Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission 19: Ochiba

OCC - "Any time our number could be up. Doesn't matter if your the Empress her self or the lone grunt in the trenches. When the reaper draws your number your time is up. No training, no prayer, no force in the whole verse can save you from it. Though hey don't sweet it, either you don't see it or you have from that moment till the rest of your life to think about it". - Wulf's Squad mate on there first mission together.

IC -
Kuvexian Planet
Dying Quarters

Wulf Soban

When the order came down, the time between sent and receive was quick. Truly like his instructors would say it was the wraith of heaven. Not wishing to linger to much on it he moved carefully to check on the hostiles. Though not expecting much with them being unknown he had to be sure. Stepping carefully into the next room he let out relief that they had completely disintegrated. Back paddling he spoke to Aiko "Happy to report good effect on target". Still seeing that they still had one hostile and was engaging Mikael he quickly added "Permission to provide assistance to Shoi-Harris". If the word was given he would make his way over to assist Mikael.
Kuvexian Planet
living quarters

Kiyo overheard Aiko’s words to the Kaiyo 2 and she couldn’t help but wonder just how effective would the weapons be since she hadn’t seen them in action. But then she saw it, and the targets evolving into a new state of being, which was disintegrated bad guy. Her ears picked up Wulf’s words to Aiko. Good effect on targets. The armor clad Neko smiled for a moment as she moved a little no longer adding to the protection of the girl they were supposed to rescue.

She soon saw Saya disappear with the girl once they got her out of the bindings that kept her trapped, and she felt pleased that their mission would be succeeding and soon finished. Much like Wulf, she too saw Mikael and the hostile. She too wanted to join to assist him, so she waited for the new orders, since Wulf had asked for permission already.
Research Facility

Alastair charged towards the armor. The plasma blasts hammered into his shield and deflecting off in different directions. He knew he had to make this quick if they hoped to save the armor. He jumped to one side to dodge a shot, looping the chain around his arm and giving a tug. The armor pulled in return trying to break free. Alastair was not about to give up and turned this into a match of tug of war. This lasted for just a moment before he got the idea to kick on his thrusters.

They came to life and tugged hard at the armor. In a last ditch effect the armor tossed to one side and flung Alastair across the room. By the time he got his mindy under control, he was wrapped around Eden. If it wasn't for the helmet this might have been one of those in your face romantic moments. Only there was no time to do foreplay, they had an armor to deal with. "Mind giving 3rd in command a quick hand?" He said over comms to Eden. He sent over a quick indication to activate her thrusters as well to pull this armor to his knees.
Living Quarters

Mikael's teleportation jump didn't work. Meanwhile, Saya would be able to notice as she jumped safely with the child that the hexagonal shielding pattern of the bubble around Mikael and the Kuvexian was changed slightly at the last millisecond of her teleport.

Muyomi piped up, "Did you see that? Was that bubble hit by the shockwave from the teleportation pack? Harris-hei-shoi!!" Muyomi pointed out a small opening near the doorway to the room between where they had found the child and himself to Mikael's HUD. "Are you okay? Saya-san? You...?"

Saya was safe at the teleportation coordinates along with the very small child in her very big AMES.

Research Facility

Eden activated her thrusters.
Living Quarters

The concussive flash-bang effect from Saya's initial teleport was dampened within Aiko's helm, its audio-visual sensors immediately compensating for the light and sound that flooded the room. The Chui saw what Muyomi had seen, too, and took no time to be glad for the little victory much less act upon it.

"Now, Harris-shoi!" Aiko ordered while she aimed her own rifle down through the orange Kuvexian shield's new passageway, unable to get a shot clear past their SAINT operative and to the enemy. "Disengage and punch out to our rally point! The rest of you: go!" she added, waiting a breath or two for Mikael retreat safely out of contact and teleport 75 kilometers away alongside the others.
OCC- "Speed, Speed, Speed!. That is the most required thing in all attacks" - Instructor to Wulf Soban during Infantry training.

IC -
Kuvexian Planet
Dying Quarters
Wulf Soban

Thankful to be wearing his helmet and glad his equipment was not damaged on Sayas teleport. Hearing Aiko's order it was clear that they would pull out. Pulling up Saya's coordinates she gave he quickly punched them in before activating his teleporter. "Soban-Hei on the Bounce" he replied just before the attempted the teleport.
Kuvexian Planet
Dying Quarters
Much like with her teammates, she too was protected when Saya teleported. She noted the effect it had, and this caused her to smile. She did want to stay and fight, but she was given an order, so instead, she said “kick their butt, and come home safe, Sayonara.” She said before she too teleported following the coordinates and found herself beside Wulf.
Living Quarters

"Roger roger!" Mikael said in response to Aiko, having noticed the weakening on the shield as well. Mikael then immediately starting beating retreat in a very Nepleslian fashion. While he flew backward in a burst of speed from his aether thrusters to quickly get out, he was flipping the Kuvexian the bird and peppering the prototype armor with aether bolts down into the joints of the armor with his two shoulder-mounted weapons.

"See you out there in the universe." Mikael said to the likely still surviving Kuvexian once he was out of bubble shield in his shielded voice. He immediately disappeared in a teleport jump to their rally point. He didn't take the time to register the damage he had done to the armor, relying on the AIES to record it all for later analysis.
Research Facility

Hildr dove away from the spray of shots from the armor, feeling her shields take a couple of the hits, tucking into a roll to come up blazing aether fire from the SMG in the armor's direction. She was careful to avoid firing at Alastair's chain (as well at the man himself!), instead firing to distract and force the enemy to split its attention. Despite her itch for a fight, Hildr kept her mind on the mission.

Not that she didn't hope the armor would break free, and then give her a real fight, of course.
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Rally Point

One by one, the teleportating armors arrived safely at their destination, waiting on the wings of Gravity to arrive.

Research Facility

The pilot inside of the armor was taking Hildr's bait and distractedly looked from Hildr to Eden, then back again. Their whole body moved in a jostled, inefficient way within the armor. The pounding of the door where Wyatt, Dalida, and Kikios had resumed with added bass and depth of boom to it. Eden saw the recon team had succeeded and the XO swept out generalized orders to those on the ground with her in the facility.

"Kaiyo assault team, please teleport to new positions to draw back. Rally coordinates sent to you all. Go!" She planned on being a distance away from Gravity's rally point to the team that had gotten Oleera out of the compound, but near enough that Eden's team could back up them up if needed. She popped a grenade out of its holster on her armor, ready to be the last one out.
IC -
Kuvexian Planet
Rally Point
Wulf Soban

Wulf was thankful to be used to the experience of teleportation. Despite being the one of the least experienced compared to the crew the training Kiyo gave him plus his own thankfully helped him with any uneasiness of being shifted so far away would give him. As his vision returned from the brief blink he was already activating his thrusters so he could scan the nearby area with his rifle in sniper mode. Switching to thermal he scanned around looking for any hostiles that might pop up as he watched the rest of the team pop in.
Living Quarters > Extraction Point

Once Aiko saw that Mikael was free of his engagement with the mysterious Kuvexian armor and able to jump away with the rest of them, she activated her own teleporter and arrived at the rally point where Saya had first blinked over to. The rush of clear skies across her visor instantly replaced her last view of the now-war torn villa the Kaiyō team had raided moments before, and with it her body could feel the airy expanse of open atmosphere lick across the sleek paneling of her armor. Information in her AIES' HUD showed that everyone had made the jump successfully, so all there was to do was catch up with Gravity and return home.
Kuvexian Planet
Rally Point

Wulf would be able to pick up some distant cities on thermal scanners, but the area seemed to be a desolate compound, surrounded by the terrain of a valley. Dark had just fallen slowly and the hot red rods of the sun lackadaisically continued to slip down towards the horizon. A few members of the Kuvexian military had been on a walk before being near-decimated by Gravity earlier. Boss on Kaiyo actual had already looked up possible walking trails around this area with that information, which she sent down to team members as they arrived above the treeline. With thermal vision, it was obvious the members of the Kaiyo and young Oleera Boyar were alone in the darkening visage of evening and that the only threat lay in the compound. A couple hundred distinct heat signatures on the compound could be picked up by AIES of the Mindy suits. Whether they were all humanoid was harder to tell.
Research Facility

With the help of Eden, the team pulled hard against the armor. It fought back as much as it could but the combined power of two mindy's was just too much. The legs of the armor collapsed on itself and crashed to the floor.

Alastair got the command to move to a new position. The drones that had been cruising around attached back to his mindy. The two drones that assisted with the chain, cut themselves free and also docked. "Lets move out team. Teleport to the specified coordinates." Alastair gave cover to Eden as his teleport charged. "Give them a little gift." He said pointing to the grenade she was holding. The teleport charged and Alastair blinked out of existence for a moment.
Kuvexian Planet
Research Facility > Rally Point

The strange change in response coming from behind the shut door did not sound good. They switched to a new method for forcing the door open and it sounded a lot more intense now. As soon as Eden gave the orders, Otto Octkikios teleported to the designated meeting point. She had to turn on her thermals to see in the dark, and she quickly looked around, hoping to see Oleera, who she had promised they'd save to Relaa very recently when she gave them the Zesuaium. Though her thermals did make it harder to distinguish the features of what she was looking at, Oleera was easy to identify due to her tiny form. She ran over to see if Oleera was hurt. While she hadn't met Oleera, it meant a lot to Kikios that she was rescued safely.

YSS Kaiyō II

Chlorate didn't hear a confirmation that her shots hit. She was certain she had aimed exactly on target, there was no doubt about it. She already knew that much; but there was no response. The robogirl looked around the bridge, and then at Nerai, looking like she was expecting her organic mother to say something.
Kuvexian Planet
Research Facility

Eden replied to the Chui, "It's the least they deserve!" She threw the scalar grenade after her teleport units were in and engaged out of there.

Rally Point

Eden saw the well-meaning Elysian mechanic looming towards the small girl, their mission's goal. She checked in with Hoshi, who was making her way back to the bridge now.

"Looks like we did well for ourselves, team, let's have a clean escape. Gravity-heisho, we're ready for you when you are." To those of the team gathered over their mindy's comms, Eden went on, "Thank you, crewmen. We did some good things today to offset the bad. She could see from visuals that the small Boyar girl gave a Kikios a smile and laugh when her four eyes landed on Kikios. The mechanic would be able to tell she was in good health, though the tear-paths from her dusty face were still present behind the AMES mask.
Kuvexian Planet
Rally Point

The shuttle pulled up, its doors already opening as it slowed.

"Let's skidaddle, people, there's gyoza in the wardroom tonight!" Gravity called over comms.