Star Army

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RP: YSS Ryūjō Mission 2 - Ambush at Home

Medical Center

The severity of injuries was much less than Tomiko expected following the scene in the hallway. She had no idea what was going on. Turning to the last medic, she said, "We have to treat this as an emergency. I need you to triage the injured. Anyone with no life signs can get reborn after the situation is resolved. Anyone who's stable and can't fight gets treated first. Infantry and Officers first, we have enemies onboard. Critical patients get treatment unless they have a recent backup. If they have a backup we end their pain and restore them later. Personnel that can still fight get sent back out there."

She sighed. "You really should know this." The pale Neko chided him. "Sort the patients. After I treat one direct me to the next." With that, she turned and walked over to the ones waiting to be cleared. "Let's get you back into the fight!" She said cheerfully, moving to the first Infantry patient.
Shuttle Bay #5

After laying out the wounded and checking that they were still stable, the Geshrin NCO puffed himself up, placing his hands akimbo. His two squaddies who were still silent, for their part, stood up mostly straight, and held their peace while their leader answered Fyodor.

"Well, first we had to corner 'em! Then we hit their arms and ran them out of gadgets. A bit of muscle and some well-aimed stun shots, and that was it. The bindings came afterward." He looked toward the intruder's injuries as he explained their causes, almost as if he'd only then put the story together. He ended by waving toward the technicians working on the Kawarime. "It was a group effort."

Sandr was the first one to volunteer a response to Fyodor's second question. "I don't smell any wounded... except for you and the stinking alien." Her jaw jutted to indicate 'you' was Fyodor's passenger, and a wave of one giant hand suggested the latter phrase referred to the bound intruder.

Medical Center

The first and only infantry patient currently in the medical center was also the crew's first and only Elysian, and the most recent transfer. She'd been found unconscious in her AMES after being caught in a volley of fire from half a squadron of fighters during the space battle, but for all that, she had no sign of injury, internal or external; not so much as a bruise, scratch, or sprain. She seemed alert, and Tomiko could even rule out a concussion. Finding out what happened was harder--whatever knocked the patient unconscious apparently also caused her to forget what had happened during the fifteen or so seconds before she was hit.

Almost everyone else in the medical bay wore pilot's blue, including the leader of Ryujo's flight squadron and the pilot of the shuttle that had been captured. The few remaining were technicians. One had a wounded hand and another had a head injury, but the only visible injuries seemed to be accidental, caused by moving about in free fall or suffered while performing damage control. Nearly every patient in the medical bay seemed to be unharmed, just like the new infantry transfer, whether they'd been flying small craft or on the Ryujo at the time. Zion was the first casualty to arrive who wasn't hurt during the space battle, and so far, the only one whose life seemed to be in any danger. The few obvious injuries had already been treated.
Hanger 5

Errowyn smiled with a soft giggle as she spoke up. "Hull breech sealant. One of the techs thought of using it. So it aint going anywhere till we get it released." She nodded with a smile approval at the tech that came up with the idea.

As another system came back online on '5', Errowyn nodded as she was hooked to the Kawarime via an extension SPINE interface cord than ran into the cockpit and connected with her seats SPINE Interface port. She got the distant look in one eye as she delved back into the electronic nerve system of '5', helping the techs to run down the burnt out systems from the damage she received from her encounter with the enemy in the brief skirmish.
Shuttle Bay #5

“No wounded?” Fyodor asked, eyebrows furrowing as he set Rio-hei gently on the deck, “What in the world are these things doing? Sure aren’t killing too many of the crew. Think most of the injuries I’ve seen were friendly fire.”

“Good job with keeping it down, by the way,” the SAINT said, walking over and kneeling down next to the restrained alien. “Real question is if it can understand us or not, huh?”
Shuttle Bay #5

The Heisho looked at the two squad members he dragged in, and with a nod of his head explained, "One was friendly fire, a heavy stun bolt from the other's NSP. Then this one was enemy fire. All they seem to have is stun weapons, the only time someone gets hurt is when they self-destruct. So far we've been too busy stopping them to wait and find out their objectives, but I can tell you they don't want to be on Deck 6. This was their infil point."
Shuttle bay 5

Errowyn looked over at the Heisho as she was listening in on the conversation through her ships sensors and audio pick-ups. Then the dual human/mech voice emanated from the external speakers on '5' "So this is the only one captured alive?"

She was straddling the edge of the cockpit on her craft with the SPINE Interface Cable extension running from her back into the cockpit. "Left Maneuver thrusters pathways are good. Running checks." A brief pause. "System operational."

