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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 17.1] Odds and Ends

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Mission 17

The week on Hanako’s World went quickly and seemed like it was over too soon. With the shore leave coming to a close, the crew had to report back to the ship on Gemini Star Fortress.

Hanako made her way through the massive yet crowded corridors of the starbase, dressed in her duty uniform with her hat in one hand and her black frock coat draped over one arm, and holding her black rolling luggage in the other. Ramiro tagged along at her side, carrying his bag too. After stopping briefly at a Warm and Sweet for Hanako to get a small frozen coffee, they went to the terminal where the ship had been moved after its refurbishing was complete.

The ship was connected to the station through its flexible transparent docking tube, allowing them to see the Eucharis’ hull as they floated down from the station airlock into the ship’s airlock. The paint was fresh and the hull was free of the usual scars, but the ship looked pretty much the same. It was, for Hanako, home.

The Shosho gave Ramiro a hug and left him to settle into his cabin while she went through the bridge and back to her suite to drop off her coat, hat, and bags, and then went to the bridge to start looking at possible missions.
Re: [Mission 17.1]

On rout back to the ship

Shoreleave had been awesome. Natsumi had enjoyed every moment, especially getting to know several of her shipmates better. She was a bit sad their free time was over though.

She had packed away her new civilian clothes and once again donned her uniform, her long coat on over it and cap set upon her head, her long flowing white hair done up in a braid and her travel bag slung over her shoulder. She looked out the view port as she approached the airlock leading to the Eucharis, looking out upon the sleek and deadly warship that floated beyond. Her newly painted and polished red and grey hull glistened in the lights of the space dock. It was good to be back though.

She had only been a part of the Eucharis crew for a short time, but already it felt like home. She glanced back behind her, towards the planet she had spent a week of free time, giving it one last look before she turned and stepped into the zero-G docking tube and kicked off, floating across to the ship.
Re: [Mission 17.1]

Sune returned to the station via a T7 shuttle that was making regular trips to the and from the surface. Seated next to him was his companion Cherry, both of them well rested from their time on the surface. He thought back about the turn of events on the surface between the two of them.

He had formed a new relationship with the Neko, one that he would cherish because it helped fill the void that the loss of his former family had left.

When the shuttle arrived, he stepped out onto the hangar deck and retrieved his baggage. Together the two of them made their way through the station. Memories of Sune's first days as a crew member came flooding back as they passed through the concourse. The station MEGAMI supplied them with the location of the Eucharis. A quick stop at a coffee shop, and they were walking to the ship. He paused briefly before stepping into the docking tube. He took a moment to look at the ship, taking note of the repairs that were made.

He then stepped into the tube and into the ship. He gave Cherry a brief hug, and a kiss. Then headed off towards his cabin to unpack.
Re: [Mission 17.1]

Now back from leave, en route to ship
Konoka approached the freshly repaired Eucharis, green eyes showing a serious expression, for once. She'd truly enjoyed being back on Hanako's World, and would cherish the memories she'd made there with the crew. But now a serious determination had crept into the normally carefree neko's heart because of it. I need to get more serious, she thought. If I want to live long enough to return happily to Hanako's World a third time. I almost got myself killed on our last mission. I'm determined to change my attitude so that doesn't happen again!
......then as she went to board the ship, that serious face went right the fish out the window when she saw Sune kiss Cherry.
"OMG SUNE-KUN GOT A GIRLFRIEND!" she cried like the immature middle-schooler-like neko she was always,it seemed, going to be.
Re: [Mission 17.1]

Takeyu grumbled as he looked at his ICP while floating down toward the ship. "My orders can't be fulfilled," he scowled and closed his computer.

He had enjoyed the vacation, getting to know Reika better was a great thing for him. Next time, I'll invite her out again, he beamed and looked at the Eucharis and all of its glory.

