Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: UCS Zenpyou [Mission 2] Containment

Chikai considered the discussion, "Well given than the people were gassed, the only likely places we can safely check is the Fridge and the Cargo area. If there is anyone unconscious in a maintenance conduit, I do not believe we can enter them safely at the moment in our power armor. We should check the areas we can and get out of the ship and see what the situation is outside in an expedient fashion."
“lets start with the fridge...I honestly wouldn't understand why but if they were in a hurry to get away then we need to get to them asap, then we head to the Cargo area.” Roken stepped out of the maintenance area and into the hall, checking the direction of the fridge on his suits map, “once were done were going back into the station, which means that were on full combat alertness you can use lethal or just stick to stunning them if you want but I doubt they will care either way.” He looked back at them all before taking a step forward, “lets move out keep a semi-tight formation and whoever decides to take to go last covers the rear.”
At Roken's instruction to move out Chikai said, "Perhaps we should divide into two teams one to hit the cargo bay and the other the Fridge, so that we can get it done faster. Then we can get out and see what's going on and how we can best assist."
Alice climbed ladder and said. "I don't think it would be wise to divide. Aldo fridge is in galley which is not fat from here." She said. With that the group of soldier went on her way. In just minute they got into galleys and walked into kitchen. Large metal door leading into giant fridge was just in front of them.
Coming up on the large door, the cadet readied his weapon with years of practiced ease, the primary weapon on his suit already ready to fire. " who gets to open the big metal door and show us what is and isn't inside?"
"The better question is who wants to be standing in front of it when the someone opens it." Chikai answered as he took a position by the door and grabbed the hand. "I'm opening it on three."

Position himself so that he could open the door and move, he began counting. "One..... two...... three....." he said and opened the door.
"Sir, I'm so cold... what's happening out there?" Technician McLeven asked weakly as he shivered beneath Commander Fleming uniform jacket from his position on the freezer floor.

Commander Fleming frowned for a moment, "We got hit pretty bad by some new squid infestation is all I can figure. Just try to stay warm, Mac. I'll try to figure out how to get us out of here," he said reassuringly as he leaned over the severely wounded technician. His own skin was a pale shade of blue from the cold. He had retreated into the freezer to hide their heat signatures from enemy thermal scans among other things.

The auxiliary power to the freezer had only just lost power a few minutes ago so the metal cube was still covered with frost and the air still showed the condensation of the men's breath as the rescue team opened the freezer door.

Stacey's hand immediately grasped the handle of his pistol but the cold had numbed his response time so the team had the drop on him. He couldn't see them to properly get off a decent shot but he shouted with a slight tremble in his voice, "Identify yourselves or I'll shoot!"
Roken moved with the group as they entered the galleys and continued towards the kitchen where the large fridge and possibly survivors would be at, alert and ready for an ambush from any other infected that might have hidden themselves behind tables or in some corner out of sight but at the moment the area was clear.

Roken found himself an open spot where he could aim his weapons as the door opened half expecting a frozen figure to fall out only to see that whoever was still inside was still moving...if not a little slow as it moved to draw its weapon, “the rescue team.” Roken signaled the others to put there weapons down as he took a step forward, “area is clear so you can come out of there, is there anyone else in there with you?” Roken moved a bit to get a better view of the inside of the freezer.
"Techard?" Fleming stammered as he slowly lowered his gun. "Yeah, there are a couple of us left. McLevin is still conscious but he's lost a lot of blood... he's lucky he didn't lose his leg. Lavender... she's still breathing but the cold hasn't helped her. I think she's got a concussion but all I could do was try to keep her warm," he said weakly as he tried to rub some warmth back into his arms. "How many of us are left? Did they hit the entire colony or just the station?"
Chikai perked up when he heard the commander's voice. Good someone else has survived the attack. He thought. He moved around to take a position behind Roken, he was inclined to answer but decided to leave that to the superiors.
"Unsure sir. We to our knowledge we at least have control of the launch bay, medbay, and engineering on this ship." Ichiro answered, bringing his weapon up and out of line with the survivors.
Chikai walked around from behind the door to the fridge. "Information is sketchy at best. At the start of this incident the station reported some sort of accident I believe. But that may have been a cover story to attempt to keep people calm. Currently other than communications between ourselves, we appear to be cut off. All we get when attempting to contact anyone from the station is static, and erratic bits of garbled chatter. I believe we were intending to try to regroup with whatever station security is available to find out. Once we made sure the Zenpyou was secure." he said.
“And don't forget small arms fire, that's what I was able to pick up from our second attempt, so we should assume that this could be an attempt to take the station by” Roken stepped aside so the others in the fridge could finally get out of the cold. “Once we take care of the wounded we were going to head to the cargo bay next and check for more survivors and then finish securing the ship.”

