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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 18.3B] The City of Urtullan (HX-24)

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Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

The way out was once again filled with the people he had whisked away on his way in. Most of them gave him a wide berth and a spiteful glare. He didn’t really notice before, but now that he shot one of them it sort of felt like they knew. He didn’t feel bad about it though, most of these people had it coming one way or another. Now if they could get them on their side and get rid of the Mishhuvurthyar both sides would win, but he didn’t see that happening any time soon. Besides, what did they have that was worth fighting for? The comm channel stayed quiet, which struck him as strange, but Egil simply made his way out and regrouped with the rest.

Outside it looked like the Chusa was a bit swamped, which explained the comm silence. He had been shot, was taking care of the injuries and to top it all off it seemed they had found a new guide. Egil wasn’t too thrilled about the idea of another local helping them out, but he kept silent since the woman had probably heard that about four times now. He got a better look at things as he got closer and was relieved to see Bors somewhat patched up and the rest of the team on their feet.

“That sounds like a plan, but you weren’t thinking of leaving me behind where you?” He cracked a smile and quickly glanced over the newcomer. She appeared to be an unaltered human, which was somewhat of a rarity these days. At least, he hadn’t seen one as far as he could remember.

“I’ll take that guard duty.” He offered while inserting a new battery magazine in his pistol. He could trail behind the group and move through elevated positions. He’d like another volunteer to come with him though, judging from recent events. “How far are we going?”
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

"I'll help Bors, Hightower-san can help keep watch" Natsumi said, holstering her pistol. She then gently took Bors arm around her shoulders so she could support him. Her NH-33 bodies enhanced strength and anti-gravity made it easy for her to help Bors while still keeping off her wounded leg by floating off the ground by a few inches.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

"Not far. Maybe a mile, if that," Sienna replied absently, her eyes lingering on their intended route for a few seconds before she turned back to find the new voice's owner. Seeing Egil, she looked him over briefly, then looked back towards where he came from. "Just how many more of you are there?" she added semi-rhetorically.

No sooner than she'd asked, she caught sight of Natsumi helping Bors to his shaky feet. Her face remained a blank slate as she stared at how the small woman seemed to exert no effort in lifting the obviously heavier man from the ground. When she started to float off the ground by a few inches, her eyebrows raised in surprise, but her other features remained motionless. She remained silent for a few seconds, staring in puzzled wonder.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Bors's grin immediately faded as Sune cut into him. Gritting his teeth and putting a death grip on his NSP, Bors rode out the pain as Sune quickly worked on putting him back together. Before he knew it he was being hauled to his feet by his roommate and ready to move out.

"Thanks boss ill add them to my collection of things that tried to kill me." He said to Sune as he gave him the slugs that moments before were lodged in his torso, before looking over to Sienna. Judging by the look on her face she had never seen a Neko in action before.

"Take it you never seen a Nekovalkyrja in person before. He said to her in Nepleslian, "They can fix themselves as well, freaks you out the first time you see it happen, or at least it did for me.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Sienna didn't reply immediately, continuing for another few seconds to stare blankly in mild disbelief at what she was seeing. Regaining her senses, she blinked and lightly shook her head as if trying to shake off a daydream. "Hey," she said with a casual wave of her hand, "long as she can't hypnotize me or turn me into a mushroom, whatever works for y'all is good enough by me. C'mon, let's get going. We've wasted enough time already."

She turned about and started to lead them off toward the side street at a brisk pace, glancing back over her shoulder to see that they were coming.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

''pet...giant?'' Conrad repeated, chuckling at the thought. He liked this woman! Such personality, he'd never thought anyone on this planet would exhibit such characteristics. He comfirmed the readiness of his pistol and checked around.

Conrad silently accepted the guarding duty. Natsumi seemed to want to tend to Bors herself. As he looked at Egil, he kind of guessed his roomie would go for the higher positions, if one would go there. Conrad would be a rather large target, easily spotted, even on roofs. His body was unfit for movements that would tend to staying undetected due to his height. He'd prefer the ground.

He'd imagine Egil had a small plan by now, and usually, his weren't of that high quality in their early stages. Simplicity was more his style.

