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RP: UCS Zenpyou [Mission 2] Containment

As they made their way to the medical bay, Chikai sent a private text message to Roken via his power armor.

Techard-San, might I suggest that we check the commander out medically before we get him a power armor. After all for all we know he could have one of those 'parasites' in him. Better error on caution, than get shot in the back later.
The injured Mac moved extremely slowly with Commander Fleming helping him along in a half fireman's carry. Lavender of course, had to be carried out. Her diagnosis was looking fairly grim as she was being held like a limp doll in power armored arms. Her overalls were smeared with grease and dried blood, and her hair hung in limp tangles around her face.

Commander Fleming looked fairly rough, although pallid with a grim expression he said nothing else as he helped his fellow shipmate towards the medical bay with the power armored rescue team as escorts.

The ship seemed oddly still and silent, it was almost unnerving that there wasn't even the typical electrical hum of the conduits behind the bulk heads or the soft whine of the florescent tubes in the overhead light fixtures. As they got closer to the med bay, the air started to smell metallic and heavy; and the lights flickered out for long and longer periods of time. The red emergency lights painted the passageways a dull red.
Roken thought about the message for a moment, eying the commander before sending a private response back.

Good thinking, once we get to medical we can have him and the others tested before we give him armor.

During there slow trek back when he noticed the calm, something that shouldn't be their on a ship even if it was docked, “Alright eyes open team, I'm not liking what I see...” Roken stopped speaking as the light flickered then eventually stopped and the red emergency light filled the room.

Roken quickly tried to run the ship's status through his suit, knowing that he still had....or should have control of all systems after he reprogrammed everything, if they found away through it he would be extremely upset, “Sensors up, defensive perimeter around the Commander and the injured.” Roken looked at his team, trying to decided if they should split to guard and secure the med bay, They're definitely not making this easy for us, Roken thought to himself as he prepared himself for anything that might rush the corridor.
Chikai was already getting a bad feeling when the lights began flickering. Damn it, this does not make sense. The power systems were stable, so we still have a problem with someone or something messing with the ship. We're never going to get onto the station and figure out what the hell is going on at this rate. he thought.

Switching his power armor to a better vision mode, he positioned himself to cover the team's back. "Covering our Six, although we should keep moving to a more defensible position."
Alice was walking behind Commander Fleming. She was actually watching him and other man for any irregularity; but, she couldn't see anything. They must have been clean anyway. Being closed in freezer and after that technical thingy Chikai did, none of parasites on board should be alive.

As team medic, she took it on herself to carry Lavender. Woman wasn't in goo shape. It the other way around, and Alice hoped she will be able to do something for her when they will get to medical. When the light changed into red she stopped for a mere second. She had a bad feeling. Maybe something was still on ship. Maybe one of parasited people got into a PA. Maybe they are going to have a fight on their hands.

She won't do much good with injured woman in her arms. Also she can't use her fore-arm mounted guns. Luckily she still had mini-missile system on her shoulder. She was ready to use it. And she should use it if the fight was too much for the others. After all firing plasma missiles inside a ship was not such a good idea.
Lavender shivered in Alice's arms and made a small whimpering noise but did not open her eyes or move further. Some colored returned to her face, so there was indeed some hope for Lavender. These little things signaled that there were some signs of life in the technician after all, and that she might actually survive this once she was properly triaged and treated.

Commander Fleming grimaced at the lights and the smell. He did not like that smell in the air.... it was too all too familiar. The flickering of the lights disturbed him greatly though he wasn't sure why. "This shit must be getting to me," he murmured to Mac who simply nodded his agreement.

Mac was simply too tired and in too much pain to really focus on anything but the task of walking. "This bites, we just finished fixing Zen when all this happened," he softly whined.

Roken's status check showed that the ship was operating normally. It would seem that there was something wrong with the lights in this corridor specifically. Further analysis and scans of the lighting system in this corridor revealed a break in the circuit that automatically triggers the emergency lighting. If they had the time, it would only take a few minutes of splicing to manually repair the break in the circuit but that would mean they would have to secure the power and the back-up generator in this corridor to safely and properly do the repair. But the actual break was in a ceiling panel about 10 feet ahead of them.

As they moved further down the corridor, there were bloody hand drag marks on both the walls and the deck plates. The walls were splattered with blood and the scent of raw meat and bile were starting to get stronger. In doorway to the left of them in the split to the medical bay and the bath areas, there was something strung across the door frame that dripped in a large clotting puddle across ceramic tile.

Further scans of the area don't show any other life readings in the air ducts, access tunnels or in any of the rooms that have their doors forced open. It is possible that the scans aren't going to penetrate some of the medical bay rooms without the doors being open but the team is effectively on their guard.

"C...can.... read.... fire... help... under... jammed... looking... Blake... team to... save..." The radio suddenly crackled to life, the reception is still barely intelligible but at least someone was alive outside of the Zen.
What the heck. Glad my armor is sealed because I doubt that would smell pleasant. Chikai thought upon seeing the macabre sight ahead. "Okay, that was not here when we left medical so we still have intruders on board, who somehow avoided our scan. We are searching for ghosts as far as our ability to detect who ever it is. "
Alice looked at blood and she didn't like what she saw. She was glad helmet covered her face. "This doesn't look, we should keep you eyes peeled." She said. Since sensors didn't work that well she though their eyes and ears are the best. She then turned to cmdr. Flemming. "Sir we need to move. I think I can keep Lavender alive, but we have to get to medical quickly."
“Lets move, I don't want anyone dying on me, lets get to medical and secure it before we do anything else.....” Roken looked at the bloody..whatever it was, he did not bother to get a good look at it as he took lead and signaled them forward, “once we get to the door me and Ichiro will go in and make sure its safe, this will be a quick sweep since time is not on our side at the moment, once secured everyone else enters, take a moment to check the wounded and the ship systems one more time before we move to our next objective.” Roken made his way to the side of the medical facility door, diverting power from non-essential systems to shielding, weapons, “ill go first, if it gets heavy use me for cover.”
The wounded limped forward with looks of disgust and recognition on their faces as they came to the realization what the smell actually was.

