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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 19.2B] Clues (HX-12 II Crashed Ship)

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As Takeyu fiddled, his eyes caught sight of the torch. "Ease up on the torch there Ramiro, remember what happened when the fire touched this sludge," he warned his companion as he religned some of the wiring. "And that is why we are going through possibly two routes, its unknown whether the route we came in on is still passable, this ship is after all quite old and us moving through it could've caused an imbalance and result in a collapse somewhere."

"Old ships like this you need to be very careful on, while they were built rather rugged back in the day, the test of time can often reveal their imperfections and mother nature loves to isolate those imperfection and exploit them for her own use."

"Almost done here...." said the Taii.
With a sigh, Ramiro cut the torch and shouldered his weapon again.

"Sometimes I feel like I'm the only fun one around here."
In spite of the circumstances, Sienna couldn't help cracking half of a grin at Ramiro. "If you feel like you're getting cheated out of a good time, I'll be happy to light ya on fire again to make it up to you later," Sienna chided. "Once we're out of this mess and back on the ship."

She turned her head to Takeyu, looking to see if he had what he needed so they could hurry up and get out.
Derelict Ship

"Eucharis to Away Team, Koizumi-Hei here," can a crackled reply as it worked its way through the various layers of the Derelict Ship, "Is everyone alright? I am noticing some armour damage. Also, from the way things are looking, you may only have fifteen to twenty minutes left if you are hoping to make it out before the next storm."
The hulking piece of armor that was Ramiro paused and glanced around before continuing down the corridor, just as Sienna began speaking. He only made it a few steps before he stopped dead in his track, his head turning to face Sienna, his face hidden by the armor's helmet. Through the speakers he could heard letting out a deep, thoughtful exhale.

"That was either supposed to be really sassy, or really kinky... I seem to be having trouble determining which."

Ramiro quickly punched in a short text command which he transmitted up, as well as to Natsumi and Takeyu. He figured it would spoil the conversation to have it interrupted.

Eucharis, Valencia-Juni. En route.
Natsumi continued up back the way they had come, up the ladder and through the engineering space.

"Im sure if something had broken since we were last this way it would have been loud enough for us to hear" she responded as she moved along, having her drones scout out ahead of her once more.

She was so glad to be out of the green sludge! She was also curious, it seemed the Eucharis had received some new crew while they were out exploring the wreck, that was interesting.

"The way we came in seems clear so far" she said to the others, then responded to the new voice through text as well,

Yamashiro-Hei, working my way out to the shuttle
Sienna's forehead wrinkled in mild astonishment as she smirked again, trying to work out in just what universe voluntary immolation might be considered kinky. "Yeah, don't flatter yourself," she said wryly. "Just a bad joke." At least he hadn't threatened her with his gun; from her limited experience with this crew, she had halfway expected it.

The muck got shallower as she followed the armored soldiers back down the corridor. The way their armor-vehicles stomped through the muck in this ancient crash, it was a small wonder that they didn't go crashing clear through to the next deck below, if there was one. However, after wading around in the sludge, walking without its constant resistance made her almost forget about the high gravity. Still, it would be a while before she could rid herself of the disgusting feeling, even if her suit had protected her from it entirely.

The sound of the wind outside the wreck started to become louder as they approached the ladder.
Ramiro followed the group, sticking to the back as usual, checking over his shoulder every few seconds.

"I'm sure it was," Ramiro said suggestively. By this point he was grinning like a school boy behind his helmet.
As Takeyu finished up his work, he couldn't help but notice the team leaving the bridge without him. With a heavy sigh he downloaded what information he could get from the terminal and then chased after the team.

"Done," he said to Ramiro as he ran up behind the soldier and then ahead. "Got what I could," he sounded annoyed, and in reality, he was.
Sienna raised an eyebrow at Ramiro's odd tone, but didn't turn to face him. Was he trying to make a pass on her? If so, she wondered how his choice of location and timing could have been worse. But the most baffling thing was how her unusually haphazard delivery of sarcasm could have been interpreted as a green light for such a thing. Saying nothing further, she simply continued to smirk and shook her head a touch. Even if it was awkward and unwelcome at the time, it was still a good distraction from this eerie atmosphere.