Roken kept his eyes on the surroundings including his suit sensors, switching between modes constantly to make double sure there were no hostiles moving on there position.
Fleming seemed bereft by the lack of actual information concerning their situation. "Not much we can do but try to regroup and find out what has happened... Do you know the status of our escape pods? We need to think about where it would be safe to secure our wounded since they aren't in any condition to walk and if we are really under attack, dragging them through the bowels of the station will only harm them further," he said raggedly, holding one hand up to his eyes to keep the light from their flashlights from completely blinding him as they assessed the inside of the freezer.

The freezer only held the 3 personnel, Fleming, Mac and Lavender. Lavender was unconscious but life sign readings showed that she was in fact still alive but suffering from some minor internal bleeding. The remaining chill slowly crept out of the freezer and into the galley's hallway.

In the distance there was a load groaning noise of metal on metal and what sounded like another muted explosion elsewhere in the station.
The power armor pilot turned towards the sound, hoping it wasn't the medbay going up in smoke. "If we had more people and weapons, I'd prefer to use the Medbay and leave two or three people there to help hold it down if possible. That way we can stabilize those who need it, and have access to the medical supplies." he said, reading his weapon in the direction the explosion came from. "Granted, I don't know if we have much more time here, let alone there. Lets hope that explosion was someone resisting, and not the enemy deciding to take our stuff out chunk by chunk."
Chikai was uncertain about the wisdom of depending on the escape pods, but he chose to stay quiet. They were blind to what ever was going on in the station, let alone what was happening outside. But if the station was under attack, trying to escape in a pod seemed tantamount to being a target.

"Commander, perhaps putting the wounded into a shuttle would be better. If they need to make a run for it, the Jilanth would give them a better chance at survival." he offered.
Fleming seemed to consider the suggestions thoughtfully, "Very , I think the cold is still effecting my brain... how many Power Armor suits are still operational? You are both right of course, we need to give them a way to escape if the shuttles are unmolested. Have you finished the sweep of the Zen, maybe we have more crew hiding somewhere below decks that might be able to stay with the wounded?"
When freezer opened and Cmd. Flemming stepped out and started talinkg to Rokken Alice went in to check on injured person inside. They we cold but otherwise they wil survive.

"I would liek to move these people to infirmary sir, we locked dow ship so it should be okay. Also we were just looking for other people sir. Peacemaker Chikai made a sweep but found nothing. We were checking places wehre sensors wouldn't work. This was first sir." she then said to Commander.
"Commander Fleming, the power armors are in the only other area we have to investigate. So we can conclude our manual sweep and get you a suit of armor. After getting your wounded to the medical bay." Chikai offered.
Roken remained silent a little longer, listening to the conversations between the crew while he kept a lookout for anything strange. He took a deep breath and leaned in just a little before speaking, “lets start with getting the injured to medical then we can get the commander a P.A. And continue our search I think we should put this ship on lock down before we venture into the far as the escape pods is a bad idea, if the station is under attack there is a possibility there are ships outside that they left from patrolling the area.” Roken checked his suit timer and sensors again, feeling that every moment they wait will give the enemy more and more time to take the station and make things difficult for them once they get inside.

Roken didn't want to wait any longer even if it meant he might upset the commander, “alright lets continue this as we go, help the injured out of the freezer, everyone else in defensive formations.” He took a few steps away from the others, eyes on the door they had come in “our first stop with be the infirmary, then getting the commander armor and finally our sweep, once were done this ship is on full lock down till we know for sure its safe to move the wounded to a shuttle.” He turned back to look at them all before checking his suit and weapons again he wanted to say more but decided to remain silent to see what his crew mates would do or say next.