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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 18.3B] The City of Urtullan (HX-24)

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Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Egil quickly got into position after sending an acknowledgement to Sune. The team moved down the shuttle pad deeper into the settlement while he tried his best to inspect every person they passed along the way. There where so many that it wasn't even possible to keep tabs on each and every one of them so Egil simply chose to keep an eye out for sudden or hostile movements and gestures. He glanced back at the shuttle a few times before they moved inward and noticed his initial thoughts were wrong. They tried not to be too obvious about it but he was beginning to think the shuttle might not make it without them with all these miscreants around.

"Sir. I'm beginning to think we need to keep the shuttle guarded. I'm seeing cans of spray paint appearing as we move further away and who knows what more they'll do to vandalize our ship. Can we send it back or move it into overwatch?"
He spoke to Sune through the comms. Guard duty would make life very hard on those stuck with the shuttle and make both groups even more outnumbered. But he didn't like the idea of allowing them to have their way with the shuttle either.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Sune looked around, taking note of the ever increasing number of people on the surface. It was clear that 'law and order' were alien concepts to the inhabitants. How these people survived on the surface given the conditions was beyond him as well. Somehow he had a feeling that these people were the cast offs, ones who could not afford to live inside the underground, so consigned to the rest of the refuse of this world.

Sune listened to Egil, his concerns echoing the Hei's. He opened up his Medical bag and pulled out his ICP. He turned to Egil held out the computer. "Mashiro-Hei, take my ICP. Connect to the shuttle's computer and program it to lift off, and hold position 5,000 meters above and orbit."
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

With there seeming to be no interest in the key ring, Natsumi fell back into step with the others. She made sure to keep close, not wanting to be left alone with any of the unsavory types crowding around them. She had no qualms about her ability to defend herself if it came down to a fight, few of the people around them seemed to be in the best of health. She found the level of poverty and filth they were living in revolting and started to think she should have remained on the Eucharis.

She kept her eyes about her, hand resting on the comforting mass of the pistol holstered on her left hip.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

After waiting several minutes for the away team to come inside the underground portion of the city, Gravedigger became impatient. "Any freakin' day now," he shouted from the airlock.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

The best way to avoid the rat was laid out in front of Conrad. He nodded at Gravedigger and stepped in first. He moved away from the annoying rodent and nodded at Gravedigger when he walked in.

"Well...at least it's better then outside. So far."

Conrad tried to look inside as far as possible. No discernable threats, but it felt off. And due to the unfamiliarity, it was best for him to wait and watch if anything stirred in their direction the wrong way.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

The interior of the airlock was a combination of modern machinery and pipes over a more ancient hall made of sandstone and marked with hieroglyphs. A teal-colored translucent pressure force-field kept the interior's better-breathable atmosphere separated from the outside's more sulfurous air. Six guards were waiting inside, mostly tough-looking ID-SOLs and Delsaurians with large miniguns and torso armor over coveralls. Behind them was a long tunnel leading into the underground city.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Egil received the computer pad with a slight nod in acknowledgement. It would be a good idea to order one for himself once back on the ship, but for now the Chusa's pad would do just fine. Egil turned back towards the shuttle and linked both systems together. A few taps on the pad's surface and the shuttle was reprogrammed to a 5k orbit on its current position until further notice. The autopilot instantly brought the shuttle to life as it began to lift off, startling a few bystanders in the process.

Egil caught up with the group as the Nepleslian voiced his impatience. He handed the ICP back to Sune and moved back to a position at the back of the group to resume the rear-guard. The inside did look better but Egil didn't really feel the urge to remove the helmet that kept the nice clean airflow going as their guide had mentioned just yet. The amount of guards and heavy armaments did strike him as worrisome.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Sune looked at the reception inside the airlock. He took a second to look at the latest reading from his science scanner on his AMES helmet.

He looked at Gravedigger, "That is a rather impressive reception committee for some folks coming here on a peaceful mission. I would almost feel like we were not welcome here, especially after the warm reception outside."

He looked at the ID-SOLs and Delsaurians. Over compensation or they are that afraid of our presence. he thought to himself.

"Those are some very impressive looking miniguns, but we are not in the market for weapons. Just here to look around to confirm that this is a civilian installation."
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Then again, those miniguns were quite threatening. Conrad couldn't help but be amazed at the majestic sight of those death dealers. His super-Y was making loops inside as he could already picture himself. At that very moment, he could not stop himself and uploaded a picture of one specific minigun to the Eucharis, attached to a message.

He wouldn't know who would get the message as he hadn't been able, or had time to, remember everyone. He tried to focus back onto work and only hoped he wouldn't see those babies fire at him or his comrades. He would like to see them fire though, just for ''research'' purposes.

''Gravedigger? How big is this city? Any numbers you can tell us?''
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)


Gravedigger stifled a cough. "Something like 800,000 people of all types. It varies day by day. We have a, uh, high 'turnover rate' you could say. If you're not making yourself useful you end up outside hoping your filters hold out long enough to make some money and buy your way back in before the parasites get you. There's a Mishhu businessman running the show and he makes sure even the dead are working hard on his projects."

"Keep moving," one of the ID-SOL guards ordered Sune, his voice deep and gravelly.

Outside, as the shuttle left the landing pad, the locals began to disperse, including the disappointed graffiti artists. Egil's programming skills had come in handy.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Natsumi followed along in silence. She listened to the conversation between the others. The reception inside the city wasn't pleasant and she thought the mini gun armed thugs were a bit of overkill for their small and lightly armed away team.