''Egil? Any special plans? Your call buddy. Want me up front? Side? Rear?''
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

She barely gave them any time to get themselves together, moving along as fast as she reasonably thought the floating android could carry her wounded comrade. "There's a way up to that el-way just across the street," she called behind her, pointing up and to her right with an outstreched index finger at an elevated walkway that was cantilevered out from the haphazard, depressingly colored buildings crammed alongside the street, barely wide enough for three or four average-sized humans to walk shoulder to shoulder. It looked like it was thrown together from spare materials scavenged from a scrap yard. In a few places the walkway looked like was sagging from the weight of the dozens of pedestrians shoving their way past one another, and rickety support beams jammed beneath some of the worst-looking dips creaked and groaned under the strain. Second-story entrances were visible all along the walkway at completely irregular intervals. "High road follows this main one pretty much the whole way, you can see everything from up there. Most anyone with any real power around here uses the lower road, so don't be shy about shoving."

She pushed her way through a group of people huddled around a loudmouthed merchant hocking his shoddy wares. "Best if you don't talk to anyone either," she continued. "Anyone says anything to ya, just pretend you don't speak Nep or something. From what I've gathered, it doesn't look like y'all are too good at making friends around here."

Effortlessly slipping and pushing through the crowded streets, the team had a hard time keeping her in sight; if she didn't seem to be making at least a little effort to clear a path for the wounded Bors, she'd have blended right into the masses and disappeared.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Natsumi was glad she didn't have to walk on the rusted out platform. It looked like it would collapse at any moment and send everyone on it tumbling to their deaths below. She was getting rather frustrated at the amount of people she had to push out of her way and keep from bumping into Bors.

"How far away is this place?" she asked their new friend as they went along deeper into the city
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

“Just stick close and keep an eye out for trouble. Let’s see where this street takes us.” He replied to Conrad while slipping his weapon back into the holster on his hip. Egil wanted a look around the corner before splitting from the rest of the group and deciding what to do. The whole team started following the fine upstanding citizen through the somewhat cramped street and they soon fell into a steady pace towards the clinic.

Egil quickly scanned the area Sienna was pointing at when she alerted them of the walkway that was constructed alongside the multi-story buildings, elevated considerably above street level. It surely looked like it had seen better days, but it was perfect for what they had to do.

“Alright, we’ll go that way. We’ll keep in radio contact but do try to stay in sight if possible.” He motioned Conrad to move with him up towards the walkway.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Sienna led the group along the street for several blocks, weaving their way through the masses of foot traffic that didn't seem to respect any semblance of organization or right-of-way. Several times along the way one of the locals who wasn't watching where they were going would bump rudely into one of the team, never once offering any sort of apology, many such collisions drawing irritated glares and nasty comments, as if it were the Yamataians' fault somehow for being in their way. The young brunette kept a brutally brisk pace, practically always just at the critical distance away, threatening to get swallowed by the crowd if one of them blinked for too long.

"Just on the next block," she replied to Natsumi's inquiry, craning her neck and standing on her tiptoes to see over and around a tall, wide alien form draped in what looked like a burlap cloak, covered head to toe except for a dangling, limp mass of tendril-like appendages drooping from its face. She guided the group around it and brazenly pushed apart two gaunt middle-aged men who were inconsiderately chatting in the middle of the street, squeezing between them and beckoning for the group to follow.

Up ahead on the left hand side of the street was a building that looked unremarkably similar to all the others they'd passed; drab, earthy, decaying, and tightly sandwiched between two equally ugly edifices. A rusted-out, pockmarked sign bearing the faded remains of a medical emblem was hung over the only entrance, probably salvaged from a hospital or rescue shuttle somewhere in days past. Of particular note, however, were the two solid-looking guards standing on either side of the facility's door, completely encased head-and-face to toe in what appeared to be military-grade surplus brownish-green mechanical armor. Each guard brandished an assault rifle, and their postures clearly communicated that they weren't prepared to tolerate any trouble. "That's it," Sienna remarked, looking behind her to Natsumi and Bors. She looked up, quickly scanning the upper walkway for their spotter, then glanced back in the direction they'd come. She then waved the android and wounded soldier ahead of her toward the door.

When they approached the guards, one of them thumbed the safety on his rifle for a brief moment until he appeared to notice the wounded Bors. Sienna walked straight up to them. "Got someone to see Doc Krenshaw," she told the hyperalert one. "Yamataian military. Got himself shot up pretty bad."

The guard tilted his head quizzically, inspecting the group's Star Army uniforms; it was clear he wasn't used to seeing customers like *them* at all. He only paused for a second, then motioned them to enter with a wordless flick of his head. The way he held his head, though, even though his eyes and face were completely hidden, clearly indicated that they would be under surveillance while inside.

Sienna stepped aside, waving for Natsumi to get Bors inside. "C'mon then," she said.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Natsumi looked up at the sign to the place Sienna had led them too. It looked dubious at best. The guards out front looked fierce enough, she hoped they were not on the same payroll Gravedigger had ended up on.

