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RP: Yome Ismâopate [Mission 2.1] Leaving the Lair

Meopa and Dorgos made their way to the passageway Dorgos chuckled at the antics of Yanga and Alpin. They were amusing to say the least. Obviously not the types to take themselves too seriously.

Once in the hallway they turned to the left and walked to the descending stairs. They scurried down them quickly and as silent as they could be with their bags. Reversing their path then soon entered the Gianate Ruo'sa. The buffet was stocked with typical fast fair. The kind of food that people could help themselves too, and consume without too much trouble. Meopa got to the buffet first and surveyed it. He picked up a plate and started selecting from the food. There were seasoned Kywiqor that had been fried. The buffet had Voqmetao a bird that he had heard of but not had the pleasure of consuming it. He stabbed at a couple of pieces and put them on the plate. A ikovitdâmu was added to the plate and then he felt he had enough for a start. Lastly he staged a container of Damuisa. He turned and made his way to a table and took a seat.
Yanga and Alpin were both quick to pick up their gear and hurry after the other pair of brothers, catching up and following along behind. Yanga of course almost looked like he was bouncing, having to take more steps in order to keep up with the longer legged trio. When they reached the Gianate Ruo'sa the both of them took a long minute to observe before they trailed after Meopa and Dorgos and let them pick a table. Leaving their gear at the table the pair of them went back for assorted plates of food themselves, rejoining the other pair in short order with their containers of damuisa. Yanga probably had a more "balanced" meal, having included some other food besides meat and Alpin had followed in Meopa's footsteps and had a plate full of meat, most of which was lightly cooked or not at all. Both of them happily started into their meals as they'd missed breakfast and were attempting to make up for it.
Dorgos watched the other two crew members as they came back with their plates. He made a mental note of the differing definitions of what constituted a good meal. While there was nothing wrong with either of the meals, he just like to make note of what those around him liked.

He preferred a mixture of food, as it seemed to keep him full longer. One of his personal peeves was to have his stomach growl audibly enough for others to hear it. He had been that way since he started academy and had others tease him. He started eating a piece of the Voqmetao. He savored the tenderness and the unusual flavore. "Well, if getting to have new kinds of food to eat is from colonizing. I am all for doing more. " he said with a chuckle.

Meopa smiled as he popped a piece of fruit into his mouth. "I am sure the Tonai will be pleased to hear that you approve of the changes." he said after swallowing it. "I just like the new opportunities, getting to see new worlds, and actually meet with aliens. I've seen a few on World Station. but haven't had the chance to actually talk to them. Though I wonder how they stay warm without so little fur. So what about you two?" he said to Alpin and Yanga.
"Our parents traveled a lot, so we've been quite a few places when the ships weren't going somewhere dangerous." Yanga provided. "All the aliens we've seen usually wear much thicker clothing, probably to make up for their lack of fur other than on their heads." Alpin paused his eating to hold his hands out to either side of his head about six inches in each direction. "Really big fur." He added and Yanga chuckled "Yes, some of their fur gets really long. I'm amazed they're not getting it pinched and pulled all the time." He gave his head a shake, "Haven't talked to any yet though, but I think that would be exciting." As usual Yanga was doing most of the talking, and Alpin was doing most of the eating and observing, playing to their strengths as any sort of team should.
Meopa looked at their crew mates, "Our parents are Hatakur'a. We did not get to travel with them on the fighting ships. Our birth mother crossed over during our delivery. So our second mother is the one who raised us when she was home. The rest of the time we spent with various members of Ruoka Qintyâ'jo. Means we spent plenty of time with other folks, it was not bad. Though I often wondered about our birth mother. The healer says there were complications; but she was in good health; and there was no accident. " he said looking briefly over at Dorgos.

Dorgos looked around the room before speaking. "Obviously by the time we could inquire the events were old. But there was no investigation, no autopsy. They took the Healer's word without verification. At least as far as we could tell."
The pair listened quietly while the other pair of brothers explained the circumstances of their birth. "That doesn't make sense." The both of them concluded at the same time. "Our second mother was a Wapoin'aka. She raised us along with our apaloi Omlia. We spent a lot of time with her while she was doing her job." Yanga went on to explain and Alpin nodded. "She always explained things to us, even if we didn't understand them for a while, so it's just really odd to hear that the loss of your mother wasn't explained or even looked into." Yanga finished and Alpin offered up a gentle "We're sorry for the loss of your mother." Yanga nodded to his brothers words and to shake off the general feeling of sadness that seemed to have dropped over them all he attempted to find something happier to discuss while he pondered over asking Trilia if she might see what she could find out about Meopa and Dorgos's mother. "What is the happiest memory you have?" He asked curiously.
Meopa looked at Alpin, "We thank you for your sympathy, but it was a long time ago, and we never got to know her. Now as to a change of subject. " he thought for a moment and smiled.

"Well the most recent happy memory was the trip to Âmuar when we graduated from the academy. Our family took us there, and we got to explore and do some cliff climbing. And of course flying the SaâdorNiu. I plan on buying one of my own for use on leave." He said.

Dorgos smiled, "Yes, the trip to Âmuar was a great time. But for me a better memory was during my apprenticeship. I was on a Ytaqo'a-Class ship, I got to know a really nice loi. We would take a ground vehicle out to survey. Occasionally when we would stop to look around we spent time talking. And well a couple of times we did a lot more than talk. About the only way we could get some privacy." he said with a bigger grin.
At Dorgos's mention of... more than talking, Yanga and Alpin traded clearly uncomfortable looks and settled on much less uncomfortable topics. The pair hadn't exactly seen any need, or want, to do anything "more than talk." There was also the problem of Alpin rarely leaving Yanga alone, and Yanga being nervous enough to almost stammer and blush himself to death over the few approaches made to him in the past.

"My favorite were really all of the times Haukru, our youngest apaloa, would climb into bed with me during the night." Yanga said with a fond smile. "We'd take turns making up a story until he was ready to go back to sleep. Some of them were quite interesting." And Yanga clearly had never once gotten irritated with the baqli for waking him up.

Alpin gave his head a shake. "You weren't the only one he was waking up." He reminded Yanga, but any bite the words might have otherwise had was missing. Yanga made a childish gesture at his brother and returned to his meal. That short interaction over Alpin had to think for a long minute and then grinned. "I spent some time following around a Tinnorpa'a. She took me on a few flights on one of the two seater fighter craft. Some of the things she showed me were amazing. Remind me later and I'll show you the pictures I took."

Yanga nodded "They are pretty neat."
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Meopa noted that their companions body language shifted when his brother spoke of his encounters with the loi.

"Hey, Dorgos' tale is sâjobu. He likes to make it sound it was a lot more than it was. But the most he and Keyweil did was hold tails and a little kissing. There was no way she was going to get involved physically with a Sâvyjo baqli. Her pialoa was the ship's Tin-To'a and she was not going to do anything to displease him.

Those pictures sound interesting. I will definitely take you up on the offer to see them."

Dorgos scowled at Meopa, "The problem with an older vonaâsiâ. They like to ruin their apa's stories. But, yes, Keyweil and I were just good friends. We stay in touch, but that's all we will be."
Alpin was able to laugh it off, giving Dorgos a grin. "The Tin-To'a's loidâmu?" He chuckled a bit more "Anything more would have been a big dâelt yisa." He gave Yanga a gentle, albeit designed to provoke a reaction, nudge with his elbow.

Yanga scowled at Alpin, already having a good idea about what question he was asking without having to goad him into saying it first. "No, I haven't kissed a loi, but if you haven't I'll pull my bapawota off and eat it." Perhaps a little more grouchy than intended but Alpin seemed to take it well.

"Relax!" He reached over to stroke a hand over Yanga's ears, getting the other to take a deep breath, and then he gave his head a shake. "A few times," Alpin confessed anyway "Not with a Tin-To'a's loidâmu, but..." He trailed off and shrugged.

((OOC; I can hear Alpin going "He ain't never kissed no girl before."))
Dorogos gave a somewhat sheepish grin, "Well, it was definitely a learning experience. And fortunately nothing bad came of it, and I got a good friend."

About that time the lights dimmed in the room as the Vithui Giana activated its Tinvyma Movidoanor. A moment later the Ytaqo'a - Class shiop dove into the wormhole. There was a brief fluctuation of the gravity field in the eating room. The only other indication that the ship was once more transiting to a new point in space.

Over the speakers came a voice, "Passengers, we have completed our second tunnel and are heading to the Yome Ismâopate. We are twenty minutes out at STL speed."

Meopa's eyes sparkled in anticipation. "We are almost there. Just wish this class of ship had a view port we could look at her through." She picked up her glass and took a sip.
Yanga thought for a long moment and then got up to dig into his pack and pull free his Mako'sa Kyn. He worked for a moment and pulled up the intra-ship communications and sent off a query to both the Tin-Ta'a and Tin-To'a asking if he could patch his Mako'sa Kyn into the bridge's visual sensors so he and the others could watch their arrival to the WAP Yome Ismâopate. "I asked the Tin-Ta'a and Tin-To'a if I could patch into the ship's sensors so we can watch." He finally said as he settled back down at the table to await a reply. He nudged Alpin "Why don't you show them your pictures?"

Alpin perked up at the suggestion and nodded. "Alright." He got up and fetched his own Mako'sa Kyn and then brought up the pictures from several of his adventures out in the two seater fighter craft, as well as from some of the other things he'd been able to do during his other three Kâbo'kai Ojme. There were pictures of the various ships he'd been on, the places he'd staid, the people he'd meet. Then pictures of the Sotâka Ruomâqi as seen from afar, nebulae and stars, and all sorts of other astronomical things he'd noticed and gotten pictures of. Some weren't the best by far, but he'd been having fun with it.
A moment later Yanga received a reply. "Access request approved."

Dorgos and Meopa both moved to see Alpin's images. Dorgos smiled, "Some nice pictures. Perhaps you should consider being a Kynlumu'a if being a Daho'a doesn't work out. I do not have any luck taking pictures. I tend to cut off the heads of people, or blue the image by moving."

Meopa looked the ships, "I only did two Kâbo'kai Ojme. The first one was on Sotâka Ruomâqi. The second was on a Fuâmy'a Ruomâqi. That is where Dorgos and I both made our decision to become Tinnorpa'a. Dorgos did one more Kâbo'kai Ojme while I was home recovering from an accident."
Yanga grinned and set about patching the feed into his datapad and when it was up he set it down on the table so they could all see it. "A polite request almost always goes a long way." He mused, mostly to himself though. "There, now we can all sit and watch." It wouldn't be too hard for Yanga to fiddle with the settings so they could get a good look at everything the ship's sensors were picking up. It wasn't too hard, and his further training as a Bajao'a was helpful.

Alpin perked up when he noticed the feed had come up on Yanga's datapad so he turned his off and tucked it away for the moment. "Recovering huh? What mess did you get yourself into?" He asked, interested in hearing the story if Meopa would let him hear it. He considered the comment about becoming a Kynlumu'a if his decision of a Daho'a didn't work out. He wasn't particularly good with words, drawing, or painting, but he figured with some work and better equipment he could get a lot of good pictures.
Meopa looked at Alpin, "I was in a Âdortin'sa crash towards the end of my first Kâbo'kai Ojme. The âdornorpa'a took several of us on an atmospheric run which the rest of the crew was working. He let each of have a turn at the controls. It was so cool...." he said, and then paused, a brief look of pain washed over his face.

"Another Âdortin'sa from a larger ship was out flying. A loa from a wealthy Ruoka was showing off to a loi. He was not paying attention and clipped our craft. The gitabu never even stopped to see if we were okay, he just flew off back to his ship saying that we hit him. Our Âdortin'sa held six people. At the time of the impact I was returning to my seat so another could take a turn. Our Âdortin'sa was crippled and plummeted to the the ground. I was tossed about until I lost consciousness. Three of the other baqli died in the crash. The fourth died en-route to the ship. My back was broken and I could not feel anything below my hips. When I first woke up it was in the ship's medical lab. The next time it was in a Hospital on World Station. It was six months before I could walk again." he picked up his drink and took a long swallow.

"The only good thing was, the uadoj't loa's Ruoka had to make restitution. His own flight recorders, showed he struck our craft and that he was at fault."

Meopa looked at the feed, at present all that could be seen was a star field and nebula in the background. It was not the Siama Rya. Then a pair of objects became visible, the image zoomed as someone on the bridge increased magnification.
Both Alpin and Yanga winced at Meopa's story and Yanga reflexively slid a paw down to stroke at the stump of his tail. He then turned his attentions to the images they were all now watching. Yanga muttered a curse when they got a better look at the second smaller ship. "I wonder what did that." He mused. After a long few minutes he zoomed the screen in on the second shot. It wasn't going to be particularly clear since it was his screen he was zooming in and not the actual video, but at least they could get a slightly better look. "Wonder if we can quizz our new crewmates on what happened when we get there." Yanga was always up for a good story and this one sounded like a good story indeed.
Dorgos looked at the images, seeing the damage to the Ismâo'a - Class Ship he clenched his fists."We are inside of Clan territory. If this is the work of scum vermin, some how they got past the defense network. But why attack an Ismâo'a, its not like they carry a lot of cargo or valuables. They didn't even try taking the ship as salvage." He took a sip of his drink to calm himself.

Meopa listened to his sibling. "Well unless the Tin-Ta'a classifies the mission, we should be able to ask them. An analysis of the weapon scores should have been done. So that will help to identify weapon and from that potential responsible parties."

As the group watched the Ismâo'a-class could be seen moving slowly closer to the Yome Ismâopate.
"I'm pretty confident the ship would have been searched by now with a crew from the Yome Ismâopate." Alpin murmured softly and then he glanced at his sibling and offered his brother his own Mako'sa Kyn and went back to watching the feed on Yangas.

Yanga glanced at the message on Alpin's Mako'sa Kyn and after a long moment he snorted and cleared the text, pulling up a communication channel and putting through the politely and respectful request for information on the current situation on the premise that it would help them get up to speed faster when they got to the WAP Yome Ismâopate. It wasn't a lie though...
The display on the Mako'sa Kyn, blinked when Yanga tried to sent a communique. "Unable to send message. Access to ship's external communications restricted to crew members."

Dorgos nodded in agreement with Alpin. "Yeah, but that does not necessary mean they know who was behind this. The other question is how many survivors were on the ship. If any."
Yanga kept his sigh completely internal and just settled for turning his attention back to the feeds coming from the ship they were currently on. Alpin gave Yanga's shoulder a gentle squeeze and remained silent for the moment. There wasn't much they could do from their current location and once they were actually on board the WAP Yome Ismâopate they could dig into what had happened and quiz people.