The medical bay doors opened slowly and the automatic lights flickered on revealing several still forms, one half hanging out of an overhead ventilation panel and another leaning against the back wall. Life scan readings resulting in a small blip above them.

Outside the ship there was the sound of distant thumping and creaking again.

"OH MY GOD! Someone help us!" A panicked female voice screamed as her transmission crackled over their radios, "We're trapped! S...something's coming..."

Something akin to a clicking of metal against metal echoed through the ventilation shafts above them.
Chikai took a position at the doorway so that he could cover the hallway.

"These people were not here when Peacekeeper Mason was in here examining the sabotuer. The only conclusion I can come to at the moment is that were some more infected crewmen." he said to the group.
Alice quickly scanned room and saw hanging body and other near the wall. She didn't miss blip above them either. She gently set woman she carried on the floor near the door. She needed to have her hands free. She prepared her TEP cannons for combat. Something was here with them too. Or someone. Alice would hate to shoot another person when it wouldn't be neccesary. If they found ships doctor he should be able to remove any parasites.

She looked back at Chikai and said. "Chikai-san? Could you trace the transmission. I am afraid they were moved while unconscious and won't know whey they are. They probably woke up, when you purged the ship of the gas."

"PSC Techard, sir. Could you check your audio sensors. We could find out if there is human being above or parasite. Parasites probably don't breath." She asked Techard. If the audio sensors are able of picking up whisper at 500 meters, hearing breath above them shouldn't be much more difficult.

Somebody had to answer the transmission too, so Alice took it on herself. "Calm yourself down," she said with strong voice. "State you position. Where are you and how many of you are there?" She asked. She wanted to know something about situation before checking up on bodies. And those bodies could also be trap.
Chikai set about trying to triangulate the source of the distress message. But his first attempts were unsuccessful. Damn it, with all that interference it is unlikely to get a reliable fix. Need to figure out a way to counter the jamming. Realizing that communications was not his forte he programmed the Armor's AI to use a series of algorithms to try and filter out the worst of the jamming and clear up one of the emergency channels.
Roken had drifted for a moment as he listened to the metallic clicking above them, that cant be human.. Roken checked the security on the ship to see if anything had shown up and If the distress call was close “if there close the ship should pick them up,” He went to work focusing the sensors of the ship on the garbled communication he also tried to tweak the sensors..so that they were a little more sensitive to motion and vibrations but it wouldn't be much since he has not taken the time out to study sensors and the systems behind it.

“Great...lets...clear the bodies and careful with the one hanging out of the vent.” Roken continued to work the ships security, running the system through his suit as he deeper into the medical room. He switched his suit to thermal, figuring it would be a little better and would help catch what was stalking the crew.
Chikai set about helping to move the bodies to the side of the medbay so that people could move safely. He also took a moment to examine one to see if he could determine what had killed the person. He also checked the body for identification, and removed all personnal effects for storage and to make sure the body wasn't booby trapped.
While waiting for radio response Alice went to help Chikai. She was ready should anything jump them. Moving bodies was not nice. When they were safely set by the wall Alice took liberty of checking one body in same way Chiaki did the second. Only the first thing she checked were life-sings. You never know, she thought for herself.
Roken saw the the distress signal came from deeper in the station from the cafeteria deck. The security system started showing small blips... something was there and something else was fast approaching from outside the ship in the hangar bay.

Chiaki could see a ripple just beneath the surface of the one man's skin as he searched for identification in his clothes. It was like there were bugs under the man's skin as the body began to spasm.

In the rest of the medbay, things started moving. Thermal readings continued to be strange with the sudden influx of large cold spots. The life sign readings started screaming as the groaning in the air vents became louder as something started clanging. There was a wet ripping sound in the hallway that filled the air with a bile like stench.
"Folks, I would say this body is infected. There are things moving under the skin. If they are more of those parasites, then its not safe to leave the injured here. Let's treat them quickly and then find some place that the bugs can get to them." he said
"I would say the safest place for them would be a power armour, but since the girl is too wounded I suggest moving them into shuttle when I am done.." Alice said as she checked her body.

She then stood up and went to the woudned girl. She picked her up very carefully and let her on the neares medical table. "I will work as quickly as I can," she said then and powered up medical scanners. She started treating women in the best way she could.
“The shuttles should be fine....and were gonna have to....” Roken paused for a moment, half looking at Alice and the others and half at the body of the infested crew member, Roken has seen a lot of dead bodies....but seeing one with things crawling inside them bothered him a bit. “Watch them so nothing comes out, once Alice is done treating the injured ID the bodies then incinerated them...I'm sure this P.A.'s have enough power to do that.”

Roken's mind went back to the location of the last distress call, he was not sure if he would be able to get a message out but he tried, “To any survivors inside the station, remain where your at and secure yourselves till peacekeeper forces and security deal with the situation at hand, Those in the cafeteria, you must find someplace safe to hide and avoid any suspicious personnel you run into.” Roken updated the the others on the last transmission they picked up, “Any more distress calls in the station should be marked and relayed to the others, once were done here were gonna be going back into the station and providing aid and to look for the source of the jamming.
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