She helped Bors into the building, keeping a weary eye on the guards, then on the people inside. "Ok, lets get you some help" she said to her roomie.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

The medical center was reasonably well equipped, full of medical supplies from a variety of nations including some Yamataian equipment that was mostly salvaged or surplus from older ships in the First Mishhuvurthyar War era. The reception area of front had carpeting and some cushioned chairs, both stained with dried blood spatters, and plastic tubs full of old magazines. Down the hall was a tile area where the medical supply room and operating theater were located. A humming emanated from an electrical room in the back with its door left open.

The receptionist, Ellen Papineau, was a stubborn Nepleslian with light brown bun-style hair, cerulean eyes, and a pretty face. Her perfectly proportioned figure was dressed in a shiny gold slip, glowing blue shorts and chelsea boots.

Along with the Nepleslian old man Dr. Krenshaw, there was also a large, quiet teal-skinned Neo Mishhuvurthyar physician and Ruce, a courageous and calm medical robot with seamless plastic skin and glowing red eyes, and equipped with a life support system and bioreactor.

When the team went inside, Ellen went to Sune to discuss payment while Krenshaw went to look at Bors and the robot began palpating Sune's injured buttocks.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

whilst Conrad had gladly walked ahead of Natsumi to use his body as a wedge to get through, Egil and himself had different duties. They tried to guarantee more safety for the rest, but the best safety they had so far was the budy crowd. Hard to get a bead on someone.

When they arrived at the clinic, Conrad actually appreciated the guards. they didn't kill them or try to. Sure, they'd be watched, but that was no different from before. Conrad would sit close to the door though, were anyone to tell those guys about the bounty.

Inside, Conrad sat down, givingthe ribcage a needed rest. The clinic, shoddy as it was, seemed sort of a blessing. Just like that Sienna. A stoic sarastic one, but still, a blessing.

It seemed Egil was also scanning the environment and picking good positions, even to just stand or rest for a little bit. In the back of his mind, Conrad was subtly trying to envision the build of his minigun. If he couldn't get one here, he'd try to build one himself...if that was allowed. Probably not...
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Suddenly Conrad found himself face-to-giant-spiked-head-thing with the Mishhuvurthyar, who had floated over. Its tentacles swayed and two of them were holding a softball-sized mound of interwoven cooked bacon strips, which it tossed into its mouth-thing on its underside.

"WHAT'S YOUR ISSUE?" it jotted onto a notepad with a marker and slapped it down on Conrad's lap. Simultaneously it also was scanning him with a handheld device, eating more bacon-balls from a greasy brown paper bag, taking notes, and solving a colored cube puzzle toy.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

When everyone had entered the clinic and the staff began making their rounds through the group, Sienna stepped to the side, opposite from the Mishhuvurthyar, slipping her hands into the shallow pockets of her jacket. She greeted the Nepleslian doctor with a mere nod and smile, saying nothing further so as to stay out of their way.

She remained silent and casual, idly watching for the moment. After a moment or two, she glanced in Conrad's direction, seemingly looking at his shattered and now-useless helmet apparatus. As she opened her mouth to speak, the giant, ugly, tentacled medic crassly moved between her and the seven foot soldier. Immediately she took a step back, almost on reflex, then shuffled her feet sideways, working her way to the other side of the room. Even though she stayed silent, the suppressed look of discomfort on her face made it clear she wanted as much distance between her and the Mishhuvurthyar as possible.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Sune was grateful that the transition to this location went without further ballistic action. However, they were still in what to him amounted to hostile territory or at least behind enemy lines. He took a moment to survey the 'clinic' it was pretty much what he had expected for the conditions of the planet.

At the question of payment Sune was uncertain, "What forms of payment do you take?"
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Bors was not a fan of being coddled over by the team. He wanted to do his job, not be hauled around by his roommate who was a head shorter than him. Above all that he wanted to get off of that planet, more to get suited up in his powerarmor and go hunt down that assassin who shot him and the nobles who put him up to the task, sitting in the doctors office he pondered over what weapons he would use, there were a few in the armory that he had been meaning to try out.

"Granted its a field repair Doc but I think I can make it back to the ship on it,the Chusa did a pretty good job at fixing me." Bors said to the doctor as he looked at his most recent set of injuries. The doctor said nothing, continuing his preliminary diagnosis of Bors's torso. "So whats the damage doc? Find anything else that isn't supposed to belong?"
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Natsumi didn't like the Mishhu there at all. In all of her short life the squids had been the enemy. An enemy that would eat them or implant parasites into their bodies.