She couldn't have been happier to notice that the disgusting slop was now less than knee deep, or that Natsumi had located the ladder to the deck above. As patiently as she could, she watched the armored Neko ascend behind her drones, barely waiting long enough for Natsumi to clear enough space from the floor before Sienna mounted the ladder inches behind her. Globs of the much slid down and dripped off of Natsumi's power armor, landing with sickening splats on Sienna's faceplate, helmet, and shoulders. It was almost nastier than wading through the stuff.

The howling of the wind got louder as they worked their way back through the upside-down engineering corridor and towards the gash in the hull they'd entered through. "You gonna give us a nicer ride than you did out of Urtullan?" she prodded Natsumi.
When the group finally reached their exit point Ramiro let out a sigh of relief. He was happy to be done and out of this place. There was just something about it that didn't sit right with him. "Alright, start climbing," Ramiro called out.

Taking a knee, he switched over comm channels. "Eucharis, Valencia. We're about the exit the ship and we're going to need a bus home."
"A much better ride out, yes" Natsumi replied to Sienna as she cleared the ladder and made her way up the corridor they had originally come in by. So far as she saw nothing had changed since they had been in this space a short while ago.

Once to where the had come in, Natsumi removed the metal plate she had blocked their entrance with when the sandstorm had hit and poked her head outside to see if it was clear.

At the same time she also signaled the shuttle to see how close it was to getting to them.
Derelict Ship

Although the entrance had been covered in sand, they were eventually able to get the door open enough to shovel it out of the way. The shuttle landed nearby, with the next wave of the sandstorms looming behind it in the distance.

"Away Team 2, this is Eucharis. We copy your last transmission. See you soon, out," Hanako's voice replied.
As she broke the surface from the gash in the derelict's hull, the sand and oily spores piled up and blowing in the wind stuck to her AMES as if the muck dripping from it were glue, but at least Sienna could see the sky again. It was almost as exhilarating a feeling as seeing the sky above Urtullan the day she'd escaped.

The next storm relentlessly rolled towards them in the distance, a solid, looming wall of particulates and thick winds. Between them and the storm, Sienna saw the shuttle just as it touched down, its rear hatch warmly beckoning them inside. Wasting no time, she moved towards it, walking awkwardly across the shifting sand and spores beneath her feet, and made to embark.
Natsumi was more than happy to finally get out of the derelict. just being out in the open was like a breath of fresh air. She could see the shuttle landed on the crest if the hill, then she also saw the oncoming second sand storm. It would be on them quick, very quick. Spotting Sienna already climbing up, she rushed forward, scooped up the AEIMS suited woman and vaulted up to the shuttle with assistance of her MINDY's enhanced strength and thrusters.

Lansing next to the shuttle she set Sienna down and proceeded to open the hatch. "All aboard!" she said, then rushed into the cockpit and prepped for a quick takeoff and hoped Takeyu and Ramiro wouldn't take too long to get aboard.
"After you sir," Ramiro said as he gestured towards the opened hatch. He waited for Takeyu to go before following him out of the ship, rifle still shouldered. He hovered mid-air, his eyes doing two or three sweeps across the landscape, before he proceeded to the shuttle.
"Oof," Sienna grunted as the power-armored Natsumi dropped her in a seat, the slime on her suit squishing beneath her with a sickening sound. She smirked a little as she cocked an eyebrow up at the Neko, shaking her head. "Snappy in-flight service as always," she quipped as she strapped in behind the pilot.
Natsumi smiled back at Sienna."Every time" she said. "And I don't want to get stuck in another sand storm" she added. The shuttle was all ready to go once everyone was in.

"I'd keep your helmet on till were back on the ship and through decontamination. who knows what these spores will do if we breath then in"
"Ain't gotta tell me," Sienna replied, twisting her face with displeasure as her eyes flitted downward to glance at the muck covering her suit. "Mind's doing plenty to squick me out just thinking about what this stuff feels like without actually touching it. It's gotta stink like hell, too," she added as she wiped a fingerload of the stuff off of her chest, and flung it off.
Takeyu gave a nod to Ramiro before exiting the ship and doing a quick scan of the area with his eyes before heading toward the shuttle. As he approuched it he stopped briefly and looked over his shoulder, about to tell Sienna something but Natsumi had beaten him to it, with a faint smile he climbed aboard.

He made his way over to the co-pilots seat, strapped himself in and began to run the checks.
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