The mention of parasites sent a chill down her spine. She had not yet encountered one, but she had learned of them in training. The thought of some hideous bug getting at her and taking her over was terrifying.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)


Sune listened to Gravedigger's answers. He found them fairly troubling. Especially the fact that people were exiled to the outside because they were not useful and could face being taken over by parasites. He made a note of that in his communicator, but held off transmitting for now.

This looks more like a police state that a civilian installation, or perhaps a work camp would be more accurate. Work or Die seems the order. he thought.

He looked at Gravedigger, "What kind of medical facilities do you folks have? Perhaps if things go well with our inspection you folks could purchase supplies from companies in the Empire."
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)


"I take it doing merc work keeps you busy and on the better side of this business squid's tentacles." Bors said to Gravedigger, eying the ID-SOL guards as he passed them. His view on the situation hadn't really changed with the new information about the business squid calling the shots and throwing out people who didn't make the grade, Bors was still on edge and expecting the worst. The only thing that set him on edge more was that he could be thrown outside the city limits and potentially left to suffocate out there. Hope our shuttle stays in the air He thought as the squad trekked further into the city.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

After passing the guards and then continuing down the tunnel, they found themselves on a ledge overlooking the upper levels of a large, circular underground city made of sandstone-colored buildings one to three stories tall on the surface. It was big enough that it was impossible to see the other side. In the center was a huge arcology that both protruded to the surface and also went deeper underground. Dusty streets were lit with bright flood lamps on the main dome-structure and thousands of people and cars moved around going about their business. A ramp led down from the tunnel to the street level.

"Depending on how important you are...state of the art, I guess," Gravedigger answered Sune. "Right," he answered Bors.

Down on the street level they found poorly-stocked food vendors, well-stocked bars, and a huge brothel. There were a number of unknown species and sapient robots in the crowds.

As they reach the street the away team found itself in the path of several rapidly-moving giant lizards carrying rowdy young men. If they didn't leap out of the way, they'd be run over!
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

The more he heard about this place, the less Sune liked it. Medical care only for those who could afford it. It was apparent that this place had limited resources, or perhaps a skewed sense of priorities as the well stocked bars seemed to indicate. He understood the necessity of triage, but the idea that wealth was a deciding factor rankled him.

"Look out!!" Sune shouted as he dove quickly out of the path of the lizard riders.

Once clear Sune got back onto his feet. He looked around to check on the status of the others, while having his Science scanner, checked the chemical properties of the atmosphere. He then tried to upload the data via the shuttle, as a test to see if they could still communicate.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

As they came to the overlook, Natsumi looked out on the massive underground city with a bit of amazement. She had never seen anything like it before. What it must have taken to build. Though her amazement diminished as they made their way down into the city proper.

It was sad to see the city was dirty and grimy like the rest of the planet they had seen. The streets were lined with seedy establishments and felt more than a bit unwelcoming.

Sune's warning came just in time as the lizards barreled down on the away team. Natsumi kept out of the way, rolling onto the sidewalk and ending in a crouch. She waited for the hooligans and their giant lizards to pass then quickly got to her feet.

"Is everyone alright?" She asked as she checked to make sure she still had her pistol and scanner.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Theirpart ID-SOL guide led them further through the streets as they passed all kinds of homes, stores and other business establishments. Some were housed in solid buildings, other were makeshift huts or stalls from whatever the owner could scavenge together. Only a few seemed to truly hold something of interest, next to all the strange food, useless gimmicks and adult entertainment. Few enough to not make it worth a look at all.

These people seemed to live on a day-to-day basis as opposed to building a future. Well, if a Mishu was running the place that was probably exactly how he would like things to be. Easy to control, maximum profit. One would really have to be desperate to come here by chance to inevitably end up stranded on the surface. Egil quickly dismissed these thoughts, not wanting to dawdle on someone else's mistakes, and resumed scanning their surroundings for trouble. At least now that they cleared the guards things seemed less hostile.

Being in the rear gave Egil plenty of time to sidestep the incoming stampede on Sune's warning. The creatures's thunderous steps shook the ground as they passed them. Egil knew lizards and other creatures were used as mounts in certain places in the galaxy but had never seen ones as big as these. It was quite a show.

"I'm ok." he replied to Natsumi. "You don't see that every day." he smirked under his helmet.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Bors dove to the side, avoiding the rambunctious men on their lizard mounts. "Who the hell are they?" He said barely hiding the irritation in his voice.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

The lizards stopped, and spun around rapidly.

"What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?" a human guy with a big chin and perfectly coiffed hair shouted at Bors and he and his frat-boy-looking posse menacingly approached the away team. He was dressed in fancy velvet with gold chains.

"What about the race, man?" another of the lizard-riding human males asked, his speech slurred by drunkeness.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Bors slowly stood up and dusted his shoulders off as he turned to face the man who was yelling at him.

"I said, Whooo, the Fuck, are you. Judging from your appearance I take it you and your friends here are in charge of a circus of sorts."

As he spoke Bors took off his mask and leaned up against a nearby box. Bors had to try his best to keep himself from gagging as he took in his first breath of unfiltered air, circulating it so many times through a filter only took out so much pollutants as well as possible stench. Fishing out his Ecig Bors spoke to the group of lizard riding thugs again.

"So how much are tickets ringmaster? That is if you guys ARE with the circus, I could just be giving you guys to much credit and you could be the village idiots for all I know."

A smirk appeared on his face as he finished insulting the group, he knew punks and how they acted and all he had to do now was wait for one of them to make a stupid move. Just to be safe, and not to freak out his commander Bors sent a message to Sune.

 There just drunken punks Boss, I'm pretty sure I can keep them distracted for awhile if you wanted to forge ahead with the mission. I can always catch up later, don't think there are too many people down here with AMES suits.
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