She had never seen one in person, so far having only directly fought their infantry nekos and ripper power armors. But now that she did here in the clinic she though she was going to be ill. It was a revolting creature, a mass of slime and tentacles. Its lack of hygiene, eating masses of greasy bacon while practicing medicine was gross. She was so glad Sune had given her the bandage for her leg rather than having to be treated by the monster.

Natsumi sighed, hoping Bors was coming out alright. They were in a right mess. Most of them shot up, Conrad's helmet was gone and the local "nobility" putting prices on their heads. What else was waiting to go wrong for them today?

She shook her head. It wasn't time to sulk over their current misfortunes. She needed to do something more useful with her time while the others where being treated.

Natsumi floated over to Sienna. "Hi" she said. "I wanted to thank you for helping us get here. Everyone else on this planet seems to have it out for us in some way. I didn't think there would be anyone that would help" she said. "I wanted to ask for help with one more thing. My friend Hightower-san's helmet is ruined and he wont be able to breath when we leave here. I want to find him a replacement or something he can use"
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

When the Neko started her way, Sienna's eyes slid over to watch her approach, obviously still intrigued by her defiance of basic gravity, no matter how relatively weak it was on this world. As Natsumi thanked her, she shrugged her shoulders once, her hands still slipped in her jacket pockets. "Don't feel bad about it," she replied, unconsciously glancing down at where Natsumi's feet stubbornly refused to fall to the carpet. Almost as soon her eyes came back up to squarely meet hers. "Y'all didn't know better. I've seen worse things happen to offworlders. Hell, my first week here I got jumped because I accidentally turned my back on one of the nobles. Didn't even know who he was. Oh yeah," she added wryly, as if she were just remembering something important. "Don't turn your back on the nobles." A hint of a dry smirk tugged at her lips.

She turned her wary gaze back to the Mishhuvurthyar, watching it cautiously. The young woman's apparently indifferent acceptance of the harsh society on this world was disquieting. In fact, with everything going on, the only thing she seemed the least bit truly concerned about was keeping distance between her and the floating mass of tentacles.

"Krenshaw'll take good care of your man there," she continued. "Real miracle worker, that one. Seen him patch up holes in people big enough to stick your head in. And looks like your doc did the preliminary legwork for him already."

She turned her face to Natsumi, raising her eyebrows inquisitively when she asked for the next favor, every few seconds glancing again at the Mishhuvurthyar, as if she were worried it would suddenly move. "Hightower-san?" she asked, sounding almost amused. The dry grin flashed across her face once more. "That ten foot hulk's name is Hightower? Heh... that's appropriate." She glanced at the Neko's floating feet again, raising an eyebrow "Is your name Glider?"

She chuckled softly at Natsumi's initial reaction, pulling her right hand from her pocket and holding it palm out as if to still any terse words that might follow. "Kidding, I'm kidding," she said before the Neko had a chance respond. She looked across the room at Conrad's shattered faceplate, or would, if the Mishhu wasn't in the way. "Well, he's a big guy, but I don't reccommend just telling him to hold his breath," she said, slipping her hand back into her pocket. "'Specially if your friend out there is waiting for you at the landing pad. Which I'd wager he is, if he's smart. Yeah, I bet I can find at least a temporary replacement. How soon are y'all wanting to get out of here? Judging from how far you *didn't* get away from the nearest landing pad before you got yourselves into this scuffle, I'd say you just got here, and didn't just stop for a wash and wax."
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

While the walkway was crowded, it didn’t take them very long to reach the clinic since the stream of people actually moved at a decent pace along the creaking metal path. There were no unforeseen events or attacks and he got a pretty decent view of their surrounding from up on the walkway. They had moved a little closer to the center, but most of the scenery didn’t change much. Busier crowds, slightly larger buildings but more of the greys and browns that dominated these streets. They wouldn’t be much use up here with all those people moving around the clinic, so the two of them rejoined the group inside.

Conrad got himself checked up like the rest of the team, but Egil stumbled upon a moment of having nothing to do. He simply chose to lean against the wall next to the entrance, alternating between peering inside and outside with a serious look on his face. While it may have seemed like he was on the lookout, he mostly was deep in thought about their perilous encounter and unfavorable situation. While he mistrusted Sienna at first, she had now proven to have good intentions and the way she reacted when that Mishhuvurthyar came near was a dead give-away of her motivations. She didn’t like squids and that would score her points with the team.

Egil turned his gaze back outside, now focused more on actually keeping watch. He wanted to get back to the ship as fast as they could and forget about this not-so-good experience for a first away mission. They still needed a way out though...
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