The Tech nodded and spoke, "Confirmed." Disconnecting his tester cables from the system and moving to the next.
Shuttle Bay #5

"If you can call it that." The heisho hadn't received an update since before the fight had begun, but he wasn't the sort to tell everyone when he didn't know what he was talking about. "No one's been able to keep them confined. Mind you, it's not what you'd call formal knowledge. We made first contact with them, what, five minutes beforehand? You could call us the foremost experts on the subject, and you wouldn't be wrong."
Shuttle bay 5

Errowyn gave a soft giggle that sounded weird with the mechanical sub harmonics to it. She nodded in agreement as at the moment she was in the same position as the Heisho. "Maybe we need to equip the troops with sealant dispensers to pin these creeps down." The giggle turned into a soft laughter which was discerning with the mech duality that made it seam her Kawarime was laughing along with her.

One of the tech looked up at her with a glare as her humor disrupted the reading they was getting as they hunted down another bad circuit. The tech cleared his throat to get her to focus back on the job at hand.

She looked at the tech a bit chastised and nodded as she focused on her part in running down the glitches to get the Kawarime back into full operational status.
Shuttle Bay #5

“So, what are we looking at here?” Fyodor asked, leaning forward so he loomed over the intruder. “They infiltrate the ship, sabotage our fighters, tie up our infantry by attacking in multiple places at once. And,” he continued, looking around at his crewmates, “No one’s been able to talk to the ship’s officers. Sounds like a preparation to attack us again if nothing else.”

“Also,” the SAINT said, reaching into his voluminous pockets and pulling out the knife from his relatively small multitool, “Is there any reason to keep this one from exploding besides as a science experiment for later? Hard enough to interrogate someone that’s living in a dead-man switch if I got to worry about someone criticizing my work.”
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Shuttle Bay #5

The Geshrin rubbed his chin for a moment, and his answer came very reluctantly. "Well... if they're going to explode, we should take a few steps back. We were ordered to get them off the ship, not to kill or capture them." Noting the mood of most of those in the room, he added, "MEGAMI, how are our commanders doing?"

The soothing voice of the ship's computer echoed informatively through the launch bay. "The officers in charge of the ship's air wing, medical department, security teams, and engineering department remain incapacitated, and are not available for comment. The commander of the assault team is on standby in the armoury. All officers posted to the bridge are on duty, and unharmed."
:: Shuttle Bay 5 ::

Errowyn paid attention to what was going on around the Prisoner as she continued to help out the Techs on her Kawarime. She rolled her eyes at the soft spoken MEGAMI announcement, yet remained quiet, except to answer the Senior Tech on her Kawarime running down the blockage in the electronic neuro-pathways of her Kawarime
Shuttle Bay #5

“Yeah, about the MEGAMI,” Fyodor said, pointing at the ceiling and twirling his claw, “Have you gotten anything useful out of it since the attack? Cause all I’ve gotten is this polite dismissal stuff.”

Shrugging, he waved the rest of the crew back away from him and the restrained prisoner. Once everyone was at a safe distance, the Kodian covered most of his face with his free arm and slowly moved the knife of his multitool until it almost touched the intruder’s apparent armpit.

“Three…,” he said, starting a countdown, “Two…One.” At that, he turned his head, hoping to minimize the singeing he might get, pressed the point of the knife into the fabric of the prisoner’s suit.
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Shuttle Bay #5

"I haven't tried yet," the Geshrin answered, more dismissively than politely, though he rapidly raised his voice again. "Hey, MEGAMI, can you tell me anything useful?"

The response came immediately: "Help is on the way, and you can save money on your airbike insurance by switching to Kessaku OS."

The Heisho shut one eye and squinted, turned to Fyodor, and shrugged emphatically, while the Neko in his squad raised a hand to conceal a smile.

Errowyn and the technicians working on the Kawarime had the rest of a long day ahead of them, as it was. It wasn't made any shorter when their electrical problems were added to by the energy arcing across the blade of Fyodor's multitool once he'd wedged it in.

Even a Nekovalkyrja's eyesight could scarcely catch a few snapshots of what happened next. The current sought to ground itself through Fyodor's arm. The tiny gadget, which was not made of superconducting materials and was already more than a hundred degrees warmer than the material it had punctured, covered in frost, which very suddenly burst into steam.

Much later, relatively speaking, the blade started to glow with incandescent heat. It was becoming uncomfortable for Fyodor to hold, though this information had not reached his brain yet. It didn't matter, as the current travelling up his arm had caused his muscles to clench the device even harder, involuntarily. The handle of the tool began to melt into his paw, which wasn't good for his skin.