The paint looked fresh and there were no signs of damage from the previous battle, both of which were good signs for him, although he wondered whether his suggestions and recommendations had been headed. So, once he got into the ship he made his way to his cabin to drop off his stuff and then headed toward the rear of the ship to investigate one of three radiation pockets he and Sune had discovered weeks earlier - which had been part of his priority list.

Hopefully those were taken care of, he muttered and fast-walked down the corridor.
Re: [Mission 17.1]


Bors had grabbed one of the earlier shuttles to the Eucharis, and was keeping himself busy organizing his belongings and checking out the new repairs to the ship, all while nursing a hangover and a mild sunburn he had apparently gotten on Hanako's World. I gotta stop doing shots, they always get me the next morning. he thought pouring himself his fourth cup of coffee that morning, At least its quiet though, one of the advantages of getting back early. Heading back toward the ships armory to enjoy a bit more of peace and quiet before everyone was aboard, he rounded a corner and stumbled upon Konoka exclaiming about Sune's apparent new girlfriend.

"I see you're back aboard Konoka, still chipper as ever." He said rubbing his temples with his free hand to try and soothe the spike of pain he just felt. "Good to see your back as well Sir" He added with a respective nod to the ships first officer, before taking a sip of his coffee and continuing toward the armory, muttering to himself about not drinking that much again.
Re: [Mission 17.1]


Leaning over the control panel, Hanako began the launch sequence, remotely starting the aether reactor sending the order down to engineering to get all the other engines running. A dull rumbling hum could be heard through the ship as all systems went from standby to active. The airlocks closed and the docking tube retracted and the ship pulled away from the star fortress into the void of space with the glowing blue jewel of Hanako’s World behind them. As soon as they were in open, Hanako began pushing the limits of the freshly repaired FTL drives, shooting them across space towards their first stop, HX-11.

“This is the captain,” Hanako said over the shipwide intercom. “We have departed Gemini en route to a cargo pickup on HX-11. Be prepared for possible E.V.A. We are at readiness condition 3. Shosho out.”
Re: [Mission 17.1]


Misato sat at in front of her closet folding and placing her new clothing away. She was happy that she was able to pick up some civy cloths, it was nice that she would be able to ware something other then her uniforms all the time. Once she finished placing the last of the clothes away she picked up her pistol and started to take it apart and clean it. She took her pistol with here everywhere she went during her R&R so it really needed the maintenance. She started humming a song that she heard at a cantina, it had been stuck in her head the past few days

AS she finished putting her pistol back together she heard the Sho'Sho's address to the crew. The part about an EVA perk her curiosity so she started out the door for the PA bay. She wanted to be suited and ready if something should come up.
Re: [Mission 17.1]

Cabin 4

Murakami actually felt a bit out of place, back on board the Eucharis. Eventually she had truly relaxed, sometime late in the week of shore leave. Now she felt a bit mopey, stuck on board the ship, already hurtling off to their next - probably extremely dangerous - mission. She sighed, actually taking longer to unpack than Misato. Mitsuko found it odd to be stowing away her new clothes with the same old uniforms.

After her roommate left, she laid out on her bunk...taking a few minutes to settle herself. It was time to get back to work. She had duties to fulfill, after all. Mitsuko pushed herself back to her feet, determined to finally make it to the cargo bay. If they were picking something up, she had better make sure everything was ready. Hopefully there were no more squatters to worry about.
Re: [Mission 17.1]

Cabin 6

Reika was aboard the Eucharis and going through the process of putting all the items in her bag -- plus some new purchases -- back where they belonged in the room she shared with Victory. She had enjoyed the week-long respite and had found Nayacesen Takeyu's company enjoyable. The neko had found the chief engineer to be fairly easy-going and friendly, despite the differences in their ranks.

When the warship began to disengage from the star fortresses berth, the following shipwide announcement issued by Hanako was broadcast within Reika's cabin, informing the neko that the gunship had set out on its next mission. The SAINT operative's eyebrow arched curiously when the Shôshô mentioned that extra-vehicular activity might shortly be a possibility for the crew.

"I better get suited in an AMES then." she said to herself softly. Recalling that each cabin was supposed to have at least one of the environmental suits in store, she retrieved the garment and the Type 30 helmet which accompanied it. The neko then heading out of the room and made her way through the ships interior -- headed in the direction of the Eucharis' cargo bay.
Re: [Mission 17.1]

Cabin 5
I suppose I should be working instead of gossiping about my friend's love life, Konoka decided, shaking her head, and skipped off to her cabin to make herself presentable for duty. While there, she was saddened to see that Akemi had transferred to another ship. Aww, I liked her, she pouted. And now I 'm roomie-less. Oh well, I'd better get to work.....
Konoka, being a medic, decided she should wait in MedBay until further orders had been given. Well this is boring, she thought. Not that I want somebody to injure themselves so I'll have work to do.
Re: [Mission 17.1]

UX-11 System

The Eucharis streaked into the outskirts of the UX-11 system and headed for the ninth planet, the only place far enough away from the system's huge blue-white star to support life. The system was rich in resources if one could stand the heat. Five metal Chthonian planets and three rock worlds lay between the terrestrial world and the giant sun. Soon the Eucharis was in orbit, conducting scans and releasing an Orbital Geologic Survey Platform. Next, Hanako took the ship down into the atmosphere, causing the ship to rattle as it rapidly moved through the atmosphere.

As the Eucharis did a fly-over of some plains inhabited only by simple bacteria, they passed over a bunch of cargo containers left on the surface. The air here was breathable so down in the cargo bay, Victory, dressed in skin-tight AMES suit minus helmet, opened the rear cargo bay door ramp and held on tight as the pressure equalized.

Soon the starship came to rest by the collection of stuff.
Re: [Mission 17.1]

After Leave - Eucharis

With a freshly purchased bag of civilian attire, a box of alcohol, and a large floppy hat upon her head, Helen returned to the Eucharis where she once again was reminded that she did not truly have a place to even hang up her hat, as she ended up seated in the crew lounge, with her luggage surrounding her as she placed her hat in her lap and took a nap before the Eucharis would be underway. Still, she had no committed position, nowhere that she had to be, nothing that she truly had to do other than minding intelligence reports, and that, she could do with her eyes closed, literally.

Eventually though, Helen would wake from her nap, as she made her way to the cargo hold, to store her newly purchased belongings in the cargo container which she had been using as a closet, a power armor parts depository, and a personal armory. "Living out of a crate, Mama would be so proud." Helen mumbled as she essentially ended up loitering in the cargo bay, as she remotely went about attempting to conduct a business transaction, while also attempting to track down a very specific ship to purchase. After all, she had to have a home to go to eventually, and she was not about to let a place she could call home go to scrap.

Eucharis at UX-11

During her time of loitering, Helen caught wind of what they were going to be doing at that time as they descended down into the planetary atmosphere. During the decent, she changed into an AMES suit as she prepared to assist in the retrieval of what the Eucharis was there to pick up. In one hand, she held a NSP, in the other, a data pad which was set up to begin drafting a cargo manifest, and with those items in hand, she stood by Victory in preparation to figure out just what the Shosho had purchased.
Re: [Mission 17.1]

After Leave

Tomomi was kinda glad to be heading back to the Eucharis, dressed in her duty uniform. She kinda gave a half smile as she approached the ship in the docking tube. The duffle bag over her shoulder was full of civilian clothes she bought while on vacation. Tomomi stows her duffle bag in the container she was currently using to stow the rest of her stuff since she has been on the Eucharis.

She quickly changed into the working uniform before she proceeded to the bridge in order to check up on the ship's computer systems.

Eucharis at UX-11

Leaning over her workstation, Tomomi stared at the readout as her diagnostic was completing. Her legs were crossed, her head was propped up on her left hand, and the leg over the other was moving rapidly up and down due to her impatience. She stopped fidgeting once the readout indicated that it was complete. Naturally all was well, but she felt better checking after someone does something rather then letting surprises happen.

Tomomi stretched as she looked out at the planet they were approaching. She then once again focused on the workstation's screen, pulling up the maintenance schedule for Charisma's numerous parts.
Re: [Mission 17.1]

Before UX-11

Takeyu scanned the maintenance conduits, checking for anything out of the ordinary while also ensuring that there was no radiation leaks or any pockets. When the scans were finished, they came up negative. "Perfect, so they did listen, good," he said and made his way out of the conduit and to check another area of the ship.

When he was threw making his rounds, he headed to Engineerings to greet Cherry before taking a seat at his station and running a check-up on the ships systems, while waiting for the diagnostic to finish - he changed into an AMES.

Arrival in UX-11

Waiting patiently; Takeyu continued making fine adjustments to the ships power grid, keeping the grid stable to ensure normal power flow while also checking each of the ships main power relays for any wear and tear - though knowing full well that such a thing wasn't likely given how much would've been replaced during the shore-leave.

"Everything's clear," he muttered and closed one diagnostic window, only to open another. "Running check on ships shield generator," he glanced back at the door, then forward at his display... oh how he wished he had more technicians.
Re: [Mission 17.1]

Before arrival at UX-11

After boarding the ship Natsumi had stowed her new clothes, hat, sunglasses and sandals in her locker, then made sure her uniform was proper and headed for the bridge. Even though shore leave had just ended she felt the need to take her duty station right away. So far she had spent little time at it since her assignment to the Eucharis.

Arriving on the bridge, she greeted the Shosho respectfully and took her station.
Re: [Mission 17.1]

Cargo Bay

Hanako came down to the cargo bay. "Do not just stand there," she said, pushing Victory by the butt so she would have to walk down the ramp.

It was a cool, wet day outside, with temperatures just above freezing and a misting rain coming down. Most of the items were wrapped in plastic packaging.

At the bottom of the ramp, Hanako told the crew, "If you want something, please ask me." She turned to Ramiro. "Want to drive the tank again? We may have to drag around some containers."

Ramiro nodded and went to the tank and got it started and rolled out onto the rocky soil.

Hanako immediately began collecting her things, starting with palettes of fur coats, a photobook that featured her during her teen years, and a box of precious gemstones that caught her eye.

Meanwhile the cooks started bringing aboard food supplies. There were huge bags of rice, frozen burgers, shipments of frozen fish, and citrus fruits.
Re: [Mission 17.1]

UX-11 - Surface Outside of Eucharis

"This is like being at a flea market." Helen spoke out loud, as she remotely put in data into the pad she was carrying, building a manifest of just what Hanako had purchased.

As Helen strode through the rows of items, she began to form a second list. a wishlist to be exact. Items were sorted in her second listing as 'need', 'want', and 'would be nice'.

Helen Klein's UX-11 Grab Bag Wishlist Data Pad Entry said:
Big Box of Knives - "These help me do my job, really, they do."

Classy Briefcase - "I just love briefcases!"

Lorath Ammunition, 12.7mm - "I'd like just the .50 Cal ammunition please."

Damaged Hand Cannon - "I'm familiar with the weapon, I think I can fix it after downloading some gunsmith instructions. That's why I'd like the .50 Cal ammunition."

Lorath Data Pads - "Job related, I'll check these for intelligence, or, perhaps give Reika something to do."

Ship's Black Box - "Job related, I'll give it a look over along with Takeyu"

One Live Chicken - "I want her as a pet, her name shall be... Well, I don't know yet, but, she's just adorable! <3"


Crate Exotic Liquor - "I left my collection on the YC-28."

Barrel Nepleslian Whiskey - "Tradition <3"

Various Shipments of Musical Instruments; Violin, Wood Flute - "I'm feeling artistically starved! I'm open to learning some new instruments."

20lb Chocolate Bunny - "; o ; It looks so tasty! We could split it?"

3 Tight Yamataian Bodysuits - "I like the fit, and I need some replacements."

Big Box of Leather Clothing - "I'll take what fits if you don't mind, Shosho."

Slave Control Collar - "Not that I ever would need to use such a tool, I'm skilled enough to go without it, but it would certainly be a nice addition to my collection."

Would Be Nice

One copy of each Flash Bang Entertainment title - "It gets dull during off-duty hours, you know.

'Marital Aids' - "I ah... yeah... hm."

Banger Lubricant - "Well, I am asking for marital aids."

Medical Instruments - "I'm qualified to use these in a number of ways."

Medicines - "I would like to pick and choose out of all the medicines we found, I'm sure I can have some use for a number of them which the med bay won't be interested in."

Lorath Occhestian In A Box With A Collar and Control Device - "No no, I'm not asking seriously, really, I'm not... really."

After a while of wandering around, and in a way shopping, Helen had rounded up a number of items which she set into a pile, before she would seek out Hanako, as she did, she carried a chicken with her. Catching Hanako on her trip into the ship, Helen spoke; "Excuse me Shosho, I've put together a manifest of what items were organized... some of the wreckage and miscellaneous items were beyond being readily identified. I've also put together a wish list of some things I would like to claim, ma'am. Would you like me to forward the data to your inbox?" Helen asked, before she continued; "Also Shosho, did you find anything of interest? There seems to be something for everyone in that mess."
Re: [Mission 17.1]

Cargo Bay

"The Shosho sure gets some interesting stuff ill say that much" Bors said out loud to no one in particular as he looked over a cargo manifest with a look of curiosity and interest on his face.

After poking around the cargo drop for awhile, writing down some items that piqued his interested on a data pad, Bors started to hunt down the Shosho amidst the pile of stuff. After a brief search he located her talking to Helen,

"Sorry to interrupt you two, but you said to check with you before we take anything" He said handing her his list

Riko Bor's list of requested stuff

  • 6-liter bar-tap bottle of Nepleslian whisky - Combat stress reliever/"Creative thinking" juice.

    Nepleslian Mystery Sausage - A favorite snack of mine

    Side-by-Side Hunting Shotguns - Hunting is just combat but with animals right? so its a combat weapon as well

    Decorative/Ceremonial Swords - Just want one out of here, looks like one I had back on Neplesia

    Several tons of literature - Just grabbing a dozen or so titles out of here including "I'm Ok but You've been Shot in the Face: A guide to dealing with stressful situations

    Barrel of Nepleslian Whiskey - See notes above on "Creative thinking juice"

    Barrel of Motor Oil - Needed for vehicle maintenance

    “Slightly used” cybernetic Hand - Replacement parts for mine

    1 Pair of Protective Goggles - For maintenance and such

    Elysian Plebeian slave girl - ::The Item and comment is hastily scratched out and near impossible to read though something about "needs" can be made out
Cargo Bay

Tomomi followed Hanako down to the cargo bay to help with the loading. The coolness of the air caused her to shiver a little bit before she went down with the rest of the crew to help unload. Tomomi saw a few things that caught her eye as she helped. Eventually she saw enough that she begun a list in her communicator. She took a break to walk over to Hanako to present her list.

"Here is what I am interested in Shosho." Tomomi said bowing before sending it to her.

“The Goddess' Direction - By Destiny Tur'lista” (Personal Development)
“Dangerous Driver Development” (Personal Development, though above book is more important)
Portable Universal Wireless Network Data-Modem (Size might make it useful to adapt for operations)
tight yamataian bodysuit (Think one fits me)
Electric Guitar with Broken string (easy fix, been wanting to learn to play one for awhile)
Airbike Boots (Fashion mostly)
Somebody's cybernetic eye (might be able to adapt it for recon purposes)
Personal Computer - New and Empty (Upgraded, I could use it as a test bed for programming)
Brainwave Helmet (Might prove useful for AI programming purposes)
A pencil (Why not?)
Pairs of Protective Goggles
Flash Bang Entertainment titles (One of each title, off hours)
Big Box of Books
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