threw a quick salute before continuing. "I am up to speed on the mission's details. Where would you have me assigned today?"
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