The next part isn't worth describing in detail, but suffice to say Fyodor recoiled in immense pain, and a few drops of his own blood spattered his face. The electrical shock caused him to collapse, and Errowyn heard a sound that could best be described as the agonized death of a multitool with some unpleasantly fleshy-burny undertones.

Fyodor's nervous system had decided consciousness wasn't worth it for the time being, and he was only dimly aware of not being dead. Errowyn was still inside the Kawarime, but could hear a few retreating footsteps, followed by a shout from the Heisho.

"No! Throw it out the airlock!"

...and a rumble from Sandr. "Er... sticking to floor, Heisho. Stick very hard, sorry."

Some much heavier retreating footsteps followed. After a couple seconds of this, Fyodor realized he was on the floor in intense pain. His paw was a problem to worry about later, it seemed. Upon chancing to look, it was evident that the blade had snapped, and the multitool, or the greater remnant of it, at least, had fallen down, leaving scorch marks. Yet, frost was rimed all around, and spreading over the quivering body of the hull-sealant bound intruder...
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Shuttle Bay #5

Fyodor had known that what he was doing was probably a bad idea. First off, every time one of the aliens had been hit had blown up, and he was sticking a knife in one. Second, it wasn’t like he was the best candidate for a sure-handed surgeon or methodical scientist that this probably warranted, not to mention that he didn’t have the necessary equipment, like insulated gloves, a remote way to do the cut, or maybe a blast shield to hide behind. None of this kept him from being surprised at the scale of the pain that he received.

*&^$#@%^& essentially summarized what thoughts he had as his hand was burned and electricity grounded through his arm then down through his leg into the deck. When his body finally gave up and collapsed on the floor, he felt a measure of relief, until his burns reminded him of their existence.

“Oww,” the Kodian said, groaning as he raised his right arm for a moment so he could see his mangled paw, before his arm painfully protested and he gave up and let it fall to the floor. And I was the one who asked if anyone was wounded, he thought, closing his eyes and shaking his head a little. “Umm, medic?”
Shuttle Bay 5

Being forcefully distracted by sudden exclamations from those surrounding the prisoner. Errowyn looked over in time to see big Kodian get electrocuted from the Prisoner. She disconnected as she swung her leg out of the cockpit and dropped to the deck. The sudden disconnect caused her to be disorientated momentary. She landed in a crumpled heap as she became orientated. She growled as she got up and rushed over to Fyodor. Unsure whether to touch him or not, watching him free himself from the trap of the prisoner.

She shook her head as she kneeled next to the big Kodian. "Hold still you big lug." Voice soft with compassion. She spotted the medkit on Fyodo and grabbed it.

She took his arm and looked over the wounded paw hand of Fyodor. She opened it up and went to work, cleaning the burned area and putting on the smooth cooling ointment for burns and to prevent infections. Once there was a smooth layer of ointment over the burns and to prevent the bandage from sticking to the burnt furry hide of the Kodian. She wrapped up the area so it wouldn't be exposed to more damage. "Sorry. I should've warned you about tampering with the prisoners suit."

Errowyn gave Fyodo a playful slap/brush to his head. "Don't they teach you how to disrobe a unconscious prisoner?" She spoke as she finished tying off the bandage on his wounded paw/hand.
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Shuttle Bay #5

When Errowyn looked up, she didn't see anyone standing around. In fact, one of the technicians, after a few moments hesitation, had run off after Sandr and the retreating infantry, the wounded Rio being carried away by the squad's Neko, while Sandr and the Heisho were moving their disabled squad members they'd formerly moved into the hangar bay for safety. The technician hadn't escaped from the room yet, the infantry had passed through the doors, and Sandr the Heisho were both gesturing frenetically for the technician to hurry up.

The other technician hadn't caught on as quickly, and was still hesitating. He'd taken one step, paused, and then taken another in the past few seconds, and his gaze passed forlornly from the entrance to the bay, so many meters away, to the ice forming on the quivering prisoner, too many meters close, and back around the hangar to the blackness of space outside, almost wistful. Errowyn's order for him to fetch the medkit didn't seem to be on his mind, at all.

There was something about that frosty alien and their convulsions, bound to the deck as they were, that made the hairs on the back of Errowyn's neck stand up. They weren't struggling to break free, the movements seemed distinctly involuntarily, like a subdued sort of seizure. Something was wrong, though the voice of MEGAMI chimed in helpfully while Errowyn tended to Fyodor using his own medical kit.

"The captain has--" MEGAMI cut off suddenly, and the all at the scene heard the voice of Sibyl Gorganis come over the line, instead. "Stabilize the prisoner! If you can't--take cover. Now." The remaining technician was in mid-run by the time she was done speaking, but he was running back, to clamber inside the Kawarime.

Fyodor also felt quite alert and pumped up, by about the same time, though it was on a whole different level. His SAINT conditioning had activated, and pain seemed like so much less an important thing than the exact positions of every player in this scene, of which his position--on the floor, waiting for medical treatment--seemed to set a new personal record for inadequacy. All conscious thought was overridden: Operative Fyodor needed to escape from the enemy's blast radius, right away.

He wasn't sure what the precedent for that was, but at a guess, it was somewhere between 'grenade' and 'fighter missile warhead', so it didn't seem to matter much while the threat was still less than one meter away from his right kidney.
Shuttle Bay #5

“Yes, ma’am,” Fyodor said, opening his eyes and looking up at Errowyn as she bandaged his hand, doing his best to stay still despite his pain. “Yeah, could have been a little more safety conscious.”

Furrowing his brow at her brush, he looked at her for a moment before snorting and gingerly hitting her stomach with his bandaged paw, “No, they didn’t cover electrified suits that don’t have an obvious seal with just a knife, for some reason.”

Looking around, the Kodian asked, “Where’d everybody-“ before he was interrupted by the Captain, her warning, and his SAINT conditioning. Given a metaphorical kick in the rear, he jumped to his feet, tried grabbing the Neko pilot with his uninjured arm, and then bolted out of the hangar. I knew that this was a bad idea, he thought.
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Shuttle bay 5

"Ack!" Escaped from Errowyn as she was grabbed by Fyodo and dragged from the Shuttle bay. "What the hell is going on?" She recovered her from her surprise and helped Fyodo out into the corridor just outside of the Shuttle/Hanger bay.
Shuttle Bay #5

Errowyn was having a little trouble seeing what was going on ahead of Fyodor, as she was still facing the scene inside the hangar while being pulled away. She saw the lights on her Kawarime coming on, some blinking out almost immediately, a hatch slamming shut two seconds later. He sent a message to her, telepathically. "What are you--oh no!" It was a little too late for him to share his thoughts now, it seemed.

Fyodor, though, saw everything that went on ahead of him. There was the derisive look on the Geshrin's face when he saw they were coming, and his prompt dismissal as he turned and sprinted down the corridor to the left; his Minkan crewman still slung over his shoulder, and her boots knocking the door as they went, just as it began to close.

There was Sandr, turning to charge down the corridor to the right, but also reaching her hand out to Fyodor, as if she couldn't decide whether to stay or go. The squad's Neko, still carrying Rio, popped her head in from the same side, took a sudden step leftward, and made a lightning-fast kick to where Fyodor knew the door's access panels to be, giving a kiai shout, before the pair flew out of sight. The strike seemed to make the doors shudder a moment. Rio's face didn't bear much expression--she looked a bit sleepy, even.

The blast shutter began to come down as well, and with it, along came the emergency lights. The technician was running ahead and reached the entrance just as this was happening. He crashed into the partially shut doors, narrowly avoided taking the blast shutter straight on the chin, and began to fall backward, but Sandr snatched him and drew him out in front of her, like a rag doll being snatched out of a toy chest. Although Fyodor recorded the technician sustained several injuries in this effort, he was now out in the corridor, with Sandr behind him.

Fyodor's position was not so good. When he arrived, it was when the blast shutters had closed too far for him to fit through. There was still room for Errowyn, but did she know what to do? And how sturdy were these things, anyway? It didn't seem Fyodor's conditioning was working quite as intended--he was doing all this thinking, and yet when he decided to get out of there, he'd still somehow overlooked the extra two seconds reaching the entrance to the hangar bay had added to the equation. But, was there still time to consider alternatives?
Shuttle Bay #5

Stupid doors that I can’t fit through even at the best of times, Fyodor thought, still running as fast as his battered body could bear. You’d think they’d make these things bigger, but nooo… Thankfully, there’s room enough for someone else to get out of here.

“Put some flowers on my bedside or something,” he said, before bowling his Neko passenger under the closing blast door. Or give ‘em to my ST backup. Either works.

The Kodian turned and kept putting distance between exploding alien. Not knowing how much time he had, he made a beeline to the sturdiest cover he could see. Hopefully I’ll make it before the explosion happens. Probably not with my luck